1:-The fingerprint system was first used by
A:-Sir Edmund Locard B:-Dr. Alec Jeffreys C:-Sir William Herschel D:-Sir Francis Golten
Ans: C
2:-In spectroscopy reduced Hb shows
A:-Two bands between D and E B:-A broad band between D and E
C:-A sharp band between C and D and a broad band between D and E D:-A band between C and D
Ans: B
3:-Vitamine that can be used in treatment for cyanide poisoning
A:-Vitamine `"B_1"` B:-Vitamine `"B_6"` C:-Vitamine `"B_3"` D:-Vitamine `"B_{12}"`
Ans: D
4:-Neurosis is a __________.
A:-Major psychological disorder B:-Reaction to stressful circumstances
C:-State where there is lack of empathy D:-State of absent insight
Ans: B
5:-If the fatal dose of a poison is 5 to 50 mg/kg body weight, it is
A:-Extremely toxic B:-Very toxic C:-Moderately toxic D:-Mildly toxic
Ans: A
6:-Choose the correct statement - Rape is an offence which is
A:-Non-cognizable B:-Bailable
C:-Triable by chief Judicial Magistrate D:-Imprisonment may extent upto the remainder of that person's natural life
Ans: D
7:-'Fragilitas ossium' is seen in persons _______.
A:-having scurvy B:-having osteomalacia C:-workers of phosphorous industry D:-using steroids for a long time
Ans: C
8:-Rupture of diaphragm usually occurs
A:-near the central tendon on left side B:-near the attachments to the ribs
C:-at the centre of the right done D:-near the vertebral attachment
Ans: A
9:-True regarding concussion of brain is/are ________.
A:-Rotational injury caused by sudden acceleration B:-Head is not free to move with sufficient velocity
C:-The mechanism is indirect violence on the vertex D:-If it is happening it is always necessarily fatal
Ans: A
10:-Wound of entry and exit can be seen in all except _________.
A:-Penetrating wound B:-Electrical injury C:-Lightning stroke injury D:-Gun shot wound
Ans: A
11:-A bruise _________.
A:-Occurs at the dependent parts of the body B:-Affects broad surface area
C:-Shows swelling D:-Fragments of blood coagulants will be present within the vessels
Ans: C
12:-ASA IV grade is _________.
A:-a patient with non incapacitating systemic disease B:-a patient not expected to survive 24 hrs with or without operation
C:-a patient with severe incapacitating systemic disease which is a constant threat to life D:-a patient with mild systemic disease Ans: C
13:-A pregnant woman dies from an act intended for miscarriage, the offender is liable to be punished with rigourous imprisonment which shall not be less than 10 years and also fine up to two lakh rupees is __________.
A:-Section 312 of IPC B:-Section 313 of IPC C:-Section 314 of IPC D:-Section 315 of IPC
Ans: C
14:-Teratozoospermia is
A:-Sperm concentration fewer than 20 `xx"10^6/ml"` B:-Fewer than 50% spermatozoa with forward progression
C:-Fewer than 25% spermatozoa with category 'a' movement D:-Fewer than 30% spermatozoa with normal morphology
Ans: D
15:-Stomach wash can be given in poisoning with
A:-Sulphuric acid B:-Hydrochloric acid C:-Carbolic acid D:-Formic acid
Ans: C
16:-Endrin is a
A:-Organophosphate compound B:-Dinitrophenol compound
C:-Poly chlorinated hydrocarbon D:-Carbamate compound
Ans: C
17:-A donor graft is from a different species in _______.
A:-Isograft B:-Allograft C:-Xenograft D:-Autograft
Ans: C
18:-ICMR guidelines on surrogacy include _____________.
A:-Adoption of the child is not necessary if the biological parents themselves receive the child
B:-Giving payment to the surrogate mother is highly unethical
C:-ART clinics are permitted to advertise regarding surrogacy to make the patient aware about the availability of such treatments
D:-A relative, a known person as well as an unknown person can act as a surrogate mother for the couple
Ans: D
19:-Example of irreversible cell damage is _____________.
