1. In tubercular diathesis there is
(A) Aversion to meat (B) Drive for meat (C) Aggravation from meet (D) All of the above
Ans: A
2. Ptosis of the lid is
(A) Psonic (B) Syphilitic (C) Sycotic (D) All of the above
Ans: B
3. What was the first step in the evolution of the homoeopathic therapeutics?
(A) Selection of similar medicine (B) Single dose (C) Drug proving (D) Casetaking
Ans: C
4. “There are no diseases, but sick people”, said by
(A) Hahnemann (B) Kent (C) Boenninghausen (D) Lippe
Ans: A
5. Principle of Uniformitarianism is discovered by
(A) Homoeopathist (B) Geologist (C) Anthropologist (D) Mathematician
Ans: B
6. Ametioration of complaints from unusual elimination is caused by
(A) Psora (B) Syphilis (C) Sycosis (D) Tubercular
Ans: C
7. Number of remedies of vegetable kingdom from 50 antipsoric remedies published in Hahnemann’s time
(A) 15 (B) 17 (C) 16 (D) 18
Ans: C
8. Weakness of the ankle joints is a sure indication of the presence of
(A) Syphilitic taint in combination with psoric stigma (B) Psoric taint in combination with sycotic stigma
(C) Sycotic taint in combination with syphilitic stigma (D) None of the above
Ans: A
9. “Law of Least action” was formulated by
(A) Hahnemann (B) Gross (C) Maupertius (D) Arnold
Ans: C
10. Hahnemann’s greatest gift to science in general and to medicine in particular is
(A) Law of similia (B) Theory of vital force (C) Theory of chronic disease (D) Principle of Potentization
Ans: D
11. Vice regent of the soul is
(A) Body (B) Mind (C) Vital Force (D) Heart
Ans: C
12. Mimicking sickness is a type of
(A) Mental disease (B) Physical disease (C) Chronic Disease (D) Acute Affection
Ans: D
13. The principal underlying cause according to order of importance
(A) Psora, next sycosis, next syphilis (B) Psora, next syphilis, next sycosis
(C) Sycosis, next syphilis, next psora (D) Syphilis, next sycosis, next psora
Ans: B
14. Apsoric medicines are perfectly suitable for
(A) Acute manifestation of psora (B) Chronic manifestation of psora
(C) Latent manifestation of psora (D) All of the above
Ans: A
15. Hydraheaded chronic miasm is
(A) Tubercular (B) Syphilis (C) Sycosis (D) Psora
Ans: D
16. When remedies act favourably but the patient is not cured and can’t ever be cured- related to Kent’s
(A) 5th observation (B) 7th observation (C) 9th observation (D) 11th observation
Ans: B
17. After an interval of two or more months of 1st prescription, if the original symptoms return, 2nd prescription would be
(A) Wait & Watch (B) Repetition of the 1st prescription (C) Higher potency of the 1st medicine (D) Complementary power
Ans: B
18. The discoverer of series and degrees is
(A) Hahnemann (B) Boenninghausen (C) Kent (D) Hering
Ans: C
19. Lectures on Homoeopathic Philosophy by J.T.Kent contains
(A) 27 chapters (B) 37 chapters (C) 25 chapters (D) 35 chapters
Ans: B
20. Which is the wrong one?
(A) Experience has a place in science, but only a confirmatory place
(B) Experience leads to discoveries
(C) Experience confirms that has been discovered through principle or law in the proper direction
(D) Homoeopathy is a “medicine of experiences”
Ans: B
21. In 1790 Dr. Hahnemann was translating Cullen’s ‘Materia Medica’ into
(A) English (B) Hebrew (C) Latin (D) German
Ans: D
22. The name of the 1st edition of Organon was
(A) Organon of the medical science (B) Organon of the rational medicine
(C) Organon of the rational medical science (D) Organon of Medicine
Ans: C
23. Coincidence of two or more marked symptoms in the pathogenesis of a drug and in the phenomena of a disease is
(A) accidental symptom (B) concomitant (C) common (D) key note symptom
Ans: C
24. Two essays – the “suggestion” and the “examination of the sources of the common Materia Medica” was written by
(A) Hughes (B) Hahnemann (C) Jahr (D) Hering
Ans: B
25. A pathological simile is far more exact and qualitatively like than that afforded by mere coarse morbid Anatomy which is common to all cases alike – told by
(A) Dunham (B) Harely (C) Drysdale (D) Sharp
Ans: C
26. “A medicine even though it may be Homoeopathically suited to the cure of disease, does harm in every dose that is too large, the more harm the larger the dose, and by the magnitude of the dose it does more harm the greater its homoeopathicity ______ of Organon of Medicine” mentioned in Aphorism
