1. All diseases are included in internationally notifiable diseases except
(A) Tuberculosis
(B) Cholera
(C) Plague
(D) Yellow fever
Ans: A
2. First country to socialize medicine completely rows
(A) Hungary
(B) Britain
(C) Russia
(D) Germany
Ans: C
3. Efficiency of measles vaccine is
(A) 55%
(B) 75%
(C) 85%
(D) 95%
Ans: D
4. Restoration function is
(A) Medical rehabilitation
(B) Vocational Rehabilitation
(C) Social rehabilitation
(D) Psychological rehabilitation
Ans: A
5. Sex ratio is defined as
(A) Number of males per 1000 females
(B) Number of females per 1000 males
(C) Number of females per 100 males
(D) Number of males per 100 females
Ans: B
6. Antiserum are prepared from
(A) Guinea pig
(B) Rabbit
(C) Rat
(D) Horse
Ans: D
7. Incidence in exposed is = 10, Incidence in non-exposed is = 5. Relative risk is
(A) 50
(B) 0.5
(C) 5
(D) 2
Ans: D
8. Epidemiological triad contains all except
(A) Agent
(B) Environment
(C) Host
(D) Man power
Ans: D
9. Sentinel Surveillance is done for identifying.
(A) Missed cases
(B) Subclinical cases
(C) Index cases
(D) Prodromal infection cases
Ans: A
10. Disease rate is
(A) Risk of susceptibility
(B) Usually expressed as percentage
(C) Time period in calendar year
(D) Disease occurrence in a specified time period
Ans: D
11. Herd immunity is important in all except
(A) Polio
(B) Measles
(C) Tetanus
(D) Diphtheria
Ans: C
12. All prevents maternal fetal transmission of HIV except
(A) Lamuvidine
(B) Amantadine
(C) Zidovidine
(D) Zalicitabane
Ans: B
13. Which of the following is not a killed vaccine?
(C) Hepatitis B
(D) Rabies
Ans: B
14. A freshly prepared oral dehydration solution should not be used after
(A) 8 hours
(B) 12 hours
(C) 24 hours
(D) 36 hours
Ans: C
15. Milk transmits all except
(A) Endemic typhus
(B) Q fever
(C) Typhoid fever
(D) Brucellosis
Ans: A
16. In India “Rabies free’ zone is
(A) Goa
(B) Sikkim
(C) Lakshadweep
(D) Nagaland
Ans: C
17. Which is most dangerous for transmitting plague?
(A) Blocked flea
(B) Partial block flea
(C) Unblocked flea
(D) Dead flea
Ans: A
18. “Strawberry tongue” followed by “raspberry tongue” is characteristic of
(A) Mumps
(B) Measles
(C) Chickenpox
(D) Scarlet fever
Ans: D
19. The last case of smallpox is reported in the world
(A) 1977
(B) 1978
(C) 1879
(D) 1982
Ans: B
20. Which of the following statements is true about a ‘confounding factor’?
(A) It is associated with both exposure and disease.
(B) It is distributed equally in both study and control groups.
(C) It is not a risk factor for the disease.
(D) It is present only in the control group and not study group.
Ans: A
21. Which of the following is the most powerful disinfectants?
(A) Phenol
(B) Lysol
(C) Dettol
(D) Potassium permanganate
Ans: B
22. Quarantine is
(A) Infected period
(B) Generation time
(C) Shortest incubation period
(D) Longest incubation period
Ans: D
23. Sensitivity is the ability of a test to correctly identify all
(A) True negatives
(B) True positives
(C) False negatives
(D) False positives
Ans: B
24. Carrier state is seen in all except?
(A) Diphtheria
(B) Measles
(C) Typhoid
(D) Polio
Ans: B
25. Rabies does not occur with bite of
(A) Dog
(B) Mouse
(C) Horse
(D) Cat
Ans: B
26. Polio is due to
(A) Virus
(B) Bacteria
(C) Protozoa
(D) Fungus
Ans: A
27. Minimum gap that should be allowed in between two administered live vaccines
(A) 2 weeks
(B) 4 weeks
(C) 2 months
(D) 4 months
Ans: B
28. Medical method of abortion in India is recommended in a facility with provision for safe abortion services and blood transfusion up t:
(A) 6 weeks of Amenorrhoea
(B) 7 weeks of Amenorrhoea
(C) 8 weeks of Amenorrhoea
(D) 12 weeks of Amenorrhoea
Ans: B
29. Gadchiroli model is approved as the bases for provision of
(A) Home based care for diarrhoea
(B) Home based safe delivery
(C) Health education of mothers
(D) Home based neonatal care
Ans: D
30. The most important essential fatty acid is
(A) Linoleic acid
(B) Linolenic acid
(C) Arachidonic acid
(D) Oleic acid
Ans: A
31. ICMR’s recommendation of 1.0 gm protein / kg. body weight assumes a Net Protein Utilization (NPU) of
(A) 60
(B) 65
(C) 100
(D) 50
Ans: B
32. The overall rate of turnover of proteins in adult man is equivalent to replacement between
(A) 1-2% of body protein each day
(B) 2-3% of body protein each day
(C) 3-4% of body protein each day
(D) 5% of body protein each day
Ans: A
33. To promote institutional deliveries RCH II program envisages operationalization for 24 hrs. by 2010 of which one of the following:
(A) All PHCs and CHCs
(B) 50% PHCs and all CHCs
(C) 50% PHCs and 50% CHCs
(D) All PHCs and 50% CHCs
Ans: B
34. Which one of the following statements in not true about child- woman ratio?
(A) It is the number of children 0-5 yrs. per 1000 women of child bearing age.
(B) It is derived from census data.
(C) It is used where birth registration statistics do not exist or are in adequate.
(D) It is the number of children 0-4 yrs. per 1000 women of child bearing age
Ans: D
35. Small for Date Babies weight less than
(A) 10th percentile for gestational age
(B) 20th percentile for gestational age
(C) 30th percentile for gestational age
(D) 25th percentile for gestational age
Ans: A
36. As compared to routine case control studies nested case control study avoids problems in study design related to:
(A) Temporal association
(B) Confounding bias
(C) Need for long follow up
(D) Randomization
Ans: A
37. The colour of the container for disposal of human anatomical wastes according to biomedical waste management recommendation is
(A) Red
(B) Black
(C) Yellow
(D) Green
Ans: C
38. First case of an epidemic is referred as
(A) Index case
(B) Primary case
(C) Suspicious case
(D) Prime case
Ans: B
39. Disease imported to a country not otherwise present
(A) Exotic
(B) Enzootic
(C) Epizootic
(D) Eudemic
Ans: A
40. Type of the biological transmission malarial parasite is:
(A) Cyclodevelopmental
(B) Developmental
(C) Propagative
(D) Cyclopropagative
Ans: D
41. Pneumoconiosis is causes by dust within the size range of
(A) 0.1 to 0.5 microns
(B) 0.1 to 1 micron
(C) 0.5 to 0.8 microns
(D) 0.5 to 3 microns
Ans: D
42. BCG vaccine is kept in refrigeration in
(A) Chilled Tray
(B) Freezer
(C) Tray below the freezer
(D) Shelves in the door
Ans: B
43. Inhalation of cotton fibre dust over long periods of time causes
(A) Bagassosis
(B) Byssinosis
(C) Farmer’s lung
(D) Anthracosis
Ans: B
44. Chadler’s index is used for measuring worm load of
(A) Ancylostomaduodenale
(B) Ascarislumbricoides
(C) Strongyloides
(D) Trichuristrichura
Ans: A
45. Which of the following diseases has not been eradicated?
(A) Smallpox
(B) Guinea worm
(C) Polio
(D) Yaws
Ans: C
46. Population count is taken on
(A) 1st January
(B) 1st March
(C) 1st July
(D) 1st August
Ans: C
47. Crude Birth Rate denominator is
(A) Total no. of live births in that year
(B) 1000 live births
(C) Total no. of births
(D) Mid-year population
Ans: D
48. WHO South-East Region covers all except
(A) Indonesia
(B) Myanmar
(C) Thailand
(D) Afghanistan
Ans: D
49. The test to detect contamination of mustard oil with Argemone oil is
(A) Nitric Acid test
(B) Sulphuric Acid test
(C) Chromic Acid test
(D) Hydrochloric Acid test
Ans: A
50. Pulses are deficient in
(A) Methionine
(B) Lysine
(C) Leucine
(D) Tryptophan
Ans: A
(A) Tuberculosis
(B) Cholera
(C) Plague
(D) Yellow fever
Ans: A
2. First country to socialize medicine completely rows
(A) Hungary
(B) Britain
(C) Russia
(D) Germany
Ans: C
3. Efficiency of measles vaccine is
(A) 55%
(B) 75%
(C) 85%
(D) 95%
Ans: D
4. Restoration function is
(A) Medical rehabilitation
(B) Vocational Rehabilitation
(C) Social rehabilitation
(D) Psychological rehabilitation
Ans: A
5. Sex ratio is defined as
(A) Number of males per 1000 females
(B) Number of females per 1000 males
(C) Number of females per 100 males
(D) Number of males per 100 females
Ans: B
6. Antiserum are prepared from
(A) Guinea pig
(B) Rabbit
(C) Rat
(D) Horse
Ans: D
7. Incidence in exposed is = 10, Incidence in non-exposed is = 5. Relative risk is
(A) 50
(B) 0.5
(C) 5
(D) 2
Ans: D
8. Epidemiological triad contains all except
(A) Agent
(B) Environment
(C) Host
(D) Man power
Ans: D
9. Sentinel Surveillance is done for identifying.
(A) Missed cases
(B) Subclinical cases
(C) Index cases
(D) Prodromal infection cases
