(These syllabus may change from time to time. Please check with the relevant Public Service Commission websites for any changes in the syllabus)
Physiological Principles : Principles of homeostasis, Structure of cell membrane, Transport mechanisms, Intercellular communications, Fluid compartments of the body. Basic principles of Genetics and its Applied Aspects.
Blood : Composition and functions of blood, types & functions of Plasma proteins. – RBC- formation, functions and anemia’s – WBC- formation, functions and Leukemia’s – Platelets – formation & functions. Haemostasis & its applied, anticoagulants and Bleeding Disorders. – Hemoglobin- synthesis and functions, Blood groups- basis of blood grouping, clinical importance, blood banking and transfusion.
Muscle and nerve physiology : Structure, functions and properties of a neuron and neuroglia, Molecular basis of resting membrane and action potential, Transmission of nerve impulse, Structure and transmission across neuro-muscular junction, Neuro-muscular blocking agents, Pathophysiology of Myasthenia gravis, Types and structure of muscle fiber, Action potential in different muscle types, Molecular basis of muscle contraction, Muscular changes during exercise, Properties of excitable tissue.
Renal system : Structure and function of nephron, GFR, Urine formation involving processes of filtration, tubular absorption & secretion. Mechanism of concentration of urine – counter current mechanism. Structure and function of a Juxta glomerular apparatus, Role of renin-angiotensin system, Fluid and electrolyte balance and its regulation, Innervations of bladder, micturition, abnormalities of micturition, Artificial kidney, dialysis and renal transplantation, Renal Function Test. Transport maximum and renal threshold. Acid base balance.
Digestive system : General organization of GIT muscles, innervation & nerve plexuses. Functions & composition of - Salivary secretion, Gastric secretion, Pancreatic secretion, Intestinal secretion. Bile, Gastrointestinal hormones-source, regulation and functions, Gastro-intestinal movements, Pathophysiology of peptic ulcer, G.I.T. reflexes. Vomitting, diarrhoea, constipation. Dietry fibres. Liver – structure and functions, function tests. Jaundice – types & laboratory investigations. Digestion and absorption of carbohydrates, proteins and fats. Role of vitamins, minerals and trace elements.
Endocrinology : Types of hormones, mechanism of hormone action, Estimation and assessment of Hormones. Physiological actions and effect of altered secretion of Pituitary gland, Thyroid gland, Parathyroid gland, Adrenal gland, Pancreas, Pineal and hypothalamus.
Reproductive system : Functions of testis & ovary, Spermatogenesis & factors influencing it, Menstrual cycle-hormonal, uterine and ovarian changes, Physiological changes during pregnancy and lactation, Physiological basis for pubertal changes, Physiological effect of sex hormones, Contraceptive methods (male and female methods)
Cardiovascular system: Structure and properties of cardiac muscle, Conducting system of heart, Haemodynamics of circulatory system, Regulation of heart rate and blood pressure and cardiac output, Electrocardiogram-physiological basis and applications, Regional circulation-coronary, cerebral, capillary, foetal and pulmonary circulation. Physiology of shock, coronary artery disease, hypertension, Cardiopulmonary resuscitation, Abnormal ECG.
Respiratory system : Functional anatomy, physical principles of gaseous exchange, Mechanics of normal respiration, Regulation of respiration, Transport of respiratory gases, Lung function test-clinical significance, Principles of artificial respiration, oxygen therapy, acclimatization at high altitude and decompression sickness. Hypoxia, cyanosis and asphyxia. Haemo-respiratory changes during exercise and role of Yoga. Space physiology.
Central nervous system : Organization of nervous system. Functions, types and properties of synapse, reflex and receptors. Motor and sensory pathways and its applied. Connections and functions of cortex, basal ganglia, thalamus, hypothalamus, cerebellum and limbic system. Structure and function of reticular activating system, Mechanism of maintenance of tone, posture and equilibrium, Vestibular apparatus, Higher functions - Memory, Learning, Speech. Parkinsonism. Section of spinal cord, EEG and Sleep, Pain and referred pain. C.S.F., conditioned reflexes. Autonomic nervous system.
Special senses : Functional anatomy of eye - Physiology of image formation, colour vision, refractive errors, Visual reflexes-pupillary and light reflex, Effect of lesion for visual pathway. Functional anatomy of ear, properties of sound, mechanism of hearing and deafness. Perception of smell and taste sensation, pathways and its applied. Auditory & visual evoked potential. Skin and body temperature regulation : Mechanism of temperature regulation, Adaptation to altered temperature (heat and cold), Mechanism of fever, cold injuries and heat stroke. Physiology of sports, exercise, yoga and meditation : Cardio-respiratory and metabolic adjustments, Physiological effects of yoga and meditation. isorders. Concept of Yogic Practices
Physiological Principles : Principles of homeostasis, Structure of cell membrane, Transport mechanisms, Intercellular communications, Fluid compartments of the body. Basic principles of Genetics and its Applied Aspects.
Blood : Composition and functions of blood, types & functions of Plasma proteins. – RBC- formation, functions and anemia’s – WBC- formation, functions and Leukemia’s – Platelets – formation & functions. Haemostasis & its applied, anticoagulants and Bleeding Disorders. – Hemoglobin- synthesis and functions, Blood groups- basis of blood grouping, clinical importance, blood banking and transfusion.
Muscle and nerve physiology : Structure, functions and properties of a neuron and neuroglia, Molecular basis of resting membrane and action potential, Transmission of nerve impulse, Structure and transmission across neuro-muscular junction, Neuro-muscular blocking agents, Pathophysiology of Myasthenia gravis, Types and structure of muscle fiber, Action potential in different muscle types, Molecular basis of muscle contraction, Muscular changes during exercise, Properties of excitable tissue.
