1. Chairman of CAPE (Co-operative Academy of Professional Education) in Kerala is :
(A) Minister for Health of Kerala (B) Minister for Education of Kerala
(C) Chief Minister of Kerala (D) Minister for Co-operation
Ans: C
2. ————– is an officer/person appointed under section 68 A of Kerala Cooperative Societies Act.
(A) Registrar (B) Arbitrator (C) Vigilance Officer (D) Liquidator
Ans: B
3. The section of Kerala Co-operative Societies Act which provides protection to the share capital and other interest of a member in a society from the attachment and sale in execution of a decree :
(A) Section 37 (B) Section 38 (C) Section 39 (D) None of these
Ans: C
4. The Structure of Co-operative Urban bank in Kerala is :
(A) Single tier (B) Two tier (C) Three tier (D) Four tier
Ans: A
5. Power to make rules as per Kerala Co-operative Societies Act is vested on :
(A) Government (B) Legislative Assembly (C) Registrar of Co-operative Societies (D) State Co-operative Union
Ans: A
6. Chairman of the Kerala Co-operative Information Bureau Advisory Committee :
(A) Secretary, Co-operative Department (B) Registrar of Co-operatives (C) Minister of Co-operation (D) None of these
Ans: A
7. Surcharge is levied under section ————– of the Kerala Co-operative Societies Act?
(A) 69 (B) 68 (C) 67 (D) 66
Ans: B
(A) Minister for Health of Kerala (B) Minister for Education of Kerala
(C) Chief Minister of Kerala (D) Minister for Co-operation
Ans: C
2. ————– is an officer/person appointed under section 68 A of Kerala Cooperative Societies Act.
(A) Registrar (B) Arbitrator (C) Vigilance Officer (D) Liquidator
Ans: B
3. The section of Kerala Co-operative Societies Act which provides protection to the share capital and other interest of a member in a society from the attachment and sale in execution of a decree :
(A) Section 37 (B) Section 38 (C) Section 39 (D) None of these
Ans: C
4. The Structure of Co-operative Urban bank in Kerala is :
(A) Single tier (B) Two tier (C) Three tier (D) Four tier
Ans: A
5. Power to make rules as per Kerala Co-operative Societies Act is vested on :
(A) Government (B) Legislative Assembly (C) Registrar of Co-operative Societies (D) State Co-operative Union
Ans: A
6. Chairman of the Kerala Co-operative Information Bureau Advisory Committee :
(A) Secretary, Co-operative Department (B) Registrar of Co-operatives (C) Minister of Co-operation (D) None of these
Ans: A
7. Surcharge is levied under section ————– of the Kerala Co-operative Societies Act?
(A) 69 (B) 68 (C) 67 (D) 66
Ans: B