(A) 176 (B) 276 (C) 166 (D) 266
Ans: B
27. The work on the ‘Chronic Disease’ was originally published in five parts & every part had its own preface except
(A) 1st part (B) 2nd part (C) 3rd part (D) 4th part
Ans: B
28. In the typhus of 1813, the specific remedies were,
(A) Aconite & Belladona (B) Gelsemium & Dulcamara (C) Bryonia & Rhus Tox (D) Sulphur & Thuja
Ans: C
29. Counter action is
(A) Secondary counter action (B) Secondary curative action (C) Neither (A) nor (B) (D) Either (A) or (B)
Ans: D
30. Antipathy is useful where
(A) There is no disease to be recovered (B) Merely an obstruction and suppression of the healthy vital force
(C) In the most urgent cases (D) All of the above
Ans: D
31. Investigation of acute disease is easiest for the physician because
(A) All of the phenomena and deviations are still fresh in the memory of the patient and attached people
(B) They are novel and striking
(C) Much less to enquire into and spontaneously detailed by them
(D) All of the above
Ans: D
32. Second point of the business of a true physician relates to
(A) Investigation of the case of disease (B) Investigation of the pathogenetic power of the medicines
(C) Investigation of the application of the drug knowledge to disease knowledge (D) Examination of the patient
Ans: B
33. First rudiments of the true pure Materia Medica is
(A) Fragmenta de viribus (B) Medicine of experience (C) Records of poisoning (D) Essay on a new principle
Ans: C
34. The Prodromal period of syphilis is usually
(A) 50 to 60 days (B) 12 to 15 days (C) 30 to 40 days (D) None of the above
Ans: B
35. Acute gonorrhoea is an
(A) Acute disease (B) Having a tendency to recover after a few weeks or months (C) Contagious (D) All of the above
Ans: D
36. The class of patients who express their sufferings in exaggerated term are
(A) Indian (B) Native Iris (C) British (D) German
Ans: B
37. Quinine Homoeopathy was seen unusually when one practiced in
(A) East India (B) West America (C) East America (D) West India
Ans: B
38. Young people of sanguine temperament develop
(A) Insanity (B) Dropsy (C) Phthisis (D) Induration after the suppression of itch.
Ans: B
39. Phlegmatic person in consequence of suppression of an eruption develop
(A) Dropsy (B) Haemorrhoid (C) Cancer (D) Typhus
Ans: B
40. It is not necessary to use any external application, except in
(A) Warts (B) Tumour (C) Most inveterate & difficult cases of larger figwarts (D) All of the above
Ans: C
41. In the treatment of a developed Psora, Sulphur can hardly be used,
(A) Once (B) Twice (C) Three or four times (D) More than four, even after the intervening use of other antipsoric remedies.
Ans: C
42. Sequlae of measles are usually due to
(A) Psora (B) Syphilis (C) Sycosis (D) Measles
Ans: A
43. Acute idiosyncrasy arises from
(A) Exciting cause (B) Maintaining cause (C) Acute miasm (D) Chronic miasm
Ans: C
44. What constitutes a remedy homoeopathic?
(A) Having symptoms similarity with the patient (B) Potentized, attenuated, prepared according to rules
(C) Recover taking place in proper direction (D) All of the above
Ans: D
45. Sacrifice of a part(often a large part), of the fluid and the solid parts of the Organism through the non-healing method of treatment is called
(A) Recovery (B) Cure (C) Crisis (D) Lysis
Ans: C
46. Psora means
(A) Internal itch disease with or without its attendant eruption on the skin
(B) Internal itch disease always with attendant eruption on the skin
(C) Scabies
(D) Skin disease
Ans: A
47. The symptoms of special senses are
(A) General (B) Particular (C) Common (D) Unknown Symptoms
Ans: A
48. Probationary remedies are _______ according to Boenuinghausen.
(A) 1st Grade (B) 2nd grade (C) 3rd grade (D) 4th grade
Ans: D
49. The highest order of cure in acute affection is related to Kent’s
(A) 3rd observation (B) 4th Observation (C) 11th observation (D) All of the above
Ans: B
50. Best prover is
(A) Physician (B) Healthy physician
(C) Healthy and sensitive physician (D) Healthy, unprejudiced and sensitive physician
Ans: D
(A) Aversion to meat (B) Drive for meat (C) Aggravation from meet (D) All of the above
