1. Sandblasting with acid etching produces
(A) Higher bond strength (B) Lower bond strength (C) Equal bond strength (D) Comparable or Higher bond strength
Ans: D
2. Which is / are monogenic traits
(A) Autosomal dominant inheritance (B) Autosomal recessive inheritance (C) X- linked trait (D) All of the above
Ans: D
3. Rickets retention bow is used for retention of
(A) Upper anterior (B) Lower anterior (C) Upper posterior (D) Lower posterior
Ans: B
4. A routine etching removes from .................. μm of surface enamel
(A) Less than 3 (B) 3-10 (C) 10-15 (D) More than 15
Ans: B
5. DAI (dental aesthetics index) score < 25 denotes
(A) Very severe or handicapping malocclusion (B) Definite malocclusion
(C) No abnormality or minor malocclusion (D) None of the above
Ans: C
6. High construction bite with wide open mouth primarily activates which of the following muscles?
(A) Elevators and protractors (B) Elevators only (C) Depressors and retractors (D) Retractors only
Ans: B
7. Which of the following is/are examples of one-couple system?
(A) Cantilever spring (B) Auxiliary arch wire tied to a tooth or group of teeth with single point of force application
(C) Intrusion arch (D) All of the above
Ans: D
8. According to the general classification ‘Plethoric’ refers to
(A) Average physique (B) Short with broad dental arches (C) Tall and thin (D) None of the above
Ans: B
9. Anencephaly, a dentofacial defect is caused by
(A) Aspirin (B) Aminopterin (C) Valium (D) Dilantin
Ans: B
10. The concept of “pterygoid response” after use of Twin Block functional appliance was put forwarded by
(A) Mc Namara (B) Petrovic (C) Clark (D) Woodside
Ans: A
11. The major advantage of indirect bonding when compared to direct bonding
(A) Decreased lab work (B) Better accuracy of placement of appliance (C) Easier technique (D) All of the above
Ans: B
12. Implants can be placed in which paramedian position in the palate
(A) 6-9 mm posterior to incisive foramen and 3-6 mm laterally (B) 4-5 mm posterior to incisive foramen and 2-3 mm laterally
(C) 10-12 mm posterior to incisive foramen and 5-6 mm laterally (D) None of the above
Ans: A
13. The normal value of Y – Axis in Down’s Cephalometric Analysis is about
(A) 70-85° (B) 53-66° (C) 65-71° (D) 82-87°
Ans: B
14. Rooting reflex disappears in normal infants by the age of:
(A) 4 months after birth (B) 7 months after birth (C) 9 months after birth (D) 12 months after birth
Ans: B
15. Which of the following applies intermittent forces?
(A) Rapid maxillary appliances (B) Fixed appliances (C) Headgear (D) None of the above
Ans: C
16. In skeletal Class III jaw disharmonies
(A) The point BO is located well behind point AO (B) The BO and AO coincide with each other
(C) The point BO will be forward of point AO (D) None of the above
Ans: C
17. Pitch of the miniscrew is
(A) Distance between head and neck (B) Distance between neck and thread
(C) Distance between two threads (D) Distance between head and body
Ans: C
18. Which of the following is the appropriate indication for fixed functional appliance?
(A) A young girl with Class II malocclusion with early mix dentition and CVMI stage of II
(B) A boy in mixed dentition, Class II malocclusion and CVMI stage of II
(C) A girl whose pubertal growth spurt started in full permanent dentition with Class II molar relation and CVMI stage of IV
(D) A girl in whom menstrual cycle has not started having Class II malocclusion in mixed dentition and CVMI stage of III
Ans: C
19. Sequences of treatment in patients with multiple problems are
(A) Disease control–establishment of occlusion–definitive periodontics– definitive restorative
(B) Disease control–definitive periodontics–definitive restorative– establishment of occlusion
(C) Disease control–definitive resotorative– definite periodontics– establishment of occlusion
(D) Establishment of occlusion– disease control– definitive periodontics– definitive restorative
Ans: A
20. The maximum practical width of the orthodontic bracket is about
(A) Mesiodistal width of the crown (B) Half of the mesiodistal width of the crown
(C) 1/3rd of the mesiodistal width of the crown (D) 3/4th of the mesiodistal width of the crown.
Ans: B
21. The total growth centres in the hand wrist region are
(A) 47 (B) 48 (C) 51 (D) 52
Ans: C
22. For orthodontic extrusion and intrusion, the center of rotation is located at
(A) Center of resistance (B) At the apex of root (C) At the cementoenamel junction (D) External to the tooth
Ans: D
23. The following are biological indicators of maturity except
(A) Skeletal Age (B) Dental Age (C) Sexual Age (D) Chronological Age
Ans: D
24. Which of the following statement is correct?
(A) Genetics has equal influence on all type of jaw dysplasia
(B) Transverse jaw dysplasia are more genetically determined than other dysplasia
(C) Vertical jaw dysplasia are more genetically determined than other dysplasia
(D) Antero-posterior jaw dysplasia are more genetically determined than other dysplasia
Ans: C
25. For functional occlusion stability, long centric of ............. from retruded position is acceptable
(A) < 0.5mm (B) 0.5-1mm (C) 1 to 1.5mm (D) 1.5-2mm
Ans: B
26. The tipping of the tooth result in the fibers of the PDL to be:
(A) All compressed (B) All stretched (C) Half compressed half stretched (D) No effect
Ans: C
27. Who suggested that the apical base was one of the most important factors in the correction of malocclusion and maintenance of a correct occlusion.
