1. The chemical substances which are used to kill or deactivate pathogenic microorganisms are,
(A) Antibiotics (B) Disinfectants (C) Pesticides (D) Probiotics
Ans: B
2. In most of the sore throats, cough and colds, flu or acute sinusitis,
(A) No antibiotics are required. (B) Treated with Antibiotics. (C) Treated with both pro and antibiotics (D) None of above
Ans: A
3. Due to Adverse effect of alcohol ‘‘cell suicide’’ in brain that affects only individual cells, leaving adjacent cells intact is called as,
(A) Apoptosis (B) Necrosis (C) Antiseptic (D) Antitussive
Ans: A
4. An infection with the shiga toxin-producing E.coli causing,
(A) Nausea, vomiting (B) Abdominal pain and cramping (C) Hemolytic uremic syndrom (D) Diarrhea
Ans: C
5. One of the major bacteria causing food-borne diseases in humans are,
(A) Lactobacillus casei (B) Lactobacillus acidophilu (C) Lactobacillus brevis (D) Staphylococcus aureus
Ans: D
6. Typhus and Q fever are examples of diseases caused by,
(A) Virus (B) Rickettsia organisms (C) Fungi (D) Snake toxins
Ans: B
7. In biological warfare spreading of Melioidosis may occur can be caused by a,
(A) Heavy metals (B) Virus (C) Fungus (D) Bacteria
Ans: D
8. The Protista which are,
(A) Animals (B) Plants (C) Fungi (D) Not animals, plants or fungi
Ans: D
9. Fungi store a carbohydrate in a form of,
(A) Fructose (B) Glycogen (C) Starch (D) Galactose
Ans: B
10. Which is not inherited from parents and so it is generally insignificant,
(A) Somatic variation (B) Dis continuous variation (C) Germinal variation (D) None of above
Ans: A
11. A specific variation of a gene,
(A) Allele (B) A stretch of DNA that determines a certain trait. (C) A stretch of RNA that determines a certain trait. (D) Locus
Ans: A
12. Vaso-occlusive crisis and aplastic crisis can be observed due to,
(A) Bacteria (B) Malaria parasites (C) Fungal infection (D) Hereditary diseases
Ans: D
13. Location of chromosome where the gene is found is called,
(A) Stretch of RNA (B) Stretch of DNA (C) Locus (D) Allele
Ans: C
14. If an organism is carrying to identical allele is,
(A) Dominant (B) Homozygous (C) Heterozygous (D) Recessive
Ans: B
15. All aspects of the function of the body systems are included in a,
(A) Systemic physiology (B) Special physiology (C) Cell physiology (D) Pathophysiology
Ans: A
16. The terms are used to describe the phenotypic expression of certain traits or characteristics an individual possesses and not the genes themselves,
(A) Dominant (B) Dominant and recessive (C) Recessive (D) None of above
Ans: B
17. Mendel began his studies on heredity by using,
(A) Pig (B) Pigeon Pea plant (C) Mice (D) Rabbit
Ans: C
18. The relationship between alleles, with a heterozygote phenotype intermediate between the two homozygote phenotypes,
(A) is called complete dominance. (B) is called incomplete dominance.
(C) is called co-dominance. (D) None of above
Ans: B
19. When the both alleles are expressed in the phenotype of individuals that have heterozygous alleles,
(A) Incomplete dominance (B) Complete dominance (C) Co-dominance (D) None of above
Ans: C
20. An example of multiple allele is,
(A) None of below mentioned (B) Human blood group (C) Rabit Hair (D) Wool of sheep
Ans: B
21. The hair is actively growing, and materials are deposited in the hair shaft by cells found in the follicle during,
(A) Catagen phase (B) Telogen (C) Anagen phase (D) None of above
Ans: C
22. The short, thin, slight-colored, and barely noticeable thin hair is known as,
(A) Lanugo hair (B) Vellus hair (C) Terminal hair (D) Androgenic hair
Ans: B
23. The layer of the hair consists of one or two layers of horny, flattened, nucleated cells, known as
(A) Hair matrix (B) Huxley’s layer. (C) Henle's layer (D) Pilli multigemini
Ans: B
24. The ‘‘heart’’ of the hair shaft is,
(A) Medulla (B) Cortex (C) Cuticle (D) None of above
Ans: A
25. Apart from their toxic manifestations the seeds of Abrusprecatorius are also used as,
(A) Weedicides (B) Herbicides (C) Beads in ornaments (D) Vaccines
Ans: C
26. Oleander is currently the only species classified under the Genus,
(A) Nerium (B) Solanum (C) Triticum (D) Anacardium
Ans: A
27. Ricin, a water soluble toxin is extracted from the seeds of,
(A) Aconitum (B) Castor (C) Abrus (D) Oleander
Ans: B
28. As a sub field of forensic entomology, Medico legal forensic entomology,
(A) Covers evidence gathered through arthropod studies at the scenes of murder, suicide, rape, physical abuse.
