1:-Which of the following is not a component of Gerstmann syndrome?
D:-Right-Light disorientation
Ans: A
2:-A patient admitted with severe head injury has a blood pressure reading of 150/90 mmHg. His ICP was 30 mmHg. What is the Cerebral Perfusion Pressure?
A:-60 mmHg B:-70 mmHg C:-80 mmHg D:-90 mmHg
Ans: C
3:-Commonest false localizing sign in raised intracranial pressure is
A:-Oculomotor nerve palsy
B:-Abducent nerve palsy
C:-Facial nerve palsy
Ans: B
4:-Foster Kennedy Syndrome is commonly seen in
A:-Third ventricular tumours
B:-Fourth ventricular tumours
C:-Pineal region tumours
D:-Olfactory groove meningioma
Ans: D
5:-A 65 year old hypertensive lady presents with acute onset of severe head ache and neck pain. CT scan of brain revealed subarachnoid bleed in the right sylvian fissure and a right temporal lobe hematoma. The most probable diagnosis is
A:-Hypertensive bleed
B:-Aneurysm bleed
C:-AVM bleed
D:-Temporal lobe metastatic lesion with bleed
Ans: B
6:-Which of the following is not a component of triple H therapy?
A:-Hyperventilation B:-Hypertension
C:-Hypervolemia D:-Hemodilution
Ans: A
7:-Which of the following cranial nerves exits from the dorsal aspect of brainstem?
A:-Oculomotor nerve
B:-Trochlear nerve
C:-Abducent nerve
D:-Vestibulocochlear nerve
Ans: B
8:-A patient who has undergone surgical clipping for a ruptured A-Com aneurysm becomes drowsy on the 6th open operative day. What could be the probable cause for the drowsiness?
D:-Any of the above
Ans: D
9:-Which of the following cisterns is in closest relation to superior and inferior colliculi?
A:-interpeduncular cistern
B:-crural cistern
C:-supra sellar cistern
D:-quadrigeminal cistern
Ans: D
10:-Rosenthal fibres are commonly seen in
A:-Pilocytic Astrocytoma
Ans: A
11:-Brodmann's area 17 is
A:-Broca's area
B:-Primary auditory area
C:-Primary somatosensory area
D:-Primary visual area
Ans: D
12:-The cranial nerve that passes through the anterosuperior compartment of Internal acoustic meatus is
A:-Facial nerve
B:-Cochlear nerve
C:-Superor vestibular nerve
D:-Inferior vestibular nerve
Ans: A
13:-Which among the following glial tumour is not a Grade I tumour according to the latest WHO classification?
A:-Pilocytic astrocyotma
B:-Subependymal Giant cell astrocytoma
C:-Pleomorphic Xanthoastrocytoma
D:-Desmoplatic infantile astrocytoma
Ans: C
14:-Which of the following extra ocular muscle caused depression of eye in abducted position?
A:-Inferior Rectus
B:-Inferior Oblique
C:-Superior Rectus
D:-Superior Oblique
Ans: A
15:-Lamina terminalis
A:-Is in the roof of fourth ventricle
B:-Is in the roof of third ventricle
C:-Forms the floor of third ventricle
D:-Forms the anterior wall of third ventricle
Ans: D
16:-Which among the following MRI sequences helps to differentiate an arachnoid cyst from an epidermoid?
A:-Gradient Echo
C:-Perfusion weighted images
D:-Diffusion weighted images
Ans: D
17:-The type of Glioma commonly associated with Tuberous sclerosis is
A:-Pilocytic astrocytoma
D:-Subependymal giant cell astrocytoma
Ans: D
18:-The pituitary adenomas are called macroadenomas when the size is more than
A:-1 cm
B:-1 mm
C:-2.5 cm
D:-2.5 mm
Ans: A
19:-Repetition is well preserved in
A:-Brocas aphasia
B:-Wernickes aphasia
C:-Transcortical aphasia
D:-Conduction aphasia
Ans: C
20:-Thalamotomy is done is Parkinson's disease to relieve
Ans: A
D:-Right-Light disorientation
Ans: A
2:-A patient admitted with severe head injury has a blood pressure reading of 150/90 mmHg. His ICP was 30 mmHg. What is the Cerebral Perfusion Pressure?