Ans: A
2. Ptosis of the lid is
(A) Psonic (B) Syphilitic (C) Sycotic (D) All of the above
Ans: B
3. What was the first step in the evolution of the homoeopathic therapeutics?
(A) Selection of similar medicine (B) Single dose (C) Drug proving (D) Casetaking
Ans: C
4. “There are no diseases, but sick people”, said by
(A) Hahnemann (B) Kent (C) Boenninghausen (D) Lippe
Ans: A
5. Principle of Uniformitarianism is discovered by
(A) Homoeopathist (B) Geologist (C) Anthropologist (D) Mathematician
Ans: B
6. Ametioration of complaints from unusual elimination is caused by
(A) Psora (B) Syphilis (C) Sycosis (D) Tubercular
Ans: C
7. Number of remedies of vegetable kingdom from 50 antipsoric remedies published in Hahnemann’s time
(A) 15 (B) 17 (C) 16 (D) 18
Ans: C
8. Weakness of the ankle joints is a sure indication of the presence of
(A) Syphilitic taint in combination with psoric stigma (B) Psoric taint in combination with sycotic stigma
(C) Sycotic taint in combination with syphilitic stigma (D) None of the above
Ans: A
9. “Law of Least action” was formulated by
(A) Hahnemann (B) Gross (C) Maupertius (D) Arnold
Ans: C
10. Hahnemann’s greatest gift to science in general and to medicine in particular is
(A) Law of similia (B) Theory of vital force (C) Theory of chronic disease (D) Principle of Potentization
Ans: D
11. Vice regent of the soul is
(A) Body (B) Mind (C) Vital Force (D) Heart
Ans: C
12. Mimicking sickness is a type of
(A) Mental disease (B) Physical disease (C) Chronic Disease (D) Acute Affection
Ans: D
13. The principal underlying cause according to order of importance
(A) Psora, next sycosis, next syphilis (B) Psora, next syphilis, next sycosis
(C) Sycosis, next syphilis, next psora (D) Syphilis, next sycosis, next psora
Ans: B
14. Apsoric medicines are perfectly suitable for
(A) Acute manifestation of psora (B) Chronic manifestation of psora
(C) Latent manifestation of psora (D) All of the above
Ans: A
15. Hydraheaded chronic miasm is
(A) Tubercular (B) Syphilis (C) Sycosis (D) Psora
Ans: D
16. When remedies act favourably but the patient is not cured and can’t ever be cured- related to Kent’s
(A) 5th observation (B) 7th observation (C) 9th observation (D) 11th observation
Ans: B
17. After an interval of two or more months of 1st prescription, if the original symptoms return, 2nd prescription would be
(A) Wait & Watch (B) Repetition of the 1st prescription (C) Higher potency of the 1st medicine (D) Complementary power
Ans: B
18. The discoverer of series and degrees is
(A) Hahnemann (B) Boenninghausen (C) Kent (D) Hering
Ans: C
19. Lectures on Homoeopathic Philosophy by J.T.Kent contains
(A) 27 chapters (B) 37 chapters (C) 25 chapters (D) 35 chapters
Ans: B
20. Which is the wrong one?
(A) Experience has a place in science, but only a confirmatory place
(B) Experience leads to discoveries
(C) Experience confirms that has been discovered through principle or law in the proper direction
(D) Homoeopathy is a “medicine of experiences”
Ans: B
21. In 1790 Dr. Hahnemann was translating Cullen’s ‘Materia Medica’ into
(A) English (B) Hebrew (C) Latin (D) German
Ans: D
22. The name of the 1st edition of Organon was
(A) Organon of the medical science (B) Organon of the rational medicine
(C) Organon of the rational medical science (D) Organon of Medicine
Ans: C
23. Coincidence of two or more marked symptoms in the pathogenesis of a drug and in the phenomena of a disease is
(A) accidental symptom (B) concomitant (C) common (D) key note symptom
Ans: C
24. Two essays – the “suggestion” and the “examination of the sources of the common Materia Medica” was written by
(A) Hughes (B) Hahnemann (C) Jahr (D) Hering
Ans: B
25. A pathological simile is far more exact and qualitatively like than that afforded by mere coarse morbid Anatomy which is common to all cases alike – told by
(A) Dunham (B) Harely (C) Drysdale (D) Sharp
Ans: C
26. “A medicine even though it may be Homoeopathically suited to the cure of disease, does harm in every dose that is too large, the more harm the larger the dose, and by the magnitude of the dose it does more harm the greater its homoeopathicity ______ of Organon of Medicine” mentioned in Aphorism
(A) 176 (B) 276 (C) 166 (D) 266
Ans: B
27. The work on the ‘Chronic Disease’ was originally published in five parts & every part had its own preface except
(A) 1st part (B) 2nd part (C) 3rd part (D) 4th part
Ans: B
28. In the typhus of 1813, the specific remedies were,
(A) Aconite & Belladona (B) Gelsemium & Dulcamara (C) Bryonia & Rhus Tox (D) Sulphur & Thuja
Ans: C
29. Counter action is