(B) is often used in litigation over insect infestation or contamination of commercially distributed foods
(C) typically concerns pests infestations in buildings gardens
(D) All above described
Ans: A
29. Endoplasmic reticulum is absent in,
(A) Red blood cells and spermatozoa (B) Liver (C) Kidney (D) Gall bladder
Ans: A
30. A cytologist Camillo Golgi had established a staining technique that he referred to as,
(A) Acid fast staining (B) Gram positive (C) Reazione nera, (D) Gram negative
Ans: C
31. The outer membrane of a mitochondrion contains many channels formed by the protein,
(A) Keratin (B) Elastin (C) Collagen (D) Porin
Ans: D
32. The granal thylakoids of chloroplast contain,
(A) photosystem I protein complex (B) photosystem II protein complex
(C) The photosystem I and ATP synthase protein complexes (D) ATP synthase protein complexes
Ans: B
33. Gaucher’s disease is the most common of the diseases happen due to the storage,
(A) Carbohydrates (B) Proteins (C) Lysosomes (D) Ribosomes
Ans: C
34. A network is made up of intermediate V type filaments composed of lamin proteins that provides support to the,
(A) Ribosome (B) Chloroplast (C) Mitochodria (D) Nucleus.
Ans: D
35. Ras,Rho,Rab,Arf concerned with nuclear transportation are,
(A) Carbohydrates (B) Fatty acids (C) Monomeric G proteins (D) heterotrimeric G Proteins
Ans: C
36. An amino acid can be considered semi-essential,as the human body doesn’t always need dietary sources of it,
(A) Tyrosine (B) Histidine (C) Glycine (D) Tryptophan
Ans: B
37. The overall three-dimensional shape of an entire protein molecule is the,
(A) Secondary (B) Primary structure (C) Tertiary structure. (D) Quaternary structure
Ans: C
38. Hepatitis and cancer have been recognized to consuming seafood that has been poisoned by,
(A) Mercury (B) Chloride (C) Sodium in excess (D) Potassium in excess
Ans: A
39. The organic compounds that are resistant to environmental degradation through chemical, biological, and photolytic processes,
(A) Non persistent (B) Persistent (C) Non toxic (D) Additive compounds
Ans: B
40. Which pesticides are intended to kill weeds?
(A) Fungicide (B) Herbicide (C) Rodenticide (D) Insecticide
Ans: B
41. The example of pesticide Organochloride is,
(A) Parathion (B) Aldrin (C) Malathion (D) Propoxur
Ans: B
42. Based on the atomic number and specific gravity it is classified,
(A) Heavy metals (B) Herbicides (C) Insecticides (D) Fungicides
Ans: A
43. Osteomalasia/Softening of bone resulting due to chronic exposure to,
(A) Lead (B) Cadmium (C) Chromium(Divalent) (D) Mercury
Ans: B
44. Chronic exposure to Arsenic may lead to,
(A) Skin damage (B) Diabetes (C) Tremor (D) Pink disease
Ans: B
45. Studies on how language affects social life is,
(A) Linguistic anthropology (B) Social anthropology (C) Biological anthropology (D) Physical anthropology
Ans: A
46. The classification and the analysis of patterns Observed in individual finger prints is known as,
(A) Endoscopy (B) Dactyloscopy (C) Microscopy (D) Anthropology
Ans: B
47. Even an identification of deceased person can be done by the technique called,
(A) Finger printing (B) Palmistry (C) Super imposition (D) Endoscopy
Ans: C
48. Frankfort Horizontal position is positioned in case of,
(A) Three dimensional facial reconstruction techniques. (B) One-dimensional facial reconstruction techniques.