A:-Brown atrophy of heart muscle B:-Formation of councilman bodies in viral hepatitis
C:-Transfusional haemosiderosis in reticulo-endothelial cells D:-Accumulation of haemozoin in macrophages
Ans: B
20:-Example of type II hypersenisitivity is __________.
A:-Hay fever B:-Graves disease C:-SLE D:-Tuberculin reaction
Ans: B
21:-Atavism is resemblence of child to
A:-Father B:-Mother C:-Sibling D:-Grand parent
Ans: D
22:-Wilful utterance of falsehood under oath is
A:-Hostility B:-Perjury C:-Dichotomy D:-Adultery
Ans: B
23:-Traumatic rupture of hymen is usually seen in the _________.
A:-Antero lateral aspect B:-Postero lateral aspect C:-Centrally in the front aspect D:-Centrally in the back aspect
Ans: B
24:-Catamite is _________
A:-Female child victim of rape B:-Active agent in bestiality
C:-Child, passive agent in sodomy D:-Child, active partner of sodomy
Ans: C
25:-Fracture-a-la-signature is __________.
A:-Pond fracture B:-Mosaic fracture C:-Depressed fracture D:-Gutter fracture
Ans: C
26:-In occlusive coronary artery disease, the most common site of atheromatous narrowing of the coronary artery is _______.
A:-Proximal portion of the left anterior descending artery B:-Proximal portion of the right coronary artery
C:-Distal portion of right coronary artery D:-Circumflex coronary artery
Ans: A
27:-The wound certificate is issued by
A:-the doctor who first examines the patient B:-the superintendent of the hospital
C:-casualty medical officer of the hospital D:-casualty medical officer of the referal hospital
Ans: A
28:-Factors limiting bioterrorism defence efforts are __________.
A:-Vulnerability B:-Capability C:-Antimicrobial resistance to antibiotics D:-Intent
Ans: C
29:-Erection of penis is mediated by
A:-Parosympathetic nerves B:-Vagus nerve C:-Sympathetic nerves D:-Lateral cutaneous nerve of thigh
Ans: A
30:-Model Minnesota protocol includes the manual for _________.
A:-Diagnosing brain death B:-Treatment of prisoners by physicians
C:-Model autopsy protocol D:-Organ transplantation
Ans: C
31:-A person while hanging himself from the branch of a tree, the branch breaks and the person dies of head injury, it is an example of ___________.
A:-Attempted suicide B:-Complex suicide C:-Complicated suicide D:-Pseudocide
Ans: C
32:-Signs of recent vaginal delivery in living includes all except __________.
A:-Braxton Hick's contractions B:-Colostrum corpusceles in milk
C:-Uterine fundus at the level of umbilicus D:-A rounded external cervical os
Ans: D
33:-Conduct money is the
A:-fine paid by the doctor in negligence case B:-fee offered to a witness in a criminal court
C:-is paid by the party who summon the doctor as a witness in the civil case D:-fee paid to the doctor along with a summons
Ans: C
34:-True regarding recording of dying declaration is ________.
A:-the doctor should certify that the person is in compos mentis B:-oath shall be administered prior to recording the statement
C:-the person shall be cross examined by the accused D:-leading s can be asked
Ans: A
35:-Choose the false statement regarding Tokyo declaration against torture _______.
A:-The doctor shall countenance or condone in practice of torture
B:-The doctor shall not present during the cruel, inhumane or degrading procedures of torture
C:-The doctor must have complete clinical independence in deciding upon the care of a person
D:-The doctor shall not provide any premise, instrument, substance or knowledge to facilitate torture
Ans: A
36:-Drug causing physical as well as psychological dependence is
A:-Cocaine B:-Amphetamene C:-LSD D:-Barbiturates
Ans: D
37:-While issuing death certificate
A:-doctor can charge fee B:-doctor can refuse to give the certificate if fee is not given
C:-doctor should comply with the requirements of ICD 10th revision to write the certificate D:-doctor can issue the certificate in poisoning cases
Ans: C
38:-Brain stem reflexes include all except ________.