Ans: A
10. Disease rate is
(A) Risk of susceptibility
(B) Usually expressed as percentage
(C) Time period in calendar year
(D) Disease occurrence in a specified time period
Ans: D
11. Herd immunity is important in all except
(A) Polio
(B) Measles
(C) Tetanus
(D) Diphtheria
Ans: C
12. All prevents maternal fetal transmission of HIV except
(A) Lamuvidine
(B) Amantadine
(C) Zidovidine
(D) Zalicitabane
Ans: B
13. Which of the following is not a killed vaccine?
(C) Hepatitis B
(D) Rabies
Ans: B
14. A freshly prepared oral dehydration solution should not be used after
(A) 8 hours
(B) 12 hours
(C) 24 hours
(D) 36 hours
Ans: C
15. Milk transmits all except
(A) Endemic typhus
(B) Q fever
(C) Typhoid fever
(D) Brucellosis
Ans: A
16. In India “Rabies free’ zone is
(A) Goa
(B) Sikkim
(C) Lakshadweep
(D) Nagaland
Ans: C
17. Which is most dangerous for transmitting plague?
(A) Blocked flea
(B) Partial block flea
(C) Unblocked flea
(D) Dead flea
Ans: A
18. “Strawberry tongue” followed by “raspberry tongue” is characteristic of
(A) Mumps
(B) Measles
(C) Chickenpox
(D) Scarlet fever
Ans: D
19. The last case of smallpox is reported in the world
(A) 1977
(B) 1978
(C) 1879
(D) 1982
Ans: B
20. Which of the following statements is true about a ‘confounding factor’?
(A) It is associated with both exposure and disease.
(B) It is distributed equally in both study and control groups.
(C) It is not a risk factor for the disease.
(D) It is present only in the control group and not study group.
Ans: A
21. Which of the following is the most powerful disinfectants?
(A) Phenol
(B) Lysol
(C) Dettol
(D) Potassium permanganate
Ans: B
22. Quarantine is
(A) Infected period
(B) Generation time
(C) Shortest incubation period
(D) Longest incubation period
Ans: D
23. Sensitivity is the ability of a test to correctly identify all
(A) True negatives
(B) True positives
(C) False negatives
(D) False positives
Ans: B
24. Carrier state is seen in all except?
(A) Diphtheria
(B) Measles
(C) Typhoid
(D) Polio
Ans: B
25. Rabies does not occur with bite of
(A) Dog
(B) Mouse
(C) Horse
(D) Cat
Ans: B
26. Polio is due to
(A) Virus
(B) Bacteria
(C) Protozoa
(D) Fungus
Ans: A
27. Minimum gap that should be allowed in between two administered live vaccines
(A) 2 weeks
(B) 4 weeks
(C) 2 months
(D) 4 months
Ans: B
28. Medical method of abortion in India is recommended in a facility with provision for safe abortion services and blood transfusion up t:
(A) 6 weeks of Amenorrhoea
(B) 7 weeks of Amenorrhoea
(C) 8 weeks of Amenorrhoea
(D) 12 weeks of Amenorrhoea
Ans: B
29. Gadchiroli model is approved as the bases for provision of
(A) Home based care for diarrhoea
(B) Home based safe delivery
(C) Health education of mothers
(D) Home based neonatal care
Ans: D
30. The most important essential fatty acid is
(A) Linoleic acid
(B) Linolenic acid
(C) Arachidonic acid
(D) Oleic acid
Ans: A
31. ICMR’s recommendation of 1.0 gm protein / kg. body weight assumes a Net Protein Utilization (NPU) of
(A) 60
(B) 65
(C) 100
(D) 50
Ans: B
32. The overall rate of turnover of proteins in adult man is equivalent to replacement between
(A) 1-2% of body protein each day
(B) 2-3% of body protein each day
(C) 3-4% of body protein each day
(D) 5% of body protein each day
Ans: A
33. To promote institutional deliveries RCH II program envisages operationalization for 24 hrs. by 2010 of which one of the following:
(A) All PHCs and CHCs
(B) 50% PHCs and all CHCs
(C) 50% PHCs and 50% CHCs
(D) All PHCs and 50% CHCs
Ans: B
34. Which one of the following statements in not true about child- woman ratio?
(A) It is the number of children 0-5 yrs. per 1000 women of child bearing age.
(B) It is derived from census data.
(C) It is used where birth registration statistics do not exist or are in adequate.
(D) It is the number of children 0-4 yrs. per 1000 women of child bearing age
Ans: D
35. Small for Date Babies weight less than
(A) 10th percentile for gestational age
(B) 20th percentile for gestational age
(C) 30th percentile for gestational age
(D) 25th percentile for gestational age
Ans: A
36. As compared to routine case control studies nested case control study avoids problems in study design related to:
(A) Temporal association
(B) Confounding bias
(C) Need for long follow up
(D) Randomization
Ans: A
37. The colour of the container for disposal of human anatomical wastes according to biomedical waste management recommendation is
(A) Red
(B) Black
(C) Yellow
(D) Green
Ans: C
38. First case of an epidemic is referred as
(A) Index case
(B) Primary case
(C) Suspicious case
(D) Prime case
Ans: B
39. Disease imported to a country not otherwise present
(A) Exotic
(B) Enzootic
(C) Epizootic
(D) Eudemic
Ans: A
40. Type of the biological transmission malarial parasite is:
(A) Cyclodevelopmental
(B) Developmental
(C) Propagative
(D) Cyclopropagative
Ans: D
41. Pneumoconiosis is causes by dust within the size range of
(A) 0.1 to 0.5 microns
(B) 0.1 to 1 micron
(C) 0.5 to 0.8 microns
(D) 0.5 to 3 microns
Ans: D
42. BCG vaccine is kept in refrigeration in
(A) Chilled Tray
(B) Freezer
(C) Tray below the freezer
(D) Shelves in the door
Ans: B
43. Inhalation of cotton fibre dust over long periods of time causes
(A) Bagassosis
(B) Byssinosis
(C) Farmer’s lung
(D) Anthracosis
Ans: B
44. Chadler’s index is used for measuring worm load of
(A) Ancylostomaduodenale
(B) Ascarislumbricoides
(C) Strongyloides
(D) Trichuristrichura
Ans: A
45. Which of the following diseases has not been eradicated?
(A) Smallpox
(B) Guinea worm
(C) Polio
(D) Yaws
Ans: C
46. Population count is taken on
(A) 1st January
(B) 1st March
(C) 1st July
(D) 1st August
Ans: C
47. Crude Birth Rate denominator is
(A) Total no. of live births in that year
(B) 1000 live births
(C) Total no. of births
(D) Mid-year population
Ans: D
48. WHO South-East Region covers all except
(A) Indonesia
(B) Myanmar
(C) Thailand
(D) Afghanistan
Ans: D
49. The test to detect contamination of mustard oil with Argemone oil is
(A) Nitric Acid test
(B) Sulphuric Acid test
(C) Chromic Acid test
(D) Hydrochloric Acid test
Ans: A
50. Pulses are deficient in
(A) Methionine
(B) Lysine
(C) Leucine
(D) Tryptophan
Ans: A
51. According to ICMR guidelines 2010 the additional energy requirements during pregnancy and lactation are respectively.
(A) 350 calories and 600 calories
(B) 325 calories and 500 calories
(C) 250 calories and 550 calories
(D) 300 calories and 450 calories
Ans: A
52. What is the size of the dust particle causing pneumoconiosis?
(A) 1 to 3 microns
(B) 2.0 to 3.5 microns
(C) 0.5 to 3 microns
(D) 0.5 to 5 microns
Ans: C
53. The disease Dengue fever is transmitted by
(A) Anopheles mosquitoes
(B) Culex mosquitoes
(C) Aedes mosquitoes
(D) Mansonia mosquitoes
Ans: C
54. Immunization is a type of
(A) Primary Prevention
(B) Secondary Prevention
(C) Tertiary Prevention
(D) Primordial Prevention
Ans: A
55. Which of the following is not a “basic activity” in the management process?
(A) Planning
(B) Organising
(C) Communicating
(D) Terminal Evaluation
Ans: D
56. Plant foods having highest retinol equivalents in microgms/100 gms is
(A) Spinach
(B) Amaranth
(C) Carrot
(D) Orange
Ans: C
57. Lymphatic Filariasis is not a public health problem in
(A) Bihar
(B) Kerala
(C) Jammu & Kashmir
(D) Gujarat
Ans: C
58. Underlying cause of death in International form of death certificate is recorded on
(A) Line (a) of Part I
(B) Line (b) of Part I
(C) Line (c) of Part I
(D) Part II
Ans: C
59. ‘Rachet Principle’ is applicable in relation to
(A) Performance appraisal
(B) Systems analysis
(C) Network analysis
(D) Behaviour analysis
Ans: A
60. The single must sensitive tool for evaluating iron status is by measurement of
(A) MCHC percentage
(B) Haemoglobin concentration
(C) Serum iron concentration
(D) Serum ferritin
Ans: D
61. Leprosy is considered as a eliminated if the prevalence is less than
(A) 1 percent
(B) 1 per 1,000 population
(C) 1 per 10,000 population
(D) 1 per 1,00,000 population
Ans: C
62. Sample Registration System (SRS) estimates of child mortality rate in India is calculated as
(A) Annual no. of deaths in children below 5 years per 1000 live births.
(B) Annual no. of deaths in children below 5 years per 1000 under five children.
(C) Annual no. of deaths in children below 5 years per 10,000 live births.
(D) Annual no. of deaths in children below 5 years.
