1. Acharya Charaka has indicated Kansa Haritaki in which of the following ?
(A) Shwayamthu (B) Kshata kshina
(C) Arsha (D) Udara Rog
Ans: A
2. In visarpa roga, if dosha is situated in vaata shtaana first treatment, according to Charaka, should be ....
(A) Virookshana (B) Snehana (C) Vasti (D) Virechana
Ans: A
3. Sushruta has mentioned pawanottamah for which vaayu?
(A) Praana vaayu (B) Samaana vaayu (C) Udaana vaayu (D) Apaana vaayu
Ans: C
4. Charaka has described 10 drugs from ‘Hridra to Shleshmataka’ under which mahakashaaya–
(A) Kushthaghna (B) Kandughna (C) Krimighna (D) Vishaghna
Ans: D
5. Which ‘aahuti’ was given in ‘Sautramam yagya’
(A) Vanaushadhi (B) Madya
(C) Soam (D) Sarpi
Ans: B
6. The Shuddha and Ashuddha Bheda of chikitsa is done by ....
(A) Charaka (B) Shshruta (C) Vagbhatta (D) Madhava Nidan
Ans: C
7. Which of the following property of ‘Payas’ is not described by Sushruta?
(A) Vishtambhi (B) Balya (C) Vatavardhaka (D) Guru
Ans: C
8. According to Sushruta Samhita the treatment of ‘Stanyadushti’ is under the ....
(A) Prasuti Tantra (B) Kaumarbritya (C) Dhatri chikitsa (D) None of the above
Ans: B
9. The Samprapti similar to ‘Gorochan’ is ....
(A) Ashmari (B) Udarda (C) Prameha Bheda (D) None of the above
Ans: A
10. The ‘Kanak Kshiri Tail’ is indicated for ....
(A) Raktapitta (B) Jwara (C) Kustha (D) Yakshma
Ans: C
11. According to Caharaka, excess intake of Navodakam (Rain water) causes which types of Gulma.
(A) Vaataja (B) Pittaja (C) Kaphaja (D) Both A & C
Ans: A
12. According to Charaka, which of the following is not included in Samanya purvarupa of Jwara?
(A) Vinamah (B) Alpapraarata (C) Dirghasutrata (D) Tandra-dhikyam
Ans: D
13. Nistod - Vahulani Alpa Kandu Daha are the symptoms of which type of kushtha ?
(A) Mandala (B) Sidhma (C) Rushyajihwa (D) Kapaala
Ans: D
14. Baadhirya (Deafness) is a disease due to
(A) Vamana Vege Nirodha
(B) Jrimbha Vega Nirodha
(C) Vashpa (Ashru) Vega Nirodha
(D) Pipasaa Vega Nirodha
Ans: D
15. Hridaya parshwa peeda is due to ?
(A) Rasa Kshaya (B) Rakta Kshaya (C) Purisha Kshaya (D) All of the above
Ans: C
16. Indriya Daurbalya is the Vridhi Lakshana of which one of the following ?
(A) Vaata Vridhi (B) Pitta Vridhi (C) Kapha Vridhi (D) Rakta Vridhi
Ans: B
17. Which of the following causes Vaata Shoph
(A) Oja Visransa (B) Oja Vyapat (C) Oja Kshaya (D) All of the above
Ans: B
18. Anushayee is a disease of which type ?
(A) Chhedya (B) Bhedya (C) Lekhya (D) Vedhya
Ans: B
19. According to Charaka, Dhumra Pavanam is the Vikriti Lakshana of –
(A) Desha (B) Vayu (C) Jala (D) Kala
Ans: A
20. Fill in the blanks.
Samvatsara ................ Purne yaati samvatsana kshayam.
(A) Dashe (10) (B) Shate (100)
(C) Sahasre (1000) (D) Gate (After)
Ans: B
21. According to Astanga Hridaya Uttam maatraa sneha is digested in .....
(A) 8 yama (B) 10 yama (C) 12 yama (D) None of the above
Ans: A
22. According to Astanga Hridaya the length of Dhoomnetra for Madhyam dhoompaan is .....
(A) 24 Angula (B) 32 Angula (C) 40 Angula (D) 28 Angula
Ans: C
23. Which of the following is not a type of Gandusha according to Astanga Hridaya?
(A) Brinhan (B) Ropana (C) Shodhana (D) Shamana
Ans: A
24. Fill in the blanks :
Sarvesham Akshiroganam Aadou ......... hitam
(A) Aaschotanam (B) Navanam
(C) Anjanam (D) Putapaakam
Ans: A
25. Which yantra is used to remove Pishitalagnashalya ?
(A) Muchundi (B) Taala (C) Nadi (D) Sandansha
Ans: D
26. Which of the following is not a Shastra (Instrument)?
(A) Vadisha (B) Karapatra (C) Kartari (D) Sharaloma
Ans: D
27. Which of the following is not the function of Shastra (Instrument)?
(A) Pravaahan (B) Prachhan (C) Kuttan (D) Manthan
Ans: A
28. Which bandhan (Bandage) is indicated in Prishtha (Back side) and Udar (Abdomen)?
(A) Swastika (B) Khatwa (C) Vibancha (D) Sthagika
Ans: C
29. According to Acharya Vagbhatta (Ashtang Hridayam), in Rajyakshma, Jwara occurs when dosha are present in .....
(A) Oordha bhaaga (Upper part)
(B) Adho bhaaga (Lower part)
(C) Koshtha (Abdomen)
(D) Sandhi (Joints)
Ans: D
30. “Dourgandhya, Katuvaktrata” lakshana is seen in which type of panduroga ?
(A) Vaataja (B) Pittaja (C) Kaphaja (D) Sannipaataja
Ans: B
31. According to Charaka, Guda bhransa is disease of
(A) Koshthaanusari (B) Shaakhaanusari (C) Madhyam Maarganusari (D) A & C
Ans: C
32. According ot Charaka, which sneha matra is considered as Balya (Balakoarak)
(A) Uttam (B) Madhyam (C) Hrasva (D) A & C
Ans: D
33. Pratatam Vatarogini is appropriate to which one of the following.
(A) Asthi kshaya (B) Majjaa kshaya (C) Rakta kshaya (D) Meda Kshaya
Ans: B
34. Mishraka Sneh is indicated in which of the following –
(A) Gulma (B) Rakta Pitta (C) Umnaada (D) Apasmaara
Ans: A
35. Jaghanam and sandhi are the moola of which srotas respectively
(A) Asthi & Majjaa (B) Meda & Asthi (C) Maamsa & Majjaa (D) Asthi & Maamsa
Ans: A
36. “Virudhanam cha Sevanat” is the cause of which srotas Dushti
(A) Anna vaha (B) Rasa vaha (C) Meda vaha (D) Majjaa vaha
Ans: D
37. Vishama - Abhinivesho yo Nitya - Anitye Hita - Anite is the Lakshana of
(A) Budhi vibhransha
(B) Dhriti bhransha
(C) Smrithi bhransha
(D) All of the above
Ans: A
38. According to Charaka, which one of the following is not a Sharir - Vridhikara bhava ?
(A) Samayoga (B) Kaalayog (C) Swaabhava Samshidhi (D) Avighata
Ans: A
39. ‘Pathya Ghrita’ is the described for which vyadhi ?