A:-60 mmHg B:-70 mmHg C:-80 mmHg D:-90 mmHg
Ans: C
3:-Commonest false localizing sign in raised intracranial pressure is
A:-Oculomotor nerve palsy
B:-Abducent nerve palsy
C:-Facial nerve palsy
Ans: B
4:-Foster Kennedy Syndrome is commonly seen in
A:-Third ventricular tumours
B:-Fourth ventricular tumours
C:-Pineal region tumours
D:-Olfactory groove meningioma
Ans: D
5:-A 65 year old hypertensive lady presents with acute onset of severe head ache and neck pain. CT scan of brain revealed subarachnoid bleed in the right sylvian fissure and a right temporal lobe hematoma. The most probable diagnosis is
A:-Hypertensive bleed
B:-Aneurysm bleed
C:-AVM bleed
D:-Temporal lobe metastatic lesion with bleed
Ans: B
6:-Which of the following is not a component of triple H therapy?
A:-Hyperventilation B:-Hypertension
C:-Hypervolemia D:-Hemodilution
Ans: A
7:-Which of the following cranial nerves exits from the dorsal aspect of brainstem?
A:-Oculomotor nerve
B:-Trochlear nerve
C:-Abducent nerve
D:-Vestibulocochlear nerve
Ans: B
8:-A patient who has undergone surgical clipping for a ruptured A-Com aneurysm becomes drowsy on the 6th open operative day. What could be the probable cause for the drowsiness?
D:-Any of the above
Ans: D
9:-Which of the following cisterns is in closest relation to superior and inferior colliculi?
A:-interpeduncular cistern
B:-crural cistern
C:-supra sellar cistern
D:-quadrigeminal cistern
Ans: D
10:-Rosenthal fibres are commonly seen in
A:-Pilocytic Astrocytoma
Ans: A
11:-Brodmann's area 17 is
A:-Broca's area
B:-Primary auditory area
C:-Primary somatosensory area
D:-Primary visual area
Ans: D
12:-The cranial nerve that passes through the anterosuperior compartment of Internal acoustic meatus is
A:-Facial nerve
B:-Cochlear nerve
C:-Superor vestibular nerve
D:-Inferior vestibular nerve
Ans: A
13:-Which among the following glial tumour is not a Grade I tumour according to the latest WHO classification?
A:-Pilocytic astrocyotma
B:-Subependymal Giant cell astrocytoma
C:-Pleomorphic Xanthoastrocytoma
D:-Desmoplatic infantile astrocytoma
Ans: C
14:-Which of the following extra ocular muscle caused depression of eye in abducted position?
A:-Inferior Rectus
B:-Inferior Oblique
C:-Superior Rectus
D:-Superior Oblique
Ans: A
15:-Lamina terminalis
A:-Is in the roof of fourth ventricle
B:-Is in the roof of third ventricle
C:-Forms the floor of third ventricle
D:-Forms the anterior wall of third ventricle
Ans: D
16:-Which among the following MRI sequences helps to differentiate an arachnoid cyst from an epidermoid?
A:-Gradient Echo
C:-Perfusion weighted images
D:-Diffusion weighted images
Ans: D
17:-The type of Glioma commonly associated with Tuberous sclerosis is
A:-Pilocytic astrocytoma
D:-Subependymal giant cell astrocytoma
Ans: D
18:-The pituitary adenomas are called macroadenomas when the size is more than
A:-1 cm
B:-1 mm
C:-2.5 cm
D:-2.5 mm
Ans: A
19:-Repetition is well preserved in
A:-Brocas aphasia
B:-Wernickes aphasia
C:-Transcortical aphasia
D:-Conduction aphasia
Ans: C
20:-Thalamotomy is done is Parkinson's disease to relieve
Ans: A
21:-Which of the following statement about Oligodendroglioma in FALSE?
A:-around 70% of tumours show histological calcification
B:-most common location is the frontal lobe
C:-tumours with codeletion of chromosome 1p 19q have poor response to radiotherapy and chemotherapy
D:-they usually do not stain for GFAP
Ans: C
22:-Which of the following is not a component of the triad of idiopathic normal pressure hydrocephalus?
