1:-The spores of _______organism can withstand Ultra-High Temperature (UHT) treatment.
A:-Bacillus stearothermophilus
B:-Bacillus subtilis
C:-Bacillus pumilus
D:-Bacillus licheniformis
Ans: A
2:-Swelling of the can is caused primarily by
A:-Gas forming aerobic spore formers
B:-Gas forming anaerobic spore formers
C:-Both 1) and 2)
D:-None of these
Ans: B
3:-Brown colour in milk may result from
A:-Lactobacillus bulgaricus
B:-Pseudomonas syncyanea
C:-Serratia sp.
D:-Pseudomonas putrefaciens
Ans: D
4:-Sub-clinical mastitis in cattle can be diagnosed by increase in
C:-Somatic cell count
D:-All the above
Ans: D
5:-FSSA standard for fat and SNF in double toned milk
A:-4.5 and 8.5
B:-3.0 and 8.5
C:-1.5 and 9.0
D:-5 and 9.0
Ans: C
6:-Fodder variety suitable for water logged area
A:-Guinea grass
B:-Hybrid napier
C:-Para grass
Ans: C
7:-Period from the date of calving to the date of next conception
A:-Service period
B:-Dry period
C:-Lactation period
D:-Inter calving period
Ans: A
8:-Phospholipid present in milk
D:-All the above
Ans: D
9:-Yellow colour of cow milk due to
A:-Vitamin A
Ans: C
10:-Rancidity of milk can be prevented by
A:-Inactivation of lipase enzyme by pasteurization
B:-Storage of milk below 5°C
C:-Avoiding overheating of milk
D:-Avoid mixing of late lactation milk
Ans: A
11:-Average freezing point depression of bulk cow milk
Ans: B
12:-The natural bacteriostatic effect of fresh milk lasts up to
A:-12 hrs.
B:-9 hrs.
C:-6 hrs.
D:-3 hrs.
Ans: D
13:-Temperature-time combination of High Temperature Short Time (HTST) method of milk pasteurization
A:-70°C for 15 seconds
B:-72°C for 15 seconds
C:-70°C for 15 minutes
D:-72°C for 15 minutes
Ans: B
14:-The most recently identified pathogen transmitted through contaminated milk is
B:-Yersinia enterocolitica
C:-Escherichia coli O157 : H7
D:-Mycobacterium tuberculosis
Ans: C
15:-In alcohol-alizarin test, milk with good heat stability develop the colour
A:-Lilac or pale red
C:-Reddish brown
D:-Brownish yellow to yellow
Ans: A
16:-Desinfecting action of chlorine is mainly due to
A:-Hypochlorous acid
B:-Free chlorine
C:-None of the above
D:-Hypochlorite ion
Ans: A
17:-One Kg straw can replace____ Kg grass on dry matter basis.
A:-4-5 Kg
B:-10 Kg
C:-6-8 Kg
D:-1-2 Kg
Ans: A
18:-National Dairy Development Board was established during
Ans: D
19:-The time-temperature combinations used for producing sterilized milk are
A:-100°C and 15 min.
B:-145°C and 3 sec.
C:-72°C and 15 sec.
D:-72°C and 15 min.
Ans: B
20:-The Digestible Crude Protein (DCP) level of calf starter
C:-Above 20%
Ans: C
A:-Bacillus stearothermophilus
B:-Bacillus subtilis
C:-Bacillus pumilus
D:-Bacillus licheniformis
Ans: A
2:-Swelling of the can is caused primarily by
A:-Gas forming aerobic spore formers
B:-Gas forming anaerobic spore formers
C:-Both 1) and 2)
D:-None of these
Ans: B
3:-Brown colour in milk may result from
A:-Lactobacillus bulgaricus
B:-Pseudomonas syncyanea
C:-Serratia sp.