(A) Secondary counter action (B) Secondary curative action (C) Neither (A) nor (B) (D) Either (A) or (B)
Ans: D
30. Antipathy is useful where
(A) There is no disease to be recovered (B) Merely an obstruction and suppression of the healthy vital force
(C) In the most urgent cases (D) All of the above
Ans: D
31. Investigation of acute disease is easiest for the physician because
(A) All of the phenomena and deviations are still fresh in the memory of the patient and attached people
(B) They are novel and striking
(C) Much less to enquire into and spontaneously detailed by them
(D) All of the above
Ans: D
32. Second point of the business of a true physician relates to
(A) Investigation of the case of disease (B) Investigation of the pathogenetic power of the medicines
(C) Investigation of the application of the drug knowledge to disease knowledge (D) Examination of the patient
Ans: B
33. First rudiments of the true pure Materia Medica is
(A) Fragmenta de viribus (B) Medicine of experience (C) Records of poisoning (D) Essay on a new principle
Ans: C
34. The Prodromal period of syphilis is usually
(A) 50 to 60 days (B) 12 to 15 days (C) 30 to 40 days (D) None of the above
Ans: B
35. Acute gonorrhoea is an
(A) Acute disease (B) Having a tendency to recover after a few weeks or months (C) Contagious (D) All of the above
Ans: D
36. The class of patients who express their sufferings in exaggerated term are
(A) Indian (B) Native Iris (C) British (D) German
Ans: B
37. Quinine Homoeopathy was seen unusually when one practiced in
(A) East India (B) West America (C) East America (D) West India
Ans: B
38. Young people of sanguine temperament develop
(A) Insanity (B) Dropsy (C) Phthisis (D) Induration after the suppression of itch.
Ans: B
39. Phlegmatic person in consequence of suppression of an eruption develop
(A) Dropsy (B) Haemorrhoid (C) Cancer (D) Typhus
Ans: B
40. It is not necessary to use any external application, except in
(A) Warts (B) Tumour (C) Most inveterate & difficult cases of larger figwarts (D) All of the above
Ans: C
41. In the treatment of a developed Psora, Sulphur can hardly be used,
(A) Once (B) Twice (C) Three or four times (D) More than four, even after the intervening use of other antipsoric remedies.
Ans: C
42. Sequlae of measles are usually due to
(A) Psora (B) Syphilis (C) Sycosis (D) Measles
Ans: A
43. Acute idiosyncrasy arises from
(A) Exciting cause (B) Maintaining cause (C) Acute miasm (D) Chronic miasm
Ans: C
44. What constitutes a remedy homoeopathic?
(A) Having symptoms similarity with the patient (B) Potentized, attenuated, prepared according to rules
(C) Recover taking place in proper direction (D) All of the above
Ans: D
45. Sacrifice of a part(often a large part), of the fluid and the solid parts of the Organism through the non-healing method of treatment is called
(A) Recovery (B) Cure (C) Crisis (D) Lysis
Ans: C
46. Psora means
(A) Internal itch disease with or without its attendant eruption on the skin
(B) Internal itch disease always with attendant eruption on the skin
(C) Scabies
(D) Skin disease
Ans: A
47. The symptoms of special senses are
(A) General (B) Particular (C) Common (D) Unknown Symptoms
Ans: A
48. Probationary remedies are _______ according to Boenuinghausen.
(A) 1st Grade (B) 2nd grade (C) 3rd grade (D) 4th grade
Ans: D
49. The highest order of cure in acute affection is related to Kent’s
(A) 3rd observation (B) 4th Observation (C) 11th observation (D) All of the above
Ans: B
50. Best prover is
(A) Physician (B) Healthy physician
(C) Healthy and sensitive physician (D) Healthy, unprejudiced and sensitive physician
Ans: D
51. Genius of the medicine is known during drug proving when
(A) Same medicine is tested for several successive days (B) First dose is sufficiently strong
(C) Low potency is used for a few days (D) All of the above
Ans: B
52. Indisposition is when a patient complaints of
(A) One or more trivial symptoms
(B) Observed a short times before
(C) Physician should not regard this as a fully developed disease that requires medical aid and a slight alteretion of diet and regimen is sufficient to dispel
(D) All of the above
Ans: D
53. The characteristic symptoms of the homoeopathic medicines and his repertory was written by
(A) Dr. J.H.G.Jahr (B) Dr. H.Farrington (C) Dr. Von. Boenninghausen (D) Dr. Hahnemann
Ans: C
54. St. Anthony’s Fire is,
(A) Malignant Erysipelas (B) Acute Gonorrhoea (C) Bubo (D) Anthrax
Ans: A
55. Syphilis began in the year,
(A) 1790 (B) 1796 (C) 1456 (D) 1493
Ans: D
56. Psora Constitutes
(A) 1/3rd (B) 2/3rd (C) 7/8th (D) 3/4th of all chronic diseases.