Renal system : Structure and function of nephron, GFR, Urine formation involving processes of filtration, tubular absorption & secretion. Mechanism of concentration of urine – counter current mechanism. Structure and function of a Juxta glomerular apparatus, Role of renin-angiotensin system, Fluid and electrolyte balance and its regulation, Innervations of bladder, micturition, abnormalities of micturition, Artificial kidney, dialysis and renal transplantation, Renal Function Test. Transport maximum and renal threshold. Acid base balance.
Digestive system : General organization of GIT muscles, innervation & nerve plexuses. Functions & composition of - Salivary secretion, Gastric secretion, Pancreatic secretion, Intestinal secretion. Bile, Gastrointestinal hormones-source, regulation and functions, Gastro-intestinal movements, Pathophysiology of peptic ulcer, G.I.T. reflexes. Vomitting, diarrhoea, constipation. Dietry fibres. Liver – structure and functions, function tests. Jaundice – types & laboratory investigations. Digestion and absorption of carbohydrates, proteins and fats. Role of vitamins, minerals and trace elements.
Endocrinology : Types of hormones, mechanism of hormone action, Estimation and assessment of Hormones. Physiological actions and effect of altered secretion of Pituitary gland, Thyroid gland, Parathyroid gland, Adrenal gland, Pancreas, Pineal and hypothalamus.
Reproductive system : Functions of testis & ovary, Spermatogenesis & factors influencing it, Menstrual cycle-hormonal, uterine and ovarian changes, Physiological changes during pregnancy and lactation, Physiological basis for pubertal changes, Physiological effect of sex hormones, Contraceptive methods (male and female methods)
Cardiovascular system: Structure and properties of cardiac muscle, Conducting system of heart, Haemodynamics of circulatory system, Regulation of heart rate and blood pressure and cardiac output, Electrocardiogram-physiological basis and applications, Regional circulation-coronary, cerebral, capillary, foetal and pulmonary circulation. Physiology of shock, coronary artery disease, hypertension, Cardiopulmonary resuscitation, Abnormal ECG.
Respiratory system : Functional anatomy, physical principles of gaseous exchange, Mechanics of normal respiration, Regulation of respiration, Transport of respiratory gases, Lung function test-clinical significance, Principles of artificial respiration, oxygen therapy, acclimatization at high altitude and decompression sickness. Hypoxia, cyanosis and asphyxia. Haemo-respiratory changes during exercise and role of Yoga. Space physiology.
Central nervous system : Organization of nervous system. Functions, types and properties of synapse, reflex and receptors. Motor and sensory pathways and its applied. Connections and functions of cortex, basal ganglia, thalamus, hypothalamus, cerebellum and limbic system. Structure and function of reticular activating system, Mechanism of maintenance of tone, posture and equilibrium, Vestibular apparatus, Higher functions - Memory, Learning, Speech. Parkinsonism. Section of spinal cord, EEG and Sleep, Pain and referred pain. C.S.F., conditioned reflexes. Autonomic nervous system.
Special senses : Functional anatomy of eye - Physiology of image formation, colour vision, refractive errors, Visual reflexes-pupillary and light reflex, Effect of lesion for visual pathway. Functional anatomy of ear, properties of sound, mechanism of hearing and deafness. Perception of smell and taste sensation, pathways and its applied. Auditory & visual evoked potential. Skin and body temperature regulation : Mechanism of temperature regulation, Adaptation to altered temperature (heat and cold), Mechanism of fever, cold injuries and heat stroke. Physiology of sports, exercise, yoga and meditation : Cardio-respiratory and metabolic adjustments, Physiological effects of yoga and meditation. isorders. Concept of Yogic Practices
1) In Peripheral blood film, the Reticulocytes are stained with -
A) Brilliant cresyl blue
B) Methylene blue
C) Eosin
D) Indigo carmine
Ans: 1
2) Blood disorder Hemophilia, occurs due to deficiency of -
A) Factor V
B) Factor VIII
C) Factor XII
D) Factor IV
Ans: 2
3) Diagnostic characteristic of Iron Deficiency Anaemia, is-
A) Increased Mean Corpuscular Haemoglobin
B) Increased Red Blood Cell Size
C) Decreased Mean Corpuscular Volume
D) Increased blood Ferritin level
Ans: 3
