1. Glass Gow Coma Scale Is Used For:
(A) Head Injury (B) Cardiac Surgery (C) G I Surgery (D) Respiratory Injury
Ans: A
2. In Risk III Major Life Threatening Complication In Percentage are:
(A) 5% (B) 10% (C) 11% (D) 15%
Ans: C
3. In Pink Puffer, ECG is:
(A) Normal (B) Shows Ischemia (C) Brady Cardia (D) Irregular Rhythm
Ans: A
4. In Liver Diseases Child -Push Risk Index, Nutritional Status in B Grade:
(A) Excellent (B) Poor (C) Good (D) Average
Ans: C
5. In Needle Phobia, Treatment Is:
(A) Systemic Sedation (B) Application Of Local Anaesthetic Cream (C) Suppositories (D) Oral Analgesic
Ans: B
6. Premedication The Dose Of Phenothiazine Is:
(A) 1 mg/kg (B) 2 mg/kg (C) 3 mg/kg (D) 4 mg/kg
Ans: B
7. Atropine Is A Alkaloid Of:
(A) Atropa Kellodoma (B) Atropa Belladona (C) Atropa Celladona (D) Atropa Zelladona
Ans: B
8. The Hyoscine Hydrobromide Is Given In The Dose Of:
(A) 0.2 To 0.4 mg/kg (B) 0.3 To 0.6 mg/kg (C) 0.1 To 0.2 mg/kg (D) 0 To 0.1 mg/kg
Ans: B
9. Scopolamine Hydrobromide Is:
(A) Hyoscine Hydro Bromide (B) Hyoscine Hydrocnloride (C) Hyoscine Butylbromide (D) Hyoscine Hydrolase
Ans: A
10. Lithium Should Be Stopped Before Major Surgery:
(A) 1day (B) 2 Day (C) 4 Day (D) 7 Day
Ans: B
11. Normal Secretion of Adrenal Cortex Is:
(A) 10 mg/kg (B) 20 mg/kg (C) 25 mg/kg (D) 15 mg/kg
Ans: C
12. Ketamine Intramuscular For Induction Of Anaesthesia In The Dose Of:
(A) 3 to 5 mg/kg (B) 4 to 6 mg/kg (C) 1 to 2 mg/kg (D) 2 to 4 mg/kg
Ans: B
13. Ketamine Is Contraindicated:
(A) In increased Intracranial Pressure (B) In Penetrating Eye Injury (C) In Hypertensive Patient (D) All Of The Above
Ans: D
14. In TIVA Has Disadvantage:
(A) No Direct Monitoring Of Plasma Concentration (B) It Always Run Smoothly In Inexperience Hand
(C) Patient Can Be Arouse Immediately (D) No Effect On Pulse Rate
Ans: A
15. In Phase 2 Block Has:
(A) Fade Of Train Of Four Only (B) Tetanic Fade Only (C) Post Titanic Facilitation (D) All Of The Above
Ans: D
16. The Effect Of NDMR Can Be Potentiated By
(A) Volatile Agents (B) Acidosis (C) Magnesium (D) All Of The Above
Ans: D
17. Contraction Of Scoline Is:
(A) After 24 To 48 Hours Of Burns (B) Spinal Cord Injury (C) In Cerebro-Vascular Stroke (D) All Of The Above
Ans: D
18. With Cisatracurium Besylate Has:
(A) Hafmann Degradation (B) Hafmann Degradation But Not Hydrolysed By Plasms Esterase
(C) Hydrolyse By Blood (D) Not Hy Hafmann Degradation
Ans: B
19. D-Tubo Curarine Cause Hypotension Due To:
(A) By Histamine Release (B) By Sympathetic Ganglia Blockage
(C) By Sympathetic Ganglia & Histamine Release (D) None Of The Above
Ans: C
20. IN Train Of Four, The Percentage Of Receptors Are:
(A) > 20 (B) > 22 (C) > 25 To 30 (D) < 25
Ans: C
21. Advance Mannequin Require:
(A) Changes In Skin Colour (B) Improve In Diaphoresis (C) Changes In Skin Temperature (D) All Of The Above