A:-Pupillary reflex B:-Gag reflex C:-Cremasteric reflex D:-Cough reflex
Ans: C
39:-Morphologic forms of reversible cell injury are all except __________.
A:-Hyaline change B:-Mucoid change C:-Autolytic change D:-Fatty change
Ans: C
40:-THOTA 1994 permits
A:-for the commercial dealing of human organs and tissues
B:-to remove any human organ for transplantation in the event of brain stem death from any body
C:-any person, man or woman can donate his organs for therapeutic purpose
D:-the person incharge of the hospital can authorise for the removal of organs from an unclaimed body, lying in the hospital for more than 48 hours
Ans: D
41:-The CD markers in T cell are _________.
A:-CD 19 B:-CD 21 C:-`"CD_3"` D:-CD 23
Ans: C
42:-The most numerous circulatory leucocyte is
A:-Basophils B:-Eosinophils C:-Neutrophils D:-Lymphocytes
Ans: C
43:-Hapten is a ________.
A:-Protein B:-Non-protein C:-Antigen D:-Antibody
Ans: B
44:-Injuries caused by an immersion blast affects mainly the ________.
A:-Stomach and intestines B:-Lungs C:-Heart D:-Ear drum
Ans: A
45:-Multiple rib fractures can cause a blood loss of
A:-250 to 500 ml B:-500 to 1000 ml C:-1000 to 2000 ml D:-2000 to 3000 ml
Ans: C
46:-Detection of gun shot residue is done by all except ________.
A:-Neutron activation analysis B:-Dermal nitrate test C:-FAAS D:-`"P_{300}"` test
Ans: D
47:-Dicing injuries caused on the driver in a front on collision will be on _________.
A:-the right side of face, forehead and right upper limb B:-the left side of face, forehead and left upper limb
C:-anywhere on the body D:-all of the above
Ans: B
48:-Stature can be calculated by
A:-Gustafson's method B:-Karl Pearson's method C:-Boyde's method D:-Stack's method
Ans: B
49:-In salt water drowning the lungs will be ________.
A:-Crepitus B:-Heavy C:-Uniformly emphysematous D:-Only little fluid can be squeezed out
Ans: B
50:-Battered baby syndrome can be identified by all except
A:-Discrepancy between the nature of injury and the explanation offered by the parent
B:-Delay between the injury and seeking of medical help
C:-Repetition of injuries on different dates
D:-Penetrating injury on the abdomen
Ans: D
A:-Sir Edmund Locard B:-Dr. Alec Jeffreys C:-Sir William Herschel D:-Sir Francis Golten
Ans: C
2:-In spectroscopy reduced Hb shows
A:-Two bands between D and E B:-A broad band between D and E
C:-A sharp band between C and D and a broad band between D and E D:-A band between C and D
Ans: B
3:-Vitamine that can be used in treatment for cyanide poisoning
A:-Vitamine `"B_1"` B:-Vitamine `"B_6"` C:-Vitamine `"B_3"` D:-Vitamine `"B_{12}"`
Ans: D
4:-Neurosis is a __________.
A:-Major psychological disorder B:-Reaction to stressful circumstances
C:-State where there is lack of empathy D:-State of absent insight
Ans: B
5:-If the fatal dose of a poison is 5 to 50 mg/kg body weight, it is
A:-Extremely toxic B:-Very toxic C:-Moderately toxic D:-Mildly toxic
Ans: A
6:-Choose the correct statement - Rape is an offence which is
A:-Non-cognizable B:-Bailable
C:-Triable by chief Judicial Magistrate D:-Imprisonment may extent upto the remainder of that person's natural life
Ans: D
7:-'Fragilitas ossium' is seen in persons _______.
A:-having scurvy B:-having osteomalacia C:-workers of phosphorous industry D:-using steroids for a long time
Ans: C
8:-Rupture of diaphragm usually occurs
A:-near the central tendon on left side B:-near the attachments to the ribs
C:-at the centre of the right done D:-near the vertebral attachment
Ans: A
9:-True regarding concussion of brain is/are ________.