4) Granules in the cytoplasm of Neutrophil are -
A) Coarse
B) Spectacle shaped
C) Stained by basic dyes
D) Take both acidic and basic dyes
Ans: 4
5) Normal Life span of a Red Blood Cell is -
A) 10 days
B) 120 days
C) 360 days
D) 420 days
Ans: 2
6) Human Immunodeficiency Virus(HIV) causing AIDS, chiefly attacks -
A) Neutrophils
B) Eosinophils
C) Basophils
D) Helper T lymphocytes
Ans: 4
7) Normal values of Plasma Proteins is -
A) 6 - 8 gms/ 100 ml of blood
B) 2- 4 gms/ 100 ml of blood
C) 10 - 12 gms/ 100 ml of blood
D) 14 - 16 gms/ 100 ml of blood
Ans: 1
8) Clinically important Rh agglutinogen is -
A) A
B) E
C) C
D) D
Ans: 4
9) In Patients of poorly controlled Diabetes Mellitus-
A) Values of HbA decreases
B) There is presence of HbF
C) Values of HbA1c increases
D) There is presence of HbS
Ans: 3
10) Chronic Loss of small amount of Blood can cause -
A) Iron deficiency anaemia
B) Megaloblastic anaemia
C) Normocytic anaemia
D) Aplastic anaemia
Ans: 1
11) Which of the following statement is true for Na - K ATPase pump -
A) Pumps 2 Na outside and 3 K inside the cell
B) It is a primary active transport mechanism
C) It is a downhill process requiring no energy
D) It is a secondary active transport mechanism
Ans: 2
12) Extracellular fluid is -
A) ⅓ of total body water
B) ⅔ of total body water
C) ½ of total body water
D) ¼ of total body water
Ans: 1
13) Characteristic feature of Facilitated Diffusion is -
A) It requires energy
B) It requires a carrier protein
C) An active process
D) An uphill process
Ans: 2
14) Transcription is -
A) DNA replication
B) DNA wrapping around histone
C) RNA forming proteins
D) Production of RNA from DNA
Ans: 4
15) G proteins are -
A) Good proteins
B) Gap junction proteins
C) Guiding proteins
D) Cell signaling proteins
Ans: 4
16) After Action Potential, Resting Membrane Potential is restored by -
A) Na - K Pump activity
B) Na - K channels inactivity
C) K channel activity
D) Na channel inactivity
Ans: 1
17) Absolute Refractory Period is due to -
A) Opening of Na channels
B) Closure of K channels
C) Closure of Na channels
D) Opening of K channels
Ans: 3
18) Nerve cell has maximum Na channels at -
A) Dendrites
B) Axon Hillock
C) Soma
D) Axonal termination
Ans: 2
19) Local Anaesthetics mostly affect
A) Group C fibers
B) Group A fibers
C) Group D fibers
D) Group B fibers
Ans: 1
20) Nerve Conduction Velocity is least in -
A) A alpha fibers
B) A gamma fibers
C) B fibers
D) C fibers
Ans: 4
21) Motor Unit is a term used for -
A) All muscle fibers
B) Single muscle fiber
C) A motor nerve branch and all muscle fibers supplied by it
D) Motor nerve, all muscle fibers and afferent nerve, together
Ans: 3
22) Action of Acetylcholine on Nicotinic receptors causes -
A) Relaxation of Skeletal muscle
B) Contraction of Skeletal muscle
C) Relaxation of Smooth muscle
D) Contraction of Smooth muscle
Ans: 2
23) Golgi tendon organs are supplied by -
A) A Alpha fibers
B) A beta fibers
C) A delta fibers
D) A gamma fibers
Ans: 1
24) W hich cells of the Collecting Ducts are responsible for Vasopressin stimulated water reabsorption -
A) Lacis cells
B) Mesangial cells
C) Principal cells
D) Intercalated cells
Ans: 3
25) Renin secretion by neural stimulation is due to -
A) Activation of beta adrenergic receptors
B) Activation of alpha adrenergic receptors
C) Activation of Muscarinic receptors
D) Activation of Nicotinic receptors
Ans: 1
26) Glomerular Filtration Rate in healthy adult male is -
A) 500 ml per minute
B) 250 ml per minute
C) 125 ml per minute
D) 75 ml per minute
Ans: 3
27) Aldosterone regulated Sodium absorption occurs in -
A) Proximal tubule
B) Distal tubule
C) Loop of Henle
D) Collecting ducts
Ans: 4
28) Transport maximum for Glucose, in man is -
A) 675 mg per minute
B) 375 mg per minute
C) 175 mg per minute
D) 75 mg per minute
Ans: 2
29) In Proteinuria, most of the protein is -
A) Albumin
B) Globulin
C) Fibrinogen
D) Prothrombin
Ans: 1
30) Urine is maximally acidified at -
A) Proximal tubule
B) Loop of Henle
C) Ascending tubule
D) Distal tubule and collecting ducts
Ans: 4
A) Brilliant cresyl blue
B) Methylene blue
C) Eosin
D) Indigo carmine
Ans: 1
2) Blood disorder Hemophilia, occurs due to deficiency of -
A) Factor V
B) Factor VIII
C) Factor XII
D) Factor IV
Ans: 2
3) Diagnostic characteristic of Iron Deficiency Anaemia, is-
A) Increased Mean Corpuscular Haemoglobin
B) Increased Red Blood Cell Size
C) Decreased Mean Corpuscular Volume
D) Increased blood Ferritin level
