1:-The seismic wave which can travel through both solids and liquids is _________
Ans: A
2:-Photochemical smog is formed by the reaction between the following components in the atmosphere
A:-By the action of sunlight on NOx, ozone, hydrocarbons
B:-By the action of sunlight on NOx, oxygen, hydrocarbons
C:-By the action of sunlight on SOx, ozone, hydrocarbons
D:-By the action of sunlight on SOx, oxygen, hydrocarbons
Ans: A
3:-Normal average thickness of stratospheric ozone layer across the globe is around
A:-200 DU
B:-300 DU
C:-400 DU
D:-500 DU
Ans: B
4:-Which of the following pair regarding global distribution of water is wrongly matched ?
D:-Soil moisture-0.005%
Ans: C
5:-Which predominant species of `CO_2` occur in water under alkaline condition ?
Ans: D
6:-The various stages of formation of coal in the ranking order is as _________
A:-Peat, lignite, bituminous, anthracite
B:-Peat, lignite, anthracite, bituminous
C:-Lignite, peat, anthracite, bituminous
D:-Lignite, peat, bituminous, anthracite
Ans: A
7:-Example of a mineral without cleavage
Ans: D
8:-In a typical soil profile, true soil is represented by __________
C:-Both 1 and 2 horizon
Ans: C
9:-The molecules can be resolved on the basis of their distribution between a gas and either a solid or liquid by separation method known as
A:-Gas chromatography
Ans: A
10:-Which of the following methods is used to determine large number of inorganic ions and organic compounds ?
Ans: D
11:-The standard method for the analysis of higher levels of CO in air sample is _________
A:-IR spectrophotometry
B:-Gas chromatography
D:-UV spectrophotometry
Ans: A
12:-The standard method for the analysis of a low levels of ammonia in water sample is ________
Ans: D
13:-The warmer, upper layer of water in a lake is called the ___________
D:-Neritic zone
Ans: B
14:-Among the ecological pyramids, which pyramid always show upright irrespective of the grassland or pond ecosystem
A:-Pyramid of energy
B:-Pyramid of number
C:-Pyramid of biomass
D:-Pyramid of succession
Ans: A
15:-Formation of a climax community from an abandoned farm land is an example of _________
A:-Primary succession
B:-Secondary succession
C:-Autogenic succession
D:-Allogenic succession
Ans: B
16:-What type of organisms are the primary producers in the deep-sea ?
A:-photosynthetic bacteria
B:-chemosynthetic bacteria
C:-crabs and fish
Ans: B
17:-The grassland ecosystem of Africa is known as _____________
Ans: A
18:-An association between two individuals or population in which both are benefited and where neither can survive without the other
Ans: B
19:-Biofilms are _________
A:-films about biology
B:-masses of biological materials attached to wet walls
C:-masses of cells and extracellular materials attached to surfaces bathed in liquids
D:-collections of cells and extracellular materials attached to dry walls
Ans: C
20:-Elements that cycle in the environment and that also have a gaseous phase at some point in the cycle include the following
B:-carbon and sulphur
C:-carbon and phospherous
D:-carbon, phospherous and sulphur
Ans: B
Ans: A
2:-Photochemical smog is formed by the reaction between the following components in the atmosphere
A:-By the action of sunlight on NOx, ozone, hydrocarbons
B:-By the action of sunlight on NOx, oxygen, hydrocarbons
C:-By the action of sunlight on SOx, ozone, hydrocarbons
D:-By the action of sunlight on SOx, oxygen, hydrocarbons
Ans: A
3:-Normal average thickness of stratospheric ozone layer across the globe is around
A:-200 DU
B:-300 DU
C:-400 DU
D:-500 DU
Ans: B
4:-Which of the following pair regarding global distribution of water is wrongly matched ?
D:-Soil moisture-0.005%
Ans: C
5:-Which predominant species of `CO_2` occur in water under alkaline condition ?
Ans: D
6:-The various stages of formation of coal in the ranking order is as _________
A:-Peat, lignite, bituminous, anthracite
B:-Peat, lignite, anthracite, bituminous
C:-Lignite, peat, anthracite, bituminous
D:-Lignite, peat, bituminous, anthracite
Ans: A
7:-Example of a mineral without cleavage
Ans: D
8:-In a typical soil profile, true soil is represented by __________
C:-Both 1 and 2 horizon
Ans: C
9:-The molecules can be resolved on the basis of their distribution between a gas and either a solid or liquid by separation method known as
A:-Gas chromatography
Ans: A
10:-Which of the following methods is used to determine large number of inorganic ions and organic compounds ?
Ans: D
11:-The standard method for the analysis of higher levels of CO in air sample is _________
A:-IR spectrophotometry
B:-Gas chromatography
D:-UV spectrophotometry
Ans: A
12:-The standard method for the analysis of a low levels of ammonia in water sample is ________
Ans: D
13:-The warmer, upper layer of water in a lake is called the ___________
D:-Neritic zone
Ans: B
14:-Among the ecological pyramids, which pyramid always show upright irrespective of the grassland or pond ecosystem
A:-Pyramid of energy
B:-Pyramid of number
C:-Pyramid of biomass
D:-Pyramid of succession
Ans: A
15:-Formation of a climax community from an abandoned farm land is an example of _________
A:-Primary succession
B:-Secondary succession
C:-Autogenic succession
D:-Allogenic succession
Ans: B
16:-What type of organisms are the primary producers in the deep-sea ?
