1:-What is the meaning of community? A:-to come together B:-to participate together C:-to serve together D:-to enjoy together Ans: C
2:-What is the exchange of information between individuals of same status or designation? A:-Horizonta| Communication B:-Upward Communication C:-Downward Communication D:-Non-verbal Communication Ans: A
3:-What is the population of a corporation? A:-Population below 1 lakh B:-Population below 2 lakh C:-Population above 1 lakh D:-Population above 2 lakh Ans: C
4:-Which is the word used for converting contents into codes? A:-Feedback B:-Decoding C:-Source D:-Encoding Ans: D
5:-Which concept is based on the definition of health given by World Health Organization A:-Biomedica| concept B:-Concept of ecology C:-Concept of well being D:-Psycho social concept Ans: C
6:-What is the tool for the community oriented case? A:-Eva|uation B:-Survey C:-Community study D:-Community health nursing process Ans: D
7:-Which is series of speeches on the selected subject by experts? A:-Pane| Discussion B:-Ro|e play C:-Symposium D:-Workshop Ans: C
8:-Road to Health Card is designed by -A:-David Morley B:-Hippocrate C:-James Simpson D:-Kuhn Ans: A
9:-Who is the chief technical advisor to the government on all matters relating to medical case and public health at the centre? A:-Hea|th Secretary B:-Hea|th Minister C:-Director of Health Services D:-Director General of Health Services Ans: D
10:-What is the another name for the two-way communication? A:-Work shop B:-Socratic Method C:-Didactic Method D:-Simu|ation Excercise Ans: B
11:-Who is the ex-officio secretary of Panchayat Samitti? A:-B|ock development officer B:-B|ock medical officer C:-Co||ector D:-District medical officer Ans: A
12:-The government of India set up "Multipurpose Workers Committee" in which year? A:-1948 B:-1950 C:-1970 D:-1972 Ans: D
13:-Another name for Target Free Approach? A:-ASHA B:-CNAA C:-IMNCI D:-C.S.S.M Ans: B
14:-What is the new strategy, a unique concept of WHO, to provide universal coverage of rehabilitation to all segments of society? A:-Occupationa| Rehabilitation B:-Medical Rehabilitation C:-Community based Rehabilitation D:-|nstitutiona| based Rehabilitation Ans: C
15:-What is the best quality of a good counsellor? A:-good listener B:-good teacher C:-good speaker D:-good advocate Ans: A
16:-Enlist 4 village level health workers? A:-ASHA, FHW, MHW DAI B:-AWW, FHW, DAI, VHG C:-AWW, ASHA, DAI, VHG D:-ASHA, DAI, MHW, VHG Ans: C
17:-Which is the common media used by villagers in India? A:-Newspaper B:-Radio C:-Te|evision D:-Computer Ans: B
18:-Early signs of maladjustments can be detected by -A:-peer groups B:-ado|escents C:-hea|th worker D:-schoo| teacher Ans: D
19:-The disease affecting a large proportion of population in a wide geographic area is known as A:-Epidemic B:-Sporadic C:-Pandemic D:-Endemic Ans: C
20:-An adverse effect of a preventive, therapeutic or diagnostic procedure which causes disability or death
A:-Nosocomia| infection B:-Iatrogenic disease C:-Opportunistic infection D:-Seque|ae
Ans: B
21:-The theme of World Health Day 2019
A:-Hea|th for All
B:-B|ood save lives
C:-Universa| health coverage, everyone, everywhere
D:-Make hospitals safe in emergencies
Ans: C
22:-The organizer for activities of PHC.
A:-Medica| officer B:-Hea|th Supervisor C:-Pub|ic health nurse D:-Hea|th inspector Ans: A
23:-A note book carried by a health worker during home visit and the information written in the proper record on return to health centre. A:-|ncidenta| report B:-Fami|y folder C:-Vi||age record D:-Dai|y diary Ans: D
24:-A new initiative for child health screening and early intervention for birth defects, disease, deficiency and developmental delays. A:-NSSK B:-RBSK C:-JSSK D:-JSY Ans: B
25:-The institution provides primary health care at grass root level in the community
A:-PHS B:-Subcentre C:-CHC D:-FHC Ans: B
26:-Pu|se Polio Immunization Programme was launched in India..
A:-1993 B:-1997
C:-1994 D:-1995
Ans: D
27:-NPAG stands for
A:-Nationa| Program for Adolescent Girls
B:-New Program for Adolescent Girls
C:-Nutritiona| Program for Adolescent Girls
D:-Nationa| Program for Adolescent Group
Ans: C
28:-|n which year UN adopted the "Declaration of the Rights of the Child"?