(A) Axel Lundström (B) McCauley (C) Kingsley (D) Tweed
Ans: A
28. When utility arch is used in anchorage augmentation, it utilizes which type of anchorage
(A) Cortical anchorage (B) Muscular anchorage (C) Palatal anchorage (D) Intermaxillary anchorage
Ans: A
29. Arch length reduction in is significantly less in
(A) Class I (B) Class II, Division 1 (C) Class II, Division 2 (D) Class III
Ans: B
30. Permanent or semi permanent retention is not required for
(A) Cases in which Mandibular expansion has been the choice of treatment
(B) Cases of considerable or generalized spacing
(C) Severe rotation in adults
(D) High canine extraction cases
Ans: D
31. Bjork, Grave, Brown divide skeletal development into
(A) 9 stages (B) 8 stages (C) 6 stages (D) 7 stages
Ans: A
32. The highest point on the concavity behind the occipital condyle is
(A) Bolton point (B) Glabella (C) Prosthion (D) Basion.
Ans: A
33. Which of the following contribute to severity of incisor overbite in class II/2 Malocclusion ?
(A) Lip activity and crowding
(B) Over closure and crowding
(C) Skeletal relationship of jaws and reduced facial height
(D) Increased lower facial height and dental relation of arches
Ans: C
34. When force of longer duration as in orthodontic tooth movement is applied, the Interstitial fluid in the periodontal ligament space move toward apex and the Cervical margins, is known as
(A) Stripe film effect by Bien (B) Stretch film effect by Jason
(C) Squeeze film effect by Bien (D) Squash film effect by Jason
Ans: C
35. Inability to pronounce bilabial consonants and a production of a lisp-like sound is associated with which type of malocclusion
(A) Class I with anterior crossbite
(B) Class III
(C) Class I with posterior crossbite
(D) Class II/I with incompetent lips
Ans: D
36. Which of the following zone of the flame is used for soldering orthodontic appliance components using flux and solder?
(A) Mixing zone (B) Oxidizing zone (C) Reducing zone (D) Combustion zone
Ans: C
37. 1st manufacturing company to market lingual bracket
(A) American Orthodontics (B) 3M Unitek (C) Ormco (D) Forestodent
Ans: C
38. Which of the following systems has better fail-safe mechanism?
(A) Segmental arch system (B) Continuous arch system (C) Removable appliance system (D) All have equally good fail safe mechanism
Ans: B
39. 3rd generation of lingual brackets are characterized by
(A) Low profile inclined plane (B) Heart-shaped incline plane (C) Hooks on canine (D) Hooks on anterior and premolars
Ans: D
40. Which of the following is not an indication for serial extraction ?
(A) Lingual eruption of lateral incisors (B) Developing arch length-tooth material discrepancy
(C) Developing skeletal Class II malocclusion (D) Mesial drift of buccal segments
Ans: C
41. Preventive orthodontics is defined as the ‘ prevention of potential interference with the occlusal development’ was by
(A) Graber (B) Ackerman and Proffit (C) Grainger (D) Todd
Ans: B
42. Which of the following facemask uses the zygomatic areas for the anchorage?
(A) Delaire’s facemask (B) Hickham’s face mask (C) Petit type of face mask (D) Grummon’s facemask
Ans: D
43. Cook (1958) classified thumb sucking into following patterns except
(A) Alpha group (B) Beta group (C) Gamma group (D) Delta group
Ans: D
44. In which tooth movement only tension areas are seen in the periodontal ligament
(A) Intrusion (B) Extrusion (C) Translation (D) Tipping
Ans: B
45. Which of the following cephalometrics analysis is mainly used for comparing the growth or changes of the various skeletal components after function appliance treatment?
(A) Down analysis (B) Steiner’s analysis (C) Pitch fork analysis (D) Tweed analysis
Ans: C
46. Which of the following statement about the effect of primary molar extraction on formation and eruption of their success or is not correct?
(A) The rate of formation of premolar will change
(B) An immediate surge in eruption occurs, regardless of dentition stage and the patients age
(C) Eruption is delayed if extraction occurs before half of the root is developed
(D) Eruption is accelerated if extraction occurs when half of the root is developed
Ans: A
47. In the assessment of a crowded dentition which of the following is the key to the orthodontic diagnosis
(A) Maxillary arch (B) Mandibular arch (C) Both maxillary and mandibular arch (D) None of the above
Ans: B
48. The maximum stress that an orthodontic wire will withstand without becoming permanently deformed is:
(A) Stress (B) Strain (C) Elastic modulus (D) Elastic limit
Ans: D
49. Which of the following statement about the tooth transposition is not true?
(A) It may occur in either jaw but appears more frequently in the maxilla (B) It is usually seen unilaterally and seldom bilaterally
(C) It can affect both sexes but has a higher frequency in males (D) It can be associated with other dental anomalies
Ans: C
50. Among the masticatory muscles the cross section area of which of the following is highly sensitive to variation in long face subjects?