Ans: D
22. Anaesthesia Teaching Must Be:
(A) Close Ended Question (B) Open Ended Question (C) Both Ended Question (D) None Of The Above
Ans: B
23. PAS 7 Ehtheunesia Are Legal In:
(A) Specific Part Of World (B) In India Only (C) In UAE (D) Non Of Above
Ans: A
24. Consciousness Is Define As:
(A) Only Wake Fullness (B) Only Awareness (C) Wakefulness &Awareness (D) State Of Non Responsive
Ans: C
25. Norepinephrin Synthesized In Brain:
(A) Locus Ceruleus (B) In Medulla (C) In Gray Matter Only (D) In White Matter Only
Ans: A
26. Sleep-Awake Refusal Action By:
(A) Posterior Hypothalamus (B) Anterior Hypothalamus (C) Lateral Hypothalamus (D) Only By Thalamus
Ans: B
27. Sleep Is:
(A) Natural Period Of Suspension Of Consciousness (B) Un Natural Period Of Suspension
(C) Natural Period of Suspension Of Un Consciousness (D) Temporary Unconsciousness
Ans: A
28. Release of Acetylcholine Is A:
(A) Hall Mark Of Sympathetic Activity (B) Hall Mark Of Parasympathetic Activity
(C) Hall Mark Of Sympathetic & Parasympathetic (Both) (D) None Of The Above
Ans: B
29. Heart has following Receptors:
(A) B2 (B) B1 (C) Both (D) Alpha 1 & Alpha 2
Ans: B
30. Epinephriene Dose Dependant Action Of 1 to 2 Micro Gram/Kg/Min:
(A) Only B1 (B) Only Alpha1 (C) Alpha 1 & Alpha 2 (D) Only B2
Ans: D
31. In Assessing The Autonomic System Test Which Heart Rate Response To Deep Breathing:
(A) > 20 Beats /Min (B) > 15 Beats/Min (C) > 17 Beats /Min (D) > 10 Beats/Min
Ans: B
32. Cerebral Blood Flow In Global:
(A) 45 - 55 ml/100g/Min (B) 60 - 80 ml/100g/Min
(C) 30 - 40 ml/100g/Min (D) 100 - 150 ml/100g/Min
Ans: A
33. Ketamine Increase:
(A) Cerebral Metabolic Rate Only (B) Cerebral Blood Flow Only
(C) Cerebral Metabolic Rate & Cerebral Blood Flow (Both) (D) None Of The Above
Ans: C
34. Enflurane Has Effect On Rate Of CSF Secretion:
(A) Decrease (B) Increase (C) Dose Dependant (D) No Effect
Ans: B
35. Preload Defines As A:
(A) Ventricle Load At The End Of Systole (B) Ventricle Load At The End Of Diastole
(C) Atria Load At The End Of Diastole (D) Atria Load At The End Of Systole
Ans: B
36. Baroreceptor Reflex Is Responsible For:
(A) Maintenance of Arterial Blood Pressure (B) Maintenance of Venous Blood Pressure
(C) Maintenance of Arterial & Venous Pressure (Both) (D) None of the above
Ans: A
37. Benzold-jarich Reflex Contain:
(A) Hypotension, BradyCardia, Coronary Dilation (B) Hypotension Only
(C) Hypotension & Tachycardia (D) Hypertension &Tachycardia
Ans: A
38. Fleisch Pneumotachrograph Is A:
(A) Varaible Pressure Drop (B) Variable Pressure Drop &Fixed Orfice Flow Meter
(C) Only Fixed Orfice Flow Meter (D) Non Of The Above
Ans: B
39. Nitrous Oxide First Prepared By Priestly In:
(A) 1846 (B) 1772 (C) 1777 (D) 1774
Ans: B
40. Simpson Demonstrated Chloroform In:
(A) 1846 (B) 1847 (C) 1848 (D) 1849
Ans: B
41. In Surgical Plane Of Anaesthesia Stage 3 Has:
(A) 3 Plane (B) 5 Plane (C) 2 Plane (D) 4 Plane
Ans: D
42. Nitrous Oxide Is:
(A) Flammable (B) Partial Flammable (C) Explosive (D) Neither Flammable Nor Explosive
Ans: D
43. Crude Test Is Used For:
(A) To Find Out Contamation In Oxygen (B) To Find Out Contamation In Nitrous Oxide
(C) To Find Out Contamation In Entonox (D) To Find Out Contamation In Air
Ans: B
44. Nirous Oxide May Cause:
(A) Hypoxic Hypoxia (B) Diffusion Hypoxia (C) Histotoxic Hypoxia (D) Anaemic Hypoxia
Ans: B
45. If Patients Stop Smoking 24 Hours Before Anaesthesia:
(A) No Change Of Oxygen Carriage (B) Oxygen Carriage Will Improved
(C) Oxygen Carriage Will Decreased (D) Decrease Cilliary Activity
Ans: B
46. Hyper Glycemia Occurs With Drugs Like:
(A) Diuretics (B) Anxiolytic Drugs (C) Xylocaine (D) Mono Corticoids
Ans: A
47. Barbiturates Are Absolute Contra Indicated In:
(A) Crush Injury (B) Porphyria (C) Haemolytic Disorder (D) In CRF
Ans: B
48. In Hyper Calcemia ECG Shows:
(A) No Changes (B) Shorter QT Segment (C) Longer QT Interval (D) Prolong PR Interval
Ans: B
49. In Myasthenia Gravis:
(A) Increased Sensitivity To Depolarising Agents (B) Increased Sensitivity To Non-Depolaring Agents
(C) No Effect (D) Resistance To Non-Depolaring Agents
Ans: B
50. In Meth-Haemoglobinemia:
(A) Oxygen Dissociation Curve Shift To Right (B) Oxygen Dissociation Curve Shift To Left
(C) Co2 Dissociation Curve Shift To Left (D) No Effect On Oxygen Dissociation Curve
Ans: B
(A) Head Injury (B) Cardiac Surgery (C) G I Surgery (D) Respiratory Injury
Ans: A
2. In Risk III Major Life Threatening Complication In Percentage are:
(A) 5% (B) 10% (C) 11% (D) 15%
Ans: C
3. In Pink Puffer, ECG is:
(A) Normal (B) Shows Ischemia (C) Brady Cardia (D) Irregular Rhythm
Ans: A
4. In Liver Diseases Child -Push Risk Index, Nutritional Status in B Grade:
(A) Excellent (B) Poor (C) Good (D) Average
Ans: C
5. In Needle Phobia, Treatment Is:
(A) Systemic Sedation (B) Application Of Local Anaesthetic Cream (C) Suppositories (D) Oral Analgesic
Ans: B
6. Premedication The Dose Of Phenothiazine Is:
(A) 1 mg/kg (B) 2 mg/kg (C) 3 mg/kg (D) 4 mg/kg
Ans: B
7. Atropine Is A Alkaloid Of:
(A) Atropa Kellodoma (B) Atropa Belladona (C) Atropa Celladona (D) Atropa Zelladona
Ans: B
8. The Hyoscine Hydrobromide Is Given In The Dose Of:
(A) 0.2 To 0.4 mg/kg (B) 0.3 To 0.6 mg/kg (C) 0.1 To 0.2 mg/kg (D) 0 To 0.1 mg/kg
Ans: B
9. Scopolamine Hydrobromide Is:
(A) Hyoscine Hydro Bromide (B) Hyoscine Hydrocnloride (C) Hyoscine Butylbromide (D) Hyoscine Hydrolase
Ans: A
10. Lithium Should Be Stopped Before Major Surgery:
(A) 1day (B) 2 Day (C) 4 Day (D) 7 Day
Ans: B
11. Normal Secretion of Adrenal Cortex Is:
(A) 10 mg/kg (B) 20 mg/kg (C) 25 mg/kg (D) 15 mg/kg
Ans: C