D:-Pseudomonas putrefaciens
Ans: D
4:-Sub-clinical mastitis in cattle can be diagnosed by increase in
C:-Somatic cell count
D:-All the above
Ans: D
5:-FSSA standard for fat and SNF in double toned milk
A:-4.5 and 8.5
B:-3.0 and 8.5
C:-1.5 and 9.0
D:-5 and 9.0
Ans: C
6:-Fodder variety suitable for water logged area
A:-Guinea grass
B:-Hybrid napier
C:-Para grass
Ans: C
7:-Period from the date of calving to the date of next conception
A:-Service period
B:-Dry period
C:-Lactation period
D:-Inter calving period
Ans: A
8:-Phospholipid present in milk
D:-All the above
Ans: D
9:-Yellow colour of cow milk due to
A:-Vitamin A
Ans: C
10:-Rancidity of milk can be prevented by
A:-Inactivation of lipase enzyme by pasteurization
B:-Storage of milk below 5°C
C:-Avoiding overheating of milk
D:-Avoid mixing of late lactation milk
Ans: A
11:-Average freezing point depression of bulk cow milk
Ans: B
12:-The natural bacteriostatic effect of fresh milk lasts up to
A:-12 hrs.
B:-9 hrs.
C:-6 hrs.
D:-3 hrs.
Ans: D
13:-Temperature-time combination of High Temperature Short Time (HTST) method of milk pasteurization
A:-70°C for 15 seconds
B:-72°C for 15 seconds
C:-70°C for 15 minutes
D:-72°C for 15 minutes
Ans: B
14:-The most recently identified pathogen transmitted through contaminated milk is
B:-Yersinia enterocolitica
C:-Escherichia coli O157 : H7
D:-Mycobacterium tuberculosis
Ans: C
15:-In alcohol-alizarin test, milk with good heat stability develop the colour
A:-Lilac or pale red
C:-Reddish brown
D:-Brownish yellow to yellow
Ans: A
16:-Desinfecting action of chlorine is mainly due to
A:-Hypochlorous acid
B:-Free chlorine
C:-None of the above
D:-Hypochlorite ion
Ans: A
17:-One Kg straw can replace____ Kg grass on dry matter basis.
A:-4-5 Kg
B:-10 Kg
C:-6-8 Kg
D:-1-2 Kg
Ans: A
18:-National Dairy Development Board was established during
Ans: D
19:-The time-temperature combinations used for producing sterilized milk are
A:-100°C and 15 min.
B:-145°C and 3 sec.
C:-72°C and 15 sec.
D:-72°C and 15 min.
Ans: B
20:-The Digestible Crude Protein (DCP) level of calf starter
C:-Above 20%
Ans: C
21:-_______is the primary milk protein
B:-Whey protein
Ans: A
22:-________ is the primary milk carbohydrate.
Ans: D
23:-Name one exotic milch breed of cattle.
C:-Red Sindhi
Ans: B
24:-___________is the causative organism of haemorrhagic septicemia.
A:-Bacillus amthracis
Ans: C
25:-Which one is the variety of guinea grass ?
D:-All the above
Ans: D
26:-For long term preservation, pH of silage should be maintained between ______ and ________
Ans: A
27:-Average gestation period of cow is ___ days
A:-145-155 days
B:-250-265 days
C:-272-284 days
D:-300-310 days
Ans: C
28:-Ideal time for doing artificial insemination in cow
A:-Beginning of eestrus
B:-End of prooestrus
C:-12 hrs. after the end of oestrus
D:-12 hrs. after the begging of oestrus
Ans: D
29:-Dry matter consumption of cattle is ______% of their body weight.
Ans: A
30:-According to PFA standards cow milk should contain % fat and % SNF.
A:-5 and 9
B:-3.5 and 8.5
C:-1.5 and 9
D:-3 and 9
Ans: B
31:-Organism that causes surface taints in butter
D:-Pseudomonas putrefaciens
Ans: D
32:-The process of sub-dividing fat globules in order to prevent cream layer formation is called
D:-Drying of milk
Ans: C
33:- ________is produced when butter is made by churning cream or whole milk curd.
A:-Ghee residue
C:-Skim milk
Ans: B
34:-Which one is the coagulated milk product ?
D:-All the above
Ans: D
35:-In cattle ovulation occurs approximately ________hours after the end of oestrus.