A:-photosynthetic bacteria
B:-chemosynthetic bacteria
C:-crabs and fish
Ans: B
17:-The grassland ecosystem of Africa is known as _____________
Ans: A
18:-An association between two individuals or population in which both are benefited and where neither can survive without the other
Ans: B
19:-Biofilms are _________
A:-films about biology
B:-masses of biological materials attached to wet walls
C:-masses of cells and extracellular materials attached to surfaces bathed in liquids
D:-collections of cells and extracellular materials attached to dry walls
Ans: C
20:-Elements that cycle in the environment and that also have a gaseous phase at some point in the cycle include the following
B:-carbon and sulphur
C:-carbon and phospherous
D:-carbon, phospherous and sulphur
Ans: B
21:-The word 'Environment' is derived from
Ans: B
22:-The weathering process which produce clay minerals from feldspar minerals.
Ans: B
23:-Which one of the following characteristics is widely regarded as being an important aspect of sustainable development ?
A:-Increased levels of saving
B:-Increasing consumption expenditure
C:-Intra-generational inequality
D:-Inter-generational equity
Ans: D
24:-_____________ is an established method of collecting very dense and accurate geo-referenced elevation data across landscapes and can be used to generate three-dimensional representations of the earth's surface and its features.
Ans: B
25:-Which of the following is a high spatial resolution satellite used for environmental management ?
D:-Both 1 and 2
Ans: D
26:-Global Warming Potential of important green house gases in the order of abundance are` `
A:-`N_2`O > CFC > `CH_4` > `CO_2`
B:-CFC > `CH_4` >`N_2`O >`CO_2`
C:-CFC > `N_2`O >`CH_4` >`CO_2`
D:-`N_2`O >` ` ` ``CH_4 > CFC > ``CO_2`
Ans: C
27:-In the atmosphere, the green house gases in the order of abundance are as follows
A:-`CO_2` > `CH_4` > CFC > `O_3` > `N_2```O
B:-`CO_2` > `CH_4` > `O_3` > CFC > `N_2```O
C:-`CO_2` > `CH_4` > `O_3` > `N_2```O > CFC
D:-`CO_2` > CFC > `CH_4` > `O_3` > `N_2```O
Ans: A
28:-Chipko movement was originated in _____________ State of India.
A:-Madhya Pradesh
Ans: B
29:-Narmada debate is associated with _______________
A:-Damodar valley Project
B:-Doyang dam project
C:-Sardar Sarovar Project
D:-Ganga basin project
Ans: C
30:-Silent Spring is a _______ on ___________
A:-book, Antartica
B:-documentary, melting of ice
C:-book, climate change
D:-book, pesticide toxicity
Ans: D
31:-The law which enable to compute the amount of total spectral radiant emittance which falls between two selected wavelengths or frequencies is __________
A:-Wien's Displacement law
B:-Stefan-Boltzmann law
C:-Kirchhoff's law
D:-Planck's Radiation law
Ans: D
32:-___________ is used as a reference scale for classifying tropical cyclone based on wind speed.
A:-Saffir-Simpson Hurricane Scale
B:-John-Smith Hurricane scale
C:-Wentwoth Hurricane Scale
Ans: A
33:-___________ is the type of inversion formed when a topographic difference exits causing the warm air to move over the cold surface.
A:-Nocturnal inversion
B:-Advective inversions
C:-Radiational inversions
D:-Subsidence inversions
Ans: B
34:-Example of a low altitude rain cloud having pronounced vertical development
Ans: B
35:-The combined albedo of the earth and the atmosphere is approximately
Ans: C
36:-The ratio of the volume of water that a soil or rock after saturation can be drained by gravity to its own volume is known as ____________
A:-Specific yield
B:-Specific retention
C:-Specific storage
D:-Specific discharge
Ans: A
37:-In Ghyben-Herzberg relation between fresh water and saline water, salt water occur underground at a depth below sea level of about ___________ times the height of fresh water above sea level.
Ans: C
38:-Which of the following pairs regarding earth's crustal composition is incorrect ?
Ans: D
39. When do we celebrate World Environment Day?
(A) 5th May
(B) 5th July
(C) 5th June
(D) 5th August
Ans: C
40. Difference between mineral resource and reserve is
(A) Reserve implies high degree of economic viability
(B) Resource implies high degree of geological knowledge
(C) Reserve implies high degree of economic viability and high degree of geological knowledge
(D) Resource implies high degree of economic viability and high degree of geological
Ans: C
41. Characteristic difference between two polar Ice Caps is
(A) Arctic Ice Cap is on land
(B) Antarctic Ice Cap is on land
(C) Both are on land but Antarctic Ice Cap is thicker
(D) Both are on sea but Arctic Ice Cap is thicker
Ans: B
42. Laterite represents
(A) Regolith soil
(B) Glacial soil
(C) Black cotton soil
(D) Red soil
Ans: A
43. In a whole-rock chemical analysis the dividing criterion between major and trace element on weight percent basis is
(A) 1 %
(B) 0.1 %
(C) 0.01 %
(D) 0.001 %
Ans: B
44. The mineral, most resistant to chemical weathering is
(A) Olivine
(B) Quartz
(C) K-feldspar
(D) Biotite
Ans: B
45. Assertion (A): Phosphorus cycle is not an exogenic elemental cycle.
Reason (R): Phosphorus cycle does not have a gaseous component.
Choose correct answer:
(A) Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is the correct explanation of (A).
(B) Both (A) and (R) are true, but (R) is not correct explanation of (A).
(C) (A) is true, but (R) is false.
(D) (A) is false, but (R) is true.