A:-head ache
B:-gait disturbance
D:-urinary incontinence
Ans: A
23:-In which of the following clinical conditions an Endoscopic third ventriculostomy will have the maximum success rate
A:-post meningitic hydrocephalus
B:-hydrocephalus following intraventricular hemorrhage
C:-hydrocephalus associated with tectal gliomas
D:-for aqueductal stenosis when it is done before the age of 6 months
Ans: C
24:-Which of the following statement is FALSE regarding Esthesioneuroblastoma?
A:-it is a tumor of olfactory neuroepithelium
B:-can present with epistaxis
C:-the commonest site of metastasis is cervical lymphnodes
D:-bony erosion of the skull base is rare
Ans: D
25:-The commonest site of intracranial arachnoid cyst is
A:-sylvian fissure
B:-interhemispheric fissure
C:-cerebello pontine angle
Ans: A
26:-Scaphocephaly occurs due to the premature closure of
A:-Coronal suture
B:-Sagittal suture
C:-Lamdoid suture
D:-Metopic suture
Ans: B
27:-Which of the following type of spinal cord lipoma is caused by a secondary neurulation defect?
A:-Dorsal lipoma
B:-Transitional lipoma
C:-Terminal lipoma
D:-None of the above
Ans: C
28:-Which of the following is NOT a feature of Dandy Walker Malformation?
A:-Posterior fossa cyst communicating with fourth ventricle
B:-Hypoplasia of cerebellar vermis
D:-Low lying torcula
Ans: D
29:-Which of the following statement is FALSE regarding Chiair 1 malformation?
A:-refers to caudal displacement of cerebellar tonsils 5 mm or more below the foramen magnum
B:-hydrocephalus is uncommon
C:-syringomyelia is common
D:-may be associated with an occipital encephalocele
Ans: D
30:-Which of the following tracts in the spinal cord has a somatotopic organization with the sacral fibres arranged medially and cervical fibres latterally?
A:-Lateral corticospinal tract
B:-Spinothalamic tract
C:-Posterior column
D:-None of the above
Ans: C
31:-Corticosteroids are effective in the treatment of
A:-Cytotoxic edema
B:-Vasogenic edema
C:-Interstitial edema
D:-Osmotic edema
Ans: B
32:-Which of the following is the most common functioning pituitary adenoma?
B:-Growth hormone adenoma
C:-Corticotroph adenoma
D:-TSH adenoma
Ans: A
33:-Which of the following statements is FALSE regarding primary CNS lymphomas?
A:-vast majority are B cell lymphomas
B:-the detection of Epstein Barr virus in CSF is highly specific diagnostic marker for AIDS related primary CNS lymphoma
C:-steroids are better avoided before taking the biopsy
D:-magnetic resonance spectroscopy shows low lipid levels
Ans: D
34:-Normal intracranial pressure in adults is
A:-1-7 mm Hg
B:-7-15 mm Hg
C:-15-25 mm Hg
D:-20-30 mm Hg
Ans: B
35:-A head injury patient is confused, opens eyes to painful stimuli and localizes pain. His GCS score is
Ans: B
36:-Most common primary malignant tumour in pediatric age group is
D:-Choroid plexus carcinoma
Ans: C
37:-At what level does the spinal cord end in adults?
A:-Lower border of D12
B:-Lower border of L1
C:-Lower border of L2
D:-Lower border of L3
Ans: B
38:-Hook effect is
A:-blockage of inhibitory effect of dopamine on prolactin secretion due to compression of pituitary stalk leading to moderate elevation of prolactin levels
B:-low serum values of prolactin obtained by radioimminoassay when serum prolactin levels are very high
C:-very low levels of serum cortisol following pituitary apoplexy
D:-high levels of ADH following pituitary surgery
Ans: B
39:-Which of the following drain into the cavernous sinus?
A:-superior petrosal sinus
B:-inferior petrosal sinus
C:-superior ophthalmic vein
D:-vein of Labbe
Ans: C
40:-A 60 years old man comes to the emergency department following a Road traffic accident. He complains of paraethesia of both upper limbs and bilateral hand grip weakness. On examination there was grade 3 power of both upper limbs with bilateral hand grip weakness. The motor power was normal in both lower limbs. The most likely diagnosis is
A:-Anterior cord syndrome
B:-Posterior cord syndrome
C:-Central cord syndrome
D:-Brown-Sequard syndrome
Ans: C
41:-Late subacute subdural hematoma is most likely to display which one of the characteristics of MRI?