A:-1956 B:-1957 C:-1958 D:-1959
Ans: D
29:-The level of prevention in which the emergence of risk factors of a chronic disease in a population is prevented
A:-Primary prevention B:-Primordia| prevention C:-Secondary prevention D:-Tertiary prevention
Ans: B
30. Biomedical waste management and handling rules came into force in India on
A:-28th July 1998
B:-28thJune 1998
C:-28th July 1999
D:-28thJune 1999
Ans: A
31. Mid Day Meal Programme for school children aged between 6-11 years(primary classes) must provide per day
(A) 450 kCals and 20 g protein (B) 450 kCals and 12 g protein
(C) 700 kCals and 12 g protein (D) 700 kCals and 20 g protein
Ans: B
32. The enzyme present in saliva
(A) Ptyalin (B) Bile (C) Gastrin (D) Pepsin
Ans: A
33. An accessory sex organ in male
(A) Fallopian tube (B) Clitoris (C) Epididymis (D) Gamete
Ans: C
34. The opening of the aorta and pulmonary artery is guarded by
(A) Semilunar valves (B) Bicuspid valve (C) Tricuspid valve (D) Mitral valve
Ans: A
35. Which of the following is not a fermented food ?
(A) Tempeh (B) Curd (C) Beer (D) Chapathi
Ans: D
36. Name a protozoal disease
(A) Amoebic dysentry (B) Leprosy (C) Cholera (D) Syphilis
Ans: A
37. Gluten is derived from
(A) Maize (B) Wheat (C) Soyabean (D) Rice
Ans: B
38. Pectins are
(A) Soluble fibre (B) Insoluble fibre (C) Starch (D) Resistant starch
Ans: A
39. Pellagra is caused due to the deficiency of
(A) Thiamine (B) Riboflavin (C) Niacin (D) Folic acid
Ans: C
40. RDA for iron for an adult Indian woman
(A) 17 mg/d (B) 21 mg/d (C) 28 mg/d (D) 35 mg/d
Ans: B
41. Fatty liver is a characteristic feature of
(A) Kwashiorkor (B) Marasmus (C) Beri-beri (D) Pregnancy
Ans: A
42. Which of the following is not an activity of NIN ?
(A) Clinical studies (B) Community studies (C) Supplementary nutrition (D) Teaching programmes
Ans: C
43. Which of the following is a condition, not associated with uncontrolled diabetes ?
(A) Loss of electrolytes (B) Dehydration (C) Necrosis of liver cells (D) Glycosuria
Ans: C
44. Egg is used in cookery as
(A) Emulsifier (B) Shortening (C) Additive (D) Preservative
Ans: A
45. A food rich in Omega3 fatty acids
(A) Fruits (B) Vegetables (C) Nuts (D) Meat
Ans: C
46. S.N.F of standard milk is
(A) 4.5% (B) 5% (C) 8.5% (D) 9%
Ans: C
2:-What is the exchange of information between individuals of same status or designation? A:-Horizonta| Communication B:-Upward Communication C:-Downward Communication D:-Non-verbal Communication Ans: A
3:-What is the population of a corporation? A:-Population below 1 lakh B:-Population below 2 lakh C:-Population above 1 lakh D:-Population above 2 lakh Ans: C
4:-Which is the word used for converting contents into codes? A:-Feedback B:-Decoding C:-Source D:-Encoding Ans: D
5:-Which concept is based on the definition of health given by World Health Organization A:-Biomedica| concept B:-Concept of ecology C:-Concept of well being D:-Psycho social concept Ans: C
6:-What is the tool for the community oriented case? A:-Eva|uation B:-Survey C:-Community study D:-Community health nursing process Ans: D
7:-Which is series of speeches on the selected subject by experts? A:-Pane| Discussion B:-Ro|e play C:-Symposium D:-Workshop Ans: C
8:-Road to Health Card is designed by -A:-David Morley B:-Hippocrate C:-James Simpson D:-Kuhn Ans: A
9:-Who is the chief technical advisor to the government on all matters relating to medical case and public health at the centre? A:-Hea|th Secretary B:-Hea|th Minister C:-Director of Health Services D:-Director General of Health Services Ans: D
10:-What is the another name for the two-way communication? A:-Work shop B:-Socratic Method C:-Didactic Method D:-Simu|ation Excercise Ans: B
11:-Who is the ex-officio secretary of Panchayat Samitti? A:-B|ock development officer B:-B|ock medical officer C:-Co||ector D:-District medical officer Ans: A
12:-The government of India set up "Multipurpose Workers Committee" in which year? A:-1948 B:-1950 C:-1970 D:-1972 Ans: D
13:-Another name for Target Free Approach? A:-ASHA B:-CNAA C:-IMNCI D:-C.S.S.M Ans: B
14:-What is the new strategy, a unique concept of WHO, to provide universal coverage of rehabilitation to all segments of society? A:-Occupationa| Rehabilitation B:-Medical Rehabilitation C:-Community based Rehabilitation D:-|nstitutiona| based Rehabilitation Ans: C
15:-What is the best quality of a good counsellor? A:-good listener B:-good teacher C:-good speaker D:-good advocate Ans: A
16:-Enlist 4 village level health workers? A:-ASHA, FHW, MHW DAI B:-AWW, FHW, DAI, VHG C:-AWW, ASHA, DAI, VHG D:-ASHA, DAI, MHW, VHG Ans: C
17:-Which is the common media used by villagers in India? A:-Newspaper B:-Radio C:-Te|evision D:-Computer Ans: B
18:-Early signs of maladjustments can be detected by -A:-peer groups B:-ado|escents C:-hea|th worker D:-schoo| teacher Ans: D
19:-The disease affecting a large proportion of population in a wide geographic area is known as A:-Epidemic B:-Sporadic C:-Pandemic D:-Endemic Ans: C
20:-An adverse effect of a preventive, therapeutic or diagnostic procedure which causes disability or death
A:-Nosocomia| infection B:-Iatrogenic disease C:-Opportunistic infection D:-Seque|ae
Ans: B
21:-The theme of World Health Day 2019
A:-Hea|th for All
B:-B|ood save lives
C:-Universa| health coverage, everyone, everywhere
D:-Make hospitals safe in emergencies
Ans: C
22:-The organizer for activities of PHC.