Ans: 3
4) Granules in the cytoplasm of Neutrophil are -
A) Coarse
B) Spectacle shaped
C) Stained by basic dyes
D) Take both acidic and basic dyes
Ans: 4
5) Normal Life span of a Red Blood Cell is -
A) 10 days
B) 120 days
C) 360 days
D) 420 days
Ans: 2
6) Human Immunodeficiency Virus(HIV) causing AIDS, chiefly attacks -
A) Neutrophils
B) Eosinophils
C) Basophils
D) Helper T lymphocytes
Ans: 4
7) Normal values of Plasma Proteins is -
A) 6 - 8 gms/ 100 ml of blood
B) 2- 4 gms/ 100 ml of blood
C) 10 - 12 gms/ 100 ml of blood
D) 14 - 16 gms/ 100 ml of blood
Ans: 1
8) Clinically important Rh agglutinogen is -
A) A
B) E
C) C
D) D
Ans: 4
9) In Patients of poorly controlled Diabetes Mellitus-
A) Values of HbA decreases
B) There is presence of HbF
C) Values of HbA1c increases
D) There is presence of HbS
Ans: 3
10) Chronic Loss of small amount of Blood can cause -
A) Iron deficiency anaemia
B) Megaloblastic anaemia
C) Normocytic anaemia
D) Aplastic anaemia
Ans: 1
11) Which of the following statement is true for Na - K ATPase pump -
A) Pumps 2 Na outside and 3 K inside the cell
B) It is a primary active transport mechanism
C) It is a downhill process requiring no energy
D) It is a secondary active transport mechanism
Ans: 2
12) Extracellular fluid is -
A) ⅓ of total body water
B) ⅔ of total body water
C) ½ of total body water
D) ¼ of total body water
Ans: 1
13) Characteristic feature of Facilitated Diffusion is -
A) It requires energy
B) It requires a carrier protein
C) An active process
D) An uphill process
Ans: 2
14) Transcription is -
A) DNA replication
B) DNA wrapping around histone
C) RNA forming proteins
D) Production of RNA from DNA
Ans: 4
15) G proteins are -
A) Good proteins
B) Gap junction proteins
C) Guiding proteins
D) Cell signaling proteins
Ans: 4
16) After Action Potential, Resting Membrane Potential is restored by -
A) Na - K Pump activity
B) Na - K channels inactivity
C) K channel activity
D) Na channel inactivity
Ans: 1
17) Absolute Refractory Period is due to -
A) Opening of Na channels
B) Closure of K channels
C) Closure of Na channels
D) Opening of K channels
Ans: 3
18) Nerve cell has maximum Na channels at -
A) Dendrites
B) Axon Hillock
C) Soma
D) Axonal termination
Ans: 2
19) Local Anaesthetics mostly affect
A) Group C fibers
B) Group A fibers
C) Group D fibers
D) Group B fibers
Ans: 1
20) Nerve Conduction Velocity is least in -
A) A alpha fibers
B) A gamma fibers
C) B fibers
D) C fibers
Ans: 4
21) Motor Unit is a term used for -
A) All muscle fibers
B) Single muscle fiber
C) A motor nerve branch and all muscle fibers supplied by it
D) Motor nerve, all muscle fibers and afferent nerve, together
Ans: 3
22) Action of Acetylcholine on Nicotinic receptors causes -
A) Relaxation of Skeletal muscle
B) Contraction of Skeletal muscle
C) Relaxation of Smooth muscle
D) Contraction of Smooth muscle
Ans: 2
23) Golgi tendon organs are supplied by -
A) A Alpha fibers
B) A beta fibers
C) A delta fibers
D) A gamma fibers
Ans: 1
24) W hich cells of the Collecting Ducts are responsible for Vasopressin stimulated water reabsorption -
A) Lacis cells
B) Mesangial cells
C) Principal cells
D) Intercalated cells
Ans: 3
25) Renin secretion by neural stimulation is due to -
A) Activation of beta adrenergic receptors
B) Activation of alpha adrenergic receptors
C) Activation of Muscarinic receptors
D) Activation of Nicotinic receptors
Ans: 1
26) Glomerular Filtration Rate in healthy adult male is -
A) 500 ml per minute
B) 250 ml per minute
C) 125 ml per minute
D) 75 ml per minute
Ans: 3
27) Aldosterone regulated Sodium absorption occurs in -
A) Proximal tubule
B) Distal tubule
C) Loop of Henle
D) Collecting ducts
Ans: 4
28) Transport maximum for Glucose, in man is -
A) 675 mg per minute
B) 375 mg per minute
C) 175 mg per minute
D) 75 mg per minute
Ans: 2
29) In Proteinuria, most of the protein is -
A) Albumin
B) Globulin
C) Fibrinogen
D) Prothrombin
Ans: 1
30) Urine is maximally acidified at -
A) Proximal tubule
B) Loop of Henle
C) Ascending tubule
D) Distal tubule and collecting ducts
Ans: 4
31) Intrinsic Factor is secreted by -
A) Parietal Cells
B) Chief cells
C) Mucus cells
D) ECL cells
Ans: 1
32) Potent stimulator for HCL secretion is -
A) Acetylcholine
B) Somatostatin
C) Gastrin
D) Prostaglandin
Ans: 3
33) pH is highest in -
A) Saliva
B) Gastric juice
C) Bile juice
D) Pancreatic juice
Ans: 4
34) Normal Bile secretion is -
A) 500 ml per day
B) 1000 ml per day