Ans: B
63. The critical path method in health planning and management refers to
(A) The shortest path taken to complete the project.
(B) The longest path taken to complete the project.
(C) The mid-point of reviewing the project.
(D) The ideal path taken to complete the project.
Ans: B
64. Specificity of a screening test is the ability to correctly identify:
(A) True Negatives
(B) True Positives
(C) False Positives
(D) False Negatives
Ans: A
65. Peculiarity of AIDS epidemic in North Eastern State of India is
(A) Spread by homosexuality
(B) Higher mother to Child transmission
(C) Female preponderance
(D) Transmission by IV drug abuse
Ans: D
66. The recommended method of disposal of waste sharps under biomedical waste guidelines is
(A) Incineration
(B) Disinfection and disposal in landfill
(C) Disinfection and mutilation shredding
(D) Autoclaving
Ans: C
67. Notification of a disease is the important source of information. The internationally notifiable disease are the following except
(A) Plague
(B) Yellow fever
(C) Measles
(D) Cholera
Ans: C
68. According to NFHS-3 the approximate percentage of anaemia in women is follows:
(A) 57.9%
(B) 50.5%
(C) 70%
(D) 45.5%
Ans: A
69. Approximate population of India in the year 2011 was
(A) 1.11 Billion
(B) 1.21 Billion
(C) 1.31 Billion
(D) 1.41 Billion
Ans: B
70. Characteristics of waste suitable for incineration are
(A) waste having low heating volume
(B) halogenated plastics
(C) waste with high mercury content
(D) pressurised gas containers
Ans: A
71. The Peak Expiratory Flow Rate (PEFR) of a group of 11 years old girls follows a normal distribution with a mean of 300 litres per minute, with a S.D. of 20 litres/min. The correct statement would be
(A) All girls lungs are functioning well.
(B) About 95% girls have PEFR between 260 and 340 litres/minute.
(C) About 5% of the girls have PEFR below 260 litres.
(D) All the PEFR must be less than 340 litres/minute.
Ans: B
72. The weight of two large hen eggs without shell is about
(A) 80 gms
(B) 100 gms
(C) 120 gms
(D) 150 gms
Ans: B
73. Strength of sewage is expressed in terms
(A) Biochemical oxygen demand
(B) Chemical oxygen demand
(C) Suspended solids
(D) E.coli. count
Ans: A
74. Which of the following “Cholesterol/HDL ratio” values is recommended as a clinical goal for Coronary Heat Disease prevention:
(A) < 2
(B) < 2.5
(C) < 3.5
(D) < 4
Ans: C
75. ‘World Health Day’ is observed on which of the following days?
(A) 01 January
(B) 07 April
(C) 05 June
(D) 02 October
Ans: B
76. The following statements regarding water purification are true :
I. The components of a typical water purification system comprise storage, filtration and disinfection.
II. The vital layer of a slow sand filter is known as “Schmutzdeste”.
III. Chlorination is a supplement but not a substitute for sand filtration.
IV. Slow sand filter occupies small area as compared to rapid sand filter.
(A) I, II & III are correct.
(B) I, II & IV are correct.
(C) II, III & IV are correct.
(D) I, III & IV are correct.
Ans: A
77. Name the committee(s) which has contributed in the health planning of India.
I. Bhore Committee
II. Mudaliar Committee
III. Srivastava Committee
IV. Verma Committee
(A) I, II & III are correct.
(B) I & III are correct.
(C) III & IV are correct.
(D) II & IV are correct.
Ans: A
78. AYUSH is the alternative system of medicine which includes the following:
I. Homeopathy
II. Siddha
III. Reiki
IV. Ayurveda
(A) I & IV are correct.
(B) II & III are correct.
(C) I, II & IV are correct.
(D) III & IV are correct.
Ans: C
79. The salient features of Integrated Management of Neonatal and Childhood Illnesses as practised in India are
I. Incorporating National Guidelines on Malaria, Anaemia, Vitamin A supplementation and immunization schedule.
II. It is skill based.
III. Includes 0-7 days age in the program.
IV. Training of health personnel begins with sick young infants older than 2 months.
(A) I, III & IV are correct.
(B) I, II & III are correct.
(C) II, III & IV are correct.
(D) I, II & IV are correct.
Ans: B
80. Following are features of cross over studies:
I. Patients are randomly assigned to study and control groups.
II. The two groups are switched over immediately after half the duration of the study.
III. The study group receives the treatment under consideration and the control group receives alternative treatment or placebo.
IV. It cannot be used if the drug of interest cures the disease.
(A) I, II & III are correct.
(B) I, II & IV are correct.
(C) I, III & IV are correct.
(D) I & IV are correct.
Ans: C
Given below (81 to 88) consists of 2 paired statements, statement A (Assertion) and statement R (Reason). Select appropriate answer using the codes given below as follows:
(A) Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is the correct explanation of (A).