12. Ketamine Intramuscular For Induction Of Anaesthesia In The Dose Of:
(A) 3 to 5 mg/kg (B) 4 to 6 mg/kg (C) 1 to 2 mg/kg (D) 2 to 4 mg/kg
Ans: B
13. Ketamine Is Contraindicated:
(A) In increased Intracranial Pressure (B) In Penetrating Eye Injury (C) In Hypertensive Patient (D) All Of The Above
Ans: D
14. In TIVA Has Disadvantage:
(A) No Direct Monitoring Of Plasma Concentration (B) It Always Run Smoothly In Inexperience Hand
(C) Patient Can Be Arouse Immediately (D) No Effect On Pulse Rate
Ans: A
15. In Phase 2 Block Has:
(A) Fade Of Train Of Four Only (B) Tetanic Fade Only (C) Post Titanic Facilitation (D) All Of The Above
Ans: D
16. The Effect Of NDMR Can Be Potentiated By
(A) Volatile Agents (B) Acidosis (C) Magnesium (D) All Of The Above
Ans: D
17. Contraction Of Scoline Is:
(A) After 24 To 48 Hours Of Burns (B) Spinal Cord Injury (C) In Cerebro-Vascular Stroke (D) All Of The Above
Ans: D
18. With Cisatracurium Besylate Has:
(A) Hafmann Degradation (B) Hafmann Degradation But Not Hydrolysed By Plasms Esterase
(C) Hydrolyse By Blood (D) Not Hy Hafmann Degradation
Ans: B
19. D-Tubo Curarine Cause Hypotension Due To:
(A) By Histamine Release (B) By Sympathetic Ganglia Blockage
(C) By Sympathetic Ganglia & Histamine Release (D) None Of The Above
Ans: C
20. IN Train Of Four, The Percentage Of Receptors Are:
(A) > 20 (B) > 22 (C) > 25 To 30 (D) < 25
Ans: C
21. Advance Mannequin Require:
(A) Changes In Skin Colour (B) Improve In Diaphoresis (C) Changes In Skin Temperature (D) All Of The Above
Ans: D
22. Anaesthesia Teaching Must Be:
(A) Close Ended Question (B) Open Ended Question (C) Both Ended Question (D) None Of The Above
Ans: B
23. PAS 7 Ehtheunesia Are Legal In:
(A) Specific Part Of World (B) In India Only (C) In UAE (D) Non Of Above
Ans: A
24. Consciousness Is Define As:
(A) Only Wake Fullness (B) Only Awareness (C) Wakefulness &Awareness (D) State Of Non Responsive
Ans: C
25. Norepinephrin Synthesized In Brain:
(A) Locus Ceruleus (B) In Medulla (C) In Gray Matter Only (D) In White Matter Only
Ans: A
26. Sleep-Awake Refusal Action By:
(A) Posterior Hypothalamus (B) Anterior Hypothalamus (C) Lateral Hypothalamus (D) Only By Thalamus
Ans: B
27. Sleep Is:
(A) Natural Period Of Suspension Of Consciousness (B) Un Natural Period Of Suspension
(C) Natural Period of Suspension Of Un Consciousness (D) Temporary Unconsciousness
Ans: A
28. Release of Acetylcholine Is A:
(A) Hall Mark Of Sympathetic Activity (B) Hall Mark Of Parasympathetic Activity
(C) Hall Mark Of Sympathetic & Parasympathetic (Both) (D) None Of The Above
Ans: B
29. Heart has following Receptors:
(A) B2 (B) B1 (C) Both (D) Alpha 1 & Alpha 2
Ans: B
30. Epinephriene Dose Dependant Action Of 1 to 2 Micro Gram/Kg/Min:
(A) Only B1 (B) Only Alpha1 (C) Alpha 1 & Alpha 2 (D) Only B2
Ans: D
31. In Assