1. “Nihanti Gandham Vairasyam Jihvadantasyajam malam” are the benefits of (A) Jihvanirlekhana (B) Mukhaprakshalana (C) Datauna (D) Tambulasevana
2. “Chakshushyam Sparshanhitam Balyam Parakram Sukham” are the benefits of (A) Anjana (B) Padabhyanga (C) Padatra dharana (D) Nasya
3. Sukha, Pushti, Bala, Vrishata and Jeevana are the benefits of (A) Proper Sleep (B) Proper Exercise (C) Bathing (D) Massage
4. Badhirya, Shrama, Sada and Hridvyatha occur due to suppression of (A) Shukra Vega (B) Ashru Vega (C) Pipasa Vega (D) Nidra Vega
5. Shvasa, Hikka, Aruchi and Kampa are the symptoms of (A) Jrimbha Vega nigraha (B) Chardi Vega nigraha (C) Shramanihshvasa Vega nigraha (D) Udgara Vega nigraha
6. In “Madhavaprathame Masi” which Dosha should to be removed from the body (A) Vata (B) Pitta (C) Kapha (D) Pitta and Kapha
7. Ghanatyaya is the synonym of which season (A) Hemanta (B) Shishira (C) Sharad (D) Varsha
8. “Pravate Harmyamastake” is advised in which Ritucharya, as per Charaka Samhita? (A) Hemanta (B) Sharad (C) Vasanta (D) Grishma
9. Best Brinhana dravya is (A) Mansa (B) Mansa Rasa (C) Dugdha (D) Ghrita
10. In Charaka Samhita Nidra is described in (A) Indriyopkramaniya adhyaya (B) Kiyantahshirasiya adhyaya (C) Langhanabringhaniya adhyaya (D) Ashtauninditiya adhyaya
11. “Samanshchaiva Shariradhatun Prakritau Sthapayati” is mentioned with reference to (A) Pathya (B) Hitakara (C) Satmya (D) Upashaya
12. Which food could be taken regularly for long duration (A) Jangala Mansa (B) Fish (C) Yavaka (D) Kilata
13. “Badhiryamandhyam Mukatvam” are the complications caused due to improper use of (A) Nasya (B) Dhumapana (C) Anjana (D) Tarpana
14. Which one is not included in 18 factors responsible for Viruddhahara (A) Desha viruddha (B) Disha viruddha (C) Dosha viruddha (D) Paka viruddha
15. “Panabhojanasanskaran prayah kshaudranvitan bhajet” is the advice for which Ritu (A) Vasanta (B) Hemanta (C) Varsha (D) Sharad
16. “Hansodaka” is indicated for (A) Snana (B) Pana (C) Avagahana (D) All of the Above
17. “Vrishyamayushyam” are the benefits of (A) Kshaura Karma (B) Snana (C) Ratnabharana Dharana (D) Both A and B
18. According to Acharya Charaka, which of the following is not the quality of Madhu? (A) Ruksha (B) Laghu (C) Sheeta (D) Kashaya
19. What is the color of Kshaudra variety of Madhu, as per Charaka? (A) Ghrita Varna (B) Krishna Varna (C) Taila Varna (D) Kapila Varna
20. The properties of Ardra Pippali are (A) Kaphashamaka, Guru, Snigdha (B) Kaphashamaka, Katu, Ushna (C) Kaphakaraka, Guru, Ruksha (D) Kaphakaraka, Madhura, Snigdha
21. According to Sushruta, two months of Sharad Ritu are (A) Tapa and Tapasya (B) Isha and Urja (C) Saha and Sahasya (D) Shuchi and Shukra
22. “Shuchi” is the synonym of which month? (A) Shravana (B) Jyeshtha (C) Ashvina (D) Agahana
23. Simha and Kanya Rashi are related with which season? (A) Pravrit (B) Varsha (C) Grishma (D) Sharad
24. In which season water of Sarasa and Tadaga is recommended, as per Sushruta? (A) Hemanta (B) Vasanta (C) Grishma (D) Pravrit
25. During which seasons Dadhi is usually avoided (A) Vasanta, Grishma and Shishira (B) Hemanta, Shishira and Varsha (C) Vasanta, Grishma and Sharad (D) Hemanta, Shishira and Vasanta
26. Flowering of Kinshuka and Bakula occurs in which Ritu? (A) Hemanta (B) Vasanta (C) Pravrit (D) Varsha
27. The Katu Rasa appears due to predominance of which Mahabhutas, as per Charaka? (A) Vayu and Prithvi (B) Vayu and Agni (C) Vayu and Akasha (D) Vayu and Jala
28. Which Dantapavana is best in Katu Rasa? (A) Khadira (B) Neema (C) Karanja (D) Madhooka
29. Northern Wind blows in which Ritu (A) Pravrit (B) Grishma (C) Hemanta (D) Vasanta
30. “Hridyam Tarpayati” is the property of (A) Amla Rasa (B) Madhura Rasa (C) Lavana Rasa (D) Katu Rasa
31. Daurbalya, Mukhashosha, Pandu, Shrama are the characteristic features of (A) Rasa Kshaya (B) Rakta Kshaya (C) Shukra Kshya (D) Majja Kshaya
32. According to Sushruta, which one of the following is not listed under water purifying substance? (A) Gomeda (B) Pravala moola (C) Kataka (D) Bisagranthi
33. According to Sushruta, the most harmful Amavastha occurs due to the excessive use of (A) Mansa (B) Navaneeta (C) Mansa Rasa (D) Madhu
34. Anurasa of all 8 varieties of animal urine is (A) Lavana (B) Katu (C) Amla (D) Tikta
35. Kanguka, Mukundaka, Pramodaka, Kakalaka, Kurvaka are the varieties of (A) Shali Rice (B) Shashtika Rice (C) Vaidala (D) Kudhanya
36. Paravata, Kulinga, Shuka, Sarika are the varieties of (A) Pratuda varga (B) Prasaha varga (C) Vishkira varga (D) Vileshaya varga
37. Vidahi, Srishta vidmutram, Tridoshakrit are the effects of (A) Jata Dadhi (B) Mandajata Dadhi (C) Amla Dadhi (D) Madhura Dadhi
38. Which is not the quality of Dadhi, as per Sushruta? (A) Snigdha (B) Ushna Virya (C) Sheeta Virya (D) Kashaya Anurasa
39. Ayuhrasa, Javoparodha, Krichavyavayata, Daurbalaya are the features of (A) Atikrisha (B) Atihrisva (C) Atisthula (D) Atideergha
40. Sandhivishleshogatranam, Sadanam, Dosha Chyawanam are the characteristics of (A) Oja Vyapad (B) Oja Visransa (C) Oja Kshaya (D) All of the above
41. Which one of the following variety is not included under Dwadashashana Pravichara (A) Sheeta (B) Laghu (C) Snigdha (D) Drava
42. “Prithagbhutasneham naatisandradravam swadvamlam tuvaram rase” are the characteristics of (A) Takra (B) Ghola (C) Santanika (D) Kilata
43. According to Sushruta the Dugdha indicated in Shopha, Gulma, Udara Roga, Arsha and Kushta is (A) Mahisha Dugdha (B) Godugdha (C) Ushtra Dugdha (D) Aja Dugdha
44. Vataghna, Tarpaka, Balya, Vrishya, Guru and Raktapitta prasadana are the properties of (A) Takra (B) Dadhi (C) Navaneeta (D) Santanika
45. The concept of “Naishthikichikitsa” is described in which chapter of Charaka Samhita? (A) Sharira Sthana Chapter 1 (B) Sharira Sthana Chapter 5 (C) Sutra Sthana Chapter 17 (D) Sutra Sthana Chapter 17
46. Which of the following is not the component of Shadangapaniya? (A) Mustaka (B) Parpata (C) Nagara (D) Nagakeshara
47. According to Acharya Charaka, which one is not the synonym of Mukti or Moksha? (A) Kaivalya (B) Viraja (C) Nirvana (D) Akshara
48. “Vishamabhinivesho yo nityanitye hitahite” is known as (A) Buddhi vibhransha (B) Dhriti bhransha (C) Smriti bhransha (D) All of the above
49. Which item is not used in preparation of Shirovairechanika Dhumavarti? (A) Hartala (B) Jatamansi (C) Aguru (D) Jyotishmati
50. Which of the following time is not included in Ashta-Kala for Prayogika Dhumapana? (A) After Meal (B) After Nasya (C) After Defecation (D) After Anjana
Answer Key:
1 C
2 C
3 A
4 C
5 D
6 C
7 C
8 D
9 A
10 D
11 B
12 A
13 B
14 B
15 C
16 D
17 D
18 B
19 D
20 D
21 B
22 B
23 B
24 A
25 C
26 B
27 B
28 C
29 C
30 A
31 C
32 B
33 D
34 A
35 B
36 A
37 B
38 C
39 C
40 B
41 B
42 A
43 C
44 D
45 A
46 D
47 A
48 A
49 B
50 C
2. “Chakshushyam Sparshanhitam Balyam Parakram Sukham” are the benefits of (A) Anjana (B) Padabhyanga (C) Padatra dharana (D) Nasya
3. Sukha, Pushti, Bala, Vrishata and Jeevana are the benefits of (A) Proper Sleep (B) Proper Exercise (C) Bathing (D) Massage
4. Badhirya, Shrama, Sada and Hridvyatha occur due to suppression of (A) Shukra Vega (B) Ashru Vega (C) Pipasa Vega (D) Nidra Vega
5. Shvasa, Hikka, Aruchi and Kampa are the symptoms of (A) Jrimbha Vega nigraha (B) Chardi Vega nigraha (C) Shramanihshvasa Vega nigraha (D) Udgara Vega nigraha
6. In “Madhavaprathame Masi” which Dosha should to be removed from the body (A) Vata (B) Pitta (C) Kapha (D) Pitta and Kapha
7. Ghanatyaya is the synonym of which season (A) Hemanta (B) Shishira (C) Sharad (D) Varsha
8. “Pravate Harmyamastake” is advised in which Ritucharya, as per Charaka Samhita? (A) Hemanta (B) Sharad (C) Vasanta (D) Grishma
9. Best Brinhana dravya is (A) Mansa (B) Mansa Rasa (C) Dugdha (D) Ghrita
10. In Charaka Samhita Nidra is described in (A) Indriyopkramaniya adhyaya (B) Kiyantahshirasiya adhyaya (C) Langhanabringhaniya adhyaya (D) Ashtauninditiya adhyaya
11. “Samanshchaiva Shariradhatun Prakritau Sthapayati” is mentioned with reference to (A) Pathya (B) Hitakara (C) Satmya (D) Upashaya
12. Which food could be taken regularly for long duration (A) Jangala Mansa (B) Fish (C) Yavaka (D) Kilata
13. “Badhiryamandhyam Mukatvam” are the complications caused due to improper use of (A) Nasya (B) Dhumapana (C) Anjana (D) Tarpana
14. Which one is not included in 18 factors responsible for Viruddhahara (A) Desha viruddha (B) Disha viruddha (C) Dosha viruddha (D) Paka viruddha
15. “Panabhojanasanskaran prayah kshaudranvitan bhajet” is the advice for which Ritu (A) Vasanta (B) Hemanta (C) Varsha (D) Sharad
16. “Hansodaka” is indicated for (A) Snana (B) Pana (C) Avagahana (D) All of the Above
17. “Vrishyamayushyam” are the benefits of (A) Kshaura Karma (B) Snana (C) Ratnabharana Dharana (D) Both A and B
18. According to Acharya Charaka, which of the following is not the quality of Madhu? (A) Ruksha (B) Laghu (C) Sheeta (D) Kashaya
19. What is the color of Kshaudra variety of Madhu, as per Charaka? (A) Ghrita Varna (B) Krishna Varna (C) Taila Varna (D) Kapila Varna
20. The properties of Ardra Pippali are (A) Kaphashamaka, Guru, Snigdha (B) Kaphashamaka, Katu, Ushna (C) Kaphakaraka, Guru, Ruksha (D) Kaphakaraka, Madhura, Snigdha
21. According to Sushruta, two months of Sharad Ritu are (A) Tapa and Tapasya (B) Isha and Urja (C) Saha and Sahasya (D) Shuchi and Shukra
22. “Shuchi” is the synonym of which month? (A) Shravana (B) Jyeshtha (C) Ashvina (D) Agahana
23. Simha and Kanya Rashi are related with which season? (A) Pravrit (B) Varsha (C) Grishma (D) Sharad
24. In which season water of Sarasa and Tadaga is recommended, as per Sushruta? (A) Hemanta (B) Vasanta (C) Grishma (D) Pravrit
25. During which seasons Dadhi is usually avoided (A) Vasanta, Grishma and Shishira (B) Hemanta, Shishira and Varsha (C) Vasanta, Grishma and Sharad (D) Hemanta, Shishira and Vasanta
26. Flowering of Kinshuka and Bakula occurs in which Ritu? (A) Hemanta (B) Vasanta (C) Pravrit (D) Varsha
27. The Katu Rasa appears due to predominance of which Mahabhutas, as per Charaka? (A) Vayu and Prithvi (B) Vayu and Agni (C) Vayu and Akasha (D) Vayu and Jala
28. Which Dantapavana is best in Katu Rasa? (A) Khadira (B) Neema (C) Karanja (D) Madhooka
29. Northern Wind blows in which Ritu (A) Pravrit (B) Grishma (C) Hemanta (D) Vasanta
30. “Hridyam Tarpayati” is the property of (A) Amla Rasa (B) Madhura Rasa (C) Lavana Rasa (D) Katu Rasa
31. Daurbalya, Mukhashosha, Pandu, Shrama are the characteristic features of (A) Rasa Kshaya (B) Rakta Kshaya (C) Shukra Kshya (D) Majja Kshaya
32. According to Sushruta, which one of the following is not listed under water purifying substance? (A) Gomeda (B) Pravala moola (C) Kataka (D) Bisagranthi
33. According to Sushruta, the most harmful Amavastha occurs due to the excessive use of (A) Mansa (B) Navaneeta (C) Mansa Rasa (D) Madhu
34. Anurasa of all 8 varieties of animal urine is (A) Lavana (B) Katu (C) Amla (D) Tikta
35. Kanguka, Mukundaka, Pramodaka, Kakalaka, Kurvaka are the varieties of (A) Shali Rice (B) Shashtika Rice (C) Vaidala (D) Kudhanya
36. Paravata, Kulinga, Shuka, Sarika are the varieties of (A) Pratuda varga (B) Prasaha varga (C) Vishkira varga (D) Vileshaya varga
37. Vidahi, Srishta vidmutram, Tridoshakrit are the effects of (A) Jata Dadhi (B) Mandajata Dadhi (C) Amla Dadhi (D) Madhura Dadhi
38. Which is not the quality of Dadhi, as per Sushruta? (A) Snigdha (B) Ushna Virya (C) Sheeta Virya (D) Kashaya Anurasa
39. Ayuhrasa, Javoparodha, Krichavyavayata, Daurbalaya are the features of (A) Atikrisha (B) Atihrisva (C) Atisthula (D) Atideergha
40. Sandhivishleshogatranam, Sadanam, Dosha Chyawanam are the characteristics of (A) Oja Vyapad (B) Oja Visransa (C) Oja Kshaya (D) All of the above
41. Which one of the following variety is not included under Dwadashashana Pravichara (A) Sheeta (B) Laghu (C) Snigdha (D) Drava
42. “Prithagbhutasneham naatisandradravam swadvamlam tuvaram rase” are the characteristics of (A) Takra (B) Ghola (C) Santanika (D) Kilata
43. According to Sushruta the Dugdha indicated in Shopha, Gulma, Udara Roga, Arsha and Kushta is (A) Mahisha Dugdha (B) Godugdha (C) Ushtra Dugdha (D) Aja Dugdha
44. Vataghna, Tarpaka, Balya, Vrishya, Guru and Raktapitta prasadana are the properties of (A) Takra (B) Dadhi (C) Navaneeta (D) Santanika
45. The concept of “Naishthikichikitsa” is described in which chapter of Charaka Samhita? (A) Sharira Sthana Chapter 1 (B) Sharira Sthana Chapter 5 (C) Sutra Sthana Chapter 17 (D) Sutra Sthana Chapter 17
46. Which of the following is not the component of Shadangapaniya? (A) Mustaka (B) Parpata (C) Nagara (D) Nagakeshara
47. According to Acharya Charaka, which one is not the synonym of Mukti or Moksha? (A) Kaivalya (B) Viraja (C) Nirvana (D) Akshara
48. “Vishamabhinivesho yo nityanitye hitahite” is known as (A) Buddhi vibhransha (B) Dhriti bhransha (C) Smriti bhransha (D) All of the above
49. Which item is not used in preparation of Shirovairechanika Dhumavarti? (A) Hartala (B) Jatamansi (C) Aguru (D) Jyotishmati
50. Which of the following time is not included in Ashta-Kala for Prayogika Dhumapana? (A) After Meal (B) After Nasya (C) After Defecation (D) After Anjana
Answer Key:
1 C
2 C
3 A
4 C
5 D
6 C
7 C
8 D
9 A
10 D
11 B
12 A
13 B
14 B
15 C
16 D
17 D
18 B
19 D
20 D
21 B
22 B
23 B
24 A
25 C
26 B
27 B
28 C
29 C
30 A
31 C
32 B
33 D
34 A
35 B
36 A
37 B
38 C
39 C
40 B
41 B
42 A
43 C
44 D
45 A
46 D
47 A
48 A
49 B
50 C
51. Which one of the following is incorrect? (A) Ayurvedo-amritanam (B) Annam-rasayananam (C) Brahmacharyam-ayushyam (D) Kalabhojanam-arogyakaranam
52. How many years old Sarpi is called as “Kumbha Sarpi”? (A) 1 year (B) 10 years (C) 11 - 100 years (D) Above 100 years
53. According to Sharangadhara, for Kavala the quantity of Kalka recommended is (A) 1 Tola (B) 1 Karsha (C) 1 Shana (D) 1 Kola
54. According to Sharangadhara, kshaya of which characteristic occurs at 40 years of age? (A) Medha (B) Drishti (C) Buddhi (D) Chavi
55. “Vranadhupana” variety of Dhumapana is mentioned in which text? (A) Charaka Samhita (B) Sushruta Samhita (C) Ashtanga Sangraha (D) Sharangadhara Samhita
56. According to Sharangadhar, at which age the use of Gandusha and Kavala should start? (A) 8 years (B) 10 years (C) 5 years (D) 6 years
57. What is the suitable age group for Nasya Karma, as per Sharangadhara? (A) 8 - 80 years (B) 10 - 80 years (C) 8 - 60 years (D) 10 - 60 years
58. “Kaphapurnasyata netraghranasruti yavad” is related with time limitation for the use of (A) Dhumapana (B) Gandusha dharana (C) Pratimarsha Nasya (D) Anjana
59. “Yamadanshtra Kala” is related with which months? (A) Shravana and Bhadrapada (B) Ashvina and Kartika (C) Kartika and Aghana (D) Bhadrapada and Ashvina
60. According to Bhavaprakasha, Shali Dhanya is obtained in which season? (A) Shishira (B) Hemanta (C) Varsha (D) Vasanta
61. According to Bhavaprakasha, the Kapikacchu is (A) Shukral only (B) Shukra Rechaka only (C) Shukra Pravartaka only (D) Shukral and Shukra Rechaka
62. Which is not included under Sadhyapranakara dravya, according to Bhavaprakasha? (A) Navanna (B) Ksheera (C) Sheeta-Udaka Snana (D) Ghrita
63. Which one of the following is not a Sadhyapranahara dravya, as per Bhavaprakasha? (A) Baalaa Stree (B) Vriddha Stree (C) Pooti Mansa (D) Taruna Dadhi
64. In Vasanta Ritu, at what time Vyavaya should be done? (A) During Night only (B) During Day only (C) During Day or Night (D) Any Time
65. Arsha, Shotha, Grahani, Kushtha and Mutraghata get removed, if an individual takes water (A) Before Meal (B) After Meal (C) At the beginning of night (D) At the end of night
66. According to Bhavaprakasha, the quantity of water to be taken by Nasika is (A) Two Prasrita (B) Three Prasrita (C) One Prasrita (D) Half Prasrita
67. Proper time of food intake at night, as per Bhavaprakasha is (A) Pratham-praharantar of Ratri (B) Dvitiya Prahara of Ratri (C) Tritiya Prahara of Ratri (D) Sandhya Kaala
68. Which of the following combination is incorrect (if performed during evening)? (A) Bhojana - Vyadhi (B) Gati - Dukha (C) Nidra - Daridrata (D) Pathana - Ayuhani
69. Which Adharaniya Vega is not mentioned in Bhela Samhita? (A) Udgara (B) Pipasa (C) Vata (D) Kapha
70. Which type of Aishana is not described in Bhela Samhita? (A) Pranaishana (B) Dhanaishana (C) Putraishana (D) Dharmaishana
71. Which is not the quality of Kulmasha, as per Bhela Samhita? (A) Guru (B) Ruksha (C) Kapha-karaka (D) Mala-bhedaka
72. According to Bhela Samhita, “Mardvika” should be taken in which Ritu? (A) Vasanta (B) Varsha (C) Sharad (D) Grishma
73. According to Bhela Samhita, Dadhi is contraindicated in which disease? (A) Nasa Roga (B) KanthaRoga (C) Shiroroga (D) Netra Roga
74. How many types of Ahara are mentioned in Bhela Samhita? (A) Dvividha (B) Trividha (C) Chaturvidha (D) Shadvidha
75. “Avashyaye samacharaita” is the indication for which Ritu? (A) Vasanta (B) Grishma (C) Sharad (D) Hemanta
76. In Bhela Samhita, the use of Anuvasana is not indicated in which Ritu? (A) Vasanta (B) Pravrit (C) Varsha (D) Sharad
77. In which months the “Akvathita Jala” is indicated, as per Bhela Samhita? (A) Shravana & Bhadrapada (B) Margashirsha & Pausha (C) Jyeshtha & Ashadha (D) Chaitra & Vaishakha
78. In Bhela Samhita, Ritucharya is described in which chapter? (A) Vimana Sthana - Chapter 6 (B) Vimana Sthana - Chapter 4 (C) Sutra Sthana - Chapter 6 (D) Sutra Sthana - Chapter 8
79. According to Bhela, the Katu - Amla - Lavana Rasa predominant food is indicated in which Ritu? (A) Vasanta (B) Pravrit (C) Varsha (D) Sharad
80. According to Bhela Samhita, “Jivayanti Param” is the effect of which Ritu? (A) Hemanta (B) Shishira (C) Vasanta (D) Varsha
81. “Pellagra” occurs due to the deficiency of (A) Vitamin B6 (B) Vitamin B3 (C) Vitamin B1 (D) Vitamin B2
82. Vitamin synthesized by intestinal bacteria is (A) Vitamin D (B) Vitamin E (C) Vitamin K1 (D) Vitamin K2
83. Antibody production reduces when selenium deficiency especially combines with the deficiency of (A) Vitamin C (B) Vitamin B2 (C) Vitamin A (D) Vitamin E
84. The richest food source of Calcium is (A) Bajra (B) Ragi (C) Cow Milk (D) Buffalo Milk
85. Which of the following Cereal has highest percentage of Total Dietary Fiber? (A) Wheat (B) Jowar (C) Bajra (D) Maize
86. Which of the following manifestation is not included under the term Xerophthalmia (A) Corneal Xerosis (B) Color Blindness (C) Conjunctival Xerosis (D) Keratomalacia
87. As per ICMR (2010), the recommended daily requirement of Protein for an Indian Adult is (A) 0.5 gm / kg body weight (B) 1.0 gm / kg body weight (C) 1.5 gm / kg body weight (D) 2.0 gm / kg body weight
88. The richest source of Retinol is (A) Papaya (B) Mango (C) Spinach (D) Carrot
89. By which process the liquid oils are converted into semi-solid and solid fats? (A) Hydrogenation (B) Oxygenation (C) De-hydrogenation (D) De-oxygenation
90. In Holder method of Milk-Pasteurization, milk is kept at (A) 72 deg C, for 30 seconds (B) 72 deg C, for 30 minutes (C) 63-66 deg C, for 30 minutes (D) 63-66 deg C, for 30 seconds
91. “Aflatoxicosis” is a food borne disease caused by toxins produced by certain (A) Algae (B) Fungi (C) Virus (D) Bacteria
92. On which date the Mid-day Meal Scheme was launched as a centrally sponsored scheme? (A) 15th August 1995 (B) 15th August 1996 (C) 14th November 1995 (D) 14th November 1996
93. In which year the Govt, of India announced National Nutrition Policy? (A) 1991 (B) 1992 (C) 1993 (D) 1994
94. Weight in Kilogram divided by Height square in Meter is called (A) Broca Index (B) Ponderal Index (C) Quetelet’s Index (D) Corpulence Index
95. Cohort study is a type of (A) Analytical studies (B) Descriptive studies (C) Experimental studies (D) Interventional studies
96. The number of all cases of a disease at one point of time, in relation to a defined population is called as (A) Point Incidence (B) Period Incidence (C) Point Prevalence (D) Period Prevalence
97. The number of deaths per 1000 estimated mid-year population in one year, in a given place, is known as (A) Crude Death Rate (B) Specific Death Rate (C) Case Fatality Rate (D) Proportional Mortality Rate
98. Which studies are useful to know the natural history of disease and its future outcome? (A) Prevalence studies (B) Longitudinal studies (C) Cross-sectional studies (D) Incidence studies
99. The route of administration of Measles Vaccine is (A) Intra-dermal (B) Sub-cutaneous (C) Intra-muscular (D) Oral
100. When the Expanded Program of Immunization (EPI) was launched in India? (A) January 1978 (B) May 1974 (C) January 1974 (D) May 1978
Answer Key:
51 B
52 C
53 B
54 A
55 D
56 C
57 A
58 B
59 C
60 B
61 A
62 C
63 A
64 C
65 D
66 B
67 A
68 B
69 B
70 C
71 C
72 A
73 B
74 C
75 B
76 C
77 A
78 A
79 C
80 D
81 B
82 D
83 D
84 B
85 A
86 B
87 B
88 D
89 A
90 C
91 B
92 A
93 C
94 C
95 A
96 C
97 A
98 B
99 B
100 A
52. How many years old Sarpi is called as “Kumbha Sarpi”? (A) 1 year (B) 10 years (C) 11 - 100 years (D) Above 100 years
53. According to Sharangadhara, for Kavala the quantity of Kalka recommended is (A) 1 Tola (B) 1 Karsha (C) 1 Shana (D) 1 Kola
54. According to Sharangadhara, kshaya of which characteristic occurs at 40 years of age? (A) Medha (B) Drishti (C) Buddhi (D) Chavi
55. “Vranadhupana” variety of Dhumapana is mentioned in which text? (A) Charaka Samhita (B) Sushruta Samhita (C) Ashtanga Sangraha (D) Sharangadhara Samhita
56. According to Sharangadhar, at which age the use of Gandusha and Kavala should start? (A) 8 years (B) 10 years (C) 5 years (D) 6 years
57. What is the suitable age group for Nasya Karma, as per Sharangadhara? (A) 8 - 80 years (B) 10 - 80 years (C) 8 - 60 years (D) 10 - 60 years
58. “Kaphapurnasyata netraghranasruti yavad” is related with time limitation for the use of (A) Dhumapana (B) Gandusha dharana (C) Pratimarsha Nasya (D) Anjana
59. “Yamadanshtra Kala” is related with which months? (A) Shravana and Bhadrapada (B) Ashvina and Kartika (C) Kartika and Aghana (D) Bhadrapada and Ashvina
60. According to Bhavaprakasha, Shali Dhanya is obtained in which season? (A) Shishira (B) Hemanta (C) Varsha (D) Vasanta
61. According to Bhavaprakasha, the Kapikacchu is (A) Shukral only (B) Shukra Rechaka only (C) Shukra Pravartaka only (D) Shukral and Shukra Rechaka
62. Which is not included under Sadhyapranakara dravya, according to Bhavaprakasha? (A) Navanna (B) Ksheera (C) Sheeta-Udaka Snana (D) Ghrita
63. Which one of the following is not a Sadhyapranahara dravya, as per Bhavaprakasha? (A) Baalaa Stree (B) Vriddha Stree (C) Pooti Mansa (D) Taruna Dadhi
64. In Vasanta Ritu, at what time Vyavaya should be done? (A) During Night only (B) During Day only (C) During Day or Night (D) Any Time
65. Arsha, Shotha, Grahani, Kushtha and Mutraghata get removed, if an individual takes water (A) Before Meal (B) After Meal (C) At the beginning of night (D) At the end of night
66. According to Bhavaprakasha, the quantity of water to be taken by Nasika is (A) Two Prasrita (B) Three Prasrita (C) One Prasrita (D) Half Prasrita
67. Proper time of food intake at night, as per Bhavaprakasha is (A) Pratham-praharantar of Ratri (B) Dvitiya Prahara of Ratri (C) Tritiya Prahara of Ratri (D) Sandhya Kaala
68. Which of the following combination is incorrect (if performed during evening)? (A) Bhojana - Vyadhi (B) Gati - Dukha (C) Nidra - Daridrata (D) Pathana - Ayuhani
69. Which Adharaniya Vega is not mentioned in Bhela Samhita? (A) Udgara (B) Pipasa (C) Vata (D) Kapha
70. Which type of Aishana is not described in Bhela Samhita? (A) Pranaishana (B) Dhanaishana (C) Putraishana (D) Dharmaishana
71. Which is not the quality of Kulmasha, as per Bhela Samhita? (A) Guru (B) Ruksha (C) Kapha-karaka (D) Mala-bhedaka
72. According to Bhela Samhita, “Mardvika” should be taken in which Ritu? (A) Vasanta (B) Varsha (C) Sharad (D) Grishma
73. According to Bhela Samhita, Dadhi is contraindicated in which disease? (A) Nasa Roga (B) KanthaRoga (C) Shiroroga (D) Netra Roga
74. How many types of Ahara are mentioned in Bhela Samhita? (A) Dvividha (B) Trividha (C) Chaturvidha (D) Shadvidha
75. “Avashyaye samacharaita” is the indication for which Ritu? (A) Vasanta (B) Grishma (C) Sharad (D) Hemanta
76. In Bhela Samhita, the use of Anuvasana is not indicated in which Ritu? (A) Vasanta (B) Pravrit (C) Varsha (D) Sharad
77. In which months the “Akvathita Jala” is indicated, as per Bhela Samhita? (A) Shravana & Bhadrapada (B) Margashirsha & Pausha (C) Jyeshtha & Ashadha (D) Chaitra & Vaishakha
78. In Bhela Samhita, Ritucharya is described in which chapter? (A) Vimana Sthana - Chapter 6 (B) Vimana Sthana - Chapter 4 (C) Sutra Sthana - Chapter 6 (D) Sutra Sthana - Chapter 8
79. According to Bhela, the Katu - Amla - Lavana Rasa predominant food is indicated in which Ritu? (A) Vasanta (B) Pravrit (C) Varsha (D) Sharad
80. According to Bhela Samhita, “Jivayanti Param” is the effect of which Ritu? (A) Hemanta (B) Shishira (C) Vasanta (D) Varsha
81. “Pellagra” occurs due to the deficiency of (A) Vitamin B6 (B) Vitamin B3 (C) Vitamin B1 (D) Vitamin B2
82. Vitamin synthesized by intestinal bacteria is (A) Vitamin D (B) Vitamin E (C) Vitamin K1 (D) Vitamin K2
83. Antibody production reduces when selenium deficiency especially combines with the deficiency of (A) Vitamin C (B) Vitamin B2 (C) Vitamin A (D) Vitamin E
84. The richest food source of Calcium is (A) Bajra (B) Ragi (C) Cow Milk (D) Buffalo Milk
85. Which of the following Cereal has highest percentage of Total Dietary Fiber? (A) Wheat (B) Jowar (C) Bajra (D) Maize
86. Which of the following manifestation is not included under the term Xerophthalmia (A) Corneal Xerosis (B) Color Blindness (C) Conjunctival Xerosis (D) Keratomalacia
87. As per ICMR (2010), the recommended daily requirement of Protein for an Indian Adult is (A) 0.5 gm / kg body weight (B) 1.0 gm / kg body weight (C) 1.5 gm / kg body weight (D) 2.0 gm / kg body weight
88. The richest source of Retinol is (A) Papaya (B) Mango (C) Spinach (D) Carrot
89. By which process the liquid oils are converted into semi-solid and solid fats? (A) Hydrogenation (B) Oxygenation (C) De-hydrogenation (D) De-oxygenation
90. In Holder method of Milk-Pasteurization, milk is kept at (A) 72 deg C, for 30 seconds (B) 72 deg C, for 30 minutes (C) 63-66 deg C, for 30 minutes (D) 63-66 deg C, for 30 seconds
91. “Aflatoxicosis” is a food borne disease caused by toxins produced by certain (A) Algae (B) Fungi (C) Virus (D) Bacteria
92. On which date the Mid-day Meal Scheme was launched as a centrally sponsored scheme? (A) 15th August 1995 (B) 15th August 1996 (C) 14th November 1995 (D) 14th November 1996
93. In which year the Govt, of India announced National Nutrition Policy? (A) 1991 (B) 1992 (C) 1993 (D) 1994
94. Weight in Kilogram divided by Height square in Meter is called (A) Broca Index (B) Ponderal Index (C) Quetelet’s Index (D) Corpulence Index
95. Cohort study is a type of (A) Analytical studies (B) Descriptive studies (C) Experimental studies (D) Interventional studies
96. The number of all cases of a disease at one point of time, in relation to a defined population is called as (A) Point Incidence (B) Period Incidence (C) Point Prevalence (D) Period Prevalence
97. The number of deaths per 1000 estimated mid-year population in one year, in a given place, is known as (A) Crude Death Rate (B) Specific Death Rate (C) Case Fatality Rate (D) Proportional Mortality Rate
98. Which studies are useful to know the natural history of disease and its future outcome? (A) Prevalence studies (B) Longitudinal studies (C) Cross-sectional studies (D) Incidence studies
99. The route of administration of Measles Vaccine is (A) Intra-dermal (B) Sub-cutaneous (C) Intra-muscular (D) Oral
100. When the Expanded Program of Immunization (EPI) was launched in India? (A) January 1978 (B) May 1974 (C) January 1974 (D) May 1978
Answer Key:
51 B
52 C
53 B
54 A
55 D
56 C
57 A
58 B
59 C
60 B
61 A
62 C
63 A
64 C
65 D
66 B
67 A
68 B
69 B
70 C
71 C
72 A
73 B
74 C
75 B
76 C
77 A
78 A
79 C
80 D
81 B
82 D
83 D
84 B
85 A
86 B
87 B
88 D
89 A
90 C
91 B
92 A
93 C
94 C
95 A
96 C
97 A
98 B
99 B
100 A