1. Percentage of persons examined showing microfilaria in their blood or manifestation or both :
(A) Microfilaria rate (B) Filarial endemicity rate (C) Microfilarial density (D) Average infestation rate
Ans: B
2. The dose of equine rabies immunoglobulin to be given to a person with a weight of 50 kg :
(A) 2000 IU (B) 2500 IU (C) 1000 IU (D) 3000 IU
Ans: A
3. Clinical surveillance period for multi bacillary leprosy after treatment is :
(A) At least every 6 months for 2 years (B) At least every 6 months for 5 years (C) At least every year for 2 years (D) At least every year for 5 years
Ans: D
4. All are indirect methods of demography except :
(A) Life table (B) Sisterhood methods (C) Hazard models (D) Census
Ans: D
5. The equivalent number of years in full health that a newborn can expect to live based on current rates of ill health and mortality is :
Ans: A
6. The rate in which denominator is not midyear population :
(A) Proportional mortality rate (B) Specific death rate (C) Crude death rate (D) Crude Marriage rate
Ans: A
7. The bias which occurs when patients who have died or recovered will be erroneously excluded, skewing the results towards individuals who are average could be best explained as :
(A) Berkesonian bias (B) Misclassification bias (C) Lead time bias (D) Neyman bias
Ans: D
8. MMR of India is 47/100000 live births. In this MMR is expressed as :
(A) Rate (B) Ratio (C) Proportion (D) Special rate
Ans: B
9. A group of non-diseased doctors were followed up for development of lung cancer. After 20 years investigator noted that number of study subjects in the cohort developed Peripheral vascular disease (PVD). He did a case control study by taking cases as those with PVD and controls from the same cohort. This is :
(A) It is not an acceptable design as the intended design was a cohort
(B) It is a block design cohort
(C) It is a cross over design
(D) It is a nested design
Ans: D
10. In a prospective study of omega 3 fatty acid and colon cancer, of the 8000 given omega 3 fatty acid 8 developed colon cancer and among 6000 not given omega 3 fatty acid 6 developed colon cancer. What is the interpretation ?
(A) Omega 3 fatty acid is protective in colon cancer
(B) Omega 3 fatty acid has no association with colon cancer
(C) The study is insufficient to provide any conclusion
(D) Omega 3 fatty acid is harmful
Ans: B
11. A person with fever and history of travel to areas where there are one or more confirmed swine influenza A(H1N1) cases within 7 days is :
(A) Probable case (B) Suspect case (C) Confirmed case (D) Doubtful case
Ans: A
12. 80 year old Mahendaran comes to your OP with mild fever and sore throat during an epidemic of swine flu, action to be taken :
(A) Tested for H1N1 immediately and given oseltamivir
(B) Will be given oseltamivir without testing
(C) No oseltamivir required will be symptomatically treated
(D) Start him on amantadine
Ans: B
13. A 3 year old female child was brought to the casualty with a H/o cough and fever 4 days. O/E weight of the child was 6 kg and RR=45/mt with fever. The child will be classified as :
(A) Pneumonia (B) Severe pneumonia (C) Very severe disease (D) AURI
Ans: C
14. 2 and half year old Anusha has been found to be infected with whooping cough. Her mother comes to you for advice regarding her 2nd child who is only 25 days old. Advice to be given is :
(A) Nothing more is required if the mother has been fully vaccinated with DPT
(B) Hyperimmune globulin
(C) Erythromycin for kid
(D) Hyperimmune globulin+Erythromycin
Ans: C
15. In an 8 month old child fast breathing is :
(A) Respiratory rate > 30/minute
(B) Respiratory rate > 40/minute
(C) Respiratory rate > 50/minute
(D) Respiratory rate > 60/minute
Ans: C
16. 1% annual risk of infection in TB corresponds to :
(A) 100 new smear +ve TB/year for 1 lakh general population
(B) 50 new smear +ve TB/year for 1 lakh general population
(C) 25 new smear +ve TB/year for 1 lakh general population
(D) 125 new smear +ve TB/year for 1 lakh general population
Ans: B
17. Pick the true statement about demographic transition :
(A) Animal model of growth is seen in stage 1
(B) Population explosion is seen in stage 1
(C) High child dependency in stage 3
(D) In declining phase BR is more than death rate
Ans: A
18. Census in India is under the ministry of :
(A) HRD ministry (B) Social welfare (C) Home affairs (D) Labour ministry
Ans: C
19. A village in Andhra Pradesh has 20% population below 15 years and 10% above 65 years. Total population of the village is 10,000. Total Dependency ratio of the community is :
(A) 34% (B) 30% (C) 43% (D) Cannot be calculated from data
Ans: C
20. A community has a population of 10,000. Children between 0-6 is 2000. Literate persons above 7 years are 6000. Effective literacy rate is :
(A) 45% (B) 60% (C) 75% (D) 90%
Ans: C
(A) Microfilaria rate (B) Filarial endemicity rate (C) Microfilarial density (D) Average infestation rate
Ans: B
2. The dose of equine rabies immunoglobulin to be given to a person with a weight of 50 kg :
(A) 2000 IU (B) 2500 IU (C) 1000 IU (D) 3000 IU
Ans: A
3. Clinical surveillance period for multi bacillary leprosy after treatment is :
(A) At least every 6 months for 2 years (B) At least every 6 months for 5 years (C) At least every year for 2 years (D) At least every year for 5 years
Ans: D
4. All are indirect methods of demography except :
(A) Life table (B) Sisterhood methods (C) Hazard models (D) Census
Ans: D
5. The equivalent number of years in full health that a newborn can expect to live based on current rates of ill health and mortality is :
Ans: A
6. The rate in which denominator is not midyear population :
(A) Proportional mortality rate (B) Specific death rate (C) Crude death rate (D) Crude Marriage rate
Ans: A
7. The bias which occurs when patients who have died or recovered will be erroneously excluded, skewing the results towards individuals who are average could be best explained as :
(A) Berkesonian bias (B) Misclassification bias (C) Lead time bias (D) Neyman bias
Ans: D
8. MMR of India is 47/100000 live births. In this MMR is expressed as :
(A) Rate (B) Ratio (C) Proportion (D) Special rate
Ans: B
9. A group of non-diseased doctors were followed up for development of lung cancer. After 20 years investigator noted that number of study subjects in the cohort developed Peripheral vascular disease (PVD). He did a case control study by taking cases as those with PVD and controls from the same cohort. This is :
(A) It is not an acceptable design as the intended design was a cohort
(B) It is a block design cohort
(C) It is a cross over design
(D) It is a nested design
Ans: D
10. In a prospective study of omega 3 fatty acid and colon cancer, of the 8000 given omega 3 fatty acid 8 developed colon cancer and among 6000 not given omega 3 fatty acid 6 developed colon cancer. What is the interpretation ?
(A) Omega 3 fatty acid is protective in colon cancer
(B) Omega 3 fatty acid has no association with colon cancer
(C) The study is insufficient to provide any conclusion
(D) Omega 3 fatty acid is harmful
Ans: B
11. A person with fever and history of travel to areas where there are one or more confirmed swine influenza A(H1N1) cases within 7 days is :
(A) Probable case (B) Suspect case (C) Confirmed case (D) Doubtful case
Ans: A
12. 80 year old Mahendaran comes to your OP with mild fever and sore throat during an epidemic of swine flu, action to be taken :
(A) Tested for H1N1 immediately and given oseltamivir
(B) Will be given oseltamivir without testing
(C) No oseltamivir required will be symptomatically treated
(D) Start him on amantadine
Ans: B
13. A 3 year old female child was brought to the casualty with a H/o cough and fever 4 days. O/E weight of the child was 6 kg and RR=45/mt with fever. The child will be classified as :
(A) Pneumonia (B) Severe pneumonia (C) Very severe disease (D) AURI
Ans: C
14. 2 and half year old Anusha has been found to be infected with whooping cough. Her mother comes to you for advice regarding her 2nd child who is only 25 days old. Advice to be given is :
(A) Nothing more is required if the mother has been fully vaccinated with DPT
(B) Hyperimmune globulin
(C) Erythromycin for kid
(D) Hyperimmune globulin+Erythromycin
Ans: C
15. In an 8 month old child fast breathing is :
(A) Respiratory rate > 30/minute
(B) Respiratory rate > 40/minute
(C) Respiratory rate > 50/minute
(D) Respiratory rate > 60/minute
Ans: C
16. 1% annual risk of infection in TB corresponds to :
(A) 100 new smear +ve TB/year for 1 lakh general population
(B) 50 new smear +ve TB/year for 1 lakh general population
(C) 25 new smear +ve TB/year for 1 lakh general population
(D) 125 new smear +ve TB/year for 1 lakh general population
Ans: B
17. Pick the true statement about demographic transition :
(A) Animal model of growth is seen in stage 1
(B) Population explosion is seen in stage 1
(C) High child dependency in stage 3
(D) In declining phase BR is more than death rate
Ans: A
18. Census in India is under the ministry of :
(A) HRD ministry (B) Social welfare (C) Home affairs (D) Labour ministry
Ans: C
19. A village in Andhra Pradesh has 20% population below 15 years and 10% above 65 years. Total population of the village is 10,000. Total Dependency ratio of the community is :
(A) 34% (B) 30% (C) 43% (D) Cannot be calculated from data
Ans: C
20. A community has a population of 10,000. Children between 0-6 is 2000. Literate persons above 7 years are 6000. Effective literacy rate is :
(A) 45% (B) 60% (C) 75% (D) 90%
Ans: C
21. As per the open vial policy of Government of India false statement :
(A) Any open vial returned from the field has to be used within 48 hours from the date of opening
(B) Vaccine should not have been frozen
(C) Only applicable to Hepatitis - B, OPV, DPT, Pentavalent, TT and IPV
(D) VVM should be stable
Ans: A
22. The cut-off BMI for obesity as suggested by WHO for Asian community :
(A) 20 (B) 23 (C) 25 (D) 30
Ans: C
23. The dose of chicken pox vaccine to be given to a 15 year old for full protection :
(A) 2 doses 6 weeks apart, 0.5 ml subcutaneous
(B) 2 doses 6 weeks apart, 0.5 ml intramuscular
(C) Single dose, 0.5 ml subcutaneous
(D) Single dose, 0.5 ml intramuscular
Ans: A
24. Emerging pathogens that could be engineered for mass spread as bioterror weapon is included in :
(A) Category A bio terror weapon
(B) Category B bio terror weapon
(C) Category C bio terror weapon
(D) Category D bio terror weapon
Ans: C
25. The reservoir for MERS-CoV infection is :
(A) Fruit bats (B) Vampire bats (C) Camels (D) Ardeid birds in Arabian countries
Ans: C
26. A mother devolved chicken pox 1 day after delivery of a male baby. Immediate action to be taken :
(A) Give VZIG to baby (B) No need of treatment (C) No VZIG give Acyclovir to the baby (D) Immediately give vaccine and VZIG to the baby
Ans: A
27. Pick the false statement about Ebola infection :
(A) Dead bodies possess a risk of transmission to others
(B) Fruit bats are reservoirs
(C) Fomites can transmit infection
(D) Caused by Orthopox virus
Ans: D
28. A child exposed to a case of measles can be protected by :
(A) Cannot be protected with measles vaccine but requires immunoglobulin
(B) Can be protected if given vaccine within 72 hours
(C) Can be protected if given vaccine within 96 hours
(D) Should be given ribavirin within 48 hours
Ans: B
29. Raft shaped eggs are associated with :
(A) Anopheles (B) Culex (C) Aedes (D) Mansonia
Ans: B
30. The agent used for space spraying :
(A) Pyrethrum (B) Malathion (C) Abate (D) Lindane
Ans: A
31. The effluent generated from the hospital should have a BOD of less than :
(A) 30 mg/L (B) 60 mg/L (C) 100 mg/L (D) 200 mg/L
Ans: A
32. As per the biomedical waste management rules 2016, Government of India discarded medicines should put in :
(A) Yellow Container (B) Black Container (C) Blue Container (D) Red Container
Ans: A
33. The father of public health :
(A) John Snow (B) Louis Pasteur (C) Small pox (D) Cholera
Ans: D
34. Father of antiseptic surgery :
(A) Louis Pasteur (B) John Snow (C) Joseph Lister (D) Ignas Semmelweis
Ans: C
35. In the emblem of WHO the staff and the serpent shown is :
(A) Staff of Auscualpius (B) Cadeucius Staff (C) Staff of Aaron (D) Staff of hygea
Ans: A
36. The gross income generated from within the country and also the net income generated from abroad is called as :
(A) Gross Domestic Product (B) Gross National Income (C) Purchase Power Parity in Dollars (D) HALE
Ans: B
37. Ideal bed turnover interval for optimum use of health resources and avoiding MRSA is :
(A) Slightly positive (B) Largely positive (C) Slightly negative (D) Largely negative
Ans: A
38. In a malaria survey in Orissa among 50,000 population, 10,000 slides were examined for malaria. 250 came as positive. Pick the true statement :
(A) It is a high API area and ABER is adequate (B) It is a high API area but ABER is inadequate (C) Low API but ABER is inadequate (D) API and ABER are 100 and 10%
Ans: A
39. The drug of choice for plasmodium falciparum malaria for north eastern states is :
(A) Chlorquine (B) Quinine (C) Artemesinin - Sulfadoxine/Pyrimethamine (D) Artemether – Lumefantrine
Ans: D
40. As per the national framework for malaria elimination in India, category 1 state is :
(A) States/UT with 0 indigenous cases
(B) States/UT with API<1 and all districts with API<1
(C) States/UT with API<1 but some districts with API>1
(D) States/UT with API>1
Ans: B
41. In a population which is growing at a very rapid phase the population will double in :
(A) 70-139 years (B) 47-70 years (C) 35-47 years (D) 15-20 years
Ans: C
(A) Any open vial returned from the field has to be used within 48 hours from the date of opening
(B) Vaccine should not have been frozen
(C) Only applicable to Hepatitis - B, OPV, DPT, Pentavalent, TT and IPV
(D) VVM should be stable
Ans: A
22. The cut-off BMI for obesity as suggested by WHO for Asian community :
(A) 20 (B) 23 (C) 25 (D) 30
Ans: C
23. The dose of chicken pox vaccine to be given to a 15 year old for full protection :
(A) 2 doses 6 weeks apart, 0.5 ml subcutaneous
(B) 2 doses 6 weeks apart, 0.5 ml intramuscular
(C) Single dose, 0.5 ml subcutaneous
(D) Single dose, 0.5 ml intramuscular
Ans: A
24. Emerging pathogens that could be engineered for mass spread as bioterror weapon is included in :
(A) Category A bio terror weapon
(B) Category B bio terror weapon
(C) Category C bio terror weapon
(D) Category D bio terror weapon
Ans: C
25. The reservoir for MERS-CoV infection is :
(A) Fruit bats (B) Vampire bats (C) Camels (D) Ardeid birds in Arabian countries
Ans: C
26. A mother devolved chicken pox 1 day after delivery of a male baby. Immediate action to be taken :
(A) Give VZIG to baby (B) No need of treatment (C) No VZIG give Acyclovir to the baby (D) Immediately give vaccine and VZIG to the baby
Ans: A
27. Pick the false statement about Ebola infection :
(A) Dead bodies possess a risk of transmission to others
(B) Fruit bats are reservoirs
(C) Fomites can transmit infection
(D) Caused by Orthopox virus
Ans: D
28. A child exposed to a case of measles can be protected by :
(A) Cannot be protected with measles vaccine but requires immunoglobulin
(B) Can be protected if given vaccine within 72 hours
(C) Can be protected if given vaccine within 96 hours
(D) Should be given ribavirin within 48 hours
Ans: B
29. Raft shaped eggs are associated with :
(A) Anopheles (B) Culex (C) Aedes (D) Mansonia
Ans: B
30. The agent used for space spraying :
(A) Pyrethrum (B) Malathion (C) Abate (D) Lindane
Ans: A
31. The effluent generated from the hospital should have a BOD of less than :
(A) 30 mg/L (B) 60 mg/L (C) 100 mg/L (D) 200 mg/L
Ans: A
32. As per the biomedical waste management rules 2016, Government of India discarded medicines should put in :
(A) Yellow Container (B) Black Container (C) Blue Container (D) Red Container
Ans: A
33. The father of public health :
(A) John Snow (B) Louis Pasteur (C) Small pox (D) Cholera
Ans: D
34. Father of antiseptic surgery :
(A) Louis Pasteur (B) John Snow (C) Joseph Lister (D) Ignas Semmelweis
Ans: C
35. In the emblem of WHO the staff and the serpent shown is :
(A) Staff of Auscualpius (B) Cadeucius Staff (C) Staff of Aaron (D) Staff of hygea
Ans: A
36. The gross income generated from within the country and also the net income generated from abroad is called as :
(A) Gross Domestic Product (B) Gross National Income (C) Purchase Power Parity in Dollars (D) HALE
Ans: B
37. Ideal bed turnover interval for optimum use of health resources and avoiding MRSA is :
(A) Slightly positive (B) Largely positive (C) Slightly negative (D) Largely negative
Ans: A
38. In a malaria survey in Orissa among 50,000 population, 10,000 slides were examined for malaria. 250 came as positive. Pick the true statement :
(A) It is a high API area and ABER is adequate (B) It is a high API area but ABER is inadequate (C) Low API but ABER is inadequate (D) API and ABER are 100 and 10%
Ans: A
39. The drug of choice for plasmodium falciparum malaria for north eastern states is :
(A) Chlorquine (B) Quinine (C) Artemesinin - Sulfadoxine/Pyrimethamine (D) Artemether – Lumefantrine
Ans: D
40. As per the national framework for malaria elimination in India, category 1 state is :
(A) States/UT with 0 indigenous cases
(B) States/UT with API<1 and all districts with API<1
(C) States/UT with API<1 but some districts with API>1
(D) States/UT with API>1
Ans: B
41. In a population which is growing at a very rapid phase the population will double in :
(A) 70-139 years (B) 47-70 years (C) 35-47 years (D) 15-20 years
Ans: C
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