(B) Both (A) and (R) are true, but (R) is not the correct explanation of (A).
(C) (A) is true, but (R) is false.
(D) (A) is false, but (R) is true.
81. Assertion (A): Health problems of the elderly are multifactorial.
Reason (R): Elderly contribute about 12% of the total population.
Ans: C
82. Assertion (A): Domestic violence affects the health of the women in more than one-way.
Reason (R): Women’s’ health is an intrinsic part of public health concern.
Ans: B
83. Assertion (A): Syndromic management of Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STD) is a scientific and cost effective method of management of STDs.
Reason (R): Some of the agents causing sexually transmitted infections give rise to similar or overlapping clinical manifestations.
Ans: A
84. Assertion (A): BCG vaccine in infants is given on the left upper arm only.
Reason (R): In case no scar appears after BCG vaccination, revaccination is required.
Ans: C
85. Assertion (A): The appropriate test under RNTCP to confirm pulmonary tuberculosis is sputum examination for AFB.
Reason (R): Tubercle bacilli are excreted in the sputum by cases of pulmonary tuberculosis.
Ans: A
86. Assertion (A): Medical benefit under the ESI Act consists of “Full Medical Care” including hospitalization free of cost to the insured person.
Reason (R): The aim of occupational health is the promotion and maintenance of highest degree of physical, mental and social well-being of workers in all occupations.
Ans: B
87. Assertion (A): Primordial prevention and Primary prevention are one and the same.
Reason (R): Both are directed towards prevention of disease before its onset.
Ans: D
88. Assertion (A): Blood pressure recording in adolescents can identify more at risk of developing hypertension in adult life.
Reason (R): Blood pressure levels of individuals if tracked from early childhood into adult life show that initial high levels tend to become higher and initial low levels remain lower with age.
Ans: A
89. The nodal agency for the conduct and monitoring of National Family Health Surveys in India is
(A) International Institute for Population Services, Mumbai.
(B) National Institute of Medical Statistics, New Delhi.
(C) Institute for Research in Reproduction, Mumbai.
(D) Public Health Foundation of India.
Ans: A
90. Sex ratio at birth is affected by
(A) Crude birth rate
(B) Pre-natal diagnostic test
(C) Total fertility rate
(D) Maternal health
Ans: D
91. During 2003-04 long distance migration across countries contributed to the speed of
(C) Chikangunia
(D) Dengue
Ans: B
92. ‘Bills of Mortality’ laid the foundation of systematic registration and use of death records. Who among the following is associated with it?
(A) John Stuart Mill
(B) Edwin Chadwick
(C) Robert Malthus
(D) Talcott Parsons
Ans: A
93. Which of the following will be an appropriate sampling technique for studying nutritional disparity among lactating women in the catchment area of a Primary Health Centre?
(A) Simple Random Sampling
(B) Stratified Random Sampling
(C) Systematic Random Sampling
(D) Cluster Sampling
Ans: B
94. Recently the advertisement for a contraceptive was removed from being aired in the media. Name the contraceptive
(B) Cyclofem
(C) i-pill
Ans: C
95. Which of the following are not associated with Public Health?
(A) John Snow
(B) Edwin Chadwin
(C) Eric Ross
(D) P.B. Shelley
Ans: D
96. ‘Nirmal Gram Puraskar’ is given to a village which is
(A) Providing safe drinking water to all.
(B) Open defaecation free.
(C) Well connected with the nearest town.
(D) Providing education all children below 12 years free of cost.