(A) Arsha (B) Grahani (C) Paandu (D) Udara
Ans: C
40. Sushruta has considered Teekshana Visha among which of the following ?
(A) Moola Visha (B) Ksheer Visha (C) Dhaatu Visha (D) Kanda Visha
Ans: D
41. According to Astanga Hridaya, how many Prameha Pitika has been described?
(A) 7 (B) 8 (C) 9 (D) 10
Ans: D
42. According to Chakrapani, Tantrokta vidhi means ....
(A) Apathya Parihar
(B) Pathyopadan
(C) Both A & B
(D) Dukha na Aakrantam
Ans: C
43. According to Chakrapani, Dhari means ....
(A) Shariram putitam gantu na dadati
(B) Pranaan Dharayati eti
(C) Sharirasya Kshyanikatwena gachhanti eti
(D) Shariradi Sanyogarupa
Ans: A
44. According to Chakrapani in “Sarva bhavanam” Sarva Shabda stand for ?
(A) Sarvadaa
(B) Kritsna Vaachi
(C) Dravya, Guna, Karma Bhava
(D) Utpadyamaan Bhava
Ans: B
45. In the context “Viparita Gunei - desha - Matra - Kalo Upapaditeih”. Here Matra according to Chakrapani is ....
(A) Pramaan (B) Anapayi Parimaanam
(C) Aushadhi Parimaanam (D) Aahar - Aushadhi Pramaan
Ans: B
46. Hastiparnini comes unde which Dravya and for which action?
(A) Moolini for Virechana (B) Phalini for Vamana
(C) Phalini for Nasyakarma (D) Moolini for Vamana
Ans: B
47. Pancha Lavana ka Samaanya guna (General qualities of Pancha Lavan) is ....
(A) Deepaniya (B) Deepaniyatara (C) Deepaniyatama (D) Paachaniya
Ans: C
48. According to Chakarapani what is the meaning of “Vishaye Anuchita Prarthana”?
(A) Lobha (B) Irshyaa (C) Abhidhyaa (D) Attiraag
Ans: A
49. Aalepa should be applied in the direction of ....
(A) Anuloma (B) Pratiloma (C) Tiryaka (D) Gopakara
Ans: B
50. Which type of bandha is indicated in Sandhi Sthan?
(A) Gaadha bandha (B) Sama bandha (C) Shithila bandha (D) Sama - Shithila bandha
Ans: C
(A) Shwayamthu (B) Kshata kshina
(C) Arsha (D) Udara Rog
Ans: A
2. In visarpa roga, if dosha is situated in vaata shtaana first treatment, according to Charaka, should be ....
(A) Virookshana (B) Snehana (C) Vasti (D) Virechana
Ans: A
3. Sushruta has mentioned pawanottamah for which vaayu?
(A) Praana vaayu (B) Samaana vaayu (C) Udaana vaayu (D) Apaana vaayu
Ans: C
4. Charaka has described 10 drugs from ‘Hridra to Shleshmataka’ under which mahakashaaya–
(A) Kushthaghna (B) Kandughna (C) Krimighna (D) Vishaghna
Ans: D
5. Which ‘aahuti’ was given in ‘Sautramam yagya’
(A) Vanaushadhi (B) Madya
(C) Soam (D) Sarpi
Ans: B
6. The Shuddha and Ashuddha Bheda of chikitsa is done by ....
(A) Charaka (B) Shshruta (C) Vagbhatta (D) Madhava Nidan
Ans: C
7. Which of the following property of ‘Payas’ is not described by Sushruta?
(A) Vishtambhi (B) Balya (C) Vatavardhaka (D) Guru
Ans: C
8. According to Sushruta Samhita the treatment of ‘Stanyadushti’ is under the ....
(A) Prasuti Tantra (B) Kaumarbritya (C) Dhatri chikitsa (D) None of the above
Ans: B
9. The Samprapti similar to ‘Gorochan’ is ....
(A) Ashmari (B) Udarda (C) Prameha Bheda (D) None of the above
Ans: A
10. The ‘Kanak Kshiri Tail’ is indicated for ....
(A) Raktapitta (B) Jwara (C) Kustha (D) Yakshma
Ans: C
11. According to Caharaka, excess intake of Navodakam (Rain water) causes which types of Gulma.
(A) Vaataja (B) Pittaja (C) Kaphaja (D) Both A & C
Ans: A
12. According to Charaka, which of the following is not included in Samanya purvarupa of Jwara?
(A) Vinamah (B) Alpapraarata (C) Dirghasutrata (D) Tandra-dhikyam
Ans: D
13. Nistod - Vahulani Alpa Kandu Daha are the symptoms of which type of kushtha ?
(A) Mandala (B) Sidhma (C) Rushyajihwa (D) Kapaala
Ans: D
14. Baadhirya (Deafness) is a disease due to
(A) Vamana Vege Nirodha
(B) Jrimbha Vega Nirodha
(C) Vashpa (Ashru) Vega Nirodha
(D) Pipasaa Vega Nirodha
Ans: D
15. Hridaya parshwa peeda is due to ?
(A) Rasa Kshaya (B) Rakta Kshaya (C) Purisha Kshaya (D) All of the above
Ans: C
16. Indriya Daurbalya is the Vridhi Lakshana of which one of the following ?
(A) Vaata Vridhi (B) Pitta Vridhi (C) Kapha Vridhi (D) Rakta Vridhi
Ans: B
17. Which of the following causes Vaata Shoph
(A) Oja Visransa (B) Oja Vyapat (C) Oja Kshaya (D) All of the above
Ans: B
18. Anushayee is a disease of which type ?
(A) Chhedya (B) Bhedya (C) Lekhya (D) Vedhya
Ans: B
19. According to Charaka, Dhumra Pavanam is the Vikriti Lakshana of –
(A) Desha (B) Vayu (C) Jala (D) Kala
Ans: A
20. Fill in the blanks.
Samvatsara ................ Purne yaati samvatsana kshayam.
(A) Dashe (10) (B) Shate (100)
(C) Sahasre (1000) (D) Gate (After)
Ans: B
21. According to Astanga Hridaya Uttam maatraa sneha is digested in .....
(A) 8 yama (B) 10 yama (C) 12 yama (D) None of the above
Ans: A
22. According to Astanga Hridaya the length of Dhoomnetra for Madhyam dhoompaan is .....
(A) 24 Angula (B) 32 Angula (C) 40 Angula (D) 28 Angula
Ans: C
23. Which of the following is not a type of Gandusha according to Astanga Hridaya?
(A) Brinhan (B) Ropana (C) Shodhana (D) Shamana
Ans: A
24. Fill in the blanks :
Sarvesham Akshiroganam Aadou ......... hitam
(A) Aaschotanam (B) Navanam
(C) Anjanam (D) Putapaakam
Ans: A
25. Which yantra is used to remove Pishitalagnashalya ?
(A) Muchundi (B) Taala (C) Nadi (D) Sandansha
Ans: D
26. Which of the following is not a Shastra (Instrument)?
(A) Vadisha (B) Karapatra (C) Kartari (D) Sharaloma
Ans: D
27. Which of the following is not the function of Shastra (Instrument)?
(A) Pravaahan (B) Prachhan (C) Kuttan (D) Manthan
Ans: A
28. Which bandhan (Bandage) is indicated in Prishtha (Back side) and Udar (Abdomen)?
(A) Swastika (B) Khatwa (C) Vibancha (D) Sthagika
Ans: C
29. According to Acharya Vagbhatta (Ashtang Hridayam), in Rajyakshma, Jwara occurs when dosha are present in .....
(A) Oordha bhaaga (Upper part)
(B) Adho bhaaga (Lower part)
(C) Koshtha (Abdomen)
(D) Sandhi (Joints)
Ans: D
30. “Dourgandhya, Katuvaktrata” lakshana is seen in which type of panduroga ?