(C) Endoscopy (D) None of above
Ans: A
49. Both tomography and stereo lithography also the methods used in,
(A) Facial reconstruction (B) Microscopy (C) Endoscopy (D) Photography
Ans: A
50. Iso-electro focusing is one of the technique,
(A) Capillary electrophoresis (B) Slab electrophoresis (C) Paper electrophoresis (D) Gel electrophoresis
Ans: B
(A) Antibiotics (B) Disinfectants (C) Pesticides (D) Probiotics
Ans: B
2. In most of the sore throats, cough and colds, flu or acute sinusitis,
(A) No antibiotics are required. (B) Treated with Antibiotics. (C) Treated with both pro and antibiotics (D) None of above
Ans: A
3. Due to Adverse effect of alcohol ‘‘cell suicide’’ in brain that affects only individual cells, leaving adjacent cells intact is called as,
(A) Apoptosis (B) Necrosis (C) Antiseptic (D) Antitussive
Ans: A
4. An infection with the shiga toxin-producing E.coli causing,
(A) Nausea, vomiting (B) Abdominal pain and cramping (C) Hemolytic uremic syndrom (D) Diarrhea
Ans: C
5. One of the major bacteria causing food-borne diseases in humans are,
(A) Lactobacillus casei (B) Lactobacillus acidophilu (C) Lactobacillus brevis (D) Staphylococcus aureus
Ans: D
6. Typhus and Q fever are examples of diseases caused by,
(A) Virus (B) Rickettsia organisms (C) Fungi (D) Snake toxins
Ans: B
7. In biological warfare spreading of Melioidosis may occur can be caused by a,
(A) Heavy metals (B) Virus (C) Fungus (D) Bacteria
Ans: D
8. The Protista which are,
(A) Animals (B) Plants (C) Fungi (D) Not animals, plants or fungi
Ans: D
9. Fungi store a carbohydrate in a form of,
(A) Fructose (B) Glycogen (C) Starch (D) Galactose
Ans: B
10. Which is not inherited from parents and so it is generally insignificant,
(A) Somatic variation (B) Dis continuous variation (C) Germinal variation (D) None of above
Ans: A
11. A specific variation of a gene,
(A) Allele (B) A stretch of DNA that determines a certain trait. (C) A stretch of RNA that determines a certain trait. (D) Locus
Ans: A
12. Vaso-occlusive crisis and aplastic crisis can be observed due to,
(A) Bacteria (B) Malaria parasites (C) Fungal infection (D) Hereditary diseases
Ans: D
13. Location of chromosome where the gene is found is called,
(A) Stretch of RNA (B) Stretch of DNA (C) Locus (D) Allele
Ans: C
14. If an organism is carrying to identical allele is,
(A) Dominant (B) Homozygous (C) Heterozygous (D) Recessive
Ans: B
15. All aspects of the function of the body systems are included in a,
(A) Systemic physiology (B) Special physiology (C) Cell physiology (D) Pathophysiology
Ans: A
16. The terms are used to describe the phenotypic expression of certain traits or characteristics an individual possesses and not the genes themselves,
(A) Dominant (B) Dominant and recessive (C) Recessive (D) None of above
Ans: B
17. Mendel began his studies on heredity by using,
(A) Pig (B) Pigeon Pea plant (C) Mice (D) Rabbit
Ans: C
18. The relationship between alleles, with a heterozygote phenotype intermediate between the two homozygote phenotypes,
(A) is called complete dominance. (B) is called incomplete dominance.
(C) is called co-dominance. (D) None of above
Ans: B
19. When the both alleles are expressed in the phenotype of individuals that have heterozygous alleles,
(A) Incomplete dominance (B) Complete dominance (C) Co-dominance (D) None of above
Ans: C
20. An example of multiple allele is,
(A) None of below mentioned (B) Human blood group (C) Rabit Hair (D) Wool of sheep
Ans: B
21. The hair is actively growing, and materials are deposited in the hair shaft by cells found in the follicle during,
(A) Catagen phase (B) Telogen (C) Anagen phase (D) None of above
Ans: C
22. The short, thin, slight-colored, and barely noticeable thin hair is known as,
(A) Lanugo hair (B) Vellus hair (C) Terminal hair (D) Androgenic hair
Ans: B
23. The layer of the hair consists of one or two layers of horny, flattened, nucleated cells, known as
(A) Hair matrix (B) Huxley’s layer. (C) Henle's layer (D) Pilli multigemini
Ans: B
24. The ‘‘heart’’ of the hair shaft is,
(A) Medulla (B) Cortex (C) Cuticle (D) None of above
Ans: A
25. Apart from their toxic manifestations the seeds of Abrusprecatorius are also used as,
(A) Weedicides (B) Herbicides (C) Beads in ornaments (D) Vaccines
Ans: C
26. Oleander is currently the only species classified under the Genus,
(A) Nerium (B) Solanum (C) Triticum (D) Anacardium
Ans: A
27. Ricin, a water soluble toxin is extracted from the seeds of,
(A) Aconitum (B) Castor (C) Abrus (D) Oleander
Ans: B
28. As a sub field of forensic entomology, Medico legal forensic entomology,
(A) Covers evidence gathered through arthropod studies at the scenes of murder, suicide, rape, physical abuse.