A:-Rotational injury caused by sudden acceleration B:-Head is not free to move with sufficient velocity
C:-The mechanism is indirect violence on the vertex D:-If it is happening it is always necessarily fatal
Ans: A
10:-Wound of entry and exit can be seen in all except _________.
A:-Penetrating wound B:-Electrical injury C:-Lightning stroke injury D:-Gun shot wound
Ans: A
11:-A bruise _________.
A:-Occurs at the dependent parts of the body B:-Affects broad surface area
C:-Shows swelling D:-Fragments of blood coagulants will be present within the vessels
Ans: C
12:-ASA IV grade is _________.
A:-a patient with non incapacitating systemic disease B:-a patient not expected to survive 24 hrs with or without operation
C:-a patient with severe incapacitating systemic disease which is a constant threat to life D:-a patient with mild systemic disease Ans: C
13:-A pregnant woman dies from an act intended for miscarriage, the offender is liable to be punished with rigourous imprisonment which shall not be less than 10 years and also fine up to two lakh rupees is __________.
A:-Section 312 of IPC B:-Section 313 of IPC C:-Section 314 of IPC D:-Section 315 of IPC
Ans: C
14:-Teratozoospermia is
A:-Sperm concentration fewer than 20 `xx"10^6/ml"` B:-Fewer than 50% spermatozoa with forward progression
C:-Fewer than 25% spermatozoa with category 'a' movement D:-Fewer than 30% spermatozoa with normal morphology
Ans: D
15:-Stomach wash can be given in poisoning with
A:-Sulphuric acid B:-Hydrochloric acid C:-Carbolic acid D:-Formic acid
Ans: C
16:-Endrin is a
A:-Organophosphate compound B:-Dinitrophenol compound
C:-Poly chlorinated hydrocarbon D:-Carbamate compound
Ans: C
17:-A donor graft is from a different species in _______.
A:-Isograft B:-Allograft C:-Xenograft D:-Autograft
Ans: C
18:-ICMR guidelines on surrogacy include _____________.
A:-Adoption of the child is not necessary if the biological parents themselves receive the child
B:-Giving payment to the surrogate mother is highly unethical
C:-ART clinics are permitted to advertise regarding surrogacy to make the patient aware about the availability of such treatments
D:-A relative, a known person as well as an unknown person can act as a surrogate mother for the couple
Ans: D
19:-Example of irreversible cell damage is _____________.
A:-Brown atrophy of heart muscle B:-Formation of councilman bodies in viral hepatitis
C:-Transfusional haemosiderosis in reticulo-endothelial cells D:-Accumulation of haemozoin in macrophages
Ans: B
20:-Example of type II hypersenisitivity is __________.
A:-Hay fever B:-Graves disease C:-SLE D:-Tuberculin reaction
Ans: B
21:-Atavism is resemblence of child to
A:-Father B:-Mother C:-Sibling D:-Grand parent
Ans: D
22:-Wilful utterance of falsehood under oath is
A:-Hostility B:-Perjury C:-Dichotomy D:-Adultery
Ans: B
23:-Traumatic rupture of hymen is usually seen in the _________.
A:-Antero lateral aspect B:-Postero lateral aspect C:-Centrally in the front aspect D:-Centrally in the back aspect
Ans: B
24:-Catamite is _________
A:-Female child victim of rape B:-Active agent in bestiality
C:-Child, passive agent in sodomy D:-Child, active partner of sodomy
Ans: C
25:-Fracture-a-la-signature is __________.
A:-Pond fracture B:-Mosaic fracture C:-Depressed fracture D:-Gutter fracture
Ans: C
26:-In occlusive coronary artery disease, the most common site of atheromatous narrowing of the coronary artery is _______.
A:-Proximal portion of the left anterior descending artery B:-Proximal portion of the right coronary artery
C:-Distal portion of right coronary artery D:-Circumflex coronary artery
Ans: A
27:-The wound certificate is issued by
A:-the doctor who first examines the patient B:-the superintendent of the hospital
C:-casualty medical officer of the hospital D:-casualty medical officer of the referal hospital
Ans: A
28:-Factors limiting bioterrorism defence efforts are __________.