A:-T1 hyperintense T2 hypointense
B:-T1 isointese T2 hyperintense
C:-T1 hyperintense T2 isointense
D:-T1 hyperintense T2 hyperintense
Ans: D
42:-Which of the following utilizes Cobalt 60 source of photon production?
A:-LINAC based radiosurgery
B:-Proton beam therapy
C:-Gamma knife surgery
D:-Carbon ion therapy
Ans: C
43:-Which of the following is horizontal gaze center?
A:-Paramedian pontine reticular formation
B:-Medial longitudinal fasciculus
C:-Superior colliculus
D:-Rostral interstitial nucleus of MLF
Ans: A
44:-Which of the following statements is LEAST accurate regarding the Neurofibromatosis Type 2?
A:-Presence of Bilateral vestibular schwannoma
B:-Unilateral vestibular schannoma and family history of NF2 can be considered as a diagnostic criteria
C:-Juvenile posterior subcapsular cataracts are common in NF2 patients
D:-Caused by a mutation or deletion of the neurofibromin gene on the long arm of chromosome 17
Ans: D
45:-Which of the following screw placement may be risky in presence of a normal anatomical variant ponticulus ponticus?
A:-C1 lateral mass screw placement
B:-C2 pars screw placement
C:-C2 pedicle screw placement
D:-C1-C2 transarticular screw placement
Ans: A
46:-Tectorial membrane is a continuation of
A:-Anterior longitudinal ligament
B:-Posterior longitudinal ligament
C:-Ligamentum flavum
D:-Interspinous ligament
Ans: B
47:-Whichof the following tracts carries pain and temperature sensation?
A:-Anterior spinothalamic tract
B:-Lateral spinothalamic tract
C:-Posterior column
D:-Lateral corticospinal tract
Ans: B
48:-The mechanism of injury in Jafferson's fracture is
C:-Flexion distraction
D:-Axial loading
Ans: D
49:-According to the American Spinal Injury association Impairment Scale, a spine injury patient with preserved motor function below the neurological level and majority of the key muscles below the neurological level having less than grade 3 power is classified as
Ans: C
50:-Which of the following is the commonest blood vessel thought to cause compression of the trigeminal root to produce trigeminal neuralgia?
A:-Superior cerebellar artery
B:-Anterior inferior cerebellar artery
C:-Posterior inferior cerebellar artery
D:-Basilar artery
Ans: A
A:-around 70% of tumours show histological calcification
B:-most common location is the frontal lobe
C:-tumours with codeletion of chromosome 1p 19q have poor response to radiotherapy and chemotherapy
D:-they usually do not stain for GFAP
Ans: C
22:-Which of the following is not a component of the triad of idiopathic normal pressure hydrocephalus?
A:-head ache
B:-gait disturbance
D:-urinary incontinence
Ans: A
23:-In which of the following clinical conditions an Endoscopic third ventriculostomy will have the maximum success rate
A:-post meningitic hydrocephalus
B:-hydrocephalus following intraventricular hemorrhage
C:-hydrocephalus associated with tectal gliomas
D:-for aqueductal stenosis when it is done before the age of 6 months
Ans: C
24:-Which of the following statement is FALSE regarding Esthesioneuroblastoma?
A:-it is a tumor of olfactory neuroepithelium
B:-can present with epistaxis
C:-the commonest site of metastasis is cervical lymphnodes
D:-bony erosion of the skull base is rare
Ans: D
25:-The commonest site of intracranial arachnoid cyst is
A:-sylvian fissure
B:-interhemispheric fissure
C:-cerebello pontine angle
Ans: A
26:-Scaphocephaly occurs due to the premature closure of
A:-Coronal suture
B:-Sagittal suture
C:-Lamdoid suture
D:-Metopic suture
Ans: B
27:-Which of the following type of spinal cord lipoma is caused by a secondary neurulation defect?