(A) Vaataja (B) Pittaja (C) Kaphaja (D) Sannipaataja
Ans: B
31. According to Charaka, Guda bhransa is disease of
(A) Koshthaanusari (B) Shaakhaanusari (C) Madhyam Maarganusari (D) A & C
Ans: C
32. According ot Charaka, which sneha matra is considered as Balya (Balakoarak)
(A) Uttam (B) Madhyam (C) Hrasva (D) A & C
Ans: D
33. Pratatam Vatarogini is appropriate to which one of the following.
(A) Asthi kshaya (B) Majjaa kshaya (C) Rakta kshaya (D) Meda Kshaya
Ans: B
34. Mishraka Sneh is indicated in which of the following –
(A) Gulma (B) Rakta Pitta (C) Umnaada (D) Apasmaara
Ans: A
35. Jaghanam and sandhi are the moola of which srotas respectively
(A) Asthi & Majjaa (B) Meda & Asthi (C) Maamsa & Majjaa (D) Asthi & Maamsa
Ans: A
36. “Virudhanam cha Sevanat” is the cause of which srotas Dushti
(A) Anna vaha (B) Rasa vaha (C) Meda vaha (D) Majjaa vaha
Ans: D
37. Vishama - Abhinivesho yo Nitya - Anitye Hita - Anite is the Lakshana of
(A) Budhi vibhransha
(B) Dhriti bhransha
(C) Smrithi bhransha
(D) All of the above
Ans: A
38. According to Charaka, which one of the following is not a Sharir - Vridhikara bhava ?
(A) Samayoga (B) Kaalayog (C) Swaabhava Samshidhi (D) Avighata
Ans: A
39. ‘Pathya Ghrita’ is the described for which vyadhi ?
(A) Arsha (B) Grahani (C) Paandu (D) Udara
Ans: C
40. Sushruta has considered Teekshana Visha among which of the following ?
(A) Moola Visha (B) Ksheer Visha (C) Dhaatu Visha (D) Kanda Visha
Ans: D
41. According to Astanga Hridaya, how many Prameha Pitika has been described?
(A) 7 (B) 8 (C) 9 (D) 10
Ans: D
42. According to Chakrapani, Tantrokta vidhi means ....
(A) Apathya Parihar
(B) Pathyopadan
(C) Both A & B
(D) Dukha na Aakrantam
Ans: C
43. According to Chakrapani, Dhari means ....
(A) Shariram putitam gantu na dadati
(B) Pranaan Dharayati eti
(C) Sharirasya Kshyanikatwena gachhanti eti
(D) Shariradi Sanyogarupa
Ans: A
44. According to Chakrapani in “Sarva bhavanam” Sarva Shabda stand for ?
(A) Sarvadaa
(B) Kritsna Vaachi
(C) Dravya, Guna, Karma Bhava
(D) Utpadyamaan Bhava
Ans: B
45. In the context “Viparita Gunei - desha - Matra - Kalo Upapaditeih”. Here Matra according to Chakrapani is ....
(A) Pramaan (B) Anapayi Parimaanam
(C) Aushadhi Parimaanam (D) Aahar - Aushadhi Pramaan
Ans: B
46. Hastiparnini comes unde which Dravya and for which action?
(A) Moolini for Virechana (B) Phalini for Vamana
(C) Phalini for Nasyakarma (D) Moolini for Vamana
Ans: B
47. Pancha Lavana ka Samaanya guna (General qualities of Pancha Lavan) is ....
(A) Deepaniya (B) Deepaniyatara (C) Deepaniyatama (D) Paachaniya
Ans: C
48. According to Chakarapani what is the meaning of “Vishaye Anuchita Prarthana”?
(A) Lobha (B) Irshyaa (C) Abhidhyaa (D) Attiraag
Ans: A
49. Aalepa should be applied in the direction of ....
(A) Anuloma (B) Pratiloma (C) Tiryaka (D) Gopakara
Ans: B
50. Which type of bandha is indicated in Sandhi Sthan?
(A) Gaadha bandha (B) Sama bandha (C) Shithila bandha (D) Sama - Shithila bandha
Ans: C
51. In which chapter of Sushruta Samhita Tantra yukti has been described ?
(A) Sushruta Uttar 65 (B) Sushruta Uttar 66 (C) Sushruta Uttar 64 (D) Sushruta Uttar 46
Ans: A
52. Which of the following does not come under Tantra Bhushana Adhyaya ?
(A) Rasabheda Vikalpa (B) Doshabheda Vikalpa (C) Swasthavritta (D) Vividharoga Vikalpa
Ans: D
53. According to Sushruta which one of the following is not included under Shastra Karma ?
(A) Vedhyam (B) Aaharyam (C) Vishraavyam (D) Paatanam
Ans: D
54. Which type of Chhedan is indicated in Akshiputa
(A) Tiryaka (B) Ardha Chandrakara (C) Chandramandalvat (D) Golakar
Ans: A
55. In Varsha Ritu, vrana bandhan should be removed on which day ?
(A) 2nd day (B) 3rd day (C) 4th day (D) 7th day
Ans: A
56. According to Dalhana, which months included in Shuchi - Shukrou
(A) Chaitra - Vaishakha
(B) Jeshtha - Aashadha
(C) Jeshtha - Vaishaka
(D) Margashirsha - Pausha
Ans: B
57. What qualities of Aushadhi do the accumulation of vayu in Grishma Ritu ?
(A) Raukshya, Laghu Vaishadya (B) Laghu, Raukshya, Shaitya
(C) Raukshya, Shaitya, Khara (D) Shaitya, Raukshya, Vaishadya
Ans: A
58. “Na Mukta Karmanubandhikam Kurute” is the siddhant of type....
(A) Sarvatantra (B) Pratitantra (C) Adhikaran (D) Abhiyupagama
Ans: C
59. “Sthira Pruthvi” is comes under which vadamarga?
(A) Drishtanta (B) Siddhanta (C) Sthapana (D) Uttara
Ans: A
60. “Dandashookaah” is the Lakshan of which prakriti?
(A) Vaata (B) Pitta (C) Kapha (D) Sama
Ans: B
61. According to Chakrapani, Tanduliyak is the example of –
(A) Prakriti Sama Samveta (B) Vikriti Samaveta
(C) Visama Samaveta (D) Vikriti - Sama Samaveta
Ans: B
62. Which of the following is true for “Sarpi Pittam Jayati” (Ghee supress pitta)
(A) Maadhuryat, Shaityat, Mandatwa cha (B) Maadhuryat, Shaityat, Snigdhatwa cha
(C) Maadhuryat, Shaityat, Saratwa cha (D) Maadhuryat, Shaityat, Laghutwa cha
Ans: A
63. People of Prachya desha using which of the following Dravya in excess ?
(A) Pippali (B) Kshaara (C) Lavana (D) All of the above
Ans: B
64. According to Chakrapani “Bhasma Raseh - Adhah Sthapayet” brings which types of sanskaara ?
(A) Deshajanya (B) Bhavana Janya (C) Kaalaprakarsha Janya (D) Vaasan Janya
Ans: A
65. According to Chakrapani ‘Na kritavan’ stands for
(A) Shashwatam (B) Punyam (C) Bubudha (D) Gyana
Ans: C
66. In Asamyaka Karna bhedan Karna shoola occurs due to bhedan in ?
(A) Kalika (B) Marmarika (C) Lohitika (D) All of the above
Ans: C
67. Which of the following Karna bhedan is not Asaadhya ?
(A) Sankshipta (B) Hina Karna (C) Valli Karna (D) Nirvedhim
Ans: D
68. How many upadravas (complications) found in karna paalli ?
(A) 7 (B) 8 (C) 9 (D) 10
Ans: D
69. In Ashtavidha Shastra Karma, how many types of Vyapad may occur ?
(A) 4 (B) 8 (C) 7 (D) 5
Ans: A
70. In padanshik krama, according to Chakrapani, what is the gap time for chaturtha paada (4th quarter) prakshepa (intake & apachaya (tyaga)
(A) 2 days (B) 3 days (C) 4 days (D) No time limit
Ans: D
71. The term ‘Haryaksham’ is explained by Chakrapani as ....
(A) Singh vikramama (B) Singh bhojanama (C) Singh akhetam (D) Brownish Hairs
Ans: A
72. ‘Yukta yukta pralapa’ is sign of ....
(A) Apasmara (B) Prathama mada (C) Madhyama mada (D) Unmada
Ans: C
73. According to which of following, Ayurveda is ‘Upaveda’ of ‘Rigveda’ ?
(A) Mahabharata
(B) Charaka Vyuha
(C) Both A & B
(D) None of the above
Ans: C
74. The ‘Kritya kriyta vidhi’ is related to ....
(A) Sushruta Samhita (B) Charaka Samhita (C) Kashyapa Samhita (D) Bhela Samhita
Ans: A
75. Iti Nirnayaha is called ....
(A) Upanaya (B) Pratigya (C) Nigamona (D) Drishtanta
Ans: C
76. The Charaka was the Rajyavaidya of Kaniska is expounded by ….
(A) M.M. S.C. Vidyabhashan (B) S. Levi
(C) Taka Kusa (D) D. Chapline
Ans: B
77. In the term ‘Yatha swenoshmana Pakam’, Chakrapani explain Swenosma as ....
(A) Pitta (B) 13 Agniya (C) Vayu (D) Medas
Ans: B
78. According to Chakrapani, ‘Sar’ means ....
(A) Extract (B) Vishudhataro Dhatu
(C) Vishudhatamo Dhatu (D) None of the above
Ans: B
79. ‘Irshyarati’ is a type of ....
(A) Maithun
(B) Napunsaka
(C) Manovikar
(D) None of the above
Ans: B
80. The term ‘Nivrittau’ is explained by Chakrapani as ....
(A) Abhinivritau (B) Nihasheshau
(C) Abhivyakttau (D) Nirmilitvau
Ans: C
81. Which of the following is Medhaagni Kaphapitta krit ?
(A) Kulthi (Horse gram) (B) Mung (Green gram) (C) Urad (Black gram) (D) Til (Sesamum)
Ans: D
82. Which panchmoola is considered as chakshushya (Eye power promoter)
(A) trina Panchmoola (B) Laghu Panchmoola (C) Madhyam Panchmoola (D) Jivaniya Panchmoola
Ans: D
83. According to Ashtanga Hridaya, which meat should not taken with Dahi (Curd)
(A) Kukuta (Hen) (B) Varaaha (Pig) (C) Bheda (Sheep) (D) All of the above
Ans: A
84. According to Ashtanga Hridaya, which Dravya should not taken as combination in equal quantity along with Madhu, Ghee, Vasa & Taila (A) Jala (water) (B) Milk (C) Takra (D) Dahi (Curd)
Ans: A
85. What is the treatment of Vishtabdhajirna ?
(A) Langhana (B) Vamana (C) Swedana (D) Virechana
Ans: C
86. Kshma - Ambho contribute which rasa
(A) Madhura (B) Amla (C) Lavana (D) Kasaya
Ans: A
87. Excess intake of which vasa causes sanyaasa ?
(A) Madhura (B) Lavana (C) Katu (D) Kashaya
Ans: A
88. How may groups formed by the combination of the three rasas
(A) 15 (B) 12 (C) 20 (D) 14
Ans: C
89. The action of sweda (sweet) is
(A) Kleda Vidhruti (B) Kleda Vahanam (C) Kleda Shoshanam (D) Avasthambha
Ans: A
90. Oodgaar (Udgar) is the action of which vayu ?
(A) Praana (B) Vyana (C) Udaana (D) Shamana
Ans: A
91. Which Yantra is used to removed Naadi Shalya ?
(A) Swastika (B) Sandansha (C) Taala (D) Naadi
Ans: C
92. Yantra Karya & Yantra dosa are simultaneously ............ & .............. As per Acharya Sushruta
(A) 24, 12 (B) 20, 10
(C) 24, 10 (D) 24, 8
Ans: A
93. In Bija Chatushtaya what is included in vyadhi Grahan
(A) Vata, Pitta, Kapha, Shorita, Sannipat (B) Vata, Pitta, Kapha, Sannipat Aagantuk
(C) Vata, Pitta, Kapha, Aagantuk, Mansik (D) Sharirika, Manasika, Aagantuka, Shonnitaja
Ans: A
94. What is the pramaan of sharaarimukha shastra (Instrument)
(A) 8 Angula (B) 6 Angula
(C) 14 Angula (D) 10 Angula
Ans: D
95. To sharpen the edge of the shastra (Instrument) colour of stone should be –
(A) Urad (Black gram) (B) Moonga (Green gram) (C) Kullatha (Horse gram) (D) Shweta (White)
Ans: A
96. Which karma should be practise in panas (katahal)
(A) Chhedya (B) Bhedya (C) Vishravya (D) Aaharya
Ans: D
97. Which Adhyaya is named as vishikhanupraveshariya Adhyaya in Sushruta samhita sutra sthana
(A) 10 (B) 11 (C) 9 (D) 8
Ans: A
98. Which of the following is considered as pradhanatam in sastra (Instrument) & Anu sastra ?
(A) Kshara (B) Agni Karna (C) Jalouka (D) Hasta (Hand)
Ans: A
99. According to Charaka, Sutrasthan 2nd chapter which of the following dravya is not used as vaman kaarak dravya ?
(A) Madan (B) Pilu (C) Madhuka (D) Nimba
Ans: B
100. What is the chikitsa sutra of Krimi Rog in chronological order.
(A) Apakarshan, Prakriti Vighaat, Nidaan Parivarjana (B) Nidaana Parivarjana, Aparkarshan, Prakriti Vighaat
(C) Apakarshan, Nidaan Parivarjana, Prakriti Vighaat (D) Nidaan Parivarjana, Prakriti Vighaat, Apakarshan
Ans: A
(A) Sushruta Uttar 65 (B) Sushruta Uttar 66 (C) Sushruta Uttar 64 (D) Sushruta Uttar 46
Ans: A
52. Which of the following does not come under Tantra Bhushana Adhyaya ?
(A) Rasabheda Vikalpa (B) Doshabheda Vikalpa (C) Swasthavritta (D) Vividharoga Vikalpa
Ans: D
53. According to Sushruta which one of the following is not included under Shastra Karma ?
(A) Vedhyam (B) Aaharyam (C) Vishraavyam (D) Paatanam
Ans: D
54. Which type of Chhedan is indicated in Akshiputa
(A) Tiryaka (B) Ardha Chandrakara (C) Chandramandalvat (D) Golakar
Ans: A
55. In Varsha Ritu, vrana bandhan should be removed on which day ?
(A) 2nd day (B) 3rd day (C) 4th day (D) 7th day
Ans: A
56. According to Dalhana, which months included in Shuchi - Shukrou
(A) Chaitra - Vaishakha
(B) Jeshtha - Aashadha
(C) Jeshtha - Vaishaka
(D) Margashirsha - Pausha
Ans: B
57. What qualities of Aushadhi do the accumulation of vayu in Grishma Ritu ?
(A) Raukshya, Laghu Vaishadya (B) Laghu, Raukshya, Shaitya
(C) Raukshya, Shaitya, Khara (D) Shaitya, Raukshya, Vaishadya
Ans: A
58. “Na Mukta Karmanubandhikam Kurute” is the siddhant of type....
(A) Sarvatantra (B) Pratitantra (C) Adhikaran (D) Abhiyupagama
Ans: C
59. “Sthira Pruthvi” is comes under which vadamarga?
(A) Drishtanta (B) Siddhanta (C) Sthapana (D) Uttara
Ans: A
60. “Dandashookaah” is the Lakshan of which prakriti?
(A) Vaata (B) Pitta (C) Kapha (D) Sama
Ans: B
61. According to Chakrapani, Tanduliyak is the example of –
(A) Prakriti Sama Samveta (B) Vikriti Samaveta
(C) Visama Samaveta (D) Vikriti - Sama Samaveta
Ans: B
62. Which of the following is true for “Sarpi Pittam Jayati” (Ghee supress pitta)
(A) Maadhuryat, Shaityat, Mandatwa cha (B) Maadhuryat, Shaityat, Snigdhatwa cha
(C) Maadhuryat, Shaityat, Saratwa cha (D) Maadhuryat, Shaityat, Laghutwa cha
Ans: A
63. People of Prachya desha using which of the following Dravya in excess ?
(A) Pippali (B) Kshaara (C) Lavana (D) All of the above
Ans: B
64. According to Chakrapani “Bhasma Raseh - Adhah Sthapayet” brings which types of sanskaara ?
(A) Deshajanya (B) Bhavana Janya (C) Kaalaprakarsha Janya (D) Vaasan Janya
Ans: A
65. According to Chakrapani ‘Na kritavan’ stands for
(A) Shashwatam (B) Punyam (C) Bubudha (D) Gyana
Ans: C
66. In Asamyaka Karna bhedan Karna shoola occurs due to bhedan in ?
(A) Kalika (B) Marmarika (C) Lohitika (D) All of the above
Ans: C
67. Which of the following Karna bhedan is not Asaadhya ?
(A) Sankshipta (B) Hina Karna (C) Valli Karna (D) Nirvedhim
Ans: D
68. How many upadravas (complications) found in karna paalli ?
(A) 7 (B) 8 (C) 9 (D) 10
Ans: D
69. In Ashtavidha Shastra Karma, how many types of Vyapad may occur ?
(A) 4 (B) 8 (C) 7 (D) 5
Ans: A
70. In padanshik krama, according to Chakrapani, what is the gap time for chaturtha paada (4th quarter) prakshepa (intake & apachaya (tyaga)
(A) 2 days (B) 3 days (C) 4 days (D) No time limit
Ans: D
71. The term ‘Haryaksham’ is explained by Chakrapani as ....
(A) Singh vikramama (B) Singh bhojanama (C) Singh akhetam (D) Brownish Hairs
Ans: A
72. ‘Yukta yukta pralapa’ is sign of ....
(A) Apasmara (B) Prathama mada (C) Madhyama mada (D) Unmada
Ans: C
73. According to which of following, Ayurveda is ‘Upaveda’ of ‘Rigveda’ ?
(A) Mahabharata
(B) Charaka Vyuha
(C) Both A & B
(D) None of the above
Ans: C
74. The ‘Kritya kriyta vidhi’ is related to ....
(A) Sushruta Samhita (B) Charaka Samhita (C) Kashyapa Samhita (D) Bhela Samhita
Ans: A
75. Iti Nirnayaha is called ....
(A) Upanaya (B) Pratigya (C) Nigamona (D) Drishtanta
Ans: C
76. The Charaka was the Rajyavaidya of Kaniska is expounded by ….
(A) M.M. S.C. Vidyabhashan (B) S. Levi
(C) Taka Kusa (D) D. Chapline
Ans: B
77. In the term ‘Yatha swenoshmana Pakam’, Chakrapani explain Swenosma as ....
(A) Pitta (B) 13 Agniya (C) Vayu (D) Medas
Ans: B
78. According to Chakrapani, ‘Sar’ means ....
(A) Extract (B) Vishudhataro Dhatu
(C) Vishudhatamo Dhatu (D) None of the above
Ans: B
79. ‘Irshyarati’ is a type of ....
(A) Maithun
(B) Napunsaka
(C) Manovikar
(D) None of the above
Ans: B
80. The term ‘Nivrittau’ is explained by Chakrapani as ....
(A) Abhinivritau (B) Nihasheshau
(C) Abhivyakttau (D) Nirmilitvau
Ans: C
81. Which of the following is Medhaagni Kaphapitta krit ?
(A) Kulthi (Horse gram) (B) Mung (Green gram) (C) Urad (Black gram) (D) Til (Sesamum)
Ans: D
82. Which panchmoola is considered as chakshushya (Eye power promoter)
(A) trina Panchmoola (B) Laghu Panchmoola (C) Madhyam Panchmoola (D) Jivaniya Panchmoola
Ans: D
83. According to Ashtanga Hridaya, which meat should not taken with Dahi (Curd)
(A) Kukuta (Hen) (B) Varaaha (Pig) (C) Bheda (Sheep) (D) All of the above
Ans: A
84. According to Ashtanga Hridaya, which Dravya should not taken as combination in equal quantity along with Madhu, Ghee, Vasa & Taila (A) Jala (water) (B) Milk (C) Takra (D) Dahi (Curd)
Ans: A
85. What is the treatment of Vishtabdhajirna ?
(A) Langhana (B) Vamana (C) Swedana (D) Virechana
Ans: C
86. Kshma - Ambho contribute which rasa
(A) Madhura (B) Amla (C) Lavana (D) Kasaya
Ans: A
87. Excess intake of which vasa causes sanyaasa ?
(A) Madhura (B) Lavana (C) Katu (D) Kashaya
Ans: A
88. How may groups formed by the combination of the three rasas
(A) 15 (B) 12 (C) 20 (D) 14
Ans: C
89. The action of sweda (sweet) is
(A) Kleda Vidhruti (B) Kleda Vahanam (C) Kleda Shoshanam (D) Avasthambha
Ans: A
90. Oodgaar (Udgar) is the action of which vayu ?
(A) Praana (B) Vyana (C) Udaana (D) Shamana
Ans: A
91. Which Yantra is used to removed Naadi Shalya ?
(A) Swastika (B) Sandansha (C) Taala (D) Naadi
Ans: C
92. Yantra Karya & Yantra dosa are simultaneously ............ & .............. As per Acharya Sushruta
(A) 24, 12 (B) 20, 10
(C) 24, 10 (D) 24, 8
Ans: A
93. In Bija Chatushtaya what is included in vyadhi Grahan
(A) Vata, Pitta, Kapha, Shorita, Sannipat (B) Vata, Pitta, Kapha, Sannipat Aagantuk
(C) Vata, Pitta, Kapha, Aagantuk, Mansik (D) Sharirika, Manasika, Aagantuka, Shonnitaja
Ans: A
94. What is the pramaan of sharaarimukha shastra (Instrument)
(A) 8 Angula (B) 6 Angula
(C) 14 Angula (D) 10 Angula
Ans: D
95. To sharpen the edge of the shastra (Instrument) colour of stone should be –
(A) Urad (Black gram) (B) Moonga (Green gram) (C) Kullatha (Horse gram) (D) Shweta (White)
Ans: A
96. Which karma should be practise in panas (katahal)
(A) Chhedya (B) Bhedya (C) Vishravya (D) Aaharya
Ans: D
97. Which Adhyaya is named as vishikhanupraveshariya Adhyaya in Sushruta samhita sutra sthana
(A) 10 (B) 11 (C) 9 (D) 8
Ans: A
98. Which of the following is considered as pradhanatam in sastra (Instrument) & Anu sastra ?
(A) Kshara (B) Agni Karna (C) Jalouka (D) Hasta (Hand)
Ans: A
99. According to Charaka, Sutrasthan 2nd chapter which of the following dravya is not used as vaman kaarak dravya ?
(A) Madan (B) Pilu (C) Madhuka (D) Nimba
Ans: B
100. What is the chikitsa sutra of Krimi Rog in chronological order.
(A) Apakarshan, Prakriti Vighaat, Nidaan Parivarjana (B) Nidaana Parivarjana, Aparkarshan, Prakriti Vighaat
(C) Apakarshan, Nidaan Parivarjana, Prakriti Vighaat (D) Nidaan Parivarjana, Prakriti Vighaat, Apakarshan
Ans: A