Ans: C
57. According to Hahnemann Sycosis can be cured by
(A) Thuja (B) Nitric Acid (C) Thuja and Nitric Acid at a time (D) Thuja and Nitric Acid in alternation
Ans: D
58. Psoric diathesis means,
(A) Latent psora (B) Developed psora (C) Both (A) and (B) (D) None of the above
Ans: C
59. Incapability of sexual intercourse is treated by (according to Dr. Hahnemann)
(A) Antipsonic (B) Antisiphilitic (C) Antipsoric or Antisyphilitic (D) Antisycotic
Ans: C
60. Homoeopathic medicine may be given in doses of
(A) Tablespoonful (B) Teaspoonful (C) Coffeespoonful (D) Any of the above
Ans: D
61. Half Spiritual Miasmis
(A) Rabies (B) Psora (C) Cholera (D) Deranged vital force
Ans: B
62. The best time for taking a dose of antipsoric medicine is
(A) An hour before going to bed (B) Early in the evening
(C) Early in the morning (D) Early in the morning while fasting
Ans: D
63. ‘Cito, tuto et jucunde’ means
(A) Acute, Subacute & chronic (B) In the shortest, most harmless and easily
(C) Quickly, safely & pleasantly (D) Safely, pleasantly and quickly
Ans: C
64. The amount of sugar of milk to be used as placebo is
(A) 1grain (B) 2grains (C) 1-2grains (D) About 3 grains
Ans: D
65. When the chronic diseases have taken on itself an acute character
(A) Repetition of the lower potency (B) Repetition of the higher potency
(C) Change of plan of treatment (D) Change of medicine has to be done
Ans: A
66. According to Hahnemann’s chronic diseases-the favourable action of the dose is probably exhausted on
(A) 30th day (B) 30th- 40th day (C) 40th-50th day (D) 100th day
Ans: C
67. Three worst mistakes of the phycians according to Hahnemann
(A) To consider as too small the dose, wrong choice of the remedies & hastiness which doesn’t act each dose to act its full time
(B) Selection of partly similar medicine, administration of higher potency, frequent repetition
(C) Selection of palliative medicine, administration of large dose, no repetition at all
(D) All of the above
Ans: A
68. The sign of an incipient cure is
(A) Medicinal aggravation (B) Disease aggravation (C) Homoeopathic aggravation (D) Palliation
Ans: C
69. A similar remedy can produce dissimilar disease when
(A) Antipsoric remedy was too large (B) Antipsoric remedy, although properly selected, was too large
(C) When administrated wrongly (D) None of the above
Ans: D
70. The mission of the physician is not
(A) Cure (B) Restoration of sick to health (C) Annihilation of the disease (D) Theoretic medicine
Ans: D
71. Accompanying modalities is mentioned in Aphorism(of Organon of Medicine) of
(A) 5 (B) 7 (C) 18 (D) All of the above
Ans: C
72. Double, complex disease is never formed when
(A) Two dissimilar acute disease meet together (B) Two dissimilar chronic disease meet together
(C) Two dissimilar disease, one acute, one chronic meet together (D) Two similar disease meet together
Ans: D
73. Mumps(Angina parotidea) immediately disappear when the cowpox inoculation had taken effect as observed by
(A) Von Hildenbrand (B) Larry (C) Hahnemann (D) Kortuns
Ans: C
74. Jenner’s cow pox vaccination was
(A) Dis-similar (B) Similar (C) Isopathic (D) Same with small pox
Ans: B
75. Allopathy, a system of medicine, in which medicines have no pathological relation to the disease
(A) Neither similar nor opposite (B) Either similar or opposite (C) Sometimes opposite, sometimes similar (D) All of the above
Ans: A
76. Symptomatic treatment is
(A) Homoeopathic (B) Antipathic (C) Allopathic (D) isopathic
Ans: B
77. Antitype medicine indicates
(A) Opposite medicine (B) Similar medicine (C) Both (A) and (B) (D) Neither (A) nor (B)
Ans: B
78. Which one is correct?
(A) Slight homoeopathic aggravation during first hours-very good prognostic in acute disease
(B) Action of medicine having longest duration of action quickly expires in acute diseases proportionately long lasting in chronic disease
(C) Dose of a homoeopathic remedy is always superior to the similar natural disease
(D) All of the above
Ans: D
79. Dr. Hahnemann has classified symptoms into
(A) General & characteristic (B) Common & characteristic (C) General & particular (D) All of the above