A:-36-48 hours
B:-24-36 hours
C:-10-12 hours
D:-20-30 hours
Ans: C
36:-Ideal intercalving interval in cattle is
A:-12-15 months
B:-15-18 months
C:-24 months
D:-18-24 months
Ans: A
37:-Gestation length of buffalo
A:-310-315 days
B:-270-285 days
C:-240-250 day
D:-290-300 days
Ans: A
38:-Activation of lactoperoxidase system can increase keeping quality of
A:-Pasteurized milk is enhanced to seven weeks at refrigeration
B:-Raw milk is enhanced by 7 days at refrigeration
C:-Raw milk up to 7 hours at room temperature
D:-Pasteurized milk is enhanced to seven days at refrigeration
Ans: C
39:-The yoghurt is produced by fermentation of milk by
A:-Lactobacillus bulgaricus
B:-Streptococcus cremoris
C:-Streptococcus thermophilus
D:-1) and 3)
Ans: D
40:-Daily per capita milk consumption recommended by the Medical Authorities is
A:-280 g
B:-220 g
C:-180 g
D:-200 g
Ans: A
41:-A toxic factor present in subabul
Ans: C
42:-Pizza is prepared from ________cheese.
Ans: B
B:-Whey protein
Ans: A
22:-________ is the primary milk carbohydrate.
Ans: D
23:-Name one exotic milch breed of cattle.
C:-Red Sindhi
Ans: B
24:-___________is the causative organism of haemorrhagic septicemia.
A:-Bacillus amthracis
Ans: C
25:-Which one is the variety of guinea grass ?
D:-All the above
Ans: D
26:-For long term preservation, pH of silage should be maintained between ______ and ________
Ans: A
27:-Average gestation period of cow is ___ days
A:-145-155 days
B:-250-265 days
C:-272-284 days
D:-300-310 days
Ans: C
28:-Ideal time for doing artificial insemination in cow
A:-Beginning of eestrus
B:-End of prooestrus
C:-12 hrs. after the end of oestrus
D:-12 hrs. after the begging of oestrus
Ans: D
29:-Dry matter consumption of cattle is ______% of their body weight.
Ans: A
30:-According to PFA standards cow milk should contain % fat and % SNF.
A:-5 and 9
B:-3.5 and 8.5
C:-1.5 and 9
D:-3 and 9
Ans: B
31:-Organism that causes surface taints in butter
D:-Pseudomonas putrefaciens
Ans: D
32:-The process of sub-dividing fat globules in order to prevent cream layer formation is called
D:-Drying of milk
Ans: C
33:- ________is produced when butter is made by churning cream or whole milk curd.
A:-Ghee residue
C:-Skim milk
Ans: B
34:-Which one is the coagulated milk product ?
D:-All the above
Ans: D
35:-In cattle ovulation occurs approximately ________hours after the end of oestrus.
A:-36-48 hours
B:-24-36 hours
C:-10-12 hours
D:-20-30 hours
Ans: C
36:-Ideal intercalving interval in cattle is
A:-12-15 months
B:-15-18 months
C:-24 months
D:-18-24 months
Ans: A
37:-Gestation length of buffalo
A:-310-315 days
B:-270-285 days
C:-240-250 day
D:-290-300 days
Ans: A
38:-Activation of lactoperoxidase system can increase keeping quality of
A:-Pasteurized milk is enhanced to seven weeks at refrigeration
B:-Raw milk is enhanced by 7 days at refrigeration
C:-Raw milk up to 7 hours at room temperature
D:-Pasteurized milk is enhanced to seven days at refrigeration
Ans: C
39:-The yoghurt is produced by fermentation of milk by
A:-Lactobacillus bulgaricus
B:-Streptococcus cremoris
C:-Streptococcus thermophilus
D:-1) and 3)
Ans: D
40:-Daily per capita milk consumption recommended by the Medical Authorities is
A:-280 g
B:-220 g
C:-180 g
D:-200 g
Ans: A
41:-A toxic factor present in subabul
Ans: C
42:-Pizza is prepared from ________cheese.
Ans: B
43. Peak yield (milk production) of cow is reached after –––––––––– days of calving.
(A) 30 – 90 days (B) 80 – 100 days (C) 70 – 100 days (D) none of these
Ans: A
44. Casein constitutes about ––––––––––% of total milk protein.
(A) 8% (B) 18% (C) 80% (D) 20%
Ans: C
45. Which of these are not a platform test?
(A) Lactometer (B) COB (C) Fat test (D) Alcohol test
Ans: C
46. Ageing temperature of cream during manufacture of butter :
(A) 5 – 10ºC (B) 20 – 22ºC (C) –23 to –29ºC (D) –4ºC
Ans: A
47. Minimum sugar content in sweetened condensed milk (PFA Standard) :
(A) 26% (B) 31 (C) 9% (D) 40%
Ans: D
48. Worlds highest milk producing nation :
(A) USA (B) India (C) Australia (D) England
Ans: B
49. Milk letting down hormone :
(A) Adrenalin (B) Prolactin (C) Oxytocin (D) Progesterone
Ans: C
50. Which method of milking cause injury to teats?
(A) Thumbing (B) Fisting (C) Stripping (D) All of these
Ans: A
(A) 30 – 90 days (B) 80 – 100 days (C) 70 – 100 days (D) none of these
Ans: A
44. Casein constitutes about ––––––––––% of total milk protein.
(A) 8% (B) 18% (C) 80% (D) 20%
Ans: C
45. Which of these are not a platform test?
(A) Lactometer (B) COB (C) Fat test (D) Alcohol test
Ans: C
46. Ageing temperature of cream during manufacture of butter :
(A) 5 – 10ºC (B) 20 – 22ºC (C) –23 to –29ºC (D) –4ºC
Ans: A
47. Minimum sugar content in sweetened condensed milk (PFA Standard) :
(A) 26% (B) 31 (C) 9% (D) 40%
Ans: D
48. Worlds highest milk producing nation :
(A) USA (B) India (C) Australia (D) England
Ans: B
49. Milk letting down hormone :
(A) Adrenalin (B) Prolactin (C) Oxytocin (D) Progesterone
Ans: C
50. Which method of milking cause injury to teats?
(A) Thumbing (B) Fisting (C) Stripping (D) All of these
Ans: A
51. Normal specific gravity of cow milk :
(A) 1.030 – 1.032 (B) 1.028 – 1.03 (C) 1.28 – 1.3 (D) 1.3 – 1.32
Ans: B
52. Pasteurised milk should be stored at :
(A) 0ºC (B) 5ºC or above (C) 10ºC (D) 5ºC or below
Ans: D
53. Body temperature of cattle :
(A) 101.5º F (B) 103.5º F (C) 102.6º F (D) 107.2º F
Ans: A
54. The longest part of oestrus cycle :
(A) Oestrus (B) Pro-oestrus (C) Dioestrus (D) Metoestrus
Ans: C
55. Srikhand is prepared from :
(A) Dahi (B) Chhana (C) Khoa (D) none of these
Ans: A
56. Which of the stabilizer is animal origin?
(A) sodium alginate (B) gelatin (C) Agar agar (D) CMC
Ans: B
57. Moisture content in milk powder (PFA standard) :
(A) Maximum 5% (B) Minimum 5% (C) Maximum 0.5 (D) Minimum 0.5
Ans: A
58. Adulteration of ghee with Vanaspati can be detected by :
(A) Phytosterol acetate test (B) Baudouin test (C) B.R. Reading (D) R.M. Value test
Ans: B
59. Sandesh is prepared from :
(A) Khoa (B) Chhanna (C) Paneer (D) Peda
Ans: B
60. Maximum solubility index for spray dried whole milk powder is :
(A) 15 (B) 2 (C) 85 ml (D) 98.5 ml
Ans: B
61. By product of cheese preparation is :
(A) skim milk (B) whey (C) butter milk (D) none of these
Ans: B
62. Agmark Red Label ghee contains free fatty acid (% oleic acid) :
(A) not more than 2.5 (B) not more than 1.4 (C) less than 2.5 (D) less than 1.4
Ans: B
63. A soft cheese :
(A) Cheddar cheese (B) Brick cheese (C) Cottage cheese (D) Swiss cheese
Ans: C
64. PFA standard of standardized milk :
(A) fat % (minimum) 4.5 & SNF (minimum) 8.5%
(B) fat % (minimum) 4.5 & SNF (minimum) 9%
(C) fat % (minimum) 3% & SNF (minimum) 8.5%
(D) fat % (minimum) 5% & SNF (minimum) 9%
Ans: A
65. Example for a sanitiser :
(A) Nitric acid (B) Caustic soda (C) Steam (D) Washing soda
Ans: C
66. When milk is adulterated with water the specific gravity will :
(A) increase (B) decrease (C) remain same (D) none of these
Ans: B
67. According to PFA rules minimum fat % in cows milk in Kerala is :
(A) 3.5% (B) 4% (C) 5% (D) 3%
Ans: A
68. Leech test is used to detect presence of ———————— in milk.
(A) Formalin (B) Hydrogen peroxide (C) Starch (D) None of these
Ans: A
69. Fermentation of cream with desirable starter cultures is called:
(A) neutralization of cream (B) pasteurization of cream (C) ripening of cream (D) vacreation of cream
Ans: C
70. During the manufacture of butter for long storage cream acidity should be reduced to ——––––—%.
(A) 0.6 – 0.8% (B) 0.06 – 0.08% (C) .25 – .30% (D) .025 – .03%
Ans: B
71. Temperature of liquid nitrogen (used for freeze branding) :
(A) –79 deg C (B) –196 deg C (C) –195 deg C (D) –75 deg C
Ans: B
72. A milch breed of cattle :
(A) Kankrej (B) Sindhi (C) Hallikar (D) Ongole
Ans: B
73. The grass that can be cultivated in water logged area :
(A) Guinea grass (B) Congo signal (C) Para grass (D) Napier
Ans: C
74. Best method of fodder preservation in rainy season :
(A) hay (B) straw (C) silage (D) none of these
Ans: C
75. Minimum dry period requirement of a cow :
(A) 90 days (B) 80 days (C) 70 days (D) 60 days
Ans: D
76. Concentrates are feed stuffs containing :
(A) less than 18% crude fibre (B) more than 18% crude fibre (C) 18% crude fibre (D) none of these
Ans: A
77. A legume fodder tree :
(A) Cow pea (B) Stylosanthes (C) Subabool (D) Congosignal
Ans: C
78. Milk samplers may be :
(A) sampling dipper (B) sampling tube (C) automatic vacuum (D) all of these
Ans: D
79. Yogurt is a ———————— milk product.
(A) fermented (B) fat rich (C) dried (D) none of these
Ans: A
80. Irradiated milk is the milk in which Vitamin –––––––––––– content has been increased.
(A) Vitamin A (B) Vitamin B (C) Vitamin C (D) Vitamin D
Ans: D
81. The first producer oriented milk co-operative society in India was registered in :
(A) Kerala (B) Bangalore (C) Haryana (D) Gujarat
Ans: D
82. How much concentrate should be given to a cow weighing 250 Kg and producing 10 litre of milk with 4% fat. (Plenty of green grass available)?
(A) 1 kg (B) 5 kg (C) 3 kg (D) 4 kg
Ans: B
83. The pigment responsible for yellowish colour of cow milk :
(A) annatto (B) chlorophyll (C) carotein (D) none of these
Ans: C
84. Select the odd one out:
(A) Lecithin (B) Cephalin (C) Sphingomylin (D) Cholestrol
Ans: D
85. The mineral present in milk only in trace quantity is :
(A) calcium (B) iron (C) sodium (D) magnesium
Ans: B
86. Temperature and time for UHT heat treatment of milk :
(A) 63°C for 30 minutes (B) 72°C for 15 seconds (C) 120°C for 15 minutes (D) 135°C for fraction of a second
Ans: D
87. Minimum milk fat percentage in ice-cream (PFA) :
(A) 15 (B) 10 (C) 25 (D) 36
Ans: B
88. In centrifugal method of cream separation cream moves towards :
(A) centre (B) periphery (C) bottom (D) none of these
Ans: A
89. Which of the following can be added to butter as colouring matter?
(A) diacetyl (B) chlorophyll (C) xanthophylls (D) annatto
Ans: D
90. Storage of cheese for atleast for 2-3 months at given low temperature (0 – 6°C) is called :
(A) drying (B) pressing (C) curing (D) paraffining
Ans: C
91. Which of the following is not a accessory sex gland of a bull?
(A) epididymis (B) seminal vesicle (C) prostate gland (D) cowper’s gland
Ans: A
92. A dual purpose breed :
(A) kangayam (B) gir (C) hallikar (D) hariana
Ans: D
93. Which of the following is milk sugar?
(A) fructose (B) glucose (C) sucrose (D) lactose
Ans: D
94. Developed or real acidity of milk is due to :
(A) casein (B) citrates (C) lactic acid (D) none of these
Ans: C
95. Which method of identification cannot be used in white coloured animals :
(A) tattooing (B) chemical branding (C) hot iron branding (D) freeze branding
Ans: D
96. When land is available in plenty, which method of rearing is most suitable?
(A) free range system (B) semi intensive system (C) intensive housing (D) head to head system
Ans: A
97. Which among the following is the exotic breed producing milk with highest fat %?
(A) HF (B) Sindhi (C) Brown Swiss (D) Jersey
Ans: D
98. Product prepared using both khoa and chhanna :
(A) pantooa (B) sandesh (C) rasamalai (D) chhanna murki
Ans: A
99. How many days sterilized milk can be kept at room temperature, so that it is fit for human consumption?
(A) minimum 1 day (B) minimum 10 days (C) minimum 7 days (D) minimum 9 days
Ans: C
100. Hardening temperature of ice cream :
(A) 0 to –4°C (B) –4 to –5°C (C) –10 to –7°C (D) –23 to –29°C
Ans: D
(A) 1.030 – 1.032 (B) 1.028 – 1.03 (C) 1.28 – 1.3 (D) 1.3 – 1.32
Ans: B
52. Pasteurised milk should be stored at :
(A) 0ºC (B) 5ºC or above (C) 10ºC (D) 5ºC or below
Ans: D
53. Body temperature of cattle :
(A) 101.5º F (B) 103.5º F (C) 102.6º F (D) 107.2º F
Ans: A
54. The longest part of oestrus cycle :
(A) Oestrus (B) Pro-oestrus (C) Dioestrus (D) Metoestrus
Ans: C
55. Srikhand is prepared from :
(A) Dahi (B) Chhana (C) Khoa (D) none of these
Ans: A
56. Which of the stabilizer is animal origin?
(A) sodium alginate (B) gelatin (C) Agar agar (D) CMC
Ans: B
57. Moisture content in milk powder (PFA standard) :
(A) Maximum 5% (B) Minimum 5% (C) Maximum 0.5 (D) Minimum 0.5
Ans: A
58. Adulteration of ghee with Vanaspati can be detected by :
(A) Phytosterol acetate test (B) Baudouin test (C) B.R. Reading (D) R.M. Value test
Ans: B
59. Sandesh is prepared from :
(A) Khoa (B) Chhanna (C) Paneer (D) Peda
Ans: B
60. Maximum solubility index for spray dried whole milk powder is :
(A) 15 (B) 2 (C) 85 ml (D) 98.5 ml
Ans: B
61. By product of cheese preparation is :
(A) skim milk (B) whey (C) butter milk (D) none of these
Ans: B
62. Agmark Red Label ghee contains free fatty acid (% oleic acid) :
(A) not more than 2.5 (B) not more than 1.4 (C) less than 2.5 (D) less than 1.4
Ans: B
63. A soft cheese :
(A) Cheddar cheese (B) Brick cheese (C) Cottage cheese (D) Swiss cheese
Ans: C
64. PFA standard of standardized milk :
(A) fat % (minimum) 4.5 & SNF (minimum) 8.5%
(B) fat % (minimum) 4.5 & SNF (minimum) 9%
(C) fat % (minimum) 3% & SNF (minimum) 8.5%
(D) fat % (minimum) 5% & SNF (minimum) 9%
Ans: A
65. Example for a sanitiser :
(A) Nitric acid (B) Caustic soda (C) Steam (D) Washing soda
Ans: C
66. When milk is adulterated with water the specific gravity will :
(A) increase (B) decrease (C) remain same (D) none of these
Ans: B
67. According to PFA rules minimum fat % in cows milk in Kerala is :
(A) 3.5% (B) 4% (C) 5% (D) 3%
Ans: A
68. Leech test is used to detect presence of ———————— in milk.
(A) Formalin (B) Hydrogen peroxide (C) Starch (D) None of these
Ans: A
69. Fermentation of cream with desirable starter cultures is called:
(A) neutralization of cream (B) pasteurization of cream (C) ripening of cream (D) vacreation of cream
Ans: C
70. During the manufacture of butter for long storage cream acidity should be reduced to ——––––—%.
(A) 0.6 – 0.8% (B) 0.06 – 0.08% (C) .25 – .30% (D) .025 – .03%
Ans: B
71. Temperature of liquid nitrogen (used for freeze branding) :
(A) –79 deg C (B) –196 deg C (C) –195 deg C (D) –75 deg C
Ans: B
72. A milch breed of cattle :
(A) Kankrej (B) Sindhi (C) Hallikar (D) Ongole
Ans: B
73. The grass that can be cultivated in water logged area :
(A) Guinea grass (B) Congo signal (C) Para grass (D) Napier
Ans: C
74. Best method of fodder preservation in rainy season :
(A) hay (B) straw (C) silage (D) none of these
Ans: C
75. Minimum dry period requirement of a cow :
(A) 90 days (B) 80 days (C) 70 days (D) 60 days
Ans: D
76. Concentrates are feed stuffs containing :
(A) less than 18% crude fibre (B) more than 18% crude fibre (C) 18% crude fibre (D) none of these
Ans: A
77. A legume fodder tree :
(A) Cow pea (B) Stylosanthes (C) Subabool (D) Congosignal
Ans: C
78. Milk samplers may be :
(A) sampling dipper (B) sampling tube (C) automatic vacuum (D) all of these
Ans: D
79. Yogurt is a ———————— milk product.
(A) fermented (B) fat rich (C) dried (D) none of these
Ans: A
80. Irradiated milk is the milk in which Vitamin –––––––––––– content has been increased.
(A) Vitamin A (B) Vitamin B (C) Vitamin C (D) Vitamin D
Ans: D
81. The first producer oriented milk co-operative society in India was registered in :
(A) Kerala (B) Bangalore (C) Haryana (D) Gujarat
Ans: D
82. How much concentrate should be given to a cow weighing 250 Kg and producing 10 litre of milk with 4% fat. (Plenty of green grass available)?
(A) 1 kg (B) 5 kg (C) 3 kg (D) 4 kg
Ans: B
83. The pigment responsible for yellowish colour of cow milk :
(A) annatto (B) chlorophyll (C) carotein (D) none of these
Ans: C
84. Select the odd one out:
(A) Lecithin (B) Cephalin (C) Sphingomylin (D) Cholestrol
Ans: D
85. The mineral present in milk only in trace quantity is :
(A) calcium (B) iron (C) sodium (D) magnesium
Ans: B
86. Temperature and time for UHT heat treatment of milk :
(A) 63°C for 30 minutes (B) 72°C for 15 seconds (C) 120°C for 15 minutes (D) 135°C for fraction of a second
Ans: D
87. Minimum milk fat percentage in ice-cream (PFA) :
(A) 15 (B) 10 (C) 25 (D) 36
Ans: B
88. In centrifugal method of cream separation cream moves towards :
(A) centre (B) periphery (C) bottom (D) none of these
Ans: A
89. Which of the following can be added to butter as colouring matter?
(A) diacetyl (B) chlorophyll (C) xanthophylls (D) annatto
Ans: D
90. Storage of cheese for atleast for 2-3 months at given low temperature (0 – 6°C) is called :
(A) drying (B) pressing (C) curing (D) paraffining
Ans: C
91. Which of the following is not a accessory sex gland of a bull?
(A) epididymis (B) seminal vesicle (C) prostate gland (D) cowper’s gland
Ans: A
92. A dual purpose breed :
(A) kangayam (B) gir (C) hallikar (D) hariana
Ans: D
93. Which of the following is milk sugar?
(A) fructose (B) glucose (C) sucrose (D) lactose
Ans: D
94. Developed or real acidity of milk is due to :
(A) casein (B) citrates (C) lactic acid (D) none of these
Ans: C
95. Which method of identification cannot be used in white coloured animals :
(A) tattooing (B) chemical branding (C) hot iron branding (D) freeze branding
Ans: D
96. When land is available in plenty, which method of rearing is most suitable?
(A) free range system (B) semi intensive system (C) intensive housing (D) head to head system
Ans: A
97. Which among the following is the exotic breed producing milk with highest fat %?
(A) HF (B) Sindhi (C) Brown Swiss (D) Jersey
Ans: D
98. Product prepared using both khoa and chhanna :
(A) pantooa (B) sandesh (C) rasamalai (D) chhanna murki
Ans: A
99. How many days sterilized milk can be kept at room temperature, so that it is fit for human consumption?
(A) minimum 1 day (B) minimum 10 days (C) minimum 7 days (D) minimum 9 days
Ans: C
100. Hardening temperature of ice cream :
(A) 0 to –4°C (B) –4 to –5°C (C) –10 to –7°C (D) –23 to –29°C
Ans: D