A:-Medica| officer B:-Hea|th Supervisor C:-Pub|ic health nurse D:-Hea|th inspector Ans: A
23:-A note book carried by a health worker during home visit and the information written in the proper record on return to health centre. A:-|ncidenta| report B:-Fami|y folder C:-Vi||age record D:-Dai|y diary Ans: D
24:-A new initiative for child health screening and early intervention for birth defects, disease, deficiency and developmental delays. A:-NSSK B:-RBSK C:-JSSK D:-JSY Ans: B
25:-The institution provides primary health care at grass root level in the community
A:-PHS B:-Subcentre C:-CHC D:-FHC Ans: B
26:-Pu|se Polio Immunization Programme was launched in India..
A:-1993 B:-1997
C:-1994 D:-1995
Ans: D
27:-NPAG stands for
A:-Nationa| Program for Adolescent Girls
B:-New Program for Adolescent Girls
C:-Nutritiona| Program for Adolescent Girls
D:-Nationa| Program for Adolescent Group
Ans: C
28:-|n which year UN adopted the "Declaration of the Rights of the Child"?
A:-1956 B:-1957 C:-1958 D:-1959
Ans: D
29:-The level of prevention in which the emergence of risk factors of a chronic disease in a population is prevented
A:-Primary prevention B:-Primordia| prevention C:-Secondary prevention D:-Tertiary prevention
Ans: B
30. Biomedical waste management and handling rules came into force in India on
A:-28th July 1998
B:-28thJune 1998
C:-28th July 1999
D:-28thJune 1999
Ans: A
31. Mid Day Meal Programme for school children aged between 6-11 years(primary classes) must provide per day
(A) 450 kCals and 20 g protein (B) 450 kCals and 12 g protein
(C) 700 kCals and 12 g protein (D) 700 kCals and 20 g protein
Ans: B
32. The enzyme present in saliva
(A) Ptyalin (B) Bile (C) Gastrin (D) Pepsin
Ans: A
33. An accessory sex organ in male
(A) Fallopian tube (B) Clitoris (C) Epididymis (D) Gamete
Ans: C
34. The opening of the aorta and pulmonary artery is guarded by
(A) Semilunar valves (B) Bicuspid valve (C) Tricuspid valve (D) Mitral valve
Ans: A
35. Which of the following is not a fermented food ?
(A) Tempeh (B) Curd (C) Beer (D) Chapathi
Ans: D
36. Name a protozoal disease
(A) Amoebic dysentry (B) Leprosy (C) Cholera (D) Syphilis
Ans: A
37. Gluten is derived from
(A) Maize (B) Wheat (C) Soyabean (D) Rice
Ans: B
38. Pectins are
(A) Soluble fibre (B) Insoluble fibre (C) Starch (D) Resistant starch
Ans: A
39. Pellagra is caused due to the deficiency of
(A) Thiamine (B) Riboflavin (C) Niacin (D) Folic acid
Ans: C
40. RDA for iron for an adult Indian woman
(A) 17 mg/d (B) 21 mg/d (C) 28 mg/d (D) 35 mg/d
Ans: B
41. Fatty liver is a characteristic feature of
(A) Kwashiorkor (B) Marasmus (C) Beri-beri (D) Pregnancy
Ans: A
42. Which of the following is not an activity of NIN ?
(A) Clinical studies (B) Community studies (C) Supplementary nutrition (D) Teaching programmes
Ans: C
43. Which of the following is a condition, not associated with uncontrolled diabetes ?
(A) Loss of electrolytes (B) Dehydration (C) Necrosis of liver cells (D) Glycosuria
Ans: C
44. Egg is used in cookery as
(A) Emulsifier (B) Shortening (C) Additive (D) Preservative
Ans: A
45. A food rich in Omega3 fatty acids
(A) Fruits (B) Vegetables (C) Nuts (D) Meat
Ans: C
46. S.N.F of standard milk is
(A) 4.5% (B) 5% (C) 8.5% (D) 9%
Ans: C
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