(B) is often used in litigation over insect infestation or contamination of commercially distributed foods
(C) typically concerns pests infestations in buildings gardens
(D) All above described
Ans: A
29. Endoplasmic reticulum is absent in,
(A) Red blood cells and spermatozoa (B) Liver (C) Kidney (D) Gall bladder
Ans: A
30. A cytologist Camillo Golgi had established a staining technique that he referred to as,
(A) Acid fast staining (B) Gram positive (C) Reazione nera, (D) Gram negative
Ans: C
31. The outer membrane of a mitochondrion contains many channels formed by the protein,
(A) Keratin (B) Elastin (C) Collagen (D) Porin
Ans: D
32. The granal thylakoids of chloroplast contain,
(A) photosystem I protein complex (B) photosystem II protein complex
(C) The photosystem I and ATP synthase protein complexes (D) ATP synthase protein complexes
Ans: B
33. Gaucher’s disease is the most common of the diseases happen due to the storage,
(A) Carbohydrates (B) Proteins (C) Lysosomes (D) Ribosomes
Ans: C
34. A network is made up of intermediate V type filaments composed of lamin proteins that provides support to the,
(A) Ribosome (B) Chloroplast (C) Mitochodria (D) Nucleus.
Ans: D
35. Ras,Rho,Rab,Arf concerned with nuclear transportation are,
(A) Carbohydrates (B) Fatty acids (C) Monomeric G proteins (D) heterotrimeric G Proteins
Ans: C
36. An amino acid can be considered semi-essential,as the human body doesn’t always need dietary sources of it,
(A) Tyrosine (B) Histidine (C) Glycine (D) Tryptophan
Ans: B
37. The overall three-dimensional shape of an entire protein molecule is the,
(A) Secondary (B) Primary structure (C) Tertiary structure. (D) Quaternary structure
Ans: C
38. Hepatitis and cancer have been recognized to consuming seafood that has been poisoned by,
(A) Mercury (B) Chloride (C) Sodium in excess (D) Potassium in excess
Ans: A
39. The organic compounds that are resistant to environmental degradation through chemical, biological, and photolytic processes,
(A) Non persistent (B) Persistent (C) Non toxic (D) Additive compounds
Ans: B
40. Which pesticides are intended to kill weeds?
(A) Fungicide (B) Herbicide (C) Rodenticide (D) Insecticide
Ans: B
41. The example of pesticide Organochloride is,
(A) Parathion (B) Aldrin (C) Malathion (D) Propoxur
Ans: B
42. Based on the atomic number and specific gravity it is classified,
(A) Heavy metals (B) Herbicides (C) Insecticides (D) Fungicides
Ans: A
43. Osteomalasia/Softening of bone resulting due to chronic exposure to,
(A) Lead (B) Cadmium (C) Chromium(Divalent) (D) Mercury
Ans: B
44. Chronic exposure to Arsenic may lead to,
(A) Skin damage (B) Diabetes (C) Tremor (D) Pink disease
Ans: B
45. Studies on how language affects social life is,
(A) Linguistic anthropology (B) Social anthropology (C) Biological anthropology (D) Physical anthropology
Ans: A
46. The classification and the analysis of patterns Observed in individual finger prints is known as,
(A) Endoscopy (B) Dactyloscopy (C) Microscopy (D) Anthropology
Ans: B
47. Even an identification of deceased person can be done by the technique called,
(A) Finger printing (B) Palmistry (C) Super imposition (D) Endoscopy
Ans: C
48. Frankfort Horizontal position is positioned in case of,
(A) Three dimensional facial reconstruction techniques. (B) One-dimensional facial reconstruction techniques.
(C) Endoscopy (D) None of above
Ans: A
49. Both tomography and stereo lithography also the methods used in,
(A) Facial reconstruction (B) Microscopy (C) Endoscopy (D) Photography
Ans: A
50. Iso-electro focusing is one of the technique,
(A) Capillary electrophoresis (B) Slab electrophoresis (C) Paper electrophoresis (D) Gel electrophoresis
Ans: B
51. SDS is used in,
(A) Paper chromatography (B) Photography (C) Gel electrophoresis (D) Capillary electrophoresis
Ans: C
52. The factor affecting electrophoresis,
(A) pH of solution (B) Electric field (C) Viscosity and temperature (D) All above given
Ans: D
53.Division of the cytoplasm is known as,
(A) Mitosis (B) Meiosis (C) Cleavage (D) Cytokinesis.