C) 1500 ml per day
D) 250 ml per day
Ans: 1
35) Absorption of Hexoses across small intestine is dependent on -
A) K
B) Na
C) Mg
D) Ca
Ans: 2
36) Intolerance to Milk occurs due to -
A) Low Amylase levels
B) Low Maltase levels
C) Low Lactase levels
D) Low Sucrase levels
Ans: 3
37) Best source of dietary fiber is -
A) Meat
B) Eggs
C) Milk
D) Plants
Ans: 4
38) Gut flora are responsible for Synthesis of Vitamin -
A) C
B) D
C) K
D) E
Ans: 3
39) Peristalsis is Initiated because of -
A) Intestinal distinsion
B) Intestinal secretion
C) Hormonal stimulation
D) Nervous stimulation
Ans: 1
40) Short chain fatty acids produced by Gut Flora are maximally absorbed in -
A) Duodenum
B) Jejunum
C) Ileum
D) Colon
Ans: 4
41) Pulsatile secretion of TSH Peaks -
A) In morning
B) At noon
C) In evening
D) At midnight
Ans: 4
42) Receptors for Thyroid Hormone are present-
A) On outer surface of cell membranes
B) On inner surface of cell membranes
C) In the cytoplasm
D) In the nuclei
Ans: 4
43) In Hypothyroidism, Yellowish Tint of the Skin is due to accumulation of -
A) Free bilirubin
B) Biliverdin
C) Carotene
D) Conjugated bilirubin
Ans: 3
44) Insulin causes entry of Glucose into the cells by - A) Simple diffusion
B) Facilitated diffusion
C) Primary active transport
D) Secondary active transport
Ans: 2
45) Major Function of Fetal Adrenal gland is -
A) Secretion of Androgens
B) Secretion of Epinephrine
C) Secretion of Corticosteroids
D) Secretion of Mineralocorticoids
Ans: 1
46) Half life of Catecholamines in Circulation is -
A) 2 mins
B) 20 mins
C) 2 hours
D) 2 days
Ans: 1
47) The Hormones of Adrenal Cortex are derivatives of -
A) Triglycerides
D) Cholesterol
Ans: 4
48) Calcium content of adult human body is about -
A) 100 gms
B) 600 gms
C) 1100 gms
D) 1700 gms
Ans: 3
49) Number of Parathyroid Glands in human is -
A) 4
B) 3
C) 2
D) 1
Ans: 1
50) Calcitonin is produced by -
A) A Cells
B) B Cells
C) C Cells
D) D Cells
Ans: 3
51) Pineal Hormone is -
A) Melanin
B) Melatonin
C) Serotonin
D) Bradykinin
Ans: 2
52) The Hormone, causing relaxation of ligaments of pubic joints and symphysis, softening cervix, during Pregnancy, is -
A) Progesterone
B) Relaxin
C) Estrogen
D) Inhibin
Ans: 2
53) Barr Body is-
A) Condensation of X chromosome
B) Condensation of Y chromosome
C) Condensation of Proteins
D) Condensation of Ribosomes
Ans: 1
54) Leptin Hormone is secreted by -
A) Anterior Pituitary
B) Ovary
C) Pineal Gland
D) Fat Cells
Ans: 4
55) Hypothalamic Prolactin Inhibiting Hormone is -
A) Adrenaline
B) Dopamine
C) Serotonin
D) Norepinephrine
Ans: 2
56) Developing Spermatozoa acquire Motility in -
A) Epididymis
B) Vas deferens
C) Seminiferous Tubules
D) Vagina
Ans: 1
57) Each ml of Semen normally contains about -
A) 10 million sperms
B) 20 million sperms
C) 40 million sperms
D) 100 million sperms
Ans: 4
58) Final Maturation of the Ovarian Follicle occurs due to -
C) FSH and LH
D) Activin
Ans: 2
59) In Humans Fertilisation of the Ovum by Sperm, usually occurs in -
A) Ampulla of Uterine Tube
B) Fimbriae of Uterine Tube
C) Fundus of Uterus
D) Upper part of Cervix
Ans: 1
60) Connection from SA node to AV node is by -
A) 1 Bundle of Atrial Fibers
B) 2 Bundles of Atrial Fibers
C) 3 Bundles of Atrial Fibers
D) 4 Bundles of Atrial Fibers
Ans: 3
61) RMP of Myocardial Fibers is -
A) - 50 mV
B) - 90 mV
C) - 55 mV
D) - 60 mV
Ans: 2
62) AV Nodal delay is -
A) 0.5 sec
B) 1.0 sec
C) 1.5 sec
D) 0.1 sec
Ans: 4
63) During Inspiration, Heart Rate -
A) Increases
B) Decreases
C) Initially Decreases and then Increases
D) Remains Unchanged
Ans: 1
64) W hen Conduction from Atria to Ventricle is Completely Interrupted, resulting Heart Block is -
A) 1st Degree
B) 2nd Degree
C) 3rd Degree
D) 4th Degree
Ans: 3
66) Normal Ejection Fraction is -
A) 35%
B) 65%
C) 85%
D) 100%
Ans: 2
67) Vasomotor Center is located in -
A) Medulla
B) Thoracic Segment of Spinal Cord
C) Pons
D) Midbrain
Ans: 1
68) Increase in Peripheral Resistance is due to -
A) Constriction of Venules
B) Constriction of Capillaries
C) Constriction of Arterioles
D) Constriction of Arteries
Ans: 3
69) Volume of Anatomic Dead Space in healthy adult male is -
A) 500 ml
B) 350 ml
C) 150 ml
D) 50 ml
Ans: 3
70) Normal Pressure of Oxygen in Alveolar air is -
A) 100 mm Hg
B) 40 mm Hg
C) 200 mm Hg
D) 140 mm Hg
Ans: 1
71) Haemoglobin Molecule can combine with -
A) 1 Oxygen mol
B) 2 Oxygen mols
C) 3 Oxygen mols
D) 4 Oxygen mols
Ans: 4
72) Myoglobin Molecule binds -