Ans: A
80. Which one is not mentioned in special qualities of physician during case taking?
(A) Freedom from prejudice (B) Sound senses (C) Fidelity in tracing the picture of disease (D) Good orator
Ans: D
81. Which one is not the example of interval one sided disease mentioned in aphorism 174 of Organon of Medicine?
(A) Diarrhoea of long standing (B) Headache of many years duration (C) An ancient gastralgia (D) An ancient cardialgia
Ans: C
82. Which one is correct?
(A) Mental disease is a type of one sided disease (B) It’s of psoric in origin
(C) Mental disease is not a class of disease sharply separated from corporal disease (D) All of the above
Ans: D
83. Which one is not correct?
(A) Endemic intermittent feveroccurs in marshy districts
(B) One or two very small dose of potentised cinchona often free a person who maintains health, from the endemic intermittent fever
(C) The patients of that area are to be shifted to dry mountaneous area
(D) Non antipsoric medicines are sufficient to cure endemic intermittent fever
Ans: D
84. Which one is correct in case of epidemic intermittent fever?
(A) Composed of single acute paroxysm (B) Uniform character common to all the affected individuals
(C) An universally homoeopathic specific remedy is at serviceable to almost all (D) They are seen in endemic area
Ans: D
85. Which edition of Organon of Medicine has no table of contents?
(A) 1st (B) 2nd (C) 3rd (D) None of the above
Ans: A
86. Which one is wrong in relation to quality of a mesmerizer?
(A) Great kindness of deposition (B) Perfect bodily powers
(C) Trust worthy (D) Possessing a very moderate desire for sexual intercourse
Ans: C
87. Medicines can be administrated through the
(A) Tongue (B) Mouth (C) Stomach (D) All of the above
Ans: D
88. The ratio of the patients whose impressionability compared to that of unsusceptible ones is
(A)100:1 (B) 1000:1 (C) 500:1 (D) 50:1
Ans: B
89. Which one is not correct in relation to favourite remedy?
(A) By chance often found useful (B) Having opportunities of using with good effect
(C) No such term in Organon of Medicine (D) Often very serviceable
Ans: C
90. Some examples of medicines having alternating action in Aph. 251 of Organon of Medicine
(A) Rhus Tox (B) Ignitia (C) Bryonia (D) All of the above
Ans: D
91. Which one is not true in relation to half homoeopathic remedy?
(A) Form and appearance as homoeopathic medicine (B) Employment of allopathic means
(C) Selection any how (D) No such remedy mentioned in Organon of Medicine
Ans: D
92. What is dynamic influence - a long foot note appears in Aphorism of Organon of Medicine under
(A) 7 (B) 9 (C) 11 (D) 149
Ans: C
93. Which is not the attribute of vital force?
(A) Spiritual (B) Instinctive (C) Unintelligent (D) Morbific energy
Ans: D
94. Which one is correct in relation to unprejudiced observer?
(A) Well aware of the futility of transcendental speculation (B) Receives no confirmation from experience
(C) Takes note of the changes in the health of the body and mind (D) All of the above
Ans: D
95. According to 6th edition of Organon of Medicine, large doses of the specific medicines are advised to administrate in
(A) Primary manifestation of psora (B) Primary manifestation of syphilis (C) Primary manifestation of sycosis (D) All of the above
Ans: D
96. Materia pecan means
(A) Materia Medica (B) Material cause of disease (C) Medicine of experience (D) Mental symptoms of medicine
Ans: B
97. In acute type of mental disease which medicine is not mentioned for the treatment of it?
(A) Aconite (B) Belladonna (C) Mercury (D) Opium
Ans: D
98. Which one is true?
(A) Psychical remedies are present day psychological counselling
(B) Psychical remedies are homoeopathic potentised medicines
(C) Psychical remedies are electric shocks
(D) Psychical remedies are antimiasmatic remedies
Ans: A
99. Which one is not true in case of alternating disease?
(A) It is of two fold or three fold (B) They are psoric sometimes complicated with syphilis
(C) They are always chronic in nature (D) Diarrhoea alternates with constipation is an example of it
Ans: D
100. The name of the intermediate remedy as mentioned 234 Alphorism of Organon of Medicine is
(A) Sulphur (B) Thuja (C) China (D) Carbo veg
Ans: C
(A) Same medicine is tested for several successive days (B) First dose is sufficiently strong
(C) Low potency is used for a few days (D) All of the above
Ans: B
52. Indisposition is when a patient complaints of
(A) One or more trivial symptoms
(B) Observed a short times before
(C) Physician should not regard this as a fully developed disease that requires medical aid and a slight alteretion of diet and regimen is sufficient to dispel
(D) All of the above
Ans: D
53. The characteristic symptoms of the homoeopathic medicines and his repertory was written by
(A) Dr. J.H.G.Jahr (B) Dr. H.Farrington (C) Dr. Von. Boenninghausen (D) Dr. Hahnemann
Ans: C
54. St. Anthony’s Fire is,
(A) Malignant Erysipelas (B) Acute Gonorrhoea (C) Bubo (D) Anthrax
Ans: A
55. Syphilis began in the year,
(A) 1790 (B) 1796 (C) 1456 (D) 1493
Ans: D
56. Psora Constitutes
(A) 1/3rd (B) 2/3rd (C) 7/8th (D) 3/4th of all chronic diseases.