A:-Dorsal lipoma
B:-Transitional lipoma
C:-Terminal lipoma
D:-None of the above
Ans: C
28:-Which of the following is NOT a feature of Dandy Walker Malformation?
A:-Posterior fossa cyst communicating with fourth ventricle
B:-Hypoplasia of cerebellar vermis
D:-Low lying torcula
Ans: D
29:-Which of the following statement is FALSE regarding Chiair 1 malformation?
A:-refers to caudal displacement of cerebellar tonsils 5 mm or more below the foramen magnum
B:-hydrocephalus is uncommon
C:-syringomyelia is common
D:-may be associated with an occipital encephalocele
Ans: D
30:-Which of the following tracts in the spinal cord has a somatotopic organization with the sacral fibres arranged medially and cervical fibres latterally?
A:-Lateral corticospinal tract
B:-Spinothalamic tract
C:-Posterior column
D:-None of the above
Ans: C
31:-Corticosteroids are effective in the treatment of
A:-Cytotoxic edema
B:-Vasogenic edema
C:-Interstitial edema
D:-Osmotic edema
Ans: B
32:-Which of the following is the most common functioning pituitary adenoma?
B:-Growth hormone adenoma
C:-Corticotroph adenoma
D:-TSH adenoma
Ans: A
33:-Which of the following statements is FALSE regarding primary CNS lymphomas?
A:-vast majority are B cell lymphomas
B:-the detection of Epstein Barr virus in CSF is highly specific diagnostic marker for AIDS related primary CNS lymphoma
C:-steroids are better avoided before taking the biopsy
D:-magnetic resonance spectroscopy shows low lipid levels
Ans: D
34:-Normal intracranial pressure in adults is
A:-1-7 mm Hg
B:-7-15 mm Hg
C:-15-25 mm Hg
D:-20-30 mm Hg
Ans: B
35:-A head injury patient is confused, opens eyes to painful stimuli and localizes pain. His GCS score is
Ans: B
36:-Most common primary malignant tumour in pediatric age group is
D:-Choroid plexus carcinoma
Ans: C
37:-At what level does the spinal cord end in adults?
A:-Lower border of D12
B:-Lower border of L1
C:-Lower border of L2
D:-Lower border of L3
Ans: B
38:-Hook effect is
A:-blockage of inhibitory effect of dopamine on prolactin secretion due to compression of pituitary stalk leading to moderate elevation of prolactin levels
B:-low serum values of prolactin obtained by radioimminoassay when serum prolactin levels are very high
C:-very low levels of serum cortisol following pituitary apoplexy
D:-high levels of ADH following pituitary surgery
Ans: B
39:-Which of the following drain into the cavernous sinus?
A:-superior petrosal sinus
B:-inferior petrosal sinus
C:-superior ophthalmic vein
D:-vein of Labbe
Ans: C
40:-A 60 years old man comes to the emergency department following a Road traffic accident. He complains of paraethesia of both upper limbs and bilateral hand grip weakness. On examination there was grade 3 power of both upper limbs with bilateral hand grip weakness. The motor power was normal in both lower limbs. The most likely diagnosis is
A:-Anterior cord syndrome
B:-Posterior cord syndrome
C:-Central cord syndrome
D:-Brown-Sequard syndrome
Ans: C
41:-Late subacute subdural hematoma is most likely to display which one of the characteristics of MRI?
A:-T1 hyperintense T2 hypointense
B:-T1 isointese T2 hyperintense
C:-T1 hyperintense T2 isointense
D:-T1 hyperintense T2 hyperintense
Ans: D
42:-Which of the following utilizes Cobalt 60 source of photon production?
A:-LINAC based radiosurgery
B:-Proton beam therapy
C:-Gamma knife surgery
D:-Carbon ion therapy
Ans: C
43:-Which of the following is horizontal gaze center?
A:-Paramedian pontine reticular formation
B:-Medial longitudinal fasciculus
C:-Superior colliculus
D:-Rostral interstitial nucleus of MLF
Ans: A
44:-Which of the following statements is LEAST accurate regarding the Neurofibromatosis Type 2?