(A) Medial pterygoid (B) Lateral pterygoid (C) Temporalis (D) Masseter
Ans: D
(A) Higher bond strength (B) Lower bond strength (C) Equal bond strength (D) Comparable or Higher bond strength
Ans: D
2. Which is / are monogenic traits
(A) Autosomal dominant inheritance (B) Autosomal recessive inheritance (C) X- linked trait (D) All of the above
Ans: D
3. Rickets retention bow is used for retention of
(A) Upper anterior (B) Lower anterior (C) Upper posterior (D) Lower posterior
Ans: B
4. A routine etching removes from .................. μm of surface enamel
(A) Less than 3 (B) 3-10 (C) 10-15 (D) More than 15
Ans: B
5. DAI (dental aesthetics index) score < 25 denotes
(A) Very severe or handicapping malocclusion (B) Definite malocclusion
(C) No abnormality or minor malocclusion (D) None of the above
Ans: C
6. High construction bite with wide open mouth primarily activates which of the following muscles?
(A) Elevators and protractors (B) Elevators only (C) Depressors and retractors (D) Retractors only
Ans: B
7. Which of the following is/are examples of one-couple system?
(A) Cantilever spring (B) Auxiliary arch wire tied to a tooth or group of teeth with single point of force application
(C) Intrusion arch (D) All of the above
Ans: D
8. According to the general classification ‘Plethoric’ refers to
(A) Average physique (B) Short with broad dental arches (C) Tall and thin (D) None of the above
Ans: B
9. Anencephaly, a dentofacial defect is caused by
(A) Aspirin (B) Aminopterin (C) Valium (D) Dilantin
Ans: B
10. The concept of “pterygoid response” after use of Twin Block functional appliance was put forwarded by
(A) Mc Namara (B) Petrovic (C) Clark (D) Woodside
Ans: A
11. The major advantage of indirect bonding when compared to direct bonding
(A) Decreased lab work (B) Better accuracy of placement of appliance (C) Easier technique (D) All of the above
Ans: B
12. Implants can be placed in which paramedian position in the palate
(A) 6-9 mm posterior to incisive foramen and 3-6 mm laterally (B) 4-5 mm posterior to incisive foramen and 2-3 mm laterally
(C) 10-12 mm posterior to incisive foramen and 5-6 mm laterally (D) None of the above
Ans: A
13. The normal value of Y – Axis in Down’s Cephalometric Analysis is about
(A) 70-85° (B) 53-66° (C) 65-71° (D) 82-87°
Ans: B
14. Rooting reflex disappears in normal infants by the age of:
(A) 4 months after birth (B) 7 months after birth (C) 9 months after birth (D) 12 months after birth
Ans: B
15. Which of the following applies intermittent forces?
(A) Rapid maxillary appliances (B) Fixed appliances (C) Headgear (D) None of the above
Ans: C
16. In skeletal Class III jaw disharmonies
(A) The point BO is located well behind point AO (B) The BO and AO coincide with each other
(C) The point BO will be forward of point AO (D) None of the above
Ans: C
17. Pitch of the miniscrew is
(A) Distance between head and neck (B) Distance between neck and thread
(C) Distance between two threads (D) Distance between head and body
Ans: C
18. Which of the following is the appropriate indication for fixed functional appliance?
(A) A young girl with Class II malocclusion with early mix dentition and CVMI stage of II
(B) A boy in mixed dentition, Class II malocclusion and CVMI stage of II
(C) A girl whose pubertal growth spurt started in full permanent dentition with Class II molar relation and CVMI stage of IV
(D) A girl in whom menstrual cycle has not started having Class II malocclusion in mixed dentition and CVMI stage of III
Ans: C
19. Sequences of treatment in patients with multiple problems are
(A) Disease control–establishment of occlusion–definitive periodontics– definitive restorative
(B) Disease control–definitive periodontics–definitive restorative– establishment of occlusion
(C) Disease control–definitive resotorative– definite periodontics– establishment of occlusion
(D) Establishment of occlusion– disease control– definitive periodontics– definitive restorative
Ans: A
20. The maximum practical width of the orthodontic bracket is about
(A) Mesiodistal width of the crown (B) Half of the mesiodistal width of the crown
(C) 1/3rd of the mesiodistal width of the crown (D) 3/4th of the mesiodistal width of the crown.
Ans: B
21. The total growth centres in the hand wrist region are
(A) 47 (B) 48 (C) 51 (D) 52
Ans: C
22. For orthodontic extrusion and intrusion, the center of rotation is located at
(A) Center of resistance (B) At the apex of root (C) At the cementoenamel junction (D) External to the tooth
Ans: D
23. The following are biological indicators of maturity except
(A) Skeletal Age (B) Dental Age (C) Sexual Age (D) Chronological Age
Ans: D
24. Which of the following statement is correct?
(A) Genetics has equal influence on all type of jaw dysplasia
(B) Transverse jaw dysplasia are more genetically determined than other dysplasia
(C) Vertical jaw dysplasia are more genetically determined than other dysplasia
(D) Antero-posterior jaw dysplasia are more genetically determined than other dysplasia
Ans: C
25. For functional occlusion stability, long centric of ............. from retruded position is acceptable
(A) < 0.5mm (B) 0.5-1mm (C) 1 to 1.5mm (D) 1.5-2mm
Ans: B
26. The tipping of the tooth result in the fibers of the PDL to be:
(A) All compressed (B) All stretched (C) Half compressed half stretched (D) No effect
Ans: C
27. Who suggested that the apical base was one of the most important factors in the correction of malocclusion and maintenance of a correct occlusion.
(A) Axel Lundström (B) McCauley (C) Kingsley (D) Tweed
Ans: A
28. When utility arch is used in anchorage augmentation, it utilizes which type of anchorage
(A) Cortical anchorage (B) Muscular anchorage (C) Palatal anchorage (D) Intermaxillary anchorage
Ans: A
29. Arch length reduction in is significantly less in
(A) Class I (B) Class II, Division 1 (C) Class II, Division 2 (D) Class III
Ans: B
30. Permanent or semi permanent retention is not required for
(A) Cases in which Mandibular expansion has been the choice of treatment
(B) Cases of considerable or generalized spacing
(C) Severe rotation in adults
(D) High canine extraction cases
Ans: D
31. Bjork, Grave, Brown divide skeletal development into
(A) 9 stages (B) 8 stages (C) 6 stages (D) 7 stages
Ans: A
32. The highest point on the concavity behind the occipital condyle is
(A) Bolton point (B) Glabella (C) Prosthion (D) Basion.
Ans: A
33. Which of the following contribute to severity of incisor overbite in class II/2 Malocclusion ?
(A) Lip activity and crowding
(B) Over closure and crowding
(C) Skeletal relationship of jaws and reduced facial height
(D) Increased lower facial height and dental relation of arches
Ans: C
34. When force of longer duration as in orthodontic tooth movement is applied, the Interstitial fluid in the periodontal ligament space move toward apex and the Cervical margins, is known as
(A) Stripe film effect by Bien (B) Stretch film effect by Jason
(C) Squeeze film effect by Bien (D) Squash film effect by Jason
Ans: C
35. Inability to pronounce bilabial consonants and a production of a lisp-like sound is associated with which type of malocclusion
(A) Class I with anterior crossbite
(B) Class III
(C) Class I with posterior crossbite
(D) Class II/I with incompetent lips
Ans: D
36. Which of the following zone of the flame is used for soldering orthodontic appliance components using flux and solder?
(A) Mixing zone (B) Oxidizing zone (C) Reducing zone (D) Combustion zone
Ans: C
37. 1st manufacturing company to market lingual bracket
(A) American Orthodontics (B) 3M Unitek (C) Ormco (D) Forestodent
Ans: C
38. Which of the following systems has better fail-safe mechanism?
(A) Segmental arch system (B) Continuous arch system (C) Removable appliance system (D) All have equally good fail safe mechanism
Ans: B
39. 3rd generation of lingual brackets are characterized by
(A) Low profile inclined plane (B) Heart-shaped incline plane (C) Hooks on canine (D) Hooks on anterior and premolars
Ans: D
40. Which of the following is not an indication for serial extraction ?
(A) Lingual eruption of lateral incisors (B) Developing arch length-tooth material discrepancy
(C) Developing skeletal Class II malocclusion (D) Mesial drift of buccal segments
Ans: C
41. Preventive orthodontics is defined as the ‘ prevention of potential interference with the occlusal development’ was by
(A) Graber (B) Ackerman and Proffit (C) Grainger (D) Todd
Ans: B
42. Which of the following facemask uses the zygomatic areas for the anchorage?
(A) Delaire’s facemask (B) Hickham’s face mask (C) Petit type of face mask (D) Grummon’s facemask
Ans: D
43. Cook (1958) classified thumb sucking into following patterns except
(A) Alpha group (B) Beta group (C) Gamma group (D) Delta group
Ans: D
44. In which tooth movement only tension areas are seen in the periodontal ligament
(A) Intrusion (B) Extrusion (C) Translation (D) Tipping
Ans: B
45. Which of the following cephalometrics analysis is mainly used for comparing the growth or changes of the various skeletal components after function appliance treatment?
(A) Down analysis (B) Steiner’s analysis (C) Pitch fork analysis (D) Tweed analysis
Ans: C
46. Which of the following statement about the effect of primary molar extraction on formation and eruption of their success or is not correct?
(A) The rate of formation of premolar will change
(B) An immediate surge in eruption occurs, regardless of dentition stage and the patients age
(C) Eruption is delayed if extraction occurs before half of the root is developed
(D) Eruption is accelerated if extraction occurs when half of the root is developed
Ans: A
47. In the assessment of a crowded dentition which of the following is the key to the orthodontic diagnosis
(A) Maxillary arch (B) Mandibular arch (C) Both maxillary and mandibular arch (D) None of the above
Ans: B
48. The maximum stress that an orthodontic wire will withstand without becoming permanently deformed is:
(A) Stress (B) Strain (C) Elastic modulus (D) Elastic limit
Ans: D
49. Which of the following statement about the tooth transposition is not true?
(A) It may occur in either jaw but appears more frequently in the maxilla (B) It is usually seen unilaterally and seldom bilaterally
(C) It can affect both sexes but has a higher frequency in males (D) It can be associated with other dental anomalies
Ans: C
50. Among the masticatory muscles the cross section area of which of the following is highly sensitive to variation in long face subjects?