A) 1 Oxygen mol
B) 2 Oxygen mols
C) 3 Oxygen mols
D) 4 Oxygen mols
Ans: 1
73) Carbon Dioxide Solubility in Blood is -
A) Same as Oxygen
B) 10 times greater than Oxygen
C) 20 times greater than Oxygen
D) Less than Oxygen
Ans: 3
74) Cyanosis appears, when the Reduced Haemoglobin Concentration of Blood, in capillaries is more than -
A) 1 gm per 100 ml of Blood
B) 3 gm per 100 ml of Blood
C) 5 gm per 100 ml of Blood
D) 0.5 gm per 100 ml of Blood
Ans: 3
75) Normal pH of Arterial Plasma is -
A) 7.40
B) 7.20
C) 7.00
D) 6.80
Ans: 1
76) Haemoglobin has Highest Affinity for -
A) Oxygen
B) Carbon dioxide
C) Nitrogen
D) Carbon monoxide
Ans: 4
77) Neural area for Voluntary Control of Respiration, is located in -
A) Medulla
B) Pons
C) Diencephalon
D) Cerebral Cortex
Ans: 4
78) The stimulus for Increased Respiratory rate, after Exercise is -
A) Pressure of Carbon dioxide in blood
B) Pressure of Oxygen in blood
C) Hydrogen ion concentration of blood
D) Both pressure of Carbon dioxide and pressure of Oxygen in blood
Ans: 3
79) Maximum number of Synapses in the Cerebral Cortex are, on -
A) Dendrites
B) Soma
C) Initial segment of Axon
D) In the middle of Axon
Ans: 1
80) In Myasthenia Gravis, antibodies destroy -
A) Alpha receptors
B) Beta Receptors
C) Muscarinic Receptors
D) Nicotinic Receptors
Ans: 4
81) Cold receptors are inactivated at -
A) 13 degree C
B) 17 degree C
C) 08 degree C
D) 22 degree C
Ans: 3
82) Arousal response in EEG is indicated, by -
A) Alpha rhythm
B) Beta rhythm
C) Delta rhythm
D) Gamma rhythm
Ans: 2
83) NREM and REM sleep cycles in a young adult are repeated at intervals of, about -
A) 30 min
B) 60 min
C) 90 min
D) 120 min
Ans: 3
84) Normally the temperature of Scrotum is maintained at -
A) 32 degree C
B) 35 degree C
C) 37 degree C
D) 30 degree C
Ans: 1
85) Changes in the Diameter of Pupil, can vary the amount of Light reaching Retina, by -
A) 2 folds
B) 3 folds
C) 4 folds
D) 5 folds
Ans: 4
86) The distance at which the subject reads the Snellen Chart, is -
A) 20 ft
B) 15 ft
C) 10 ft
D) 05 ft
Ans: 1
87) Rotational Acceleration is detected by receptors present, in -
A) Saccule
B) Utricle
C) Semicircular canals
D) Cochlea
Ans: 3
88) Endolymph has high concentration of -
A) Na ion
B) K ion
C) Ca ion
D) Cl ion
Ans: 2
89) Olfactory Receptors Neurons have an average Lifespan of -
A) 365 days
B) 300 days
C) 250 days
D) 50 days
Ans: 4
90) Neurogenesis of Olfactory receptor neurons occurs, from/ by
A) Basal cells
B) Supporting cells
C) Bowman’s Gland
D) Division of Olfactory Receptors
Ans: 1
91) The Thermo regulatory integration and Control Center is located in -
A) Olivary nucleus
B) Nucleus Tractus Solitarius
C) Pre optic area
D) Area Postrema
Ans: 3
92) W hich of the following Hormone decreases with Aerobic Exercise -
A) Catecholamines
B) Cortisol
C) Glucagon
D) Insulin
Ans: 4
93) As per Research, practising Yoga -
A) Provides Physical Health benefits
B) Provides Mental Health benefits
C) Provides both Physical and Mental Health benefits
D) Has no Health benefits
Ans: 3
94) Meditation induces -
A) Relaxation response
B) Stress response
C) Sleep response
D) Arousal response
Ans: 1
95) Some types of Meditation works by -
A) Reducing activity of sympathetic nervous system & increasing activity of parasympathetic nervous system
B) Reducing activity of parasympathetic nervous system & increasing activity of sympathetic nervous system
C) No effect on sympathetic nervous system & increasing activity of parasympathetic nervous system
D) No effect on parasympathetic nervous system & increasing activity of sympathetic nervous system
Ans: 1
96) The number of Ventricles in Brain are -
A) 2
B) 3
C) 4
D) 5
Ans: 3
97) Cerebrospinal fluid pressure, is normally within a range of -
A) 70.5 to 110.5 mm of Hg
B) 4.5 to 14.5 mm of Hg
C) 10.5 to 25.5 mm of Hg
D) 30.5 to 60.5 mm of Hg
Ans: 2
98) Biological Clock is present at -
A) Arcuate nucleus
B) Mammillary nucleus
C) Paraventricular nucleus
D) Suprachiasmatic nucleus
Ans: 4
99) Surfactant is produced by -
A) Type II alveolar epithelial cells
B) Type I alveolar epithelial cells
C) Pulmonary alveolar macrophages
D) Neuroendocrine cells
Ans: 1
100) The sugar that gives main nutritional supply for Spermatozoa is
A) Glucose
B) Fructose
C) Sucrose
D) Maltose
Ans: 2
A) Parietal Cells
B) Chief cells
C) Mucus cells
D) ECL cells
Ans: 1
32) Potent stimulator for HCL secretion is -
A) Acetylcholine
B) Somatostatin
C) Gastrin
D) Prostaglandin