Ans: A
46. The El Nino disappears in March and re-appears in
(A) May
(B) August
(C) October
(D) December
Ans: D
47. The elemental composition of earth’s crust in the descending order of weight percent is
(A) Silicon >Aluminium> Iron >Calcium
(B) Aluminium> Iron > Calcium >Silicon
(C) Iron > Calcium > Silicon >Aluminium
(D) Calcium > Silicon >Aluminium> Iron
Ans: A
48. Bio-oil can be obtained from lignocellulose by
(A) Combustion
(B) Fast pyrolysis
(C) Gasification
(D) Transesterification
Ans: B
49. For an ideal Magneto-hydrodynamic power generator, the power output (P) varies with the hot fuel velocity u as
(A) P ∝ u
(B) P ∝ u2
(C) p ∝ u3/2
(D) p ∝ u3
Ans: B
50. Tectonic control in landscape evolution is manifested by(A) Tilted river terraces
(B) Alluvial forms
(C) Increased boulder proportions in the river belt
(D) River meandering
Ans: A
Ans: B
22:-The weathering process which produce clay minerals from feldspar minerals.
Ans: B
23:-Which one of the following characteristics is widely regarded as being an important aspect of sustainable development ?
A:-Increased levels of saving
B:-Increasing consumption expenditure
C:-Intra-generational inequality
D:-Inter-generational equity
Ans: D
24:-_____________ is an established method of collecting very dense and accurate geo-referenced elevation data across landscapes and can be used to generate three-dimensional representations of the earth's surface and its features.
Ans: B
25:-Which of the following is a high spatial resolution satellite used for environmental management ?
D:-Both 1 and 2
Ans: D
26:-Global Warming Potential of important green house gases in the order of abundance are` `
A:-`N_2`O > CFC > `CH_4` > `CO_2`
B:-CFC > `CH_4` >`N_2`O >`CO_2`
C:-CFC > `N_2`O >`CH_4` >`CO_2`
D:-`N_2`O >` ` ` ``CH_4 > CFC > ``CO_2`
Ans: C
27:-In the atmosphere, the green house gases in the order of abundance are as follows
A:-`CO_2` > `CH_4` > CFC > `O_3` > `N_2```O
B:-`CO_2` > `CH_4` > `O_3` > CFC > `N_2```O
C:-`CO_2` > `CH_4` > `O_3` > `N_2```O > CFC
D:-`CO_2` > CFC > `CH_4` > `O_3` > `N_2```O
Ans: A
28:-Chipko movement was originated in _____________ State of India.
A:-Madhya Pradesh
Ans: B
29:-Narmada debate is associated with _______________
A:-Damodar valley Project
B:-Doyang dam project
C:-Sardar Sarovar Project
D:-Ganga basin project
Ans: C
30:-Silent Spring is a _______ on ___________
A:-book, Antartica
B:-documentary, melting of ice
C:-book, climate change
D:-book, pesticide toxicity
Ans: D
31:-The law which enable to compute the amount of total spectral radiant emittance which falls between two selected wavelengths or frequencies is __________
A:-Wien's Displacement law
B:-Stefan-Boltzmann law
C:-Kirchhoff's law
D:-Planck's Radiation law
Ans: D
32:-___________ is used as a reference scale for classifying tropical cyclone based on wind speed.
A:-Saffir-Simpson Hurricane Scale
B:-John-Smith Hurricane scale
C:-Wentwoth Hurricane Scale
Ans: A
33:-___________ is the type of inversion formed when a topographic difference exits causing the warm air to move over the cold surface.
A:-Nocturnal inversion
B:-Advective inversions
C:-Radiational inversions
D:-Subsidence inversions
Ans: B
34:-Example of a low altitude rain cloud having pronounced vertical development
Ans: B
35:-The combined albedo of the earth and the atmosphere is approximately
Ans: C
36:-The ratio of the volume of water that a soil or rock after saturation can be drained by gravity to its own volume is known as ____________
A:-Specific yield
B:-Specific retention
C:-Specific storage
D:-Specific discharge
Ans: A
37:-In Ghyben-Herzberg relation between fresh water and saline water, salt water occur underground at a depth below sea level of about ___________ times the height of fresh water above sea level.
Ans: C
38:-Which of the following pairs regarding earth's crustal composition is incorrect ?
Ans: D
39. When do we celebrate World Environment Day?
(A) 5th May
(B) 5th July
(C) 5th June
(D) 5th August
Ans: C
40. Difference between mineral resource and reserve is
(A) Reserve implies high degree of economic viability
(B) Resource implies high degree of geological knowledge
(C) Reserve implies high degree of economic viability and high degree of geological knowledge
(D) Resource implies high degree of economic viability and high degree of geological
Ans: C
41. Characteristic difference between two polar Ice Caps is
(A) Arctic Ice Cap is on land
(B) Antarctic Ice Cap is on land
(C) Both are on land but Antarctic Ice Cap is thicker
(D) Both are on sea but Arctic Ice Cap is thicker
Ans: B
42. Laterite represents
(A) Regolith soil
(B) Glacial soil
(C) Black cotton soil
(D) Red soil
Ans: A
43. In a whole-rock chemical analysis the dividing criterion between major and trace element on weight percent basis is
(A) 1 %
(B) 0.1 %
(C) 0.01 %
(D) 0.001 %
Ans: B
44. The mineral, most resistant to chemical weathering is
(A) Olivine
(B) Quartz
(C) K-feldspar
(D) Biotite
Ans: B
45. Assertion (A): Phosphorus cycle is not an exogenic elemental cycle.
Reason (R): Phosphorus cycle does not have a gaseous component.
Choose correct answer:
(A) Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is the correct explanation of (A).
(B) Both (A) and (R) are true, but (R) is not correct explanation of (A).
(C) (A) is true, but (R) is false.
(D) (A) is false, but (R) is true.
Ans: A
46. The El Nino disappears in March and re-appears in
(A) May
(B) August
(C) October
(D) December
Ans: D
47. The elemental composition of earth’s crust in the descending order of weight percent is
(A) Silicon >Aluminium> Iron >Calcium
(B) Aluminium> Iron > Calcium >Silicon
(C) Iron > Calcium > Silicon >Aluminium
(D) Calcium > Silicon >Aluminium> Iron
Ans: A
48. Bio-oil can be obtained from lignocellulose by
(A) Combustion
(B) Fast pyrolysis
(C) Gasification
(D) Transesterification
Ans: B
49. For an ideal Magneto-hydrodynamic power generator, the power output (P) varies with the hot fuel velocity u as
(A) P ∝ u
(B) P ∝ u2
(C) p ∝ u3/2
(D) p ∝ u3
Ans: B
50. Tectonic control in landscape evolution is manifested by(A) Tilted river terraces
(B) Alluvial forms
(C) Increased boulder proportions in the river belt
(D) River meandering
Ans: A
51. Global Warming Potential (GWP) of a greenhouse gas (GHG) is a factor comparing the global warming impacts of
(A) 1 m3 of GHG with 1 m3 of CO2
(B) 1 kg of GHG with 1 kg of CO2
(C) 1 gram mole of GHG with 1 gram mole of CO2
(D) 1 kg of GHG with 1 mole of CO2
Ans: B
52. The energy released during combustion of methane is ~ 900 kJ/mol. The carbon intensity of methane is
(A) ~ 0.05 gram C/kJ
(B) ~ 0.013 gram C/kJ
(C) ~ 0.018 gram C/kJ
(D) ~ 1.08 gram C/kJ
Ans: B
53. The term B10 implies
(A) Blending of 10 percent biodiesel with 90 percent conventional diesel.
(B) Blending of 90 percent biodiesel with 10 percent conventional diesel.
(C) Blending of 50 percent biodiesel with 50 percent conventional diesel.
(D) Blending of 1 percent biodiesel with 10 percent conventional diesel.
Ans: A
54. The validity period of Environmental Clerance after Environmental Impact Assessment is least for
(A) Mining projects
(B) River valley projects
(C) Harbour projects
(D) Area development projects
Ans: D
55. In Environmental assessment study, interpretation and evaluation should consider
(A) Uncertainty of possible impacts
(B) Significance of measured impacts
(C) Comparison of alternatives
(D) All of the above
Ans: D
56. Who are responsible for the public consultation process of EIA?
(A) State Pollution Control Board
(B) State Pollution Control Board and District Collector
(C) State Pollution Control Board and CPCB Chairman
(D) State Pollution Control Board and Civil Society
Ans: B
57. Arrange the following components of an environmental management system in a sequential order. Choose the correct answer from the codes given below:
I. Planning
II. Environmental policy
III. Implementation
IV. Monitoring
V. Review
(A) I, II, III, V, IV
(B) II, I, III, IV, V
(C) I, III, II, IV, V
(D) I, V, III, II, IV
Ans: B
58. Match List – I with List – II and choose the correct answer from the codes given below:
List – I List – II
a. Life Cycle Assessment 1. 14010 series
b. Environmental Auditing 2. 14030 series
c. Environmental Performance Evaluation 3. 14040 series
d. Environmental Labelling 4. 14020 series
a b c d
(A) 1 4 3 2
(B) 3 1 2 4
(C) 2 3 4 1
(D) 4 2 1 3
Ans: B
59. Which statement is not correct for hazardous wastes?
(A) They contain one or more of 39 toxic compounds
(B) They catch fire easily
(C) They are nonreactive and stable
(D) They are capable of corroding metal containers
Ans: C
60. Right to clean environment is guaranteed in Indian Constitution by
(A) Article 14
(B) Article 19
(C) Article 21
(D) Article 25
Ans: C
61. National Ambient Air Quality Standards for major pollutants were notified by CPCB in
(A) 1994
(B) 1984
(C) 2004
(D) 1974
Ans: A
62. Public Liability Insurance Act came into existence in the year
(A) 1986
(B) 1989
(C) 1991
(D) 1995
Ans: C
63. As a consequence of succession the P/B ratio (Gross production /Standing crop biomass) is changed. It is
(A) High during developmental stages and low at mature stage.
(B) Low during developmental stages and high at mature stage.
(C) > 1 or < 1 at developmental stages and approximately 1 at mature stage.
(D) Remaining unchanged at all stages.
Ans: A
64. The standard deviation of weights of certain 1 kg packets of milk is 10 grams. A random sample of 20 packets showed a standard deviation of 15 grams. The value of χ2 statistic for the sample is
(A) 30
(B) 45
(C) 1.5
(D) 0.66
Ans: C
65. Assertion (A): According to Gaussian Plume Model, the downward concentration of pollutant appears to be inversely proportional to average wind speed at effective stack height.
Reason (R): Plume rise does not depend on wind speed. It only depends on buoyancy flux parameter.
Identify the correct answer:
(A) Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is the correct explanation of (A).
(B) Both (A) and (R) are correct and (R) is not the correct explanation of (A).
(C) (A) is true, but (R) is false.
(D) (A) is false, but (R) is true.
Ans: C
66. The population of an urban area increased from 5 million to 15 million over a period of 50 years. If the growth of population has been exponential at a constant rate over this period, the growth rate is
(A) ~ 0.693 %
(B) ~ 1.2 %
(C) ~ 1.38 %
(D) ~ 2.2 %
Ans: D
67. A random sample of size 26 has a mean of 20. The sum of squares of the deviations taken from the mean is 200. If the population mean is 18, what is the value of t-statistic?
(A) ~ 0.9
(B) ~ 2.1
(C) ~ 3.6
(D) ~ 5.2
Ans: C
68. In Y-shaped energy flow model, one arm represents herbivore and the other
(A) Carnivore
(B) Decomposer
(C) Omnivore
(D) Secondary consumer
Ans: B
69. The population of a certain fish species in a pond follows logistic equation dN/dt = αN – βN2. When α = 0.5 and β = 0.01, the maximum sustainable yield is
(A) 25
(B) 50
(C) 20
(D) 5
Ans: A
70. A change in a population’s gene pool over time is called
(A) Microevolution
(B) Macroevolution
(C) Chemical evolution
(D) Inorganic evolution
Ans: A
71. The scale length of variation of pressure in vertical direction in atmosphere is
(A) ~ 2.5 km
(B) ~ 5 km
(C) ~ 7 km
(D) ~ 8.5 km
Ans: C
72. Assertion (A): Planetary, synoptic and mesoscale motions in earth’s atmosphere are essentially quasi-horizontal.
Reason (R): The vertical component of wind velocity is more than an order of magnitude smaller than its horizontal component for all motions in atmosphere.
Identify the correct answer:
(A) Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is the correct explanation of (A).
(B) Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is not the correct explanation of (A).
(C) (A) is true, but (R) is false.
(D) (A) is false, but (R) is true.
Ans: A
73. GLOBE stands for
(A) Global Leading Occupations to Benefit the Environment
(B) General Learning and Observations to Benefit the Environment
(C) Global Learning and Observations to Benefit the Environment
(D) Global Leaders and their Observations to Benefit the Environment
Ans: C
74. Which one of the following is not the goal of sustainable agriculture in India?
(A) Maintaining productive topsoil
(B) Reduce the use of chemical fertilizer and pesticides
(C) Mechanised farming
(D) Keep farms economically viable
Ans: C
75. The term of Kyoto Protocol has been extended beyond December 2012 by
(A) 5 years
(B) 7 years
(C) 8 years
(D) 3 years
Ans: A
76. Assertion (A): Biosphere constitutes an excellent life-support system which is sustainable and can fulfil all human needs.
Reason (R): The size and productivity of the Biosphere is limited by availability of water, nutrients and environmental conditions.
Identify the correct code:
(A) Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is the correct explanation of (A).
(B) Both (A) and (R) are true, but (R) is not the correct explanation of (A).
(C) (A) is true but (R) is false.
(D) (A) is false but (R) is true.
Ans: D
77. Geostrophic wind occurs when pressure gradient force balances
(A) Coriolis force
(B) Frictional force
(C) Centripetal force
(D) Coriolis and frictional force together
Ans: A
78. Scales of Meteorology are in the following order starting from the least
(A) Macro –, Micro –, Meso –
(B) Macro–, Meso–, Micro–
(C) Meso–, Macro–, Micro–
(D) Micro–, Meso–, Macro –
Ans: D
79. When the full potential of physical, chemical and biological factors, a species can use if there is no competition, it is called
(A) Fundamental niche
(B) Ecological niche
(C) Realized niche
(D) Competitive exclusion
Ans: A
80. The uppermost zone of atmosphere of earth, where shortwave ultraviolet radiations are absorbed, is
(A) Troposphere
(B) Stratosphere
(C) Mesosphere
(D) Thermosphere
Ans: D
81. which of the following oxides of nitrogen is the major air pollutant released from automobile exhausts?
(A) NO
(B) N2O
(C) NO2
(D) N2O3
Ans: A
82. Match List – I with List – II which contains pollutant gases and their threshold (safe limit) values as per WHO standards:
List – I List – II
(Pollutant gas) (Thresholds)
a. CO i. 2 ppm
b. SO2 ii. 50 ppm
c. NO iii. 0.08 ppm
d. PAN iv. 25 ppm
Identity the correct code:
a b c d
(A) ii iii i iv
(B) iv ii i iii
(C) ii i iv iii
(D) iii iv ii i
Ans: C
83. Preparation of hazard-zoning map in case of landslide prone regions involves comprehensive investigation of
(A) Details of structural and lithological settings.
(B) Geomorphic features relating to instability of slopes.
(C) Seismicity pattern of the region.
(D) all of the above.
Ans: D
84. Assertion (A): In oceans, Na has the longest residence time, within an order of magnitude of the age of the oceans.
Reason (R): The long residence time of Na reflects a lack of reactivity of sodium in the marine environment by not being readily incorporated in the common sedimentary minerals, nor being removed by biological reactions.
Identify the correct code:
(A) Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is the correct explanation of (A).
(B) Both (A) and (R) are true, but (R) is not the correct explanation of (A).
(C) (A) is true, but (R) is false.
(D) (A) is false, but (R) is true.
Ans: A
85. According to Goldieh the decreasing order of stability of following minerals of igneous rocks towards weathering is
(A) Muscovite > Quartz > Potash feldspar >Biotite
(B) Biotite> Potash feldspar >Muscovite > Quartz
(C) Quartz > Muscovite > Potash feldspar >Biotite
(D) Potash feldspar > Quartz >Muscovite >Biotite
Ans: C
86. In universal polar stereographic coordinate system the eastings and northings are computed using which projection method?
(A) Polar aspect stereographic projection
(B) Non-polar aspect stereo graphic projection
(C) Polar aspect Mercator projection
(D) Non-polar aspect Mercator projection
Ans: A
87. Pitchblende is an ore of
(A) Nickel
(B) Chromium
(C) Molybdenum
(D) Uranium
Ans: D
88. Copper (Cu) is classified according to its geochemical affinity as
(A) Siderophile element
(B) Chalcophile element
(C) Lithophile element
(D) Atmophile element
Ans: B
89. According to WHO, maximum permissible level of chlorides in drinking water is
(A) 100 mg/L
(B) 200 mg/L
(C) 600 mg/L
(D) 800 mg/L
Ans: C
90. Wilting coefficient of a loam represents
(A) The minimum water content of the soil at which plants can no longer obtain water
(B) Water holding capacity
(C) Capillary water
(D) Field capacity
Ans: A
91. Which one of the following techniques can be used for determining the level of cadmium in soil?
(A) UV – Visible spectrophotometer
(B) Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer
(D) IR spectrometer
Ans: B
92. For noise control in automobiles, the exhaust muffler attenuates sound by
(A) Absorption
(B) Destructive interference
(C) Reducing velocity of hot gases
(D) Absorption and destructive interference
Ans: C
93. Soil fulvic acids are strong chelators of
(A) Iron (II)
(B) Iron (III)
(C) Both Iron (II) and Iron (III)
(D) Fe(OH)3
Ans: A
94. Natural source of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) is
(A) Root exudates
(B) Anaerobic bacteria
(C) Aerobic bacteria
(D) Grass fires
Ans: D
95. Match the ‘phase’ with the ‘activity’ in Environmental Audit. Identify the correct answer from the codes given below the lists:
List – I List – II
(Phase) (Activity)
a. Pre-Audit i. Human input output analysis in relation to economy
b. On-site Audit ii. Reviewing audit-checklists
c. Post-Audit iii. Records/Documents Review
a b c
(A) ii iii i
(B) i iii ii
(C) i ii iii
(D) iii ii i
Ans: A
96. Match the Impact Assessment Methodologies (List – II) with the corresponding environments (List – I).
Identify the correct answer from the codes given below the lists.
List – I List – II
a. Air i. Ecosystem models
b. Biological ii. Gaussian models
c. Water iii. Mass balance approach
d. Land iv. G.I.S.
a b c d
(A) ii i iii iv
(B) i ii iv iii
(C) iii iv ii i
(D) iv iii i ii
Ans: A
97. Public hearing is conducted
(A) Prior to site selection
(B) Prior to approval of Terms of Reference
(C) After preparation of EIA
(D) After environmental clearance
Ans: C
98. IAIA stands for
(A) International Association of Impact Assessment
(B) Indian Association of Impact Assessment
(C) International Assembly of Impact Assessment
(D) Indian Assembly of Impact Assessment
Ans: A
99. Municipal Solid Wastes (MSWs) have the heating value typically in the range
(A) 9,300 to 12,800 kJ/kg
(B) 1000 to 2500 kJ/kg
(C) 1780 to 2830 kJ/kg
(D) 530 to 780 kJ/kg
Ans: A
100. The following statistical test is used to ascertain whether there is significant difference between the variances of two sets of observations:
(A) t-test
(B) F-test
(C) Chi square test
(D) Regression
Ans: B
(A) 1 m3 of GHG with 1 m3 of CO2
(B) 1 kg of GHG with 1 kg of CO2
(C) 1 gram mole of GHG with 1 gram mole of CO2
(D) 1 kg of GHG with 1 mole of CO2
Ans: B
52. The energy released during combustion of methane is ~ 900 kJ/mol. The carbon intensity of methane is
(A) ~ 0.05 gram C/kJ
(B) ~ 0.013 gram C/kJ
(C) ~ 0.018 gram C/kJ
(D) ~ 1.08 gram C/kJ
Ans: B
53. The term B10 implies
(A) Blending of 10 percent biodiesel with 90 percent conventional diesel.
(B) Blending of 90 percent biodiesel with 10 percent conventional diesel.
(C) Blending of 50 percent biodiesel with 50 percent conventional diesel.
(D) Blending of 1 percent biodiesel with 10 percent conventional diesel.
Ans: A
54. The validity period of Environmental Clerance after Environmental Impact Assessment is least for
(A) Mining projects
(B) River valley projects
(C) Harbour projects
(D) Area development projects
Ans: D
55. In Environmental assessment study, interpretation and evaluation should consider
(A) Uncertainty of possible impacts
(B) Significance of measured impacts
(C) Comparison of alternatives
(D) All of the above
Ans: D
56. Who are responsible for the public consultation process of EIA?
(A) State Pollution Control Board
(B) State Pollution Control Board and District Collector
(C) State Pollution Control Board and CPCB Chairman
(D) State Pollution Control Board and Civil Society
Ans: B
57. Arrange the following components of an environmental management system in a sequential order. Choose the correct answer from the codes given below:
I. Planning
II. Environmental policy
III. Implementation
IV. Monitoring
V. Review
(A) I, II, III, V, IV
(B) II, I, III, IV, V
(C) I, III, II, IV, V
(D) I, V, III, II, IV
Ans: B
58. Match List – I with List – II and choose the correct answer from the codes given below:
List – I List – II
a. Life Cycle Assessment 1. 14010 series
b. Environmental Auditing 2. 14030 series
c. Environmental Performance Evaluation 3. 14040 series
d. Environmental Labelling 4. 14020 series
a b c d
(A) 1 4 3 2
(B) 3 1 2 4
(C) 2 3 4 1
(D) 4 2 1 3
Ans: B
59. Which statement is not correct for hazardous wastes?
(A) They contain one or more of 39 toxic compounds
(B) They catch fire easily
(C) They are nonreactive and stable
(D) They are capable of corroding metal containers
Ans: C
60. Right to clean environment is guaranteed in Indian Constitution by
(A) Article 14
(B) Article 19
(C) Article 21
(D) Article 25
Ans: C
61. National Ambient Air Quality Standards for major pollutants were notified by CPCB in
(A) 1994
(B) 1984
(C) 2004
(D) 1974
Ans: A
62. Public Liability Insurance Act came into existence in the year
(A) 1986
(B) 1989
(C) 1991
(D) 1995
Ans: C
63. As a consequence of succession the P/B ratio (Gross production /Standing crop biomass) is changed. It is
(A) High during developmental stages and low at mature stage.
(B) Low during developmental stages and high at mature stage.
(C) > 1 or < 1 at developmental stages and approximately 1 at mature stage.
(D) Remaining unchanged at all stages.
Ans: A
64. The standard deviation of weights of certain 1 kg packets of milk is 10 grams. A random sample of 20 packets showed a standard deviation of 15 grams. The value of χ2 statistic for the sample is
(A) 30
(B) 45
(C) 1.5
(D) 0.66
Ans: C
65. Assertion (A): According to Gaussian Plume Model, the downward concentration of pollutant appears to be inversely proportional to average wind speed at effective stack height.
Reason (R): Plume rise does not depend on wind speed. It only depends on buoyancy flux parameter.
Identify the correct answer:
(A) Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is the correct explanation of (A).
(B) Both (A) and (R) are correct and (R) is not the correct explanation of (A).
(C) (A) is true, but (R) is false.
(D) (A) is false, but (R) is true.
Ans: C
66. The population of an urban area increased from 5 million to 15 million over a period of 50 years. If the growth of population has been exponential at a constant rate over this period, the growth rate is
(A) ~ 0.693 %
(B) ~ 1.2 %
(C) ~ 1.38 %
(D) ~ 2.2 %
Ans: D
67. A random sample of size 26 has a mean of 20. The sum of squares of the deviations taken from the mean is 200. If the population mean is 18, what is the value of t-statistic?
(A) ~ 0.9
(B) ~ 2.1
(C) ~ 3.6
(D) ~ 5.2
Ans: C
68. In Y-shaped energy flow model, one arm represents herbivore and the other
(A) Carnivore
(B) Decomposer
(C) Omnivore
(D) Secondary consumer
Ans: B
69. The population of a certain fish species in a pond follows logistic equation dN/dt = αN – βN2. When α = 0.5 and β = 0.01, the maximum sustainable yield is
(A) 25
(B) 50
(C) 20
(D) 5
Ans: A
70. A change in a population’s gene pool over time is called
(A) Microevolution
(B) Macroevolution
(C) Chemical evolution
(D) Inorganic evolution
Ans: A
71. The scale length of variation of pressure in vertical direction in atmosphere is
(A) ~ 2.5 km
(B) ~ 5 km
(C) ~ 7 km
(D) ~ 8.5 km
Ans: C
72. Assertion (A): Planetary, synoptic and mesoscale motions in earth’s atmosphere are essentially quasi-horizontal.
Reason (R): The vertical component of wind velocity is more than an order of magnitude smaller than its horizontal component for all motions in atmosphere.
Identify the correct answer:
(A) Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is the correct explanation of (A).
(B) Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is not the correct explanation of (A).
(C) (A) is true, but (R) is false.
(D) (A) is false, but (R) is true.
Ans: A
73. GLOBE stands for
(A) Global Leading Occupations to Benefit the Environment
(B) General Learning and Observations to Benefit the Environment
(C) Global Learning and Observations to Benefit the Environment
(D) Global Leaders and their Observations to Benefit the Environment
Ans: C
74. Which one of the following is not the goal of sustainable agriculture in India?
(A) Maintaining productive topsoil
(B) Reduce the use of chemical fertilizer and pesticides
(C) Mechanised farming
(D) Keep farms economically viable
Ans: C
75. The term of Kyoto Protocol has been extended beyond December 2012 by
(A) 5 years
(B) 7 years
(C) 8 years
(D) 3 years
Ans: A
76. Assertion (A): Biosphere constitutes an excellent life-support system which is sustainable and can fulfil all human needs.
Reason (R): The size and productivity of the Biosphere is limited by availability of water, nutrients and environmental conditions.
Identify the correct code:
(A) Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is the correct explanation of (A).
(B) Both (A) and (R) are true, but (R) is not the correct explanation of (A).
(C) (A) is true but (R) is false.
(D) (A) is false but (R) is true.
Ans: D
77. Geostrophic wind occurs when pressure gradient force balances
(A) Coriolis force
(B) Frictional force
(C) Centripetal force
(D) Coriolis and frictional force together
Ans: A
78. Scales of Meteorology are in the following order starting from the least
(A) Macro –, Micro –, Meso –
(B) Macro–, Meso–, Micro–
(C) Meso–, Macro–, Micro–
(D) Micro–, Meso–, Macro –
Ans: D
79. When the full potential of physical, chemical and biological factors, a species can use if there is no competition, it is called
(A) Fundamental niche
(B) Ecological niche
(C) Realized niche
(D) Competitive exclusion
Ans: A
80. The uppermost zone of atmosphere of earth, where shortwave ultraviolet radiations are absorbed, is
(A) Troposphere
(B) Stratosphere
(C) Mesosphere
(D) Thermosphere
Ans: D
81. which of the following oxides of nitrogen is the major air pollutant released from automobile exhausts?
(A) NO
(B) N2O
(C) NO2
(D) N2O3
Ans: A
82. Match List – I with List – II which contains pollutant gases and their threshold (safe limit) values as per WHO standards:
List – I List – II
(Pollutant gas) (Thresholds)
a. CO i. 2 ppm
b. SO2 ii. 50 ppm
c. NO iii. 0.08 ppm
d. PAN iv. 25 ppm
Identity the correct code:
a b c d
(A) ii iii i iv
(B) iv ii i iii
(C) ii i iv iii
(D) iii iv ii i
Ans: C
83. Preparation of hazard-zoning map in case of landslide prone regions involves comprehensive investigation of
(A) Details of structural and lithological settings.
(B) Geomorphic features relating to instability of slopes.
(C) Seismicity pattern of the region.
(D) all of the above.
Ans: D
84. Assertion (A): In oceans, Na has the longest residence time, within an order of magnitude of the age of the oceans.
Reason (R): The long residence time of Na reflects a lack of reactivity of sodium in the marine environment by not being readily incorporated in the common sedimentary minerals, nor being removed by biological reactions.
Identify the correct code:
(A) Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is the correct explanation of (A).
(B) Both (A) and (R) are true, but (R) is not the correct explanation of (A).
(C) (A) is true, but (R) is false.
(D) (A) is false, but (R) is true.
Ans: A
85. According to Goldieh the decreasing order of stability of following minerals of igneous rocks towards weathering is
(A) Muscovite > Quartz > Potash feldspar >Biotite
(B) Biotite> Potash feldspar >Muscovite > Quartz
(C) Quartz > Muscovite > Potash feldspar >Biotite
(D) Potash feldspar > Quartz >Muscovite >Biotite
Ans: C
86. In universal polar stereographic coordinate system the eastings and northings are computed using which projection method?
(A) Polar aspect stereographic projection
(B) Non-polar aspect stereo graphic projection
(C) Polar aspect Mercator projection
(D) Non-polar aspect Mercator projection
Ans: A
87. Pitchblende is an ore of
(A) Nickel
(B) Chromium
(C) Molybdenum
(D) Uranium
Ans: D
88. Copper (Cu) is classified according to its geochemical affinity as
(A) Siderophile element
(B) Chalcophile element
(C) Lithophile element
(D) Atmophile element
Ans: B
89. According to WHO, maximum permissible level of chlorides in drinking water is
(A) 100 mg/L
(B) 200 mg/L
(C) 600 mg/L
(D) 800 mg/L
Ans: C
90. Wilting coefficient of a loam represents
(A) The minimum water content of the soil at which plants can no longer obtain water
(B) Water holding capacity
(C) Capillary water
(D) Field capacity
Ans: A
91. Which one of the following techniques can be used for determining the level of cadmium in soil?
(A) UV – Visible spectrophotometer
(B) Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer
(D) IR spectrometer
Ans: B
92. For noise control in automobiles, the exhaust muffler attenuates sound by
(A) Absorption
(B) Destructive interference
(C) Reducing velocity of hot gases
(D) Absorption and destructive interference
Ans: C
93. Soil fulvic acids are strong chelators of
(A) Iron (II)
(B) Iron (III)
(C) Both Iron (II) and Iron (III)
(D) Fe(OH)3
Ans: A
94. Natural source of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) is
(A) Root exudates
(B) Anaerobic bacteria
(C) Aerobic bacteria
(D) Grass fires
Ans: D
95. Match the ‘phase’ with the ‘activity’ in Environmental Audit. Identify the correct answer from the codes given below the lists:
List – I List – II
(Phase) (Activity)
a. Pre-Audit i. Human input output analysis in relation to economy
b. On-site Audit ii. Reviewing audit-checklists
c. Post-Audit iii. Records/Documents Review
a b c
(A) ii iii i
(B) i iii ii
(C) i ii iii
(D) iii ii i
Ans: A
96. Match the Impact Assessment Methodologies (List – II) with the corresponding environments (List – I).
Identify the correct answer from the codes given below the lists.
List – I List – II
a. Air i. Ecosystem models
b. Biological ii. Gaussian models
c. Water iii. Mass balance approach
d. Land iv. G.I.S.
a b c d
(A) ii i iii iv
(B) i ii iv iii
(C) iii iv ii i
(D) iv iii i ii
Ans: A
97. Public hearing is conducted
(A) Prior to site selection
(B) Prior to approval of Terms of Reference
(C) After preparation of EIA
(D) After environmental clearance
Ans: C
98. IAIA stands for
(A) International Association of Impact Assessment
(B) Indian Association of Impact Assessment
(C) International Assembly of Impact Assessment
(D) Indian Assembly of Impact Assessment
Ans: A
99. Municipal Solid Wastes (MSWs) have the heating value typically in the range
(A) 9,300 to 12,800 kJ/kg
(B) 1000 to 2500 kJ/kg
(C) 1780 to 2830 kJ/kg
(D) 530 to 780 kJ/kg
Ans: A
100. The following statistical test is used to ascertain whether there is significant difference between the variances of two sets of observations:
(A) t-test
(B) F-test
(C) Chi square test
(D) Regression
Ans: B