Ans: C
57. According to Hahnemann Sycosis can be cured by
(A) Thuja (B) Nitric Acid (C) Thuja and Nitric Acid at a time (D) Thuja and Nitric Acid in alternation
Ans: D
58. Psoric diathesis means,
(A) Latent psora (B) Developed psora (C) Both (A) and (B) (D) None of the above
Ans: C
59. Incapability of sexual intercourse is treated by (according to Dr. Hahnemann)
(A) Antipsonic (B) Antisiphilitic (C) Antipsoric or Antisyphilitic (D) Antisycotic
Ans: C
60. Homoeopathic medicine may be given in doses of
(A) Tablespoonful (B) Teaspoonful (C) Coffeespoonful (D) Any of the above
Ans: D
61. Half Spiritual Miasmis
(A) Rabies (B) Psora (C) Cholera (D) Deranged vital force
Ans: B
62. The best time for taking a dose of antipsoric medicine is
(A) An hour before going to bed (B) Early in the evening
(C) Early in the morning (D) Early in the morning while fasting
Ans: D
63. ‘Cito, tuto et jucunde’ means
(A) Acute, Subacute & chronic (B) In the shortest, most harmless and easily
(C) Quickly, safely & pleasantly (D) Safely, pleasantly and quickly
Ans: C
64. The amount of sugar of milk to be used as placebo is
(A) 1grain (B) 2grains (C) 1-2grains (D) About 3 grains
Ans: D
65. When the chronic diseases have taken on itself an acute character
(A) Repetition of the lower potency (B) Repetition of the higher potency
(C) Change of plan of treatment (D) Change of medicine has to be done
Ans: A
66. According to Hahnemann’s chronic diseases-the favourable action of the dose is probably exhausted on
(A) 30th day (B) 30th- 40th day (C) 40th-50th day (D) 100th day
Ans: C
67. Three worst mistakes of the phycians according to Hahnemann
(A) To consider as too small the dose, wrong choice of the remedies & hastiness which doesn’t act each dose to act its full time
(B) Selection of partly similar medicine, administration of higher potency, frequent repetition
(C) Selection of palliative medicine, administration of large dose, no repetition at all
(D) All of the above
Ans: A
68. The sign of an incipient cure is
(A) Medicinal aggravation (B) Disease aggravation (C) Homoeopathic aggravation (D) Palliation
Ans: C
69. A similar remedy can produce dissimilar disease when
(A) Antipsoric remedy was too large (B) Antipsoric remedy, although properly selected, was too large
(C) When administrated wrongly (D) None of the above
Ans: D
70. The mission of the physician is not
(A) Cure (B) Restoration of sick to health (C) Annihilation of the disease (D) Theoretic medicine
Ans: D
71. Accompanying modalities is mentioned in Aphorism(of Organon of Medicine) of
(A) 5 (B) 7 (C) 18 (D) All of the above
Ans: C
72. Double, complex disease is never formed when
(A) Two dissimilar acute disease meet together (B) Two dissimilar chronic disease meet together
(C) Two dissimilar disease, one acute, one chronic meet together (D) Two similar disease meet together
Ans: D
73. Mumps(Angina parotidea) immediately disappear when the cowpox inoculation had taken effect as observed by
(A) Von Hildenbrand (B) Larry (C) Hahnemann (D) Kortuns
Ans: C
74. Jenner’s cow pox vaccination was
(A) Dis-similar (B) Similar (C) Isopathic (D) Same with small pox
Ans: B
75. Allopathy, a system of medicine, in which medicines have no pathological relation to the disease
(A) Neither similar nor opposite (B) Either similar or opposite (C) Sometimes opposite, sometimes similar (D) All of the above
Ans: A
76. Symptomatic treatment is
(A) Homoeopathic (B) Antipathic (C) Allopathic (D) isopathic
Ans: B
77. Antitype medicine indicates
(A) Opposite medicine (B) Similar medicine (C) Both (A) and (B) (D) Neither (A) nor (B)
