1. Which of the following principles of management was not given by Fayol?
(A) Unity of direction
(B) Subordination of individual interest to common interest
(C) Stability of tenure
(D) Standardisation
Ans: D
2. Arrange different phases of Hawthorne experiments in their right sequence:
a. Relay assembly test room experiments
b. Bank wiring observation test
c. Illumination experiment
d. Personal counselling
e. Mass interviewing programme
(A) a, b, c, d, e
(B) c, a, e, b, d
(C) c, b, e, a, d
(D) e, d, c, b, a
Ans: B
3. Delphi technique is used in
(A) Organising
(B) Operating
(C) Staffing
(D) Forecasting
Ans: D
4. Narrow span of control results into
(A) Tall structure
(B) Flat structure
(C) Mechanistic structure
(D) All the above
Ans: A
5. Which of the following is correct about ‘Grapevine’?
(A) It tends to exist when members of formal group know one another well.
(B) It is the result of social forces at work place.
(C) It is more common in times of high organisational excitement.
(D) All the above.
Ans: D
6. The following concept is developed on unitarism, individualism, high commitment and strategic alignment.
(A) Personnel Management
(B) Human Resource Management
(C) Industrial Relations
(D) Personnel Administration
Ans: B
7. Human Resource Planning include
(A) Scenario planning
(B) Action planning
(C) Demand and Supply forecasts
(D) All the above
Ans: D
8. Which one is not a part of recruitment process?
(A) Determining requirements
(B) Planning recruitment campaign
(C) Attracting candidates
(D) Selecting candidates
Ans: D
9. Which one is not a non-quantitative job evaluation method?
(A) Ranking method
(B) Grading method
(C) Point rating method
(D) Job-classification method
Ans: C
10. Consider the following punishments in disciplinary actions:
(i) Warning
(ii) Demotion
(iii) Censure
(iv) Dismissal
Which of the above fall under minor punishment?
(A) (i) and (ii)
(B) (i), (ii) and (iii)
(C) (i) and (iii)
(D) (i), (ii) and (iv)
Ans: C
11. Which of the following factors are included in the calculation of human development index?
(A) Life expectancy
(B) Adult literacy
(C) Decent standard of living
(D) All the above
Ans: D
12. Who is not associated with development of human development index?
(A) Mahabub-ul-Haq
(B) Manmohan Singh
(C) Meghnad Desai
(D) Sudhir Anand
Ans: B
13. The sequence of human resource development activities according to Leonard Nadler are
(A) Education, training and development
(B) Development, training and education
(C) Training, education and development
(D) Training, development and education
Ans: C
14. Who introduced the concept of quality circles in India?
(A) P. V. Rao
(B) Udai Pareek
(C) Dharani P. Sinha
(D) S. R. Udpa
Ans: D
15. Which of the following is the correct sequence of training evaluation?
(A) Reaction, learning, behavior and results
(B) Learning, reaction, behavior and results
(C) Learning, behaviour, reaction and results
(D) Reaction, learning, results and behaviour
Ans: A
16. Which of the following is the outcome of job satisfaction?
(A) High employee turnover
(B) High productivity
(C) Absenteeism
(D) All the above
Ans: B
17. Under Alderfer’s ERG theory, the three core needs are
(A) Emotional, Relational, and Growth
(B) Emotional, Rational and Growth
(C) Existence, Reliability and Gain
(D) Existence, Relatedness and Growth
Ans: D
18. The group to which a person would like to belong is known as
(A) Primary Group
(B) Membership Group
(C) Reference Group
(D) None of the above
Ans: C
19. The Managerial Grid was given by
(A) Rensis Likert
(B) Kurt Lewin
(C) Hersey Blanchard
(D) Blake and Mouton
Ans: D
20. Arrange the following stages of group dynamics in right sequence:
a. Norming
b. Performing
c. Storming
d. Forming
(A) d, c, a, b
(B) a, b, c, d
(C) d, c, b, a
(D) c, d, b, a
Ans: A
21. Identify the correct definition of industrial relations:
(A) Relations between or among human beings
(B) Relations between employer and employees as individuals
(C) Relations between parties in an employment context
(D) Collective relationship between management and trade unions
Ans: D
22. Who has propounded the system concept of industrial relations? Find out from the following:
(A) L. N. Allen Flander
(B) L. N. Flax
(C) John T. Dunlop
(D) Neil N. Chamberlein
Ans: C
23. Which is the correct order of settlement of industrial disputes?
a. Industrial Tribunal
b. National Tribunal
c. Conciliation
d. Labour Court
(A) c, a, d, b
(B) c, d, a, b
(C) a, d, c, b
(D) c, b, d, a
Ans: B
24. Which of the following is not a tripartite body?
(A) Works Committee
(B) I. L. O
(C) Indian Labour Conference
(D) Wage Boards
Ans: A
25. The code of discipline was ratified by the Indian Labour Conference to ensure discipline in industry. Identify the year of ratification out of the following:
(A) 1957
(B) 1958
(C) 1942
(D) 1962
Ans: B
26. Which of the following is not a characteristic of Trade Union?
(A) Is an association of employers or the employees or of the independent workers?
(B) Is relatively a permanent combination but not temporary or casual.
(C) Is an association of workers who are engaged in not securing economic benefits for their members?
(D) Is influenced by a member of ideologies.
Ans: C
27. Recognition of trade union is made by the provision of
(A) Trade Unions Act of 1926
(B) Industrial Dispute Act 1947
(C) Code of Discipline
(D) Factories Act of 1948
Ans: C
28. Which is not a structure of Trade Union of Industrial Organisation?
(A) Craft union
(B) General union
(C) Industrial union
(D) Consumers’ union
Ans: D
29. A Trade Union should be registered as per the law must have
(A) 20% of the workers
(B) 150 workmen
(C) Minimum 17 persons
(D) None of the above
Ans: D
30. The founder of Ahmedabad Textile Labour Association was
(A) V. V. Giri
(B) M. K. Gandhi
(C) B. P. Wadia
(D) N. M. Lokhande
Ans: B
31. If there is willful removal or disregard by the workman of any safety guard or other device which he knew to have been provided for the purpose of securing safety of workman,
(A) Employer is liable to pay compensation
(B) Employer is not liable to pay compensation
(C) Appropriate government is liable to pay compensation
(D) The Trade Union is liable to pay compensation
Ans: B
32. In case of fatal accident if the commissioner serves notice to the employer based on his source
(a) The employer can neglect the notice.
(b) If the employer thinks liable, he shall make the deposit within sixty days of the service of notice.
(c) If the employer thinks liable, he shall make the deposit within thirty days of the service of notice.
(d) If the employer is not liable, he shall in his statement indicate the grounds on which he disclaims liability.
(A) All statements are correct.
(B) All statements are incorrect.
(C) Only (a) and (d) are correct.
(D) Only (c) and (d) are correct.
Ans: D
33. The maternity leave period with full wage is
(A) six months
(B) twelve weeks
(C) four months
(D) sixteen weeks
Ans: A
34. Match the following:
(a) Royal Commission on Labour (i) 1937
(b) Bombay Textile Labour Enquiry committee (ii) 1946
(c) Second Labour Ministers’ Conference (iii) 1929
(d) Labour Investigation Committee (iv) 2002
(e) Second National Commission on Labour (v) 1941
(a) (b) (c) (d) (e)
(A) (ii) (i) (iii) (iv) (v)
(B) (iii) (ii) (i) (v) (iv)
(C) (iii) (v) (iv) (i) (ii)
(D) (iii) (i) (v) (ii) (iv)
Ans: D
35. The goal of I LO is
(A) Creation of jobs for men and women
(B) Not just creation of jobs but the creation of jobs of acceptable quality
(C) Not overcoming under employment
(D) Not to provide freedom of choice in employment
Ans: B
36. The Payment of Bonus Act, 1965 is applicable to an employee who draws wage or salary of
(A) Rs. 3500 in case of apprentice
(B) Rs. 5000 in case of apprentice and employee
(C) Rs. 7500 in case of employee only
(D) Rs. 10,000 in case of employee only
Ans: D
37. Unfair Labour Practices are listed in
(A) The Factories Act, 1948.
(B) The Industrial Employment (Standing Orders) Act, 1946.
(C) The Industrial Disputes Act, 1947.
(D) The Trade Unions Act, 1926.
Ans: C
38. The Minimum Wages Act, 1948 has
(A) One schedule covering different types of industries.
(B) One schedule covering different types of industries, shops and establishments.
(C) One schedule covering shops and establishments.
(D) Two schedules covering industrial establishments and agriculture.
Ans: D
39. If deduction is made contrary to the provisions of the Payment of Wages Act, 1936 the aggrieved employee can write to the inspector appointed under the Act within the time period given below from the date on which the deduction from wages was made or the date on which the payment of wages is due
(A) two years
(B) one year
(C) twelve weeks
(D) six weeks
Ans: C
40. The maximum daily hours of work in a day with normal wage allowed in factories is
(A) 11 hours
(B) 10 hours
(C) 9 hours
(D) 8 hours
Ans: C
41. Assertion (A): Intra-mural and extramural welfare are mutually complimentary.
Reason (R): The work-life balances need to be ensured in order to get the best output from an employee.
(A) Assertion is wrong but Reason is logical.
(B) Both Assertion and Reason are wrong.
(C) Assertion and Reason are right.
(D) The Assertion is right but Reason is wrong.
Ans: C
42. Which of the following statements is not true in explaining the concept and scope of labour welfare?
(A) Labour welfare has no roots in social work.
(B) Long Arm of the job and social invasion of workplace concepts, explain the mutuality between intramural and extramural labour welfare
(C) Labour welfare is a social concept.
(D) Corporate social responsibility is an extended concept of welfare.
Ans: A
43. Who is the champion of the ‘Welfare movement’ propagated in mid-19th century?
(A) Frederick Winslow Taylor
(B) Andrew Ure
(C) Sheebhom Rownlvee
(D) Robert Owners
Ans: D
44. Sequence the following developments by their period of occurrence from earliest to the latest:
(i) The Labour Investigation Committee
(ii) The Whitley Commission
(iii) The Enactment of Factories Act
(iv) The 1st National Commission on Labour
(A) (ii) (i) (iii) (iv)
(B) (ii) (iii) (iv) (i)
(C) (i) (ii) (iv) (iii)
(D) (iv) (ii) (iii) (i)
Ans: A
45. Which of the following statements relating to Welfare Officer is not true?
(A) The provision of Welfare Officer is given in both the Factories Act, 1948 and the Mines Act, 1952.
(B) Welfare Officer’s duties and responsibilities are defined and prescribed in the legislation.
(C) Welfare Officer’s appointment is tagged to the provision of minimum workforce employed in an organisation
(D) The Welfare Officer’s role was designed as a ‘Third force’.
Ans: B
46. Which of the following statements about characteristics of labour is not true?
(A) Labour is a perishable commodity.
(B) Labour cannot be separated from the person.
(C) Workers have no reserve price.
(D) Labour is as flexible and mobile as capital.
Ans: D
47. Which of the following statements about labour market is not true?
(A) Labour market like commodity market is analyzed by supply, demand and price equilibrium.
(B) Labour Market is relatively more local than commodity market.
(C) Unlike a commodity market, the relationship between a buyer and seller in a labour market is not temporary.
(D) Monopoly in the labour market is high.
Ans: D
48. Money Wage is otherwise called as
(A) Real wage
(B) Living wage
(C) Nominal wage
(D) Fair wage
Ans: C
49. Wage Boards set right
(A) Inter-regional differentials
(B) Inter-sectoral differentials
(C) Intra-industry differentials
(D) Inter-industry differentials
Ans: C
50. Which of the following is not a determinant of wages?
(A) Prevailing wages
(B) Bargaining strength of Unions
(C) Job Evaluation
(D) Performance Appraisal
Ans: D
(A) Unity of direction
(B) Subordination of individual interest to common interest
(C) Stability of tenure
(D) Standardisation
Ans: D
2. Arrange different phases of Hawthorne experiments in their right sequence:
a. Relay assembly test room experiments
b. Bank wiring observation test
c. Illumination experiment
d. Personal counselling
e. Mass interviewing programme
(A) a, b, c, d, e
(B) c, a, e, b, d
(C) c, b, e, a, d
(D) e, d, c, b, a
Ans: B
3. Delphi technique is used in
(A) Organising
(B) Operating
(C) Staffing
(D) Forecasting
Ans: D
4. Narrow span of control results into
(A) Tall structure
(B) Flat structure
(C) Mechanistic structure
(D) All the above
Ans: A
5. Which of the following is correct about ‘Grapevine’?
(A) It tends to exist when members of formal group know one another well.
(B) It is the result of social forces at work place.
(C) It is more common in times of high organisational excitement.
(D) All the above.
Ans: D
6. The following concept is developed on unitarism, individualism, high commitment and strategic alignment.
(A) Personnel Management
(B) Human Resource Management
(C) Industrial Relations
(D) Personnel Administration
Ans: B
7. Human Resource Planning include
(A) Scenario planning
(B) Action planning
(C) Demand and Supply forecasts
(D) All the above
Ans: D
8. Which one is not a part of recruitment process?
(A) Determining requirements
(B) Planning recruitment campaign
(C) Attracting candidates
(D) Selecting candidates
Ans: D
9. Which one is not a non-quantitative job evaluation method?
(A) Ranking method
(B) Grading method
(C) Point rating method
(D) Job-classification method
Ans: C
10. Consider the following punishments in disciplinary actions:
(i) Warning
(ii) Demotion
(iii) Censure
(iv) Dismissal
Which of the above fall under minor punishment?
(A) (i) and (ii)
(B) (i), (ii) and (iii)
(C) (i) and (iii)
(D) (i), (ii) and (iv)
Ans: C
11. Which of the following factors are included in the calculation of human development index?
(A) Life expectancy
(B) Adult literacy
(C) Decent standard of living
(D) All the above
Ans: D
12. Who is not associated with development of human development index?
(A) Mahabub-ul-Haq
(B) Manmohan Singh
(C) Meghnad Desai
(D) Sudhir Anand
Ans: B
13. The sequence of human resource development activities according to Leonard Nadler are
(A) Education, training and development
(B) Development, training and education
(C) Training, education and development
(D) Training, development and education
Ans: C
14. Who introduced the concept of quality circles in India?
(A) P. V. Rao
(B) Udai Pareek
(C) Dharani P. Sinha
(D) S. R. Udpa
Ans: D
15. Which of the following is the correct sequence of training evaluation?
(A) Reaction, learning, behavior and results
(B) Learning, reaction, behavior and results
(C) Learning, behaviour, reaction and results
(D) Reaction, learning, results and behaviour
Ans: A
16. Which of the following is the outcome of job satisfaction?
(A) High employee turnover
(B) High productivity
(C) Absenteeism
(D) All the above
Ans: B
17. Under Alderfer’s ERG theory, the three core needs are
(A) Emotional, Relational, and Growth
(B) Emotional, Rational and Growth
(C) Existence, Reliability and Gain
(D) Existence, Relatedness and Growth
Ans: D
18. The group to which a person would like to belong is known as
(A) Primary Group
(B) Membership Group
(C) Reference Group
(D) None of the above
Ans: C
19. The Managerial Grid was given by
(A) Rensis Likert
(B) Kurt Lewin
(C) Hersey Blanchard
(D) Blake and Mouton
Ans: D
20. Arrange the following stages of group dynamics in right sequence:
a. Norming
b. Performing
c. Storming
d. Forming
(A) d, c, a, b
(B) a, b, c, d
(C) d, c, b, a
(D) c, d, b, a
Ans: A
21. Identify the correct definition of industrial relations:
(A) Relations between or among human beings
(B) Relations between employer and employees as individuals
(C) Relations between parties in an employment context
(D) Collective relationship between management and trade unions
Ans: D
22. Who has propounded the system concept of industrial relations? Find out from the following:
(A) L. N. Allen Flander
(B) L. N. Flax
(C) John T. Dunlop
(D) Neil N. Chamberlein
Ans: C
23. Which is the correct order of settlement of industrial disputes?
a. Industrial Tribunal
b. National Tribunal
c. Conciliation
d. Labour Court
(A) c, a, d, b
(B) c, d, a, b
(C) a, d, c, b
(D) c, b, d, a
Ans: B
24. Which of the following is not a tripartite body?
(A) Works Committee
(B) I. L. O
(C) Indian Labour Conference
(D) Wage Boards
Ans: A
25. The code of discipline was ratified by the Indian Labour Conference to ensure discipline in industry. Identify the year of ratification out of the following:
(A) 1957
(B) 1958
(C) 1942
(D) 1962
Ans: B
26. Which of the following is not a characteristic of Trade Union?
(A) Is an association of employers or the employees or of the independent workers?
(B) Is relatively a permanent combination but not temporary or casual.
(C) Is an association of workers who are engaged in not securing economic benefits for their members?
(D) Is influenced by a member of ideologies.
Ans: C
27. Recognition of trade union is made by the provision of
(A) Trade Unions Act of 1926
(B) Industrial Dispute Act 1947
(C) Code of Discipline
(D) Factories Act of 1948
Ans: C
28. Which is not a structure of Trade Union of Industrial Organisation?
(A) Craft union
(B) General union
(C) Industrial union
(D) Consumers’ union
Ans: D
29. A Trade Union should be registered as per the law must have
(A) 20% of the workers
(B) 150 workmen
(C) Minimum 17 persons
(D) None of the above
Ans: D
30. The founder of Ahmedabad Textile Labour Association was
(A) V. V. Giri
(B) M. K. Gandhi
(C) B. P. Wadia
(D) N. M. Lokhande
Ans: B
31. If there is willful removal or disregard by the workman of any safety guard or other device which he knew to have been provided for the purpose of securing safety of workman,
(A) Employer is liable to pay compensation
(B) Employer is not liable to pay compensation
(C) Appropriate government is liable to pay compensation
(D) The Trade Union is liable to pay compensation
Ans: B
32. In case of fatal accident if the commissioner serves notice to the employer based on his source
(a) The employer can neglect the notice.
(b) If the employer thinks liable, he shall make the deposit within sixty days of the service of notice.
(c) If the employer thinks liable, he shall make the deposit within thirty days of the service of notice.
(d) If the employer is not liable, he shall in his statement indicate the grounds on which he disclaims liability.
(A) All statements are correct.
(B) All statements are incorrect.
(C) Only (a) and (d) are correct.
(D) Only (c) and (d) are correct.
Ans: D
33. The maternity leave period with full wage is
(A) six months
(B) twelve weeks
(C) four months
(D) sixteen weeks
Ans: A
34. Match the following:
(a) Royal Commission on Labour (i) 1937
(b) Bombay Textile Labour Enquiry committee (ii) 1946
(c) Second Labour Ministers’ Conference (iii) 1929
(d) Labour Investigation Committee (iv) 2002
(e) Second National Commission on Labour (v) 1941
(a) (b) (c) (d) (e)
(A) (ii) (i) (iii) (iv) (v)
(B) (iii) (ii) (i) (v) (iv)
(C) (iii) (v) (iv) (i) (ii)
(D) (iii) (i) (v) (ii) (iv)
Ans: D
35. The goal of I LO is
(A) Creation of jobs for men and women
(B) Not just creation of jobs but the creation of jobs of acceptable quality
(C) Not overcoming under employment
(D) Not to provide freedom of choice in employment
Ans: B
36. The Payment of Bonus Act, 1965 is applicable to an employee who draws wage or salary of
(A) Rs. 3500 in case of apprentice
(B) Rs. 5000 in case of apprentice and employee
(C) Rs. 7500 in case of employee only
(D) Rs. 10,000 in case of employee only
Ans: D
37. Unfair Labour Practices are listed in
(A) The Factories Act, 1948.
(B) The Industrial Employment (Standing Orders) Act, 1946.
(C) The Industrial Disputes Act, 1947.
(D) The Trade Unions Act, 1926.
Ans: C
38. The Minimum Wages Act, 1948 has
(A) One schedule covering different types of industries.
(B) One schedule covering different types of industries, shops and establishments.
(C) One schedule covering shops and establishments.
(D) Two schedules covering industrial establishments and agriculture.
Ans: D
39. If deduction is made contrary to the provisions of the Payment of Wages Act, 1936 the aggrieved employee can write to the inspector appointed under the Act within the time period given below from the date on which the deduction from wages was made or the date on which the payment of wages is due
(A) two years
(B) one year
(C) twelve weeks
(D) six weeks
Ans: C
40. The maximum daily hours of work in a day with normal wage allowed in factories is
(A) 11 hours
(B) 10 hours
(C) 9 hours
(D) 8 hours
Ans: C
41. Assertion (A): Intra-mural and extramural welfare are mutually complimentary.
Reason (R): The work-life balances need to be ensured in order to get the best output from an employee.
(A) Assertion is wrong but Reason is logical.
(B) Both Assertion and Reason are wrong.
(C) Assertion and Reason are right.
(D) The Assertion is right but Reason is wrong.
Ans: C
42. Which of the following statements is not true in explaining the concept and scope of labour welfare?
(A) Labour welfare has no roots in social work.
(B) Long Arm of the job and social invasion of workplace concepts, explain the mutuality between intramural and extramural labour welfare
(C) Labour welfare is a social concept.
(D) Corporate social responsibility is an extended concept of welfare.
Ans: A
43. Who is the champion of the ‘Welfare movement’ propagated in mid-19th century?
(A) Frederick Winslow Taylor
(B) Andrew Ure
(C) Sheebhom Rownlvee
(D) Robert Owners
Ans: D
44. Sequence the following developments by their period of occurrence from earliest to the latest:
(i) The Labour Investigation Committee
(ii) The Whitley Commission
(iii) The Enactment of Factories Act
(iv) The 1st National Commission on Labour
(A) (ii) (i) (iii) (iv)
(B) (ii) (iii) (iv) (i)
(C) (i) (ii) (iv) (iii)
(D) (iv) (ii) (iii) (i)
Ans: A
45. Which of the following statements relating to Welfare Officer is not true?
(A) The provision of Welfare Officer is given in both the Factories Act, 1948 and the Mines Act, 1952.
(B) Welfare Officer’s duties and responsibilities are defined and prescribed in the legislation.
(C) Welfare Officer’s appointment is tagged to the provision of minimum workforce employed in an organisation
(D) The Welfare Officer’s role was designed as a ‘Third force’.
Ans: B
46. Which of the following statements about characteristics of labour is not true?
(A) Labour is a perishable commodity.
(B) Labour cannot be separated from the person.
(C) Workers have no reserve price.
(D) Labour is as flexible and mobile as capital.
Ans: D
47. Which of the following statements about labour market is not true?
(A) Labour market like commodity market is analyzed by supply, demand and price equilibrium.
(B) Labour Market is relatively more local than commodity market.
(C) Unlike a commodity market, the relationship between a buyer and seller in a labour market is not temporary.
(D) Monopoly in the labour market is high.
Ans: D
48. Money Wage is otherwise called as
(A) Real wage
(B) Living wage
(C) Nominal wage
(D) Fair wage
Ans: C
49. Wage Boards set right
(A) Inter-regional differentials
(B) Inter-sectoral differentials
(C) Intra-industry differentials
(D) Inter-industry differentials
Ans: C
50. Which of the following is not a determinant of wages?
(A) Prevailing wages
(B) Bargaining strength of Unions
(C) Job Evaluation
(D) Performance Appraisal
Ans: D
51. Which of the following is not a traditional model of outsourcing?
(A) Transactional outsourcing
(B) Functional outsourcing
(C) Operational outsourcing
(D) Utility outsourcing
Ans: B
52. The ‘force-field analysis’ model of organisational change resistance was advanced by
(A) Abraham Maslow
(B) Douglas McGregor
(C) Kurt Lewin
(D) Chris Argyris
Ans: C
53. Which of the following is not a segment of David McClleland’s Theory of Needs?
(A) Need for Self Actualization
(B) Need for Achievement
(C) Need for Affiliation
(D) Need for Power
Ans: A
54. A systematic, integrated and planned approach to improve the effectiveness of groups of people in organizations is known as
(A) Management Development
(B) Organizational Development
(C) Managerial Training
(D) Management by Objectives
Ans: B
55. Which of the following is not a cross cultural theory of international HRM?
(A) Geert Hofstede’s Theory
(B) Cluckhohn-Strodthbeck’s Theory
(C) Halls Theory
(D) Jai B.P. Sinha’s Theory
Ans: D
56. Who among the following advocated the principles of Labour Legislation?
(A) Dankert
(B) V.V. Giri
(C) R.K. Dash
(D) S.D. Punekar
Ans: C
57. Which of the following is not a regulative type of labour legislation?
(A) Factories Act, 1948
(B) Trade Unions Act, 1926
(C) Industrial Disputes Act, 1947
(D) Industrial Employment (Standing Orders) Act, 1946
Ans: A
58. Which of the following is not a labour legislation?
(A) Factories Act
(B) Minimum Wages Act
(C) Untouchability Abolition Act
(D) Equal Remuneration Act
Ans: C
59. Social justice is the guiding principle of which of the following labour legislations?
(A) Factories Act
(B) Mines Act
(C) Plantation Labour Act
(D) Equal Remuneration Act
Ans: D
60. For which of the following the first labour legislation was enacted in 1860?
(A) Factory
(B) Industrial Relations
(C) Mines
(D) Plantations
Ans: B
61. The Factories Act, 1934 was enacted to implement the recommendations of which of the following?
(A) Labour Investigation Committee
(B) I.L.O.
(C) First National Commission on Labour
(D) Royal Commission on Labour
Ans: D
62. Which of the following labour legislations is implemented only by the Central Implementation Machinery?
(A) Industrial Disputes Act
(B) Trade Unions Act
(C) Employees’ State Insurance Act
(D) Maternity Benefit Act
Ans: C
63. Shops and Commercial Establishment legislations are included under which of following lists of Indian Constitution?
(A) Union List
(B) State List
(C) Concurrent List
(D) None of the above
Ans: B
64. What is the wage limit for employees to be covered under the Employee State Insurance Act as per the latest amendment?
(A) Rs. 15,000 per month
(B) Rs. 18,000 per month
(C) Rs. 20,000 per month
(D) Rs. 25,000 per month
Ans: A
65. Which of the following legislations in India is governed by a tripartite organization consisting of representatives of labour, management and Government?
(A) Industrial Disputes Act
(B) ESI Act
(C) Maternity Benefit Act
(D) Payment of Bonus Act
Ans: B
66. The eligibility condition for obtaining gratuity under the Payment of Gratuity Act, 1972 is
(A) Completion of 2 years of Service
(B) Completion of 3 years of Service
(C) Completion of 4 years of Service
(D) Completion of 5 years of Service
Ans: D
67. Which of the following has adopted the principle of fair wages in India?
(A) The Minimum Wages Act
(B) The Equal Remuneration Act
(C) The Wage Boards
(D) None of the above
Ans: C
68. The Bureau of Public Enterprises is related to
(A) Central Public Sector undertaking
(B) State Public Sector undertaking
(C) Central Government Departmental undertakings
(D) Private Sector Undertakings
Ans: A
69. The provision of minimum of one year and maximum of three years of operation under the Industrial Disputes Act is related to which of the following?
(A) Converted settlement
(B) Settlement
(C) Award
(D) None of the above
Ans: C
70. The minimum wages as fixed under the Minimum Wages Act, 1948 must be revised at least once in
(A) 2 years
(B) 3 years
(C) 5 years
(D) No mention under the Act
Ans: C
71. The method of applying ‘means test’ for giving benefit is found under
(A) Social Assistance
(B) Social Insurance
(C) Both (A) and (B)
(D) None of the above
Ans: A
72. Under the Child Labour (Prohibition and Regulation) Act, 1986, a child is one who has not completed his
(A) 18 years
(B) 16 years
(C) 15 years
(D) 14 years
Ans: D
73. No contribution is required for getting benefit under which of the following legislations?
(A) Maternity Benefit Act
(B) Employees’ Compensation Act
(C) Both under (A) & (B)
(D) None of the above
Ans: C
74. As per the latest amendment under the ESI Act, 1948 medical treatment is now available to persons under voluntary retirement scheme also.
(A) True
(B) False
(C) Partly True
(D) The Act is silent
Ans: A
75. The maximum amount of gratuity has now been enhanced to Rs. 10 lakhs from
(A) 2.5 lakhs
(B) 3.5 lakhs
(C) 5 lakhs
(D) 7.5 lakhs
Ans: B
76. Who are not the actors according to Dunlop’s framework of industrial relations system?
(A) Managers and their representatives
(B) Workers and their organisations
(C) Specialized government agencies
(D) Communities and their associations
Ans: D
77. According to whom ‘Conflict is necessary but it can be and needs to be managed and resolved’.
(A) Unitarists
(B) Pluralists
(C) Classicalists
(D) Modernists
Ans: A
78. Who observed that the respect for rules depends on the manner of their formulation?
(A) Web, S. and Web, B.
(B) Flanders, A.
(C) Durkheim, E.
(D) Gouldner, A.
Ans: C
79. The concept/theory of industrial capitalism/dialectical materialism was developed by:
(A) Karl Marx
(B) Mahatma Gandhi
(C) Dunlop J. T.
(D) Thakur C. P.
Ans: A
80. Benefits (India) of globalization like sustained economic growth, free markets, economic globalization, privatisation etc., were summarized by:
(A) First National Commission on Labour
(B) Second National Commission on Labour
(C) National Labour Board
(D) International Labour Organisation
Ans: B
81. Globalization is ruthless, rootless, jobless, fruitless was stated by:
(A) U. N. O
(B) U. N. D. P
(C) I. L. O
(D) W. H. O
Ans: B
82. The Origin, growth and development of employment’s organizations in India can be identified as:
(A) Before 1933
(B) After 1933
(C) Before 1947
(D) After 1947
Ans: A
83. The International Organization of Employer’s (I.O.E) with headquarters in Genevas was formulated in
(A) 1910
(B) 1920
(C) 1930
(D) 1940
Ans: B
84. Trade Union movement in India emerged between
(A) 1920-1930
(B) 1850-1870
(C) 1870-1880
(D) 1930-1947
Ans: A
85. The code of discipline in industry was adopted by the Indian labourconference (tripantite) in
(A) 1948
(B) 1958
(C) 1968
(D) 1950
Ans: B
86. The constitution of India upholds the principle ‘Freedom of Association’ as a fundamental right enunciated by I. L. O. convention in
(A) Article 20(C)
(B) Article 19(C)
(C) Article 24(C)
(D) Article 18(C)
Ans: B
87. Training refers to
(A) An act of increasing the knowledge and skill of an employee for doing a particular job
(B) A short term educational process and utilizing systematic and organized procedure by which employees learn technical knowledge and skills for a definite purpose.
(C) It bridges the differences between job requirements and employee’s present specifications
(D) All of the above
Ans: D
88. Which of the following is not an objective of sensitivity training?
(A) Awareness of behavioural pattern of oneself and others
(B) Increased openness and greater concern for others
(C) Increased tolerance and less ethnic prejudice
(D) Potentialities for the next level job
Ans: D
89. Match the following with List-A to List-B
List-A List-B
(a) Job Rotation (i) the trainer appraises the performance of the trainee, provides feedback information and corrects the trainee
(b) Job Instruction (ii) the movement of the trainee from one job to another
(c) Vestible training (iii) Simulation of actual work Conditions in a class room
(d) Programmed Instruction (iv) The subject matter to be learned is presented in a services of carefully planned sequential units.
(a) (b) (c) (d)
(A) (iv) (iii) (ii) (i)
(B) (ii) (i) (iii) (iv)
(C) (iii) (iv) (ii) (i)
(D) (i) (ii) (iii) (iv)
Ans: B
90. Off the job training does not include:
(A) Role playing
(B) Lecture method
(C) Coaching
(D) Conference or discussion
Ans: C
91. Arrange the following steps of training procedure in proper sequence
a. Preparing the trainee
b. Preparing the instructor
c. Presenting the operation
d. Getting ready to teach
e. Tryout the trainee’s performance
f. Follow up
(A) a, b, c, d, e, f
(B) b, a, d, c, e, f
(C) f, e, d, c, a, b
(D) a, d, c, e, b, f
Ans: B
92. Which of the following is not correct about Organisation Development?
(A) It is not a top management led and supported process.
(B) It is a process of planned change.
(C) It is an ongoing collaborative management of organization culture
(D) It is a problem solving process.
Ans: A
93. Who has given the concept of OCTAPACE culture?
(A) Dharni P. Sinha
(B) T. V. Rao
(C) D. M. Pestonjee
(D) Udai Pareek
Ans: D
94. The components of Marvin Weisbord’s six box model are
(A) Purposes, structure, rewards, mechanisms, relationships and leadership
(B) Processes, structure, resources, mechanisms, relationships and leadership
(C) Performance, structure, rewards, machines, relationships and leadership
(D) Purposes, structure, resources, machines, relationships and leadership
Ans: A
95. Action research, as a methodology for behavioural science was proposed by
(A) Wendell L. French
(B) P. F. Drucker
(C) Kurt Lewin
(D) Reddin
Ans: C
96. The process of comparing work and service methods against the best practices and outcomes in industry is known as
(A) Benchmarking
(B) Kaizens
(C) Quality Circles
(D) None of the above
Ans: A
97. In a learning organisation
(A) Vision is provided by top management
(B) Conflicts are resolved through power and hierarchical influence
(C) Formulation and implementation of ideas takes place at all levels of organisation
(D) All the above
Ans: C
98. When an organization outsources the responsibilities for the end-to-end delivery of the recruitment/selection process covering all vacancies is
(A) Recruitment process and screening
(B) Business process and screening
(C) Knowledge process and screening
(D) All the above
Ans: D
99. Lean production aims at:
(A) Continuous improvement
(B) Aim at zero defects
(C) Just-in-time inventory system
(D) All of the above
Ans: D
100. Which one of the following is not a decision role identified by Henry Mintzberg
(A) The spokesperson role
(B) The Entrepreneurial role
(C) The Disturbance handler role
(D) The Resource allocator role
Ans: A
(A) Transactional outsourcing
(B) Functional outsourcing
(C) Operational outsourcing
(D) Utility outsourcing
Ans: B
52. The ‘force-field analysis’ model of organisational change resistance was advanced by
(A) Abraham Maslow
(B) Douglas McGregor
(C) Kurt Lewin
(D) Chris Argyris
Ans: C
53. Which of the following is not a segment of David McClleland’s Theory of Needs?
(A) Need for Self Actualization
(B) Need for Achievement
(C) Need for Affiliation
(D) Need for Power
Ans: A
54. A systematic, integrated and planned approach to improve the effectiveness of groups of people in organizations is known as
(A) Management Development
(B) Organizational Development
(C) Managerial Training
(D) Management by Objectives
Ans: B
55. Which of the following is not a cross cultural theory of international HRM?
(A) Geert Hofstede’s Theory
(B) Cluckhohn-Strodthbeck’s Theory
(C) Halls Theory
(D) Jai B.P. Sinha’s Theory
Ans: D
56. Who among the following advocated the principles of Labour Legislation?
(A) Dankert
(B) V.V. Giri
(C) R.K. Dash
(D) S.D. Punekar
Ans: C
57. Which of the following is not a regulative type of labour legislation?
(A) Factories Act, 1948
(B) Trade Unions Act, 1926
(C) Industrial Disputes Act, 1947
(D) Industrial Employment (Standing Orders) Act, 1946
Ans: A
58. Which of the following is not a labour legislation?
(A) Factories Act
(B) Minimum Wages Act
(C) Untouchability Abolition Act
(D) Equal Remuneration Act
Ans: C
59. Social justice is the guiding principle of which of the following labour legislations?
(A) Factories Act
(B) Mines Act
(C) Plantation Labour Act
(D) Equal Remuneration Act
Ans: D
60. For which of the following the first labour legislation was enacted in 1860?
(A) Factory
(B) Industrial Relations
(C) Mines
(D) Plantations
Ans: B
61. The Factories Act, 1934 was enacted to implement the recommendations of which of the following?
(A) Labour Investigation Committee
(B) I.L.O.
(C) First National Commission on Labour
(D) Royal Commission on Labour
Ans: D
62. Which of the following labour legislations is implemented only by the Central Implementation Machinery?
(A) Industrial Disputes Act
(B) Trade Unions Act
(C) Employees’ State Insurance Act
(D) Maternity Benefit Act
Ans: C
63. Shops and Commercial Establishment legislations are included under which of following lists of Indian Constitution?
(A) Union List
(B) State List
(C) Concurrent List
(D) None of the above
Ans: B
64. What is the wage limit for employees to be covered under the Employee State Insurance Act as per the latest amendment?
(A) Rs. 15,000 per month
(B) Rs. 18,000 per month
(C) Rs. 20,000 per month
(D) Rs. 25,000 per month
Ans: A
65. Which of the following legislations in India is governed by a tripartite organization consisting of representatives of labour, management and Government?
(A) Industrial Disputes Act
(B) ESI Act
(C) Maternity Benefit Act
(D) Payment of Bonus Act
Ans: B
66. The eligibility condition for obtaining gratuity under the Payment of Gratuity Act, 1972 is
(A) Completion of 2 years of Service
(B) Completion of 3 years of Service
(C) Completion of 4 years of Service
(D) Completion of 5 years of Service
Ans: D
67. Which of the following has adopted the principle of fair wages in India?
(A) The Minimum Wages Act
(B) The Equal Remuneration Act
(C) The Wage Boards
(D) None of the above
Ans: C
68. The Bureau of Public Enterprises is related to
(A) Central Public Sector undertaking
(B) State Public Sector undertaking
(C) Central Government Departmental undertakings
(D) Private Sector Undertakings
Ans: A
69. The provision of minimum of one year and maximum of three years of operation under the Industrial Disputes Act is related to which of the following?
(A) Converted settlement
(B) Settlement
(C) Award
(D) None of the above
Ans: C
70. The minimum wages as fixed under the Minimum Wages Act, 1948 must be revised at least once in
(A) 2 years
(B) 3 years
(C) 5 years
(D) No mention under the Act
Ans: C
71. The method of applying ‘means test’ for giving benefit is found under
(A) Social Assistance
(B) Social Insurance
(C) Both (A) and (B)
(D) None of the above
Ans: A
72. Under the Child Labour (Prohibition and Regulation) Act, 1986, a child is one who has not completed his
(A) 18 years
(B) 16 years
(C) 15 years
(D) 14 years
Ans: D
73. No contribution is required for getting benefit under which of the following legislations?
(A) Maternity Benefit Act
(B) Employees’ Compensation Act
(C) Both under (A) & (B)
(D) None of the above
Ans: C
74. As per the latest amendment under the ESI Act, 1948 medical treatment is now available to persons under voluntary retirement scheme also.
(A) True
(B) False
(C) Partly True
(D) The Act is silent
Ans: A
75. The maximum amount of gratuity has now been enhanced to Rs. 10 lakhs from
(A) 2.5 lakhs
(B) 3.5 lakhs
(C) 5 lakhs
(D) 7.5 lakhs
Ans: B
76. Who are not the actors according to Dunlop’s framework of industrial relations system?
(A) Managers and their representatives
(B) Workers and their organisations
(C) Specialized government agencies
(D) Communities and their associations
Ans: D
77. According to whom ‘Conflict is necessary but it can be and needs to be managed and resolved’.
(A) Unitarists
(B) Pluralists
(C) Classicalists
(D) Modernists
Ans: A
78. Who observed that the respect for rules depends on the manner of their formulation?
(A) Web, S. and Web, B.
(B) Flanders, A.
(C) Durkheim, E.
(D) Gouldner, A.
Ans: C
79. The concept/theory of industrial capitalism/dialectical materialism was developed by:
(A) Karl Marx
(B) Mahatma Gandhi
(C) Dunlop J. T.
(D) Thakur C. P.
Ans: A
80. Benefits (India) of globalization like sustained economic growth, free markets, economic globalization, privatisation etc., were summarized by:
(A) First National Commission on Labour
(B) Second National Commission on Labour
(C) National Labour Board
(D) International Labour Organisation
Ans: B
81. Globalization is ruthless, rootless, jobless, fruitless was stated by:
(A) U. N. O
(B) U. N. D. P
(C) I. L. O
(D) W. H. O
Ans: B
82. The Origin, growth and development of employment’s organizations in India can be identified as:
(A) Before 1933
(B) After 1933
(C) Before 1947
(D) After 1947
Ans: A
83. The International Organization of Employer’s (I.O.E) with headquarters in Genevas was formulated in
(A) 1910
(B) 1920
(C) 1930
(D) 1940
Ans: B
84. Trade Union movement in India emerged between
(A) 1920-1930
(B) 1850-1870
(C) 1870-1880
(D) 1930-1947
Ans: A
85. The code of discipline in industry was adopted by the Indian labourconference (tripantite) in
(A) 1948
(B) 1958
(C) 1968
(D) 1950
Ans: B
86. The constitution of India upholds the principle ‘Freedom of Association’ as a fundamental right enunciated by I. L. O. convention in
(A) Article 20(C)
(B) Article 19(C)
(C) Article 24(C)
(D) Article 18(C)
Ans: B
87. Training refers to
(A) An act of increasing the knowledge and skill of an employee for doing a particular job
(B) A short term educational process and utilizing systematic and organized procedure by which employees learn technical knowledge and skills for a definite purpose.
(C) It bridges the differences between job requirements and employee’s present specifications
(D) All of the above
Ans: D
88. Which of the following is not an objective of sensitivity training?
(A) Awareness of behavioural pattern of oneself and others
(B) Increased openness and greater concern for others
(C) Increased tolerance and less ethnic prejudice
(D) Potentialities for the next level job
Ans: D
89. Match the following with List-A to List-B
List-A List-B
(a) Job Rotation (i) the trainer appraises the performance of the trainee, provides feedback information and corrects the trainee
(b) Job Instruction (ii) the movement of the trainee from one job to another
(c) Vestible training (iii) Simulation of actual work Conditions in a class room
(d) Programmed Instruction (iv) The subject matter to be learned is presented in a services of carefully planned sequential units.
(a) (b) (c) (d)
(A) (iv) (iii) (ii) (i)
(B) (ii) (i) (iii) (iv)
(C) (iii) (iv) (ii) (i)
(D) (i) (ii) (iii) (iv)
Ans: B
90. Off the job training does not include:
(A) Role playing
(B) Lecture method
(C) Coaching
(D) Conference or discussion
Ans: C
91. Arrange the following steps of training procedure in proper sequence
a. Preparing the trainee
b. Preparing the instructor
c. Presenting the operation
d. Getting ready to teach
e. Tryout the trainee’s performance
f. Follow up
(A) a, b, c, d, e, f
(B) b, a, d, c, e, f
(C) f, e, d, c, a, b
(D) a, d, c, e, b, f
Ans: B
92. Which of the following is not correct about Organisation Development?
(A) It is not a top management led and supported process.
(B) It is a process of planned change.
(C) It is an ongoing collaborative management of organization culture
(D) It is a problem solving process.
Ans: A
93. Who has given the concept of OCTAPACE culture?
(A) Dharni P. Sinha
(B) T. V. Rao
(C) D. M. Pestonjee
(D) Udai Pareek
Ans: D
94. The components of Marvin Weisbord’s six box model are
(A) Purposes, structure, rewards, mechanisms, relationships and leadership
(B) Processes, structure, resources, mechanisms, relationships and leadership
(C) Performance, structure, rewards, machines, relationships and leadership
(D) Purposes, structure, resources, machines, relationships and leadership
Ans: A
95. Action research, as a methodology for behavioural science was proposed by
(A) Wendell L. French
(B) P. F. Drucker
(C) Kurt Lewin
(D) Reddin
Ans: C
96. The process of comparing work and service methods against the best practices and outcomes in industry is known as
(A) Benchmarking
(B) Kaizens
(C) Quality Circles
(D) None of the above
Ans: A
97. In a learning organisation
(A) Vision is provided by top management
(B) Conflicts are resolved through power and hierarchical influence
(C) Formulation and implementation of ideas takes place at all levels of organisation
(D) All the above
Ans: C
98. When an organization outsources the responsibilities for the end-to-end delivery of the recruitment/selection process covering all vacancies is
(A) Recruitment process and screening
(B) Business process and screening
(C) Knowledge process and screening
(D) All the above
Ans: D
99. Lean production aims at:
(A) Continuous improvement
(B) Aim at zero defects
(C) Just-in-time inventory system
(D) All of the above
Ans: D
100. Which one of the following is not a decision role identified by Henry Mintzberg
(A) The spokesperson role
(B) The Entrepreneurial role
(C) The Disturbance handler role
(D) The Resource allocator role
Ans: A