A:-Presence of Bilateral vestibular schwannoma
B:-Unilateral vestibular schannoma and family history of NF2 can be considered as a diagnostic criteria
C:-Juvenile posterior subcapsular cataracts are common in NF2 patients
D:-Caused by a mutation or deletion of the neurofibromin gene on the long arm of chromosome 17
Ans: D
45:-Which of the following screw placement may be risky in presence of a normal anatomical variant ponticulus ponticus?
A:-C1 lateral mass screw placement
B:-C2 pars screw placement
C:-C2 pedicle screw placement
D:-C1-C2 transarticular screw placement
Ans: A
46:-Tectorial membrane is a continuation of
A:-Anterior longitudinal ligament
B:-Posterior longitudinal ligament
C:-Ligamentum flavum
D:-Interspinous ligament
Ans: B
47:-Whichof the following tracts carries pain and temperature sensation?
A:-Anterior spinothalamic tract
B:-Lateral spinothalamic tract
C:-Posterior column
D:-Lateral corticospinal tract
Ans: B
48:-The mechanism of injury in Jafferson's fracture is
C:-Flexion distraction
D:-Axial loading
Ans: D
49:-According to the American Spinal Injury association Impairment Scale, a spine injury patient with preserved motor function below the neurological level and majority of the key muscles below the neurological level having less than grade 3 power is classified as
Ans: C
50:-Which of the following is the commonest blood vessel thought to cause compression of the trigeminal root to produce trigeminal neuralgia?
A:-Superior cerebellar artery
B:-Anterior inferior cerebellar artery
C:-Posterior inferior cerebellar artery
D:-Basilar artery
Ans: A
51:-Which of the following movement disorder is caused by the damage to the subthalamic nucleus?
B:-Dystonic tremor
Ans: D
52:-A patient with subarachnoid hemorrhage has a GCS of 13 and has no motor deficits. What is his WFNS grade?
Ans: B
53:-Which of the following is not a component of Cushing's triad?
C:-Pupillary asymmetry
D:-Irregular respiration
Ans: C
54:-Vasospasm following aneurysm rupture is maximum during
A:-Day 1 to day 5
B:-Day 4 to day 14
C:-Day 12 to day 21
D:-Day 21 to day 30
Ans: B
55:-Which one of the following nerves is outside the annulus of Zinn?
Ans: B
56:-Which projection of the Anterior communicating artery aneurysm has the highest change of rupture during the retraction of frontal lobe?
Ans: B
57:-Which of the following surgical approaches is NOT suitable for an upper clival lesion?
A:-Frontotemporal approach with orbitozygomatic osteotomy
B:-Subtemporal approach with zygomatic osteotomy and anterior petrosectomy
C:-Extreme lateral transcondylar approach
D:-Endoscopic trans sphenoidal approach
Ans: C
58:-All are features of Parinaud syndrome except
A:-Downward gaze paralysis
B:-Defective convergence
C:-Light near dissociation
D:-Lid retraction
Ans: A
59:-Which of the following statements is NOT true regarding Glomus Jugular Tumors?
A:-They arise from paraganglia in the adventitia of the jugular vein
B:-Men are affected more frequently than females
C:-They can present with conductive hearing loss
D:-They are highly vascular tumours
Ans: B
60:-A patient presents with low back pain radiating to right leg with paraesthesia along the lateral aspect of leg. On examination he had a weakness of extension of the right big toe and all deep tendon reflexes were normal. The most likely disc prolapse expected in the MRI is
Ans: C
61:-According to Mayerding classification of spondylolisthesis, 26-50% of slippage is classified as
A:-Grade I
B:-Grade II
C:-Grade III
D:-Grade IV
Ans: B
62:-A 10 year old boy presents with head ache and visual disturbances. MRI brain shows a suprasellar cystic lesion with evidence of calcification. The most probable diagnosis among the following is
A:-Pituitary adenoma
B:-Rathke's cleft cyst
D:-Central neurocytoma
Ans: C
63:-All are diagnostic features of Neurofibromatosis type 1 except
A:-Café-au-lait spots
B:-Iris Lisch nodules
C:-Optic glioma
D:-Adenoma sebaceum
Ans: D
64:-The Maxillary division of trigeminal nerve exits the cranium through
A:-Foramen spinosum
B:-Foramen lacerum
C:-Foramen rotundum
D:-Foramen ovale
Ans: C
65:-All are features of neurogenic claudication except
A:-exertional pain over thigh and buttocks
B:-symptoms are more pronounced while walking downstairs than walking upstairs
C:-sitting and leaning forward may relieve the symptoms
D:-bicycling can aggravate the symptoms
Ans: D
66:-The internal cerebral vein drains into
A:-Deep middle cerebral vein
B:-Basal vein of Rosenthal
C:-Vein of Galen
D:-Straight sinus
Ans: C
67:-Commonest presenting symptom of vestibular schwannoma is
A:-unilateral hearing loss
D:-facial numbness
Ans: A
68:-The clinical grade (House Brackmann) of a patient with total facial paralysis with no perceptible movement is
A:-Grade 0
B:-Grade I
C:-Grade V
D:-Grade VI
Ans: D
69:-Which of the following approach is NOT suitable for a vestibular schwannoma when you are aiming for hearing preservation?