Ans: 3
33) pH is highest in -
A) Saliva
B) Gastric juice
C) Bile juice
D) Pancreatic juice
Ans: 4
34) Normal Bile secretion is -
A) 500 ml per day
B) 1000 ml per day
C) 1500 ml per day
D) 250 ml per day
Ans: 1
35) Absorption of Hexoses across small intestine is dependent on -
A) K
B) Na
C) Mg
D) Ca
Ans: 2
36) Intolerance to Milk occurs due to -
A) Low Amylase levels
B) Low Maltase levels
C) Low Lactase levels
D) Low Sucrase levels
Ans: 3
37) Best source of dietary fiber is -
A) Meat
B) Eggs
C) Milk
D) Plants
Ans: 4
38) Gut flora are responsible for Synthesis of Vitamin -
A) C
B) D
C) K
D) E
Ans: 3
39) Peristalsis is Initiated because of -
A) Intestinal distinsion
B) Intestinal secretion
C) Hormonal stimulation
D) Nervous stimulation
Ans: 1
40) Short chain fatty acids produced by Gut Flora are maximally absorbed in -
A) Duodenum
B) Jejunum
C) Ileum
D) Colon
Ans: 4
41) Pulsatile secretion of TSH Peaks -
A) In morning
B) At noon
C) In evening
D) At midnight
Ans: 4
42) Receptors for Thyroid Hormone are present-
A) On outer surface of cell membranes
B) On inner surface of cell membranes
C) In the cytoplasm
D) In the nuclei
Ans: 4
43) In Hypothyroidism, Yellowish Tint of the Skin is due to accumulation of -
A) Free bilirubin
B) Biliverdin
C) Carotene
D) Conjugated bilirubin
Ans: 3
44) Insulin causes entry of Glucose into the cells by - A) Simple diffusion
B) Facilitated diffusion
C) Primary active transport
D) Secondary active transport
Ans: 2
45) Major Function of Fetal Adrenal gland is -
A) Secretion of Androgens
B) Secretion of Epinephrine
C) Secretion of Corticosteroids
D) Secretion of Mineralocorticoids
Ans: 1
46) Half life of Catecholamines in Circulation is -
A) 2 mins
B) 20 mins
C) 2 hours
D) 2 days
Ans: 1
47) The Hormones of Adrenal Cortex are derivatives of -
A) Triglycerides
D) Cholesterol
Ans: 4
48) Calcium content of adult human body is about -
A) 100 gms
B) 600 gms
C) 1100 gms
D) 1700 gms
Ans: 3
49) Number of Parathyroid Glands in human is -
A) 4
B) 3
C) 2
D) 1
Ans: 1
50) Calcitonin is produced by -
A) A Cells
B) B Cells
C) C Cells
D) D Cells
Ans: 3
51) Pineal Hormone is -
A) Melanin
B) Melatonin
C) Serotonin
D) Bradykinin
Ans: 2
52) The Hormone, causing relaxation of ligaments of pubic joints and symphysis, softening cervix, during Pregnancy, is -
A) Progesterone
B) Relaxin
C) Estrogen
D) Inhibin
Ans: 2
53) Barr Body is-
A) Condensation of X chromosome
B) Condensation of Y chromosome
C) Condensation of Proteins
D) Condensation of Ribosomes
Ans: 1
54) Leptin Hormone is secreted by -
A) Anterior Pituitary
B) Ovary
C) Pineal Gland
D) Fat Cells
Ans: 4
55) Hypothalamic Prolactin Inhibiting Hormone is -
A) Adrenaline
B) Dopamine
C) Serotonin
D) Norepinephrine
Ans: 2
56) Developing Spermatozoa acquire Motility in -
A) Epididymis
B) Vas deferens
C) Seminiferous Tubules
D) Vagina
Ans: 1
57) Each ml of Semen normally contains about -
A) 10 million sperms
B) 20 million sperms
C) 40 million sperms
D) 100 million sperms
Ans: 4
58) Final Maturation of the Ovarian Follicle occurs due to -
C) FSH and LH
D) Activin
Ans: 2
59) In Humans Fertilisation of the Ovum by Sperm, usually occurs in -
A) Ampulla of Uterine Tube
B) Fimbriae of Uterine Tube
C) Fundus of Uterus
D) Upper part of Cervix
Ans: 1
60) Connection from SA node to AV node is by -
A) 1 Bundle of Atrial Fibers
B) 2 Bundles of Atrial Fibers
C) 3 Bundles of Atrial Fibers
D) 4 Bundles of Atrial Fibers
Ans: 3
61) RMP of Myocardial Fibers is -
A) - 50 mV
B) - 90 mV
C) - 55 mV
D) - 60 mV
Ans: 2
62) AV Nodal delay is -
A) 0.5 sec
B) 1.0 sec
C) 1.5 sec
D) 0.1 sec
Ans: 4
63) During Inspiration, Heart Rate -
A) Increases
B) Decreases
C) Initially Decreases and then Increases
D) Remains Unchanged
Ans: 1
64) W hen Conduction from Atria to Ventricle is Completely Interrupted, resulting Heart Block is -
A) 1st Degree
B) 2nd Degree
C) 3rd Degree
D) 4th Degree
Ans: 3
66) Normal Ejection Fraction is -
A) 35%
B) 65%
C) 85%
D) 100%
Ans: 2
67) Vasomotor Center is located in -
A) Medulla
B) Thoracic Segment of Spinal Cord
C) Pons
D) Midbrain
Ans: 1
68) Increase in Peripheral Resistance is due to -
A) Constriction of Venules
B) Constriction of Capillaries
C) Constriction of Arterioles
D) Constriction of Arteries
Ans: 3
69) Volume of Anatomic Dead Space in healthy adult male is -
A) 500 ml
B) 350 ml
C) 150 ml
D) 50 ml
Ans: 3
70) Normal Pressure of Oxygen in Alveolar air is -
A) 100 mm Hg
B) 40 mm Hg
C) 200 mm Hg