A:-Vulnerability B:-Capability C:-Antimicrobial resistance to antibiotics D:-Intent
Ans: C
29:-Erection of penis is mediated by
A:-Parosympathetic nerves B:-Vagus nerve C:-Sympathetic nerves D:-Lateral cutaneous nerve of thigh
Ans: A
30:-Model Minnesota protocol includes the manual for _________.
A:-Diagnosing brain death B:-Treatment of prisoners by physicians
C:-Model autopsy protocol D:-Organ transplantation
Ans: C
31:-A person while hanging himself from the branch of a tree, the branch breaks and the person dies of head injury, it is an example of ___________.
A:-Attempted suicide B:-Complex suicide C:-Complicated suicide D:-Pseudocide
Ans: C
32:-Signs of recent vaginal delivery in living includes all except __________.
A:-Braxton Hick's contractions B:-Colostrum corpusceles in milk
C:-Uterine fundus at the level of umbilicus D:-A rounded external cervical os
Ans: D
33:-Conduct money is the
A:-fine paid by the doctor in negligence case B:-fee offered to a witness in a criminal court
C:-is paid by the party who summon the doctor as a witness in the civil case D:-fee paid to the doctor along with a summons
Ans: C
34:-True regarding recording of dying declaration is ________.
A:-the doctor should certify that the person is in compos mentis B:-oath shall be administered prior to recording the statement
C:-the person shall be cross examined by the accused D:-leading s can be asked
Ans: A
35:-Choose the false statement regarding Tokyo declaration against torture _______.
A:-The doctor shall countenance or condone in practice of torture
B:-The doctor shall not present during the cruel, inhumane or degrading procedures of torture
C:-The doctor must have complete clinical independence in deciding upon the care of a person
D:-The doctor shall not provide any premise, instrument, substance or knowledge to facilitate torture
Ans: A
36:-Drug causing physical as well as psychological dependence is
A:-Cocaine B:-Amphetamene C:-LSD D:-Barbiturates
Ans: D
37:-While issuing death certificate
A:-doctor can charge fee B:-doctor can refuse to give the certificate if fee is not given
C:-doctor should comply with the requirements of ICD 10th revision to write the certificate D:-doctor can issue the certificate in poisoning cases
Ans: C
38:-Brain stem reflexes include all except ________.
A:-Pupillary reflex B:-Gag reflex C:-Cremasteric reflex D:-Cough reflex
Ans: C
39:-Morphologic forms of reversible cell injury are all except __________.
A:-Hyaline change B:-Mucoid change C:-Autolytic change D:-Fatty change
Ans: C
40:-THOTA 1994 permits
A:-for the commercial dealing of human organs and tissues
B:-to remove any human organ for transplantation in the event of brain stem death from any body
C:-any person, man or woman can donate his organs for therapeutic purpose
D:-the person incharge of the hospital can authorise for the removal of organs from an unclaimed body, lying in the hospital for more than 48 hours
Ans: D
41:-The CD markers in T cell are _________.
A:-CD 19 B:-CD 21 C:-`"CD_3"` D:-CD 23
Ans: C
42:-The most numerous circulatory leucocyte is
A:-Basophils B:-Eosinophils C:-Neutrophils D:-Lymphocytes
Ans: C
43:-Hapten is a ________.
A:-Protein B:-Non-protein C:-Antigen D:-Antibody
Ans: B
44:-Injuries caused by an immersion blast affects mainly the ________.
A:-Stomach and intestines B:-Lungs C:-Heart D:-Ear drum
Ans: A
45:-Multiple rib fractures can cause a blood loss of
A:-250 to 500 ml B:-500 to 1000 ml C:-1000 to 2000 ml D:-2000 to 3000 ml
Ans: C
46:-Detection of gun shot residue is done by all except ________.
A:-Neutron activation analysis B:-Dermal nitrate test C:-FAAS D:-`"P_{300}"` test
Ans: D
47:-Dicing injuries caused on the driver in a front on collision will be on _________.