Ans: D
54. The longest part of the cell cycle,
(A) Telophase (B) Interphase (C) Metaphase (D) Prophase
Ans: B
55. The medical processes such as getting organisms to produce new drugs, or using stem cells to regenerate damaged human tissues and perhaps re-grow entire organs.
(A) White biotechnology (B) Green biotechnology
(C) Red biotechnology (D) Blue biotechnology
Ans: C
56. The direct manipulation of an organism's genome by using biotechnology,
(A) Industrial biotechnology (B) Genetic engineering (C) System engineering (D) Molecular biology
Ans: B
57. The benefit related to genetic engineering to agricultural world is,
(A) It made it possible to produce more crops in a shorter time period.
(B) It has increased yield by making it possible to grow crops in regions that would otherwise be unsuitable for agriculture,
(C) if crops are genetically modified less chemical fertilizers have to be placed on the fields.
(D) All above mentioned
Ans: D
58. The main problem with genetic engineering in agriculture practices is,
(A) All described below
(B) If the pests develop genetic resistance, eventually the genetically modified crops would no longer be successful
(C) The long-term effects on human health and the environment.
(D) The modified trees may cross-pollinate with unmodified trees to form hybrids outside of designated growing areas.
Ans: A
59. The known example of genetic engineering,
(A) Cloning (B) Glow-in-the-dark cats (C) Cows that pass less gas (D) All of above
Ans: D
60. Achievements of genetic engineering,
(A) Giving plants, fruits, and vegetables a much longer shelf life.
(B) Providing other novel disease control measures
(C) The crops that have been genetically engineered to have higher levels of nutrition.
(D) All of above
Ans: D
61. He was the first who attempt to culture isolated plant cells in vitro on Artificial medium.
(A) W H Muir (B) P R White (C) C. Haberlant (D) G Morel
Ans: C
62. Culturing of plant seeds, organs, explants, tissues, cells, or protoplasts on Nutrient media under sterile conditions.
(A) Is biotechnology (B) Is Plant tissue culture (C) Genetic engineering (D) R-DNA technology
Ans: B
63. Micro propagation technique is used to multiply those organisms that have been genetically modified,
(A) Fish (B) Plants (C) Frog (D) Lizard
Ans: B
64. It has a basic role in coordination of many growth and behavioural Processes in the plant’s life cycle.
(A) Abscisic acid (B) Cytokinins, (C) Auxins (D) Gibberellins
Ans: C
65. A growing mass of unorganized plant parenchyma cells is known as,
(A) Root (B) Hold fast (C) Callus (D) Thallus
Ans: C
66. When concentration of toxic substances is increasing progressively in food chain is known as,
(A) Intoxication (B) Bio magnification (C) Bioaccumulation (D) Bioremediation
Ans: B
67. Bio magnification does occur if pollutants must be,
(A) Non Mobile (B) Soluble in fat (C) Biologically non active (D) Short lived
Ans: B
68. Cannabis is also popularly known as,
(A) Brown Sugar (B) Cocaine (C) Heroin (D) Marijuana
Ans: D
69. Plant vacuoles,
(A) Have acidic pH (B) Maintain turgor pressure (C) Perform autophagy and solute accumulation (D) All above mentioned
Ans: D
70. Opium poppy is an angiosperm plant belonging to family,
(A) Pappilionacea (B) Papaveraceae (C) Ranunculaceae (D) Rubiaceae
Ans: B
71. In forensic science determination of ABO blood typing is done by,
(A) Lowery technique (B) The hemagglutination technique (C) Folch et al. technique (D) Neilson technique
Ans: B
72. Sometimes in plants there is also another layer in cell wall, which helps prevent water from penetrating,
(A) Suberin (B) Lignin (C) Tonoplast (D) Cell sap
Ans: A
73. Microtubules are long thin structures found in animal and plant cell are consisting of the,
(A) Carbohydrates (B) Protein (C) Fat (D) Steroids
Ans: B
74. The cytoskeleton is responsible to
(A) All of below mentioned (B) Separate chromosomes during cell division (C) Engulf particles (D) It allows cells to move
Ans: A
75. The digestive system of the cell is known as,
(A) Ribosomes (B) Golgi body (C) Chloroplast (D) Lysosomes
Ans: D
76. The thinnest membrane of a prokaryotic, mainly involved in sticking to the objects especially during sexual reproduction.
(A) Villi (B) Cilia (C) Pilli (D) Flagella
Ans: C
77. To study the body in unprecedented detail, the techniques such as magnetic resonance imaging, computed tomography, fluoroscopy and ultrasound imaging being used in,
(A) Histology (B) Embryology (C) Modern anatomy (D) Physiology
Ans: C
78. The basic structure of the cell and how the cell will function is determined by the,
(A) Cytoplasm (B) Mitochondria (C) Lysosomes (D) Nucleus
Ans: D
79. The Nobel Prize is awarded by the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences,
(A) Who makes significant achievements in anatomy. (B) Who makes significant achievements Embryology.
(C) Who makes significant achievements in Physiology or Medicine. (D) Who makes significant achievements in biochemistry.
Ans: C
80. A pairing of homologs is taking place in a process of,
(A) Mitosis (B) Meiosis (C) Cleavage (D) Cytokinesis.
Ans: B
81. The meiosis was discovered by,
(A) Walther Flemming (B) Bohr (C) Lehninger (D) Oscar Hertwig
Ans: D
82. The degradation of the nuclear membrane, attachment of microtubules to kinetochores is taking place during,
(A) Metaphase (B) Prometaphase (C) Early anaphase (D) Telophase
Ans: B
83. Opium, the narcotic drug obtained from Poppy plant is,
(A) Its fruit extract (B) Extract from flower petals (C) Its leaf extract (D) Dried milky latex
Ans: D
84. For the age group 14-20, dental age estimation methods rely on development of which tooth?
(A) First premolar (B) First molar (C) Second molar (D) Third molar
Ans: D
85. The mutations are those that arise in the absence of mutagen treatment,
(A) Silent mutation (B) Induced mutation (C) Spontaneous mutation (D) Nonsense mutation
Ans: C
86. Mutagens act by the mechanism known as,
(A) Base replacement (B) Base alteration (C) Base damage (D) All above mentioned
Ans: D
87. For a missing person very important tool in DNA analysis is,
(A) RFLP analysis (B) Y-chromosome analysis (C) PCR analysis (D) Mitochondrial DNA analysis
Ans: D
88. In establishing a family line over many generations DNA analysis is done by using,
(A) Y-Chromosome analysis (B) Mitochondrial DNA analysis (C) PCR analysis (D) RFLP analysis
Ans: A
89. The technique that uses living organisms or substances from these organisms for the specific uses is known as,
(A) Fermentation technology (B) Biotechnology (C) Genetic Engineering (D) Biology
Ans: B
90. Biotechnology in plant pathology has following aspect,
(A) Molecular Detection and identification of plant pathogens (B) Exploitation of bio control agents in disease/ pest management
(C) Identification and tagging of resistance genes (D) All above mentioned
Ans: D
91. Which part of the brain controls involuntary actions such as heart beat and breathing? (A) Cerebellum (B) Thalamus (C) Medulla Oblongata (D) Cerebrum
Ans: C
92. Which of the following is a gaseous plant hormone? (A) Auxine (B) Cytokinin (C) Ethylene (D) Gibberellin
Ans: C
93. Water kept in an earthern pot cools well due to the phenomenon of : (A) Vapourisation (B) Sublimation (C) Condensation (D) Evaporation
Ans: D
94. The visual pigment ‘rhodopsin’ seen in the rod cells of the retina is derived from which of the following vitamin: (A) Vitamin A (B) Vitamin K (C) Vitamin D (D) Vitamin C
Ans: A
95. The phenomenon of persistence of sound as a result of multiple reflection is : (A) Diffraction (B) Echo (C) Reverberation (D) Resonance
Ans: C
96. What is the normal pH of human blood?
97. ----- do not take part in mitotic division
(A) Hetero chromatin (B) Euchromatin (C) Nucleosome (D) Lampbrush chromosome
Ans: A
98. Down's Syndrome
A:- 21 Trisomy B:-13 Trisomy C:- 18 Trisomy D:-20 Trisomy
Ans: A
99:- Watson and Crick discovered
A:- Protein B:- DNA C:- Blood D:-Hydrogen Ans: B
100:- Who among the following is known as Father of Genetic?