Ans: B
97. The Report of the Macroeconomic Commission on Health is the best recognised as
(A) WHO Bulletin of Health
(B) Social Determinants of Health
(C) Annual Health Survey
(D) UN Report on Health
Ans: B
(A) 350 calories and 600 calories
(B) 325 calories and 500 calories
(C) 250 calories and 550 calories
(D) 300 calories and 450 calories
Ans: A
52. What is the size of the dust particle causing pneumoconiosis?
(A) 1 to 3 microns
(B) 2.0 to 3.5 microns
(C) 0.5 to 3 microns
(D) 0.5 to 5 microns
Ans: C
53. The disease Dengue fever is transmitted by
(A) Anopheles mosquitoes
(B) Culex mosquitoes
(C) Aedes mosquitoes
(D) Mansonia mosquitoes
Ans: C
54. Immunization is a type of
(A) Primary Prevention
(B) Secondary Prevention
(C) Tertiary Prevention
(D) Primordial Prevention
Ans: A
55. Which of the following is not a “basic activity” in the management process?
(A) Planning
(B) Organising
(C) Communicating
(D) Terminal Evaluation
Ans: D
56. Plant foods having highest retinol equivalents in microgms/100 gms is
(A) Spinach
(B) Amaranth
(C) Carrot
(D) Orange
Ans: C
57. Lymphatic Filariasis is not a public health problem in
(A) Bihar
(B) Kerala
(C) Jammu & Kashmir
(D) Gujarat
Ans: C
58. Underlying cause of death in International form of death certificate is recorded on
(A) Line (a) of Part I
(B) Line (b) of Part I
(C) Line (c) of Part I
(D) Part II
Ans: C
59. ‘Rachet Principle’ is applicable in relation to
(A) Performance appraisal
(B) Systems analysis
(C) Network analysis
(D) Behaviour analysis
Ans: A
60. The single must sensitive tool for evaluating iron status is by measurement of
(A) MCHC percentage
(B) Haemoglobin concentration
(C) Serum iron concentration
(D) Serum ferritin
Ans: D
61. Leprosy is considered as a eliminated if the prevalence is less than
(A) 1 percent
(B) 1 per 1,000 population
(C) 1 per 10,000 population
(D) 1 per 1,00,000 population
Ans: C
62. Sample Registration System (SRS) estimates of child mortality rate in India is calculated as
(A) Annual no. of deaths in children below 5 years per 1000 live births.
(B) Annual no. of deaths in children below 5 years per 1000 under five children.
(C) Annual no. of deaths in children below 5 years per 10,000 live births.
(D) Annual no. of deaths in children below 5 years.
Ans: B
63. The critical path method in health planning and management refers to
(A) The shortest path taken to complete the project.
(B) The longest path taken to complete the project.
(C) The mid-point of reviewing the project.
(D) The ideal path taken to complete the project.
Ans: B
64. Specificity of a screening test is the ability to correctly identify:
(A) True Negatives
(B) True Positives
(C) False Positives
(D) False Negatives
Ans: A
65. Peculiarity of AIDS epidemic in North Eastern State of India is
(A) Spread by homosexuality
(B) Higher mother to Child transmission
(C) Female preponderance
(D) Transmission by IV drug abuse
Ans: D
66. The recommended method of disposal of waste sharps under biomedical waste guidelines is
(A) Incineration
(B) Disinfection and disposal in landfill
(C) Disinfection and mutilation shredding
(D) Autoclaving
Ans: C
67. Notification of a disease is the important source of information. The internationally notifiable disease are the following except
(A) Plague
(B) Yellow fever
(C) Measles
(D) Cholera
Ans: C
68. According to NFHS-3 the approximate percentage of anaemia in women is follows:
(A) 57.9%
(B) 50.5%
(C) 70%
(D) 45.5%
Ans: A
69. Approximate population of India in the year 2011 was
(A) 1.11 Billion
(B) 1.21 Billion
(C) 1.31 Billion
(D) 1.41 Billion
Ans: B
70. Characteristics of waste suitable for incineration are
(A) waste having low heating volume
(B) halogenated plastics
(C) waste with high mercury content
(D) pressurised gas containers
Ans: A
71. The Peak Expiratory Flow Rate (PEFR) of a group of 11 years old girls follows a normal distribution with a mean of 300 litres per minute, with a S.D. of 20 litres/min. The correct statement would be
(A) All girls lungs are functioning well.
(B) About 95% girls have PEFR between 260 and 340 litres/minute.
(C) About 5% of the girls have PEFR below 260 litres.
(D) All the PEFR must be less than 340 litres/minute.
Ans: B
72. The weight of two large hen eggs without shell is about
(A) 80 gms
(B) 100 gms
(C) 120 gms
(D) 150 gms
Ans: B
73. Strength of sewage is expressed in terms
(A) Biochemical oxygen demand
(B) Chemical oxygen demand
(C) Suspended solids
(D) E.coli. count
Ans: A
74. Which of the following “Cholesterol/HDL ratio” values is recommended as a clinical goal for Coronary Heat Disease prevention:
(A) < 2
(B) < 2.5
(C) < 3.5
(D) < 4
Ans: C
75. ‘World Health Day’ is observed on which of the following days?
(A) 01 January
(B) 07 April
(C) 05 June
(D) 02 October
Ans: B
76. The following statements regarding water purification are true :
I. The components of a typical water purification system comprise storage, filtration and disinfection.
II. The vital layer of a slow sand filter is known as “Schmutzdeste”.
III. Chlorination is a supplement but not a substitute for sand filtration.
IV. Slow sand filter occupies small area as compared to rapid sand filter.
(A) I, II & III are correct.
(B) I, II & IV are correct.
(C) II, III & IV are correct.
(D) I, III & IV are correct.
Ans: A
77. Name the committee(s) which has contributed in the health planning of India.
I. Bhore Committee
II. Mudaliar Committee
III. Srivastava Committee
IV. Verma Committee
(A) I, II & III are correct.
(B) I & III are correct.
(C) III & IV are correct.
(D) II & IV are correct.
Ans: A
78. AYUSH is the alternative system of medicine which includes the following:
I. Homeopathy
II. Siddha
III. Reiki
IV. Ayurveda
(A) I & IV are correct.
(B) II & III are correct.