A:-the right side of face, forehead and right upper limb B:-the left side of face, forehead and left upper limb
C:-anywhere on the body D:-all of the above
Ans: B
48:-Stature can be calculated by
A:-Gustafson's method B:-Karl Pearson's method C:-Boyde's method D:-Stack's method
Ans: B
49:-In salt water drowning the lungs will be ________.
A:-Crepitus B:-Heavy C:-Uniformly emphysematous D:-Only little fluid can be squeezed out
Ans: B
50:-Battered baby syndrome can be identified by all except
A:-Discrepancy between the nature of injury and the explanation offered by the parent
B:-Delay between the injury and seeking of medical help
C:-Repetition of injuries on different dates
D:-Penetrating injury on the abdomen
Ans: D
51:-Fatal blood concentration of halothane is
A:-20 mg% B:-40 mg% C:-50 mg% D:-180 mg%
Ans: A
52:-All are delusions except
A:-Hypochondriacal B:-Kleptomania C:-Influence D:-Infidelity
Ans: B
53:-To identify spent bullet which microscope is used
A:-Light microscope B:-Polarising microscope C:-Comparison microscope D:-Fluorescent microscope
Ans: C
54:-'Return trip' is a term coined with use of
A:-Cannabis B:-Opium C:-LSD D:-Marihuana
Ans: C
55:-Homicidal smothering and traumatic asphyxia is
A:-Mugging B:-Burking C:-Gagging D:-Garrotting
Ans: B
56:-Poison used to kill Socrates is
A:-Ginsenin B:-Hemlock C:-Datura D:-Heroin
Ans: B
57:-Mechanism of causation of ring fracture ___________.
A:-Fall from height and landing on buttock B:-Fall from height and landing on heel
C:-Fall from height and landing on vertex D:-All of the above
Ans: D
58:-Crime described in section 325 of IPC can be tried by
A:-Judicial First Class Magistrate B:-Chief Judicial Magistrate C:-Judge of Sub court D:-Sessions Judge
Ans: B
59:-Agonal artifacts include all except
A:-Regurgitation of stomach content B:-Inhaled vomit in the air passages
C:-Gastromalacia D:-Pseudo-Hour glass appearance of stomach
Ans: D
60:-Haemochromogen crystal test is known as __________.
A:-Kastle-Meyer test B:-Takayama test C:-Teichmann's test D:-Luminal test
Ans: B
A:-20 mg% B:-40 mg% C:-50 mg% D:-180 mg%
Ans: A
52:-All are delusions except
A:-Hypochondriacal B:-Kleptomania C:-Influence D:-Infidelity
Ans: B
53:-To identify spent bullet which microscope is used
A:-Light microscope B:-Polarising microscope C:-Comparison microscope D:-Fluorescent microscope
Ans: C
54:-'Return trip' is a term coined with use of
A:-Cannabis B:-Opium C:-LSD D:-Marihuana
Ans: C
55:-Homicidal smothering and traumatic asphyxia is
A:-Mugging B:-Burking C:-Gagging D:-Garrotting
Ans: B
56:-Poison used to kill Socrates is
A:-Ginsenin B:-Hemlock C:-Datura D:-Heroin
Ans: B
57:-Mechanism of causation of ring fracture ___________.
A:-Fall from height and landing on buttock B:-Fall from height and landing on heel
C:-Fall from height and landing on vertex D:-All of the above
Ans: D
58:-Crime described in section 325 of IPC can be tried by
A:-Judicial First Class Magistrate B:-Chief Judicial Magistrate C:-Judge of Sub court D:-Sessions Judge
Ans: B
59:-Agonal artifacts include all except
A:-Regurgitation of stomach content B:-Inhaled vomit in the air passages
C:-Gastromalacia D:-Pseudo-Hour glass appearance of stomach
Ans: D
60:-Haemochromogen crystal test is known as __________.
A:-Kastle-Meyer test B:-Takayama test C:-Teichmann's test D:-Luminal test
Ans: B