1. Which of the following description of a classroom best illustrates the use of technology in teaching and learning ?
(A) Classroom well decorated with pictures, charts and maps.
(B) Classroom provided with PC and CCTV connections.
(C) Classroom provided with electric supply for using gadgets.
(D) Both (A) and (B).
Ans: D
2. “Reverse the usual practice and you will almost always do right” was the dictum of
(A) Plato
(B) Rousseau
(C) Mahatma Gandhi
(D) Dewey
Ans: B
3. The coefficient of correlation lies from
(A) +1 to –1
(B) 0 to –1
(C) –1 to 0
(D) +1 to 0
Ans: A
4. Which of the following statements is true for the relationship between reliability and validity of a research tool ?
(A) A reliable test is always valid.
(B) A valid test must be reliable.
(C) A valid test may not be reliable.
(D) A reliable test is never valid.
Ans: B
5. Who is the exponent of experience centered curriculum ?
(A) Froebel
(B) John Dewey
(C) Stevenson
(D) Parker
Ans: B
6. Match the items of List – I with List – II and select the correct matching from the given options :
List – I List – II
(a) Learning by doing (i) Naturalism
(b) No lofty educational aims (ii) Idealists
(c) Realization of truth, beauty and goodness (iii) Pragmatism
(iv) Realists (d) ‘World as it is here and now’
(v) Existentialism
Codes :
a b c d
(A) iii i ii iv
(B) i v ii iv
(C) iii i v ii
(D) ii iii iv v
Ans: A
7. The title of the Report of Education Commission (1964-66) is
(A) Learning without Burden
(B) An Enlightened and Humane Society
(C) Education and the People of India
(D) Education and National Development
Ans: D
8. Reorganize the following steps of Descriptive Research in a correct sequence :
1. Collection and processing of data
2. Interpretation of results
3. Identification of a problem
4. Arranging of generalizations
5. Drafting of the report
6. Formulation of the hypothesis
(A) 6, 3, 1, 2, 4, 5
(B) 6, 3, 1, 5, 2, 4
(C) 3, 6, 1, 5, 2, 4
(D) 3, 6, 1, 2, 4, 5
Ans: D
(A) Classroom well decorated with pictures, charts and maps.
(B) Classroom provided with PC and CCTV connections.
(C) Classroom provided with electric supply for using gadgets.
(D) Both (A) and (B).
Ans: D
2. “Reverse the usual practice and you will almost always do right” was the dictum of
(A) Plato
(B) Rousseau
(C) Mahatma Gandhi
(D) Dewey
Ans: B
3. The coefficient of correlation lies from
(A) +1 to –1
(B) 0 to –1
(C) –1 to 0
(D) +1 to 0
Ans: A
4. Which of the following statements is true for the relationship between reliability and validity of a research tool ?
(A) A reliable test is always valid.
(B) A valid test must be reliable.
(C) A valid test may not be reliable.
(D) A reliable test is never valid.
Ans: B
5. Who is the exponent of experience centered curriculum ?
(A) Froebel
(B) John Dewey
(C) Stevenson
(D) Parker
Ans: B
6. Match the items of List – I with List – II and select the correct matching from the given options :
List – I List – II
(a) Learning by doing (i) Naturalism
(b) No lofty educational aims (ii) Idealists
(c) Realization of truth, beauty and goodness (iii) Pragmatism
(iv) Realists (d) ‘World as it is here and now’
(v) Existentialism
Codes :
a b c d
(A) iii i ii iv
(B) i v ii iv
(C) iii i v ii
(D) ii iii iv v
Ans: A
7. The title of the Report of Education Commission (1964-66) is
(A) Learning without Burden
(B) An Enlightened and Humane Society
(C) Education and the People of India
(D) Education and National Development
Ans: D
8. Reorganize the following steps of Descriptive Research in a correct sequence :
1. Collection and processing of data
2. Interpretation of results
3. Identification of a problem
4. Arranging of generalizations
5. Drafting of the report
6. Formulation of the hypothesis
(A) 6, 3, 1, 2, 4, 5
(B) 6, 3, 1, 5, 2, 4
(C) 3, 6, 1, 5, 2, 4
(D) 3, 6, 1, 2, 4, 5
Ans: D
9. Which of the following was Ottway’s view on “Education and Social Change” ?
(A) Education changes the society
(B) Educational change follows social change
(C) Educational change and social change are independent of one another.
(D) Educational change and social change are interdependent, but which is the cause and which is the effect can’t be determined.
Ans: D
10. Which of the following is not a characteristic of modernization ?
(A) Religious faith
(B) Participation
(C) Empathy
(D) Mobility
Ans: C
11. Schools are basically social institutions because :
(A) They preserve and instill in future generations values of our culture.
(B) They suggest ways and means of social progress.
(C) They suggest solutions to social problems.
(D) They are established by the society.
Ans: A
12. Which of the following works as a powerful barrier against vertical mobility in India ?
(A) Caste
(B) Class
(C) Occupation
(D) Jobs
Ans: A
13. Which of the following is not a defence mechanism ?
(A) Association
(B) Regression
(C) Compensation
(D) Sublimation
Ans: A
14. Which of the following is incorrect pairing ?
(A) R–O–S Theory of Learning – I.P. Pavlov
(B) S–R Theory of Learning – R. Guthrie
(C) R–S – Theory of Learning - C.I. Hull Theory of Learning
(D) S–O–R Theory of Learning – B.F. Skinner
Ans: B
15. The view that “Anything can be taught at any stage of development” was expressed by
(A) Piaget
(B) Asobel
(C) Bruner
(D) Gagne
Ans: C
16. Which of the following is the correct pairing ?
(A) Sign–Gestalt Theory of Learning – Bruner
(B) Classical Gestalt Theory of Learning – Kohler
(C) Field Theory of Learning – Tolman
(D) Operant Theory of Learning – Pavlov
Ans: B
17. “Give me a dozen of healthy children, I can make them doctors, judges, magistrates, beggars and even thieves.” This comment was
made by
(A) J.B. Watson
(B) Hull
(C) Yung
(D) Guthrie
Ans: A
18. “A person’s psychological and physical environments are identical” is the view of
(A) The Functionalists
(B) The Structuralists
(C) The S–R Associationists
(D) The Gestalt Field Psychologists
Ans: C
(A) Education changes the society
(B) Educational change follows social change
(C) Educational change and social change are independent of one another.
(D) Educational change and social change are interdependent, but which is the cause and which is the effect can’t be determined.
Ans: D
10. Which of the following is not a characteristic of modernization ?
(A) Religious faith
(B) Participation
(C) Empathy
(D) Mobility
Ans: C
11. Schools are basically social institutions because :
(A) They preserve and instill in future generations values of our culture.
(B) They suggest ways and means of social progress.
(C) They suggest solutions to social problems.
(D) They are established by the society.
Ans: A
12. Which of the following works as a powerful barrier against vertical mobility in India ?
(A) Caste
(B) Class
(C) Occupation
(D) Jobs
Ans: A
13. Which of the following is not a defence mechanism ?
(A) Association
(B) Regression
(C) Compensation
(D) Sublimation
Ans: A
14. Which of the following is incorrect pairing ?
(A) R–O–S Theory of Learning – I.P. Pavlov
(B) S–R Theory of Learning – R. Guthrie
(C) R–S – Theory of Learning - C.I. Hull Theory of Learning
(D) S–O–R Theory of Learning – B.F. Skinner
Ans: B
15. The view that “Anything can be taught at any stage of development” was expressed by
(A) Piaget
(B) Asobel
(C) Bruner
(D) Gagne
Ans: C
16. Which of the following is the correct pairing ?
(A) Sign–Gestalt Theory of Learning – Bruner
(B) Classical Gestalt Theory of Learning – Kohler
(C) Field Theory of Learning – Tolman
(D) Operant Theory of Learning – Pavlov
Ans: B
17. “Give me a dozen of healthy children, I can make them doctors, judges, magistrates, beggars and even thieves.” This comment was
made by
(A) J.B. Watson
(B) Hull
(C) Yung
(D) Guthrie
Ans: A
18. “A person’s psychological and physical environments are identical” is the view of
(A) The Functionalists
(B) The Structuralists
(C) The S–R Associationists
(D) The Gestalt Field Psychologists
Ans: C
19. Find out the odd one.
(A) Originality
(B) Punctuality
(C) Flexibility
(D) Fluency
Ans: B
20. “Things as they are and as they are likely to be encountered in life rather than words” was the slogan of
(A) Pragmatists
(B) Realists
(C) Idealists
(D) Existentialists
Ans: B
21. Balanced curriculum is also known as
(A) Integrated curriculum
(B) Experienced curriculum
(C) Activity centered curriculum
(D) Core curriculum
Ans: A
22. “All systems of ideas are subject to verification by consequences” is the core of the Philosophy of
(A) Idealism
(B) Existentialism
(C) Pragmatism
(D) Realism
Ans: D
23. Which Philosophy says, “Don’t care to know various theories about body and soul, do good and be good, that will take you to whatever truth there is” ?
(A) Vedanta
(B) Sankhya
(C) Buddhism
(D) All of the above
Ans: C
24. Pre-existent values are not accepted by
(A) Idealists and Existentialists
(B) Idealists and Pragmatists
(C) Idealists and Realists
(D) Pragmatists and Existentialists
Ans: D
25. The fundamental national values have been given in
(A) Preamble of our Constitution
(B) Articles of our Constitution
(C) Entries of the lists of subjects
(D) All of the above
Ans: A
26. Which Philosophy believes in the duality of existence, prakriti and soul ?
(A) Buddhism
(B) Sankhya
(C) Vedanta
(D) None of these
Ans: B
27. Who said that “Material and spiritual knowledge is already present in man covered by a curtain of ignorance” ?
(A) Plato
(B) Mahatma Gandhi
(C) Tagore
(D) Vivekananda
Ans: D
28. Delinquency is committed by the children in age group of
(A) 7 – 15 years
(B) 8 – 18 years
(C) 6 – 14 years
(D) 9 – 19 years
Ans: B
29. The principal function of the NCERT is an extension work with the State Education Departments centering around the improvement of
(A) higher education
(B) school education
(C) secondary education
(D) technical education
Ans: B
30. The curriculum construction in Indian education is mostly influenced by
(A) Child’s Psychology
(B) Teacher’s Personality
(C) Family structure
(D) Constitutional provisions
Ans: D
31. ‘The great sociologists who held the view that education does not bring about social change, rather the social change results into an educational change’ was
(A) Mc Dougall
(B) Aristotle
(C) Durkheim
(D) Dewey
Ans: C
32. Which of the following is not categorized as a probability sampling method ?
(A) Simple Random Sampling
(B) Quota Sampling
(C) Stratified Sampling
(D) Systematic Sampling
Ans: B
33. Stanford Binet Scale measures the following attribute of an individual :
(A) Intelligence
(B) Creativity
(C) Aptitude
(D) Personality
Ans: A
(A) Originality
(B) Punctuality
(C) Flexibility
(D) Fluency
Ans: B
20. “Things as they are and as they are likely to be encountered in life rather than words” was the slogan of
(A) Pragmatists
(B) Realists
(C) Idealists
(D) Existentialists
Ans: B
21. Balanced curriculum is also known as
(A) Integrated curriculum
(B) Experienced curriculum
(C) Activity centered curriculum
(D) Core curriculum
Ans: A
22. “All systems of ideas are subject to verification by consequences” is the core of the Philosophy of
(A) Idealism
(B) Existentialism
(C) Pragmatism
(D) Realism
Ans: D
23. Which Philosophy says, “Don’t care to know various theories about body and soul, do good and be good, that will take you to whatever truth there is” ?
(A) Vedanta
(B) Sankhya
(C) Buddhism
(D) All of the above
Ans: C
24. Pre-existent values are not accepted by
(A) Idealists and Existentialists
(B) Idealists and Pragmatists
(C) Idealists and Realists
(D) Pragmatists and Existentialists
Ans: D
25. The fundamental national values have been given in
(A) Preamble of our Constitution
(B) Articles of our Constitution
(C) Entries of the lists of subjects
(D) All of the above
Ans: A
26. Which Philosophy believes in the duality of existence, prakriti and soul ?
(A) Buddhism
(B) Sankhya
(C) Vedanta
(D) None of these
Ans: B
27. Who said that “Material and spiritual knowledge is already present in man covered by a curtain of ignorance” ?
(A) Plato
(B) Mahatma Gandhi
(C) Tagore
(D) Vivekananda
Ans: D
28. Delinquency is committed by the children in age group of
(A) 7 – 15 years
(B) 8 – 18 years
(C) 6 – 14 years
(D) 9 – 19 years
Ans: B
29. The principal function of the NCERT is an extension work with the State Education Departments centering around the improvement of
(A) higher education
(B) school education
(C) secondary education
(D) technical education
Ans: B
30. The curriculum construction in Indian education is mostly influenced by
(A) Child’s Psychology
(B) Teacher’s Personality
(C) Family structure
(D) Constitutional provisions
Ans: D
31. ‘The great sociologists who held the view that education does not bring about social change, rather the social change results into an educational change’ was
(A) Mc Dougall
(B) Aristotle
(C) Durkheim
(D) Dewey
Ans: C
32. Which of the following is not categorized as a probability sampling method ?
(A) Simple Random Sampling
(B) Quota Sampling
(C) Stratified Sampling
(D) Systematic Sampling
Ans: B
33. Stanford Binet Scale measures the following attribute of an individual :
(A) Intelligence
(B) Creativity
(C) Aptitude
(D) Personality
Ans: A
34. The objective of Inclusive Education is
(A) to uncover and minimize barriers to learning
(B) to change attitudes, behaviours, teaching methods, curricular and environments to meet the needs of all children
(C) to promote constantly the local cultures and contents of various communities of the society
(D) All the above
Ans: D
35. Which one of the following concepts is not related to formal organization ?
(A) Unity of Direction
(B) Chain of Command
(C) Span of Control
(D) Hierarchy in structure
Ans: C
36. Who emphasized that the aim of education should be the development in children the feeling of international brotherhood and attitude of international understanding ?
(A) Tagore
(B) Mahatma Gandhi
(C) Dewey
(D) Rousseau
Ans: A
37. A distribution of scores was negatively skewed. It can be stated that
(A) Mean and Median coincide
(B) Mean is more than the median
(C) Mean is less than the median
(D) No such relationship exists
Ans: B
38. Match the items of List–A and List–B :
List – A List – B
(a) Conservative society (1) An exogenous source of change
(b) Closed group of society (2) Traits that are socio-economic in nature
(c) Cultural diffusion (3) Caste
(d) Social stratification (4) A society in which change is slow and time taking
(5) Culture
Codes :
a b c d
(A) 4 3 5 1
(B) 4 1 2 3
(C) 4 3 1 2
(D) 2 1 5 3
Ans: B
39. Which of the following does not go in favour of the individual aims of education ?
(A) The individual is an asset to the society – his development and growth are necessary.
(B) The society is strong if the individual is strong.
(C) Every individual is unique, development of his potentialities is essential.
(D) Society is supreme and all individuals are only part of it.
Ans: D
40. According to whom “Educational Psychology is the Science of Education” ?
(A) Skinner
(B) Crow and Crow
(C) Peel
(D) Pillsburg
Ans: B
41. The family imparts education to the child
(A) Formally
(B) Informally
(C) Deliberately
(D) Regularly
Ans: B
42. Which of the following is not the criterion used consistently for placing people in a particular social class ?
(A) Race
(B) Religion
(C) Knowledge
(D) Wealth
Ans: C
43. One of the following statements is correct, identify it :
(A) A scholar in his/her subject need not prepare and go to the class.
(B) Preparation for the class is not needed for well experienced teachers.
(C) Irrespective of his/her experience or scholarship, a teacher needs to prepare and enter the class every time.
(D) A skilled teacher can manage classes even without preparation.
Ans: C
44. Which of the following is not a common element of a research proposal and a research report ?
(A) Objectives and hypotheses
(B) Implications for further research
(C) References to previous research
(D) Sources of information/data
Ans: B
(A) to uncover and minimize barriers to learning
(B) to change attitudes, behaviours, teaching methods, curricular and environments to meet the needs of all children
(C) to promote constantly the local cultures and contents of various communities of the society
(D) All the above
Ans: D
35. Which one of the following concepts is not related to formal organization ?
(A) Unity of Direction
(B) Chain of Command
(C) Span of Control
(D) Hierarchy in structure
Ans: C
36. Who emphasized that the aim of education should be the development in children the feeling of international brotherhood and attitude of international understanding ?
(A) Tagore
(B) Mahatma Gandhi
(C) Dewey
(D) Rousseau
Ans: A
37. A distribution of scores was negatively skewed. It can be stated that
(A) Mean and Median coincide
(B) Mean is more than the median
(C) Mean is less than the median
(D) No such relationship exists
Ans: B
38. Match the items of List–A and List–B :
List – A List – B
(a) Conservative society (1) An exogenous source of change
(b) Closed group of society (2) Traits that are socio-economic in nature
(c) Cultural diffusion (3) Caste
(d) Social stratification (4) A society in which change is slow and time taking
(5) Culture
Codes :
a b c d
(A) 4 3 5 1
(B) 4 1 2 3
(C) 4 3 1 2
(D) 2 1 5 3
Ans: B
39. Which of the following does not go in favour of the individual aims of education ?
(A) The individual is an asset to the society – his development and growth are necessary.
(B) The society is strong if the individual is strong.
(C) Every individual is unique, development of his potentialities is essential.
(D) Society is supreme and all individuals are only part of it.
Ans: D
40. According to whom “Educational Psychology is the Science of Education” ?
(A) Skinner
(B) Crow and Crow
(C) Peel
(D) Pillsburg
Ans: B
41. The family imparts education to the child
(A) Formally
(B) Informally
(C) Deliberately
(D) Regularly
Ans: B
42. Which of the following is not the criterion used consistently for placing people in a particular social class ?
(A) Race
(B) Religion
(C) Knowledge
(D) Wealth
Ans: C
43. One of the following statements is correct, identify it :
(A) A scholar in his/her subject need not prepare and go to the class.
(B) Preparation for the class is not needed for well experienced teachers.
(C) Irrespective of his/her experience or scholarship, a teacher needs to prepare and enter the class every time.
(D) A skilled teacher can manage classes even without preparation.
Ans: C
44. Which of the following is not a common element of a research proposal and a research report ?
(A) Objectives and hypotheses
(B) Implications for further research
(C) References to previous research
(D) Sources of information/data
Ans: B
45. When a researcher includes in his sample those individuals who are willing and are readily available, the sampling technique is called
(A) Simple Random Sampling
(B) Quota Sampling
(C) Snowball Sampling
(D) Incidental Sampling
Ans: D
46. A method of sampling that ensures proportional representation of all sections of the population is termed as
(A) Simple Random Sampling
(B) Stratified Sampling
(C) Purposive Sampling
(D) Systematic Sampling
Ans: B
47. Which of the following may be a primary source of information for a researcher ?
(A) Encyclopaedia of Educational Research
(B) A research review article
(C) Research paper in a professional journal
(D) An abstract of a research study
Ans: C
48. Which of the following is similar to case study ?
(A) Longitudinal studies
(B) Social surveys
(C) Follow up studies
(D) Horizontal Studies
Ans: C
49. A teacher is strict in maintaining discipline in class in curricular and extracurricular activities. But there is always room for discussion
regarding clarification of doubts in teaching-learning and conducting other activities. What is the approach of teacher towards students ?
(A) Authoritative
(B) Democratic
(C) Flexible
(D) Rigid
Ans: C
50. The Vedas teach us that
(A) creation is without beginning
(B) creation is without an end
(C) creation is without beginning and without end
(D) creation has a definite beginning and also an end
Ans: C
51. Among the following teachers, whom you will like the most ?
(A) One who uses motion picture as a last resort.
(B) One who uses charts and maps.
(C) One who uses boards occasionally.
(D) One who uses film projector along with the proper use of the board.
Ans: D
52. A study in which direct perception of an incident or object made is
(A) Naturalistic research
(B) Practitioner research
(C) Phenomenological research
(D) Descriptive research
Ans: C
53. A simple correlation was calculated between two variables after removing the effect of a third variable from both, the resulting correlation is called
(A) Partial correlation
(B) Part correlation
(C) Multiple correlation
(D) Canonical correlation
Ans: A
54. Reorganise the following steps of descriptive research in a correct sequence :
(a) Collection and processing of data
(b) Interpretation of results
(c) Identification of a problem
(d) Drawing conclusions
(e) Drafting of the report
(f) Formulation of hypothesis
(A) f c a b d e
(B) f c a e b d
(C) c f a e b d
(D) c f a b d e
Ans: D
55. In a survey for finding opinions of students on influence of teachers’ behaviour towards them, one student said, “A teacher who cannot follow rules and regulations is of no use to anyone.” The comment points towards which behaviour of a teacher ?
(A) A teacher needs to be efficient in content delivery.
(B) A teacher needs to be a model to students in all aspects.
(C) A teacher first needs to be obedient before asking students to be so.
(D) From teacher, students learn all misbehaviour.
Ans: C
56. The consistency of evaluation-results is measured by
(A) Objectivity
(B) Reliability
(C) Predictability
(D) Usability
Ans: B
57. Stratified sampling is adopted when
(A) the universe is homogeneous
(B) the universe is heterogeneous
(C) selected groups need to be studied
(D) data about the universe is not available
Ans: B
58. Which of the following is the first step in starting the research process ?
(A) Searching sources of information
(B) Survey of related literature
(C) Identification of a broad area of research
(D) Searching for solutions to problem
Ans: C
59. The teacher’s major contribution towards the maximum self realization of the child is best affected through
(A) constant fulfilment of the child’s needs
(B) strict control of classroom activities
(C) sensitivity to pupil needs, goals and purposes
(D) strict reinforcement of academic students
Ans: C
60. Which of the following is the most important quality of a teacher ?
(A) Punctuality
(B) Content mastery
(C) Content mastery and communication competency
(D) Sociability
Ans: C
61. A researcher commits Type I Error when he
(A) accepts Null hypothesis when it is false.
(B) rejects Null hypothesis when it is false.
(C) accepts Null hypothesis when it is true.
(D) rejects the Null Hypothesis when it is true.
Ans: D
62. The major objective of a qualitative research study is to
(A) understand a process or concept
(B) study group-differences
(C) predict relationships
(D) explain variation in measurements
Ans: A
63. Beginning with the “family”, which of the following constitutes correctly sequenced hierarchy of social groups ?
(A) Nation – race – class – tribe –family
(B) Family – class – race – tribe –nation
(C) Family – tribe – race – class –nation
(D) Family – race – class – tribe –nation
Ans: B
64. Reading readiness test does not measure the following function :
(A) Visual discrimination
(B) Verbal comprehension
(C) Number computation
(D) Letter recognition
Ans: C
65. Which of the following activities strictly comes under the management of teaching-learning activity ?
(A) Recruitment of teachers
(B) Preparation of time table
(C) Equipping the classrooms
(D) Appointing attending staff
Ans: B
(A) Simple Random Sampling
(B) Quota Sampling
(C) Snowball Sampling
(D) Incidental Sampling
Ans: D
46. A method of sampling that ensures proportional representation of all sections of the population is termed as
(A) Simple Random Sampling
(B) Stratified Sampling
(C) Purposive Sampling
(D) Systematic Sampling
Ans: B
47. Which of the following may be a primary source of information for a researcher ?
(A) Encyclopaedia of Educational Research
(B) A research review article
(C) Research paper in a professional journal
(D) An abstract of a research study
Ans: C
48. Which of the following is similar to case study ?
(A) Longitudinal studies
(B) Social surveys
(C) Follow up studies
(D) Horizontal Studies
Ans: C
49. A teacher is strict in maintaining discipline in class in curricular and extracurricular activities. But there is always room for discussion
regarding clarification of doubts in teaching-learning and conducting other activities. What is the approach of teacher towards students ?
(A) Authoritative
(B) Democratic
(C) Flexible
(D) Rigid
Ans: C
50. The Vedas teach us that
(A) creation is without beginning
(B) creation is without an end
(C) creation is without beginning and without end
(D) creation has a definite beginning and also an end
Ans: C
51. Among the following teachers, whom you will like the most ?
(A) One who uses motion picture as a last resort.
(B) One who uses charts and maps.
(C) One who uses boards occasionally.
(D) One who uses film projector along with the proper use of the board.
Ans: D
52. A study in which direct perception of an incident or object made is
(A) Naturalistic research
(B) Practitioner research
(C) Phenomenological research
(D) Descriptive research
Ans: C
53. A simple correlation was calculated between two variables after removing the effect of a third variable from both, the resulting correlation is called
(A) Partial correlation
(B) Part correlation
(C) Multiple correlation
(D) Canonical correlation
Ans: A
54. Reorganise the following steps of descriptive research in a correct sequence :
(a) Collection and processing of data
(b) Interpretation of results
(c) Identification of a problem
(d) Drawing conclusions
(e) Drafting of the report
(f) Formulation of hypothesis
(A) f c a b d e
(B) f c a e b d
(C) c f a e b d
(D) c f a b d e
Ans: D
55. In a survey for finding opinions of students on influence of teachers’ behaviour towards them, one student said, “A teacher who cannot follow rules and regulations is of no use to anyone.” The comment points towards which behaviour of a teacher ?
(A) A teacher needs to be efficient in content delivery.
(B) A teacher needs to be a model to students in all aspects.
(C) A teacher first needs to be obedient before asking students to be so.
(D) From teacher, students learn all misbehaviour.
Ans: C
56. The consistency of evaluation-results is measured by
(A) Objectivity
(B) Reliability
(C) Predictability
(D) Usability
Ans: B
57. Stratified sampling is adopted when
(A) the universe is homogeneous
(B) the universe is heterogeneous
(C) selected groups need to be studied
(D) data about the universe is not available
Ans: B
58. Which of the following is the first step in starting the research process ?
(A) Searching sources of information
(B) Survey of related literature
(C) Identification of a broad area of research
(D) Searching for solutions to problem
Ans: C
59. The teacher’s major contribution towards the maximum self realization of the child is best affected through
(A) constant fulfilment of the child’s needs
(B) strict control of classroom activities
(C) sensitivity to pupil needs, goals and purposes
(D) strict reinforcement of academic students
Ans: C
60. Which of the following is the most important quality of a teacher ?
(A) Punctuality
(B) Content mastery
(C) Content mastery and communication competency
(D) Sociability
Ans: C
61. A researcher commits Type I Error when he
(A) accepts Null hypothesis when it is false.
(B) rejects Null hypothesis when it is false.
(C) accepts Null hypothesis when it is true.
(D) rejects the Null Hypothesis when it is true.
Ans: D
62. The major objective of a qualitative research study is to
(A) understand a process or concept
(B) study group-differences
(C) predict relationships
(D) explain variation in measurements
Ans: A
63. Beginning with the “family”, which of the following constitutes correctly sequenced hierarchy of social groups ?
(A) Nation – race – class – tribe –family
(B) Family – class – race – tribe –nation
(C) Family – tribe – race – class –nation
(D) Family – race – class – tribe –nation
Ans: B
64. Reading readiness test does not measure the following function :
(A) Visual discrimination
(B) Verbal comprehension
(C) Number computation
(D) Letter recognition
Ans: C
65. Which of the following activities strictly comes under the management of teaching-learning activity ?
(A) Recruitment of teachers
(B) Preparation of time table
(C) Equipping the classrooms
(D) Appointing attending staff
Ans: B
66. If a student fails to answer a question in your class, you will
(A) punish her
(B) ask her to sit down
(C) try to prompt her
(D) ask another student to answer
Ans: C
67. The ‘standard error of a statistic’ is a measure of
(A) Sampling Fluctuation
(B) Errors of Measurement
(C) Errors of Prediction
(D) Systematic Variation
Ans: A
68. Which of the following gives a more accurate measure of relationship than the other three ?
(A) Spearman’s Rho
(B) Biserial Correlation
(C) Kendall’s Tau
(D) Product-moment Method
Ans: D
69. A democratic teacher is one who
(A) understands the socio economic background of his students
(B) is affectionate even to poorly performing students
(C) tolerates non-relevant questions from the students
(D) tolerates even mischievous and aggressive behaviour in students
Ans: D
70. Find among the following behaviour which is according to professional etiquette of a teacher :
(A) Ignoring a student, who is interested in answering a question, more than once.
(B) Saying sorry to colleague on taking five minutes of her class time due to unavoidable circumstances.
(C) Coming late to class and not giving proper excuses to students.
(D) Taking extra classes to complete syllabus.
Ans: B
71. The best way to establish rapport with your class is to
(A) demand the respect due to your age and states
(B) impress your students with your knowledge and skill
(C) play the role of guide who desires to help them
(D) remain aloof, be figure of authority
Ans: C
72. The teacher has been glorified by the phrase – “Friend, Philosopher and Guide” because
(A) He has to play all these vital roles in the context of the society
(B) He transfuses the high values of the humanity into young ones sitting in the classroom.
(C) He is a great reformer and patriotic saviour of a nation.
(D) All of these.
Ans: B
73. Arrange the following measures of variability in a sequence :
1. Standard deviation
2. Range
3. Quartile Deviation
4. Average Deviation
(A) 2, 4, 3, 1
(B) 2, 3, 4, 1
(C) 4, 3, 2, 1
(D) 4, 2, 3, 1
Ans: A
(A) punish her
(B) ask her to sit down
(C) try to prompt her
(D) ask another student to answer
Ans: C
67. The ‘standard error of a statistic’ is a measure of
(A) Sampling Fluctuation
(B) Errors of Measurement
(C) Errors of Prediction
(D) Systematic Variation
Ans: A
68. Which of the following gives a more accurate measure of relationship than the other three ?
(A) Spearman’s Rho
(B) Biserial Correlation
(C) Kendall’s Tau
(D) Product-moment Method
Ans: D
69. A democratic teacher is one who
(A) understands the socio economic background of his students
(B) is affectionate even to poorly performing students
(C) tolerates non-relevant questions from the students
(D) tolerates even mischievous and aggressive behaviour in students
Ans: D
70. Find among the following behaviour which is according to professional etiquette of a teacher :
(A) Ignoring a student, who is interested in answering a question, more than once.
(B) Saying sorry to colleague on taking five minutes of her class time due to unavoidable circumstances.
(C) Coming late to class and not giving proper excuses to students.
(D) Taking extra classes to complete syllabus.
Ans: B
71. The best way to establish rapport with your class is to
(A) demand the respect due to your age and states
(B) impress your students with your knowledge and skill
(C) play the role of guide who desires to help them
(D) remain aloof, be figure of authority
Ans: C
72. The teacher has been glorified by the phrase – “Friend, Philosopher and Guide” because
(A) He has to play all these vital roles in the context of the society
(B) He transfuses the high values of the humanity into young ones sitting in the classroom.
(C) He is a great reformer and patriotic saviour of a nation.
(D) All of these.
Ans: B
73. Arrange the following measures of variability in a sequence :
1. Standard deviation
2. Range
3. Quartile Deviation
4. Average Deviation
(A) 2, 4, 3, 1
(B) 2, 3, 4, 1
(C) 4, 3, 2, 1
(D) 4, 2, 3, 1
Ans: A