(A) Medial pterygoid (B) Lateral pterygoid (C) Temporalis (D) Masseter
Ans: D
51. Which of the following is unwanted effect of fixed functional appliance like Herbst Appliance ?
(A) Anterior downward rotation of the palatal plane (B) Distalisation and intrusion of the anchor maxillary molar
(C) Anti-Clock wise rotation of the mandible (D) Increase in Incisor Mandibular Plane Angle
Ans: D
52. Bite recording for functional appliance with large vertical opening and less sagittal Forward positioning of bite is indicated in
(A) Average grower Class II Div1 case (B) Average grower Class II Div 1 Subdivision patient
(C) Vertical grower Class II Div 1 case (D) Horizontal grower Class II Div 1 case
Ans: C
53. According to the lymphoid curve, lymphoid tissue grows rapidly to reach 200% of Adult size between
(A) 0- 5 years (B) 10-15 years (C) 5-10 years (D) 15-20 years
Ans: B
54. Which of the following statement is correct about the labial wire of the F.R II Appliance ?
(A) Labial wires usually lies in the middle of the labial surface of the maxillary incisors
(B) They runs gingival at the right angle in the natural depression between the roots of lateral incisors and canines
(C) Labial wire form a gentle curve distally at the height of the middle of the canine root
(D) All of the above
Ans: D
55. Neural crest cells migrating from the rhombomeres express the
(A) Homeobox (HOX) gene (B) Bone morphogenic proteins (C) Growth factors (D) Human tissue growth factor
Ans: A
56. Following is not an indication of distraction osteogenesis
(A) Moderate hemifacial microsomia (B) Patients with crouzon sysdrome (C) Sever maxillary deficiency (D) Mild asymmetries of jaw
Ans: D
57. Moderate amount of incisor crowding in the mixed dentition can be relieved by
(A) Disking of primary canines (B) Extraction of primary canines (C) None of the above (D) Both (A) and (B)
Ans: D
58. Differential force concept is mainly used in:
(A) Straight wire appliance (B) Begg’s light wire appliance (C) Lingual appliance (D) Frankel appliance
Ans: B
59. Which of the following expansion appliance system after activation will produces the maximum force on the palatal suture?
(A) Spring type (B) Screw type (C) Magnetic type (D) All three above mentioned appliances will produce same force
Ans: B
60. The first ossification center of the mandible in 6 weeks old human embryo is found in which of the following locations
(A) Future mandibular foramen (B) Future condylar process (C) Future coronoid process (D) Future mental foramen
Ans: D
61. Type 2 in Dewey’s modification of Angle’s Class I malocclusion is:
(A) Crowded anteriors (B) Anterior cross bite (C) Anteriors in labioversion (D) Posterior cross bite
Ans: C
62. Recommended retention period after RME is
(A) 1 month (B) 2-3 months (C) 3-6 months (D) None of the above
Ans: C
63. During gastrulation, all 3 germ layers are formed by the following
(A) Epiblast cell layer (B) Embryoblast cell layer (C) Myeloblast cell layer (D) Trophoblast cell layer
Ans: A
64. Which of the following appliances brings orthopaedic movements in children and orthodontic movements in adults?
(A) Quad helix (B) Hyrax (C) Bimler (D) Frankel appliance
Ans: A
65. The randomized control trail (RCT) is one of the most simple and powerful research tools in which people are allocated at random to receive one of the several clinical investigations. Which of the following is/ are the advantage/s of this type of research over the other study method?
(A) The RCT is prospective
(B) The treatment or, intervention is randomly allocated
(C) The experiment is planned before the data are collected
(D) All of the above
Ans: C
66. In normal response to orthodontic treatment, the periodontal ligament space will be:
(A) Narrow (B) Widen (C) Shorten (D) Elongated
Ans: B
67. The 1st orthodontic appliance devised by Angle was
(A) E-ARCH (B) Ribbon arch (C) Edgewise (D) Pin and tube appliance
Ans: A
68. The curve of spee should be leveled prior to surgery in cases
(A) Where clockwise rotation of distal portion of mandible is required
(B) Where incisor need to be advanced less than chin
(C) Where anterior vertical height of lower third need to be increased by the amount of excess of overbite
(D) Where deep labiomental fold will improve because of the advancement of mandibular incisor and downward rotation of the chin
Ans: B
69. Wires used in light arch wire technique is
(A) b-titanium (B) Niti (C) Cu-Niti (D) A J wilcock wires
Ans: D
70. In the development of pharyngeal arches which arch completely regresses without forming any structures
(A) III (B) IV (C) V (D) VI
Ans: C
71. Timms’ schedule of activation of expansion screw for patients upto 15 yrs
(A) 90 degree 2 times / day (B) 45 degree 2 times /day (C) 90 degree 4 times /day (D) 45 degree 4 times /day
Ans: A
72. Which analysis helps in determining disproportion in size between maxillary and mandibular teeth
(A) Carey (B) Bolton (C) Ashley Howe (D) Moyer
Ans: B
73. A synchondrosis is a cartilaginous joint where ……………. cartilage divides and subsequently is converted into bone.
(A) White (B) Hyaline (C) Elastic (D) All of the above cartilages are present
Ans: B
74. According to the Butler’s field theory, the human dentition is divided into
(A) 4 fields (B) 6 fields (C) 8 fields (D) 12 fields
Ans: A
75. According to the concept of bioelectric potential metabolically active cells are
(A) Electronegative (B) Electropositive (C) Neutral (D) None of the above
Ans: A
76. Elastic chains are made of
(A) Polyglyconate (B) Rubber (C) Latex (D) Polyurethane
Ans: D
77. The dynamic proprioceptors in TMJ which accelerate the movement during Reflexes are
(A) Ruffini endings (B) Pacinian corpuscles (C) Golgi tendon (D) Free nerve endings
Ans: B
78. Which among the following systems utilizes pre-adjusted edgewise appliance with anchorage preparation as in basic edgewise mechanotherapy?