A:-suboccipital retrosigmoid approach
B:-translabyrinthine approach
C:-middle fossa approach
D:-none of the above
Ans: B
70:-Simpson grading is used to assess the completeness of surgical removal of
C:-Pituitary adenomas
D:-Vestibular schwannomas
Ans: B
71:-Which of the following intracranial tumours can occur as an association of von Hippel-Lindau Syndrome?
Ans: C
72:-Which of the following histological type of meningioma is considered as a malignant meningioma?
A:-Meningothelial meningioma
B:-Fibroblastic meningioma
C:-Papillary meningioma
D:-Angiomatous meningioma
Ans: C
73:-The classical visual field defect in pituitary adenoma is
A:-Homonymous hemianopia
B:-Bitemporal hemianopia
C:-Binasal hemianopia
D:-Junctional scotoma
Ans: B
74:-The therapeutic ranges of phenytoin in adults is
A:-10-20 μg/ml
B:-20-30 μg/ml
C:-30-40 μg/ml
D:-40-50 μg/ml
Ans: A
75:-All of the following are true regarding pseudotumour cerebri except
A:-Can cause blindness
B:-Intra cranial pressure will be elevated
C:-Majority of cases show moderate to severe dilatation of ventricles
D:-CSF shunt is a treatment option
Ans: C
76:-Anterior petrosectomy is done in
A:-Kawase triangle
B:-Glasscock's triangle
C:-Parkinson's triangle
D:-Mullan's triangle
Ans: A
77:-Rapid correction of hyponatremia can lead to
A:-Cerebral edema
B:-Metabolic encephalopathy
C:-Cerebral salt wasting
D:-Central pontine myelinolysis
Ans: D
78:-Which of the following primary site is the commonest source of cerebral metastasis?
D:-Gastro intestinal
Ans: A
79:-The Hounsfield unit for fat is
A:--90 to -120
C:-70 to 140
D:-more than 300
Ans: A
B:-Dystonic tremor
Ans: D
52:-A patient with subarachnoid hemorrhage has a GCS of 13 and has no motor deficits. What is his WFNS grade?
Ans: B
53:-Which of the following is not a component of Cushing's triad?
C:-Pupillary asymmetry
D:-Irregular respiration
Ans: C
54:-Vasospasm following aneurysm rupture is maximum during
A:-Day 1 to day 5
B:-Day 4 to day 14
C:-Day 12 to day 21
D:-Day 21 to day 30
Ans: B
55:-Which one of the following nerves is outside the annulus of Zinn?
Ans: B
56:-Which projection of the Anterior communicating artery aneurysm has the highest change of rupture during the retraction of frontal lobe?
Ans: B
57:-Which of the following surgical approaches is NOT suitable for an upper clival lesion?
A:-Frontotemporal approach with orbitozygomatic osteotomy
B:-Subtemporal approach with zygomatic osteotomy and anterior petrosectomy
C:-Extreme lateral transcondylar approach
D:-Endoscopic trans sphenoidal approach
Ans: C
58:-All are features of Parinaud syndrome except
A:-Downward gaze paralysis
B:-Defective convergence
C:-Light near dissociation
D:-Lid retraction
Ans: A
59:-Which of the following statements is NOT true regarding Glomus Jugular Tumors?
A:-They arise from paraganglia in the adventitia of the jugular vein
B:-Men are affected more frequently than females
C:-They can present with conductive hearing loss
D:-They are highly vascular tumours
Ans: B
60:-A patient presents with low back pain radiating to right leg with paraesthesia along the lateral aspect of leg. On examination he had a weakness of extension of the right big toe and all deep tendon reflexes were normal. The most likely disc prolapse expected in the MRI is
Ans: C
61:-According to Mayerding classification of spondylolisthesis, 26-50% of slippage is classified as
A:-Grade I
B:-Grade II
C:-Grade III
D:-Grade IV
Ans: B
62:-A 10 year old boy presents with head ache and visual disturbances. MRI brain shows a suprasellar cystic lesion with evidence of calcification. The most probable diagnosis among the following is
A:-Pituitary adenoma
B:-Rathke's cleft cyst
D:-Central neurocytoma
Ans: C
63:-All are diagnostic features of Neurofibromatosis type 1 except
A:-Café-au-lait spots
B:-Iris Lisch nodules
C:-Optic glioma
D:-Adenoma sebaceum
Ans: D
64:-The Maxillary division of trigeminal nerve exits the cranium through
A:-Foramen spinosum
B:-Foramen lacerum
C:-Foramen rotundum
D:-Foramen ovale
Ans: C
65:-All are features of neurogenic claudication except
A:-exertional pain over thigh and buttocks
B:-symptoms are more pronounced while walking downstairs than walking upstairs
C:-sitting and leaning forward may relieve the symptoms
D:-bicycling can aggravate the symptoms
Ans: D
66:-The internal cerebral vein drains into
A:-Deep middle cerebral vein
B:-Basal vein of Rosenthal
C:-Vein of Galen
D:-Straight sinus
Ans: C
67:-Commonest presenting symptom of vestibular schwannoma is
A:-unilateral hearing loss
D:-facial numbness
Ans: A
68:-The clinical grade (House Brackmann) of a patient with total facial paralysis with no perceptible movement is
A:-Grade 0
B:-Grade I
C:-Grade V
D:-Grade VI
Ans: D
69:-Which of the following approach is NOT suitable for a vestibular schwannoma when you are aiming for hearing preservation?
A:-suboccipital retrosigmoid approach
B:-translabyrinthine approach
C:-middle fossa approach
D:-none of the above
Ans: B
70:-Simpson grading is used to assess the completeness of surgical removal of
C:-Pituitary adenomas
D:-Vestibular schwannomas
Ans: B
71:-Which of the following intracranial tumours can occur as an association of von Hippel-Lindau Syndrome?
Ans: C
72:-Which of the following histological type of meningioma is considered as a malignant meningioma?
A:-Meningothelial meningioma
B:-Fibroblastic meningioma
C:-Papillary meningioma
D:-Angiomatous meningioma
Ans: C
73:-The classical visual field defect in pituitary adenoma is
A:-Homonymous hemianopia
B:-Bitemporal hemianopia
C:-Binasal hemianopia
D:-Junctional scotoma
Ans: B
74:-The therapeutic ranges of phenytoin in adults is
A:-10-20 μg/ml
B:-20-30 μg/ml
C:-30-40 μg/ml
D:-40-50 μg/ml
Ans: A
75:-All of the following are true regarding pseudotumour cerebri except
A:-Can cause blindness
B:-Intra cranial pressure will be elevated
C:-Majority of cases show moderate to severe dilatation of ventricles
D:-CSF shunt is a treatment option
Ans: C
76:-Anterior petrosectomy is done in
A:-Kawase triangle
B:-Glasscock's triangle
C:-Parkinson's triangle
D:-Mullan's triangle
Ans: A
77:-Rapid correction of hyponatremia can lead to
A:-Cerebral edema
B:-Metabolic encephalopathy
C:-Cerebral salt wasting
D:-Central pontine myelinolysis
Ans: D
78:-Which of the following primary site is the commonest source of cerebral metastasis?
D:-Gastro intestinal
Ans: A
79:-The Hounsfield unit for fat is
A:--90 to -120
C:-70 to 140
D:-more than 300
Ans: A