D) 140 mm Hg
Ans: 1
71) Haemoglobin Molecule can combine with -
A) 1 Oxygen mol
B) 2 Oxygen mols
C) 3 Oxygen mols
D) 4 Oxygen mols
Ans: 4
72) Myoglobin Molecule binds -
A) 1 Oxygen mol
B) 2 Oxygen mols
C) 3 Oxygen mols
D) 4 Oxygen mols
Ans: 1
73) Carbon Dioxide Solubility in Blood is -
A) Same as Oxygen
B) 10 times greater than Oxygen
C) 20 times greater than Oxygen
D) Less than Oxygen
Ans: 3
74) Cyanosis appears, when the Reduced Haemoglobin Concentration of Blood, in capillaries is more than -
A) 1 gm per 100 ml of Blood
B) 3 gm per 100 ml of Blood
C) 5 gm per 100 ml of Blood
D) 0.5 gm per 100 ml of Blood
Ans: 3
75) Normal pH of Arterial Plasma is -
A) 7.40
B) 7.20
C) 7.00
D) 6.80
Ans: 1
76) Haemoglobin has Highest Affinity for -
A) Oxygen
B) Carbon dioxide
C) Nitrogen
D) Carbon monoxide
Ans: 4
77) Neural area for Voluntary Control of Respiration, is located in -
A) Medulla
B) Pons
C) Diencephalon
D) Cerebral Cortex
Ans: 4
78) The stimulus for Increased Respiratory rate, after Exercise is -
A) Pressure of Carbon dioxide in blood
B) Pressure of Oxygen in blood
C) Hydrogen ion concentration of blood
D) Both pressure of Carbon dioxide and pressure of Oxygen in blood
Ans: 3
79) Maximum number of Synapses in the Cerebral Cortex are, on -
A) Dendrites
B) Soma
C) Initial segment of Axon
D) In the middle of Axon
Ans: 1
80) In Myasthenia Gravis, antibodies destroy -
A) Alpha receptors
B) Beta Receptors
C) Muscarinic Receptors
D) Nicotinic Receptors
Ans: 4
81) Cold receptors are inactivated at -
A) 13 degree C
B) 17 degree C
C) 08 degree C
D) 22 degree C
Ans: 3
82) Arousal response in EEG is indicated, by -
A) Alpha rhythm
B) Beta rhythm
C) Delta rhythm
D) Gamma rhythm
Ans: 2
83) NREM and REM sleep cycles in a young adult are repeated at intervals of, about -
A) 30 min
B) 60 min
C) 90 min
D) 120 min
Ans: 3
84) Normally the temperature of Scrotum is maintained at -
A) 32 degree C
B) 35 degree C
C) 37 degree C
D) 30 degree C
Ans: 1
85) Changes in the Diameter of Pupil, can vary the amount of Light reaching Retina, by -
A) 2 folds
B) 3 folds
C) 4 folds
D) 5 folds
Ans: 4
86) The distance at which the subject reads the Snellen Chart, is -
A) 20 ft
B) 15 ft
C) 10 ft
D) 05 ft
Ans: 1
87) Rotational Acceleration is detected by receptors present, in -
A) Saccule
B) Utricle
C) Semicircular canals
D) Cochlea
Ans: 3
88) Endolymph has high concentration of -
A) Na ion
B) K ion
C) Ca ion
D) Cl ion
Ans: 2
89) Olfactory Receptors Neurons have an average Lifespan of -
A) 365 days
B) 300 days
C) 250 days
D) 50 days
Ans: 4
90) Neurogenesis of Olfactory receptor neurons occurs, from/ by
A) Basal cells
B) Supporting cells
C) Bowman’s Gland
D) Division of Olfactory Receptors
Ans: 1
91) The Thermo regulatory integration and Control Center is located in -
A) Olivary nucleus
B) Nucleus Tractus Solitarius
C) Pre optic area
D) Area Postrema
Ans: 3
92) W hich of the following Hormone decreases with Aerobic Exercise -
A) Catecholamines
B) Cortisol
C) Glucagon
D) Insulin
Ans: 4
93) As per Research, practising Yoga -
A) Provides Physical Health benefits
B) Provides Mental Health benefits
C) Provides both Physical and Mental Health benefits
D) Has no Health benefits
Ans: 3
94) Meditation induces -
A) Relaxation response
B) Stress response
C) Sleep response
D) Arousal response
Ans: 1
95) Some types of Meditation works by -
A) Reducing activity of sympathetic nervous system & increasing activity of parasympathetic nervous system
B) Reducing activity of parasympathetic nervous system & increasing activity of sympathetic nervous system
C) No effect on sympathetic nervous system & increasing activity of parasympathetic nervous system
D) No effect on parasympathetic nervous system & increasing activity of sympathetic nervous system
Ans: 1
96) The number of Ventricles in Brain are -
A) 2
B) 3
C) 4
D) 5
Ans: 3
97) Cerebrospinal fluid pressure, is normally within a range of -
A) 70.5 to 110.5 mm of Hg
B) 4.5 to 14.5 mm of Hg
C) 10.5 to 25.5 mm of Hg
D) 30.5 to 60.5 mm of Hg
Ans: 2
98) Biological Clock is present at -
A) Arcuate nucleus
B) Mammillary nucleus
C) Paraventricular nucleus
D) Suprachiasmatic nucleus
Ans: 4
99) Surfactant is produced by -
A) Type II alveolar epithelial cells
B) Type I alveolar epithelial cells
C) Pulmonary alveolar macrophages
D) Neuroendocrine cells
Ans: 1
100) The sugar that gives main nutritional supply for Spermatozoa is
A) Glucose
B) Fructose
C) Sucrose
D) Maltose
Ans: 2