(A) Twin wire technique (B) Modern Begg (C) Level anchorage system (D) MBT system
Ans: C
79. First signs in the development of lateral pterygoid muscle are seen during
(A) 9-11 weeks IUL (B) 7-7.5 weeks IUL (C) 32-34 days IUL (D) 10 weeks IUL
Ans: C
80. Which of the following statement is not correct about “primary failure of eruption (PFE)” of tooth?
(A) PFE is caused by non-sporadic mutation (non- familial)
(B) In this there is localized failure of eruption of permanent teeth with no other systemic involvement
(C) Commonly affects the permanent anteriors
(D) Commonly affects the permanent posteriors
Ans: C
81. Growth was defined as increase in size, change in spatial proportion over time by
(A) Meredith (B) Hurley (C) Krogman (D) Moss
Ans: C
82. The following spring is activated by closing the coil
(A) Finger spring (B) Palatal canine retractor (C) T spring (D) Buccal canine retractor
Ans: D
83. Optimal timing for Class II treatment with MARA (Mandibular anterior repositioning device) is
(A) At pubertal growth spurt (B) After pubertal growth spurt
(C) Post-adolescent growth phase (D) Pre pubertal phase
Ans: A
84. Skeletal correction including mandibular elongation may be achieved if treatment is performed during
(A) Mixed dentition period (B) Prepubertal growth (C) Post pubertal growth period (D) None
Ans: B
85. Normal tongue position during mature swallow is
(A) Interposed between upper and lower anterior teeth
(B) Tongue is retacted and placed below the incisal edge of lower anteriors
(C) Tongue is retracted and placed behind the incisive foramen
(D) None of the above
Ans: C
86. The distance between the X-ray source and the mid-sagittal plane of the patient in cephalometric radiograph should be –
(A) 5 feet (B) 6 feet (C) 7 feet (D) 8 feet
Ans: A
87. Muscles of tongue are supplied by
(A) Glossopharyngeal nerve (B) Lingual nerve (C) Chorda tympany (D) Hypoglossal
Ans: D
88. Which of the following statements is correct?
(A) Intrusion of incisors is considered if inadequate freeway space is present
(B) Extrusion of molars is considered if adequate free way space is present
(C) Both of the above
(D) Intrusion/extrusion of molars and incisors has no corelation with freeway space
Ans: C
89. The bolus is pushed from the oropharynx into esophagus in which stage of degluttion
(A) Oral stage (B) Pharyngeal stage (C) Esophageal stage (D) Gastric stage
Ans: B
90. First evidence of calcification is seen in the maxillary central incisors of the permanent dentition
(A) At birth (B) 3-4 months (C) 10-12 months (D) 5-6 years
Ans: B
91. Decrease in arch length due to mesial migration is:
(A) 0.5 mm (B) 1 mm (C) 1-5 mm (D) 2 mm
Ans: A
92. TI point is
(A) The point of intersection of occlusal plane and facial plane
(B) The intersection of facial plane and corpus axis
(C) A point of intersection of ramus and mandibular plane
(D) The point of intersection of pterygoid root vertical to the Frankfort horizontal plane.
Ans: A
93. The types of cusps in human dentition is / are
(A) Supporting / Centric holding / stamp cusp (B) Non-supporting / guiding / shear cusp
(C) Both (A) and (B) (D) None of the above
Ans: C
94. Canine retractors are examples for
(A) Open end spring (B) Closed end spring
(C) (A) and (B) (D) None of the above
Ans: B
95. In soft tissue evaluation, H-line angle is
(A) 20 to 30 degree (B) 7 to 15 degree (C) 40 to 50 degree (D) 55 to 65 degree
Ans: B
96. In Ackerman- Profitt classification, the facial profile is represented in
(A) Group 1 (B) Group 2 (C) Group 3, 4 and 5 (D) Group 6, 7 and 8
Ans: B
97. Hyperparathyroidism is associated with
(A) Delayed eruption of teeth (B) Premature eruption of primary and secondary dentition
(C) Increase in blood calcium level by resorption (D) All of the above
Ans: C
98. Following are the methods to assess skeletal age using hand -wrist radiographs except
(A) Grave and Brown method (B) Greenwich and Pyle method (C) Lamparski (D) Singer’s method
Ans: C
99. Who developed and designed the mushroom wire for lingual edgewise appliance
(A) Kurz (B) Fujita (C) Alexander (D) Andrews
Ans: B
100. Direction of growth of which area of skull is not correctly matched
(A) Cranial base – upward and forward
(B) Maxilla – downward and forward
(C) Mandibular condyle – upward and backward
(D) Cranial vault – horizontal
Ans: D
(A) Anterior downward rotation of the palatal plane (B) Distalisation and intrusion of the anchor maxillary molar
(C) Anti-Clock wise rotation of the mandible (D) Increase in Incisor Mandibular Plane Angle
Ans: D
52. Bite recording for functional appliance with large vertical opening and less sagittal Forward positioning of bite is indicated in
(A) Average grower Class II Div1 case (B) Average grower Class II Div 1 Subdivision patient
(C) Vertical grower Class II Div 1 case (D) Horizontal grower Class II Div 1 case