(C) I, II & IV are correct.
(D) III & IV are correct.
Ans: C
79. The salient features of Integrated Management of Neonatal and Childhood Illnesses as practised in India are
I. Incorporating National Guidelines on Malaria, Anaemia, Vitamin A supplementation and immunization schedule.
II. It is skill based.
III. Includes 0-7 days age in the program.
IV. Training of health personnel begins with sick young infants older than 2 months.
(A) I, III & IV are correct.
(B) I, II & III are correct.
(C) II, III & IV are correct.
(D) I, II & IV are correct.
Ans: B
80. Following are features of cross over studies:
I. Patients are randomly assigned to study and control groups.
II. The two groups are switched over immediately after half the duration of the study.
III. The study group receives the treatment under consideration and the control group receives alternative treatment or placebo.
IV. It cannot be used if the drug of interest cures the disease.
(A) I, II & III are correct.
(B) I, II & IV are correct.
(C) I, III & IV are correct.
(D) I & IV are correct.
Ans: C
Given below (81 to 88) consists of 2 paired statements, statement A (Assertion) and statement R (Reason). Select appropriate answer using the codes given below as follows:
(A) Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is the correct explanation of (A).
(B) Both (A) and (R) are true, but (R) is not the correct explanation of (A).
(C) (A) is true, but (R) is false.
(D) (A) is false, but (R) is true.
81. Assertion (A): Health problems of the elderly are multifactorial.
Reason (R): Elderly contribute about 12% of the total population.
Ans: C
82. Assertion (A): Domestic violence affects the health of the women in more than one-way.
Reason (R): Women’s’ health is an intrinsic part of public health concern.
Ans: B
83. Assertion (A): Syndromic management of Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STD) is a scientific and cost effective method of management of STDs.
Reason (R): Some of the agents causing sexually transmitted infections give rise to similar or overlapping clinical manifestations.
Ans: A
84. Assertion (A): BCG vaccine in infants is given on the left upper arm only.
Reason (R): In case no scar appears after BCG vaccination, revaccination is required.
Ans: C
85. Assertion (A): The appropriate test under RNTCP to confirm pulmonary tuberculosis is sputum examination for AFB.
Reason (R): Tubercle bacilli are excreted in the sputum by cases of pulmonary tuberculosis.
Ans: A
86. Assertion (A): Medical benefit under the ESI Act consists of “Full Medical Care” including hospitalization free of cost to the insured person.
Reason (R): The aim of occupational health is the promotion and maintenance of highest degree of physical, mental and social well-being of workers in all occupations.
Ans: B
87. Assertion (A): Primordial prevention and Primary prevention are one and the same.
Reason (R): Both are directed towards prevention of disease before its onset.
Ans: D
88. Assertion (A): Blood pressure recording in adolescents can identify more at risk of developing hypertension in adult life.
Reason (R): Blood pressure levels of individuals if tracked from early childhood into adult life show that initial high levels tend to become higher and initial low levels remain lower with age.
Ans: A
89. The nodal agency for the conduct and monitoring of National Family Health Surveys in India is
(A) International Institute for Population Services, Mumbai.
(B) National Institute of Medical Statistics, New Delhi.
(C) Institute for Research in Reproduction, Mumbai.
(D) Public Health Foundation of India.
Ans: A
90. Sex ratio at birth is affected by
(A) Crude birth rate
(B) Pre-natal diagnostic test
(C) Total fertility rate
(D) Maternal health
Ans: D
91. During 2003-04 long distance migration across countries contributed to the speed of
(C) Chikangunia
(D) Dengue
Ans: B
92. ‘Bills of Mortality’ laid the foundation of systematic registration and use of death records. Who among the following is associated with it?
(A) John Stuart Mill
(B) Edwin Chadwick
(C) Robert Malthus
(D) Talcott Parsons
Ans: A
93. Which of the following will be an appropriate sampling technique for studying nutritional disparity among lactating women in the catchment area of a Primary Health Centre?
(A) Simple Random Sampling
(B) Stratified Random Sampling
(C) Systematic Random Sampling
(D) Cluster Sampling
Ans: B
94. Recently the advertisement for a contraceptive was removed from being aired in the media. Name the contraceptive
(B) Cyclofem
(C) i-pill
Ans: C
95. Which of the following are not associated with Public Health?
(A) John Snow
(B) Edwin Chadwin
(C) Eric Ross
(D) P.B. Shelley
Ans: D
96. ‘Nirmal Gram Puraskar’ is given to a village which is
(A) Providing safe drinking water to all.
(B) Open defaecation free.
(C) Well connected with the nearest town.
(D) Providing education all children below 12 years free of cost.
Ans: B
97. The Report of the Macroeconomic Commission on Health is the best recognised as
(A) WHO Bulletin of Health
(B) Social Determinants of Health
(C) Annual Health Survey
(D) UN Report on Health
Ans: B
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