A:- C.Darwin B:- R.Goldschmidt C:- G.Mande| D:- J.Watson and F.Crick
Ans: C
(A) Paper chromatography (B) Photography (C) Gel electrophoresis (D) Capillary electrophoresis
Ans: C
52. The factor affecting electrophoresis,
(A) pH of solution (B) Electric field (C) Viscosity and temperature (D) All above given
Ans: D
53.Division of the cytoplasm is known as,
(A) Mitosis (B) Meiosis (C) Cleavage (D) Cytokinesis.
Ans: D
54. The longest part of the cell cycle,
(A) Telophase (B) Interphase (C) Metaphase (D) Prophase
Ans: B
55. The medical processes such as getting organisms to produce new drugs, or using stem cells to regenerate damaged human tissues and perhaps re-grow entire organs.
(A) White biotechnology (B) Green biotechnology
(C) Red biotechnology (D) Blue biotechnology
Ans: C
56. The direct manipulation of an organism's genome by using biotechnology,
(A) Industrial biotechnology (B) Genetic engineering (C) System engineering (D) Molecular biology
Ans: B
57. The benefit related to genetic engineering to agricultural world is,
(A) It made it possible to produce more crops in a shorter time period.
(B) It has increased yield by making it possible to grow crops in regions that would otherwise be unsuitable for agriculture,
(C) if crops are genetically modified less chemical fertilizers have to be placed on the fields.
(D) All above mentioned
Ans: D
58. The main problem with genetic engineering in agriculture practices is,
(A) All described below
(B) If the pests develop genetic resistance, eventually the genetically modified crops would no longer be successful
(C) The long-term effects on human health and the environment.
(D) The modified trees may cross-pollinate with unmodified trees to form hybrids outside of designated growing areas.
Ans: A
59. The known example of genetic engineering,
(A) Cloning (B) Glow-in-the-dark cats (C) Cows that pass less gas (D) All of above
Ans: D
60. Achievements of genetic engineering,
(A) Giving plants, fruits, and vegetables a much longer shelf life.
(B) Providing other novel disease control measures
(C) The crops that have been genetically engineered to have higher levels of nutrition.
(D) All of above
Ans: D
61. He was the first who attempt to culture isolated plant cells in vitro on Artificial medium.
(A) W H Muir (B) P R White (C) C. Haberlant (D) G Morel
Ans: C
62. Culturing of plant seeds, organs, explants, tissues, cells, or protoplasts on Nutrient media under sterile conditions.
(A) Is biotechnology (B) Is Plant tissue culture (C) Genetic engineering (D) R-DNA technology
Ans: B
63. Micro propagation technique is used to multiply those organisms that have been genetically modified,
(A) Fish (B) Plants (C) Frog (D) Lizard
Ans: B
64. It has a basic role in coordination of many growth and behavioural Processes in the plant’s life cycle.
(A) Abscisic acid (B) Cytokinins, (C) Auxins (D) Gibberellins
Ans: C
65. A growing mass of unorganized plant parenchyma cells is known as,
(A) Root (B) Hold fast (C) Callus (D) Thallus
Ans: C
66. When concentration of toxic substances is increasing progressively in food chain is known as,
(A) Intoxication (B) Bio magnification (C) Bioaccumulation (D) Bioremediation
Ans: B
67. Bio magnification does occur if pollutants must be,
(A) Non Mobile (B) Soluble in fat (C) Biologically non active (D) Short lived
Ans: B
68. Cannabis is also popularly known as,
(A) Brown Sugar (B) Cocaine (C) Heroin (D) Marijuana
Ans: D
69. Plant vacuoles,
(A) Have acidic pH (B) Maintain turgor pressure (C) Perform autophagy and solute accumulation (D) All above mentioned
Ans: D
70. Opium poppy is an angiosperm plant belonging to family,
(A) Pappilionacea (B) Papaveraceae (C) Ranunculaceae (D) Rubiaceae
Ans: B
71. In forensic science determination of ABO blood typing is done by,
(A) Lowery technique (B) The hemagglutination technique (C) Folch et al. technique (D) Neilson technique
Ans: B
72. Sometimes in plants there is also another layer in cell wall, which helps prevent water from penetrating,
(A) Suberin (B) Lignin (C) Tonoplast (D) Cell sap
Ans: A
73. Microtubules are long thin structures found in animal and plant cell are consisting of the,
(A) Carbohydrates (B) Protein (C) Fat (D) Steroids
Ans: B
74. The cytoskeleton is responsible to
(A) All of below mentioned (B) Separate chromosomes during cell division (C) Engulf particles (D) It allows cells to move
Ans: A
75. The digestive system of the cell is known as,
(A) Ribosomes (B) Golgi body (C) Chloroplast (D) Lysosomes
Ans: D
76. The thinnest membrane of a prokaryotic, mainly involved in sticking to the objects especially during sexual reproduction.
(A) Villi (B) Cilia (C) Pilli (D) Flagella
Ans: C
77. To study the body in unprecedented detail, the techniques such as magnetic resonance imaging, computed tomography, fluoroscopy and ultrasound imaging being used in,
(A) Histology (B) Embryology (C) Modern anatomy (D) Physiology
Ans: C
78. The basic structure of the cell and how the cell will function is determined by the,
(A) Cytoplasm (B) Mitochondria (C) Lysosomes (D) Nucleus
Ans: D
79. The Nobel Prize is awarded by the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences,
(A) Who makes significant achievements in anatomy. (B) Who makes significant achievements Embryology.
(C) Who makes significant achievements in Physiology or Medicine. (D) Who makes significant achievements in biochemistry.
Ans: C
80. A pairing of homologs is taking place in a process of,
(A) Mitosis (B) Meiosis (C) Cleavage (D) Cytokinesis.
Ans: B
81. The meiosis was discovered by,
(A) Walther Flemming (B) Bohr (C) Lehninger (D) Oscar Hertwig
Ans: D
82. The degradation of the nuclear membrane, attachment of microtubules to kinetochores is taking place during,
(A) Metaphase (B) Prometaphase (C) Early anaphase (D) Telophase
Ans: B
83. Opium, the narcotic drug obtained from Poppy plant is,
(A) Its fruit extract (B) Extract from flower petals (C) Its leaf extract (D) Dried milky latex
Ans: D
84. For the age group 14-20, dental age estimation methods rely on development of which tooth?
(A) First premolar (B) First molar (C) Second molar (D) Third molar
Ans: D
85. The mutations are those that arise in the absence of mutagen treatment,
(A) Silent mutation (B) Induced mutation (C) Spontaneous mutation (D) Nonsense mutation
Ans: C
86. Mutagens act by the mechanism known as,
(A) Base replacement (B) Base alteration (C) Base damage (D) All above mentioned
Ans: D
87. For a missing person very important tool in DNA analysis is,
(A) RFLP analysis (B) Y-chromosome analysis (C) PCR analysis (D) Mitochondrial DNA analysis
Ans: D
88. In establishing a family line over many generations DNA analysis is done by using,
(A) Y-Chromosome analysis (B) Mitochondrial DNA analysis (C) PCR analysis (D) RFLP analysis
Ans: A
89. The technique that uses living organisms or substances from these organisms for the specific uses is known as,
(A) Fermentation technology (B) Biotechnology (C) Genetic Engineering (D) Biology
Ans: B
90. Biotechnology in plant pathology has following aspect,
(A) Molecular Detection and identification of plant pathogens (B) Exploitation of bio control agents in disease/ pest management
(C) Identification and tagging of resistance genes (D) All above mentioned
Ans: D
91. Which part of the brain controls involuntary actions such as heart beat and breathing? (A) Cerebellum (B) Thalamus (C) Medulla Oblongata (D) Cerebrum
Ans: C
92. Which of the following is a gaseous plant hormone? (A) Auxine (B) Cytokinin (C) Ethylene (D) Gibberellin
Ans: C
93. Water kept in an earthern pot cools well due to the phenomenon of : (A) Vapourisation (B) Sublimation (C) Condensation (D) Evaporation
Ans: D
94. The visual pigment ‘rhodopsin’ seen in the rod cells of the retina is derived from which of the following vitamin: (A) Vitamin A (B) Vitamin K (C) Vitamin D (D) Vitamin C
Ans: A
95. The phenomenon of persistence of sound as a result of multiple reflection is : (A) Diffraction (B) Echo (C) Reverberation (D) Resonance
Ans: C
96. What is the normal pH of human blood?
- 7
- 7.6
- 7.4
- 6.8
97. ----- do not take part in mitotic division
(A) Hetero chromatin (B) Euchromatin (C) Nucleosome (D) Lampbrush chromosome
Ans: A
98. Down's Syndrome
A:- 21 Trisomy B:-13 Trisomy C:- 18 Trisomy D:-20 Trisomy
Ans: A
99:- Watson and Crick discovered
A:- Protein B:- DNA C:- Blood D:-Hydrogen Ans: B
100:- Who among the following is known as Father of Genetic?
A:- C.Darwin B:- R.Goldschmidt C:- G.Mande| D:- J.Watson and F.Crick
Ans: C