Ans: C
53. According to the lymphoid curve, lymphoid tissue grows rapidly to reach 200% of Adult size between
(A) 0- 5 years (B) 10-15 years (C) 5-10 years (D) 15-20 years
Ans: B
54. Which of the following statement is correct about the labial wire of the F.R II Appliance ?
(A) Labial wires usually lies in the middle of the labial surface of the maxillary incisors
(B) They runs gingival at the right angle in the natural depression between the roots of lateral incisors and canines
(C) Labial wire form a gentle curve distally at the height of the middle of the canine root
(D) All of the above
Ans: D
55. Neural crest cells migrating from the rhombomeres express the
(A) Homeobox (HOX) gene (B) Bone morphogenic proteins (C) Growth factors (D) Human tissue growth factor
Ans: A
56. Following is not an indication of distraction osteogenesis
(A) Moderate hemifacial microsomia (B) Patients with crouzon sysdrome (C) Sever maxillary deficiency (D) Mild asymmetries of jaw
Ans: D
57. Moderate amount of incisor crowding in the mixed dentition can be relieved by
(A) Disking of primary canines (B) Extraction of primary canines (C) None of the above (D) Both (A) and (B)
Ans: D
58. Differential force concept is mainly used in:
(A) Straight wire appliance (B) Begg’s light wire appliance (C) Lingual appliance (D) Frankel appliance
Ans: B
59. Which of the following expansion appliance system after activation will produces the maximum force on the palatal suture?
(A) Spring type (B) Screw type (C) Magnetic type (D) All three above mentioned appliances will produce same force
Ans: B
60. The first ossification center of the mandible in 6 weeks old human embryo is found in which of the following locations
(A) Future mandibular foramen (B) Future condylar process (C) Future coronoid process (D) Future mental foramen
Ans: D
61. Type 2 in Dewey’s modification of Angle’s Class I malocclusion is:
(A) Crowded anteriors (B) Anterior cross bite (C) Anteriors in labioversion (D) Posterior cross bite
Ans: C
62. Recommended retention period after RME is
(A) 1 month (B) 2-3 months (C) 3-6 months (D) None of the above
Ans: C
63. During gastrulation, all 3 germ layers are formed by the following
(A) Epiblast cell layer (B) Embryoblast cell layer (C) Myeloblast cell layer (D) Trophoblast cell layer
Ans: A
64. Which of the following appliances brings orthopaedic movements in children and orthodontic movements in adults?
(A) Quad helix (B) Hyrax (C) Bimler (D) Frankel appliance
Ans: A
65. The randomized control trail (RCT) is one of the most simple and powerful research tools in which people are allocated at random to receive one of the several clinical investigations. Which of the following is/ are the advantage/s of this type of research over the other study method?
(A) The RCT is prospective
(B) The treatment or, intervention is randomly allocated
(C) The experiment is planned before the data are collected
(D) All of the above
Ans: C
66. In normal response to orthodontic treatment, the periodontal ligament space will be:
(A) Narrow (B) Widen (C) Shorten (D) Elongated
Ans: B
67. The 1st orthodontic appliance devised by Angle was
(A) E-ARCH (B) Ribbon arch (C) Edgewise (D) Pin and tube appliance
Ans: A
68. The curve of spee should be leveled prior to surgery in cases
(A) Where clockwise rotation of distal portion of mandible is required
(B) Where incisor need to be advanced less than chin
(C) Where anterior vertical height of lower third need to be increased by the amount of excess of overbite
(D) Where deep labiomental fold will improve because of the advancement of mandibular incisor and downward rotation of the chin
Ans: B
69. Wires used in light arch wire technique is
(A) b-titanium (B) Niti (C) Cu-Niti (D) A J wilcock wires
Ans: D
70. In the development of pharyngeal arches which arch completely regresses without forming any structures
(A) III (B) IV (C) V (D) VI
Ans: C
71. Timms’ schedule of activation of expansion screw for patients upto 15 yrs
(A) 90 degree 2 times / day (B) 45 degree 2 times /day (C) 90 degree 4 times /day (D) 45 degree 4 times /day
Ans: A
72. Which analysis helps in determining disproportion in size between maxillary and mandibular teeth
(A) Carey (B) Bolton (C) Ashley Howe (D) Moyer
Ans: B
73. A synchondrosis is a cartilaginous joint where ……………. cartilage divides and subsequently is converted into bone.
(A) White (B) Hyaline (C) Elastic (D) All of the above cartilages are present
Ans: B
74. According to the Butler’s field theory, the human dentition is divided into
(A) 4 fields (B) 6 fields (C) 8 fields (D) 12 fields
Ans: A
75. According to the concept of bioelectric potential metabolically active cells are
(A) Electronegative (B) Electropositive (C) Neutral (D) None of the above
Ans: A
76. Elastic chains are made of
(A) Polyglyconate (B) Rubber (C) Latex (D) Polyurethane
Ans: D
77. The dynamic proprioceptors in TMJ which accelerate the movement during Reflexes are
(A) Ruffini endings (B) Pacinian corpuscles (C) Golgi tendon (D) Free nerve endings
Ans: B
78. Which among the following systems utilizes pre-adjusted edgewise appliance with anchorage preparation as in basic edgewise mechanotherapy?