Ans: B
78. Which one is correct?
(A) Slight homoeopathic aggravation during first hours-very good prognostic in acute disease
(B) Action of medicine having longest duration of action quickly expires in acute diseases proportionately long lasting in chronic disease
(C) Dose of a homoeopathic remedy is always superior to the similar natural disease
(D) All of the above
Ans: D
79. Dr. Hahnemann has classified symptoms into
(A) General & characteristic (B) Common & characteristic (C) General & particular (D) All of the above
Ans: A
80. Which one is not mentioned in special qualities of physician during case taking?
(A) Freedom from prejudice (B) Sound senses (C) Fidelity in tracing the picture of disease (D) Good orator
Ans: D
81. Which one is not the example of interval one sided disease mentioned in aphorism 174 of Organon of Medicine?
(A) Diarrhoea of long standing (B) Headache of many years duration (C) An ancient gastralgia (D) An ancient cardialgia
Ans: C
82. Which one is correct?
(A) Mental disease is a type of one sided disease (B) It’s of psoric in origin
(C) Mental disease is not a class of disease sharply separated from corporal disease (D) All of the above
Ans: D
83. Which one is not correct?
(A) Endemic intermittent feveroccurs in marshy districts
(B) One or two very small dose of potentised cinchona often free a person who maintains health, from the endemic intermittent fever
(C) The patients of that area are to be shifted to dry mountaneous area
(D) Non antipsoric medicines are sufficient to cure endemic intermittent fever
Ans: D
84. Which one is correct in case of epidemic intermittent fever?
(A) Composed of single acute paroxysm (B) Uniform character common to all the affected individuals
(C) An universally homoeopathic specific remedy is at serviceable to almost all (D) They are seen in endemic area
Ans: D
85. Which edition of Organon of Medicine has no table of contents?
(A) 1st (B) 2nd (C) 3rd (D) None of the above
Ans: A
86. Which one is wrong in relation to quality of a mesmerizer?
(A) Great kindness of deposition (B) Perfect bodily powers
(C) Trust worthy (D) Possessing a very moderate desire for sexual intercourse
Ans: C
87. Medicines can be administrated through the
(A) Tongue (B) Mouth (C) Stomach (D) All of the above
Ans: D
88. The ratio of the patients whose impressionability compared to that of unsusceptible ones is
(A)100:1 (B) 1000:1 (C) 500:1 (D) 50:1
Ans: B
89. Which one is not correct in relation to favourite remedy?
(A) By chance often found useful (B) Having opportunities of using with good effect
(C) No such term in Organon of Medicine (D) Often very serviceable
Ans: C
90. Some examples of medicines having alternating action in Aph. 251 of Organon of Medicine
(A) Rhus Tox (B) Ignitia (C) Bryonia (D) All of the above
Ans: D
91. Which one is not true in relation to half homoeopathic remedy?
(A) Form and appearance as homoeopathic medicine (B) Employment of allopathic means
(C) Selection any how (D) No such remedy mentioned in Organon of Medicine
Ans: D
92. What is dynamic influence - a long foot note appears in Aphorism of Organon of Medicine under
(A) 7 (B) 9 (C) 11 (D) 149
Ans: C
93. Which is not the attribute of vital force?
(A) Spiritual (B) Instinctive (C) Unintelligent (D) Morbific energy
Ans: D
94. Which one is correct in relation to unprejudiced observer?
(A) Well aware of the futility of transcendental speculation (B) Receives no confirmation from experience
(C) Takes note of the changes in the health of the body and mind (D) All of the above
Ans: D
95. According to 6th edition of Organon of Medicine, large doses of the specific medicines are advised to administrate in
(A) Primary manifestation of psora (B) Primary manifestation of syphilis (C) Primary manifestation of sycosis (D) All of the above
Ans: D
96. Materia pecan means
(A) Materia Medica (B) Material cause of disease (C) Medicine of experience (D) Mental symptoms of medicine
Ans: B
97. In acute type of mental disease which medicine is not mentioned for the treatment of it?
(A) Aconite (B) Belladonna (C) Mercury (D) Opium
Ans: D
98. Which one is true?
(A) Psychical remedies are present day psychological counselling
(B) Psychical remedies are homoeopathic potentised medicines
(C) Psychical remedies are electric shocks
(D) Psychical remedies are antimiasmatic remedies
Ans: A
99. Which one is not true in case of alternating disease?
(A) It is of two fold or three fold (B) They are psoric sometimes complicated with syphilis
(C) They are always chronic in nature (D) Diarrhoea alternates with constipation is an example of it
Ans: D
100. The name of the intermediate remedy as mentioned 234 Alphorism of Organon of Medicine is
(A) Sulphur (B) Thuja (C) China (D) Carbo veg
Ans: C