(A) Twin wire technique (B) Modern Begg (C) Level anchorage system (D) MBT system
Ans: C
79. First signs in the development of lateral pterygoid muscle are seen during
(A) 9-11 weeks IUL (B) 7-7.5 weeks IUL (C) 32-34 days IUL (D) 10 weeks IUL
Ans: C
80. Which of the following statement is not correct about “primary failure of eruption (PFE)” of tooth?
(A) PFE is caused by non-sporadic mutation (non- familial)
(B) In this there is localized failure of eruption of permanent teeth with no other systemic involvement
(C) Commonly affects the permanent anteriors
(D) Commonly affects the permanent posteriors
Ans: C
81. Growth was defined as increase in size, change in spatial proportion over time by
(A) Meredith (B) Hurley (C) Krogman (D) Moss
Ans: C
82. The following spring is activated by closing the coil
(A) Finger spring (B) Palatal canine retractor (C) T spring (D) Buccal canine retractor
Ans: D
83. Optimal timing for Class II treatment with MARA (Mandibular anterior repositioning device) is
(A) At pubertal growth spurt (B) After pubertal growth spurt
(C) Post-adolescent growth phase (D) Pre pubertal phase
Ans: A
84. Skeletal correction including mandibular elongation may be achieved if treatment is performed during
(A) Mixed dentition period (B) Prepubertal growth (C) Post pubertal growth period (D) None
Ans: B
85. Normal tongue position during mature swallow is
(A) Interposed between upper and lower anterior teeth
(B) Tongue is retacted and placed below the incisal edge of lower anteriors
(C) Tongue is retracted and placed behind the incisive foramen
(D) None of the above
Ans: C
86. The distance between the X-ray source and the mid-sagittal plane of the patient in cephalometric radiograph should be –
(A) 5 feet (B) 6 feet (C) 7 feet (D) 8 feet
Ans: A
87. Muscles of tongue are supplied by
(A) Glossopharyngeal nerve (B) Lingual nerve (C) Chorda tympany (D) Hypoglossal
Ans: D
88. Which of the following statements is correct?
(A) Intrusion of incisors is considered if inadequate freeway space is present
(B) Extrusion of molars is considered if adequate free way space is present
(C) Both of the above
(D) Intrusion/extrusion of molars and incisors has no corelation with freeway space
Ans: C
89. The bolus is pushed from the oropharynx into esophagus in which stage of degluttion
(A) Oral stage (B) Pharyngeal stage (C) Esophageal stage (D) Gastric stage
Ans: B
90. First evidence of calcification is seen in the maxillary central incisors of the permanent dentition
(A) At birth (B) 3-4 months (C) 10-12 months (D) 5-6 years
Ans: B
91. Decrease in arch length due to mesial migration is:
(A) 0.5 mm (B) 1 mm (C) 1-5 mm (D) 2 mm
Ans: A
92. TI point is
(A) The point of intersection of occlusal plane and facial plane
(B) The intersection of facial plane and corpus axis
(C) A point of intersection of ramus and mandibular plane
(D) The point of intersection of pterygoid root vertical to the Frankfort horizontal plane.
Ans: A
93. The types of cusps in human dentition is / are
(A) Supporting / Centric holding / stamp cusp (B) Non-supporting / guiding / shear cusp
(C) Both (A) and (B) (D) None of the above
Ans: C
94. Canine retractors are examples for
(A) Open end spring (B) Closed end spring
(C) (A) and (B) (D) None of the above
Ans: B
95. In soft tissue evaluation, H-line angle is
(A) 20 to 30 degree (B) 7 to 15 degree (C) 40 to 50 degree (D) 55 to 65 degree
Ans: B
96. In Ackerman- Profitt classification, the facial profile is represented in
(A) Group 1 (B) Group 2 (C) Group 3, 4 and 5 (D) Group 6, 7 and 8
Ans: B
97. Hyperparathyroidism is associated with
(A) Delayed eruption of teeth (B) Premature eruption of primary and secondary dentition
(C) Increase in blood calcium level by resorption (D) All of the above
Ans: C
98. Following are the methods to assess skeletal age using hand -wrist radiographs except
(A) Grave and Brown method (B) Greenwich and Pyle method (C) Lamparski (D) Singer’s method
Ans: C
99. Who developed and designed the mushroom wire for lingual edgewise appliance
(A) Kurz (B) Fujita (C) Alexander (D) Andrews
Ans: B
100. Direction of growth of which area of skull is not correctly matched
(A) Cranial base – upward and forward
(B) Maxilla – downward and forward
(C) Mandibular condyle – upward and backward
(D) Cranial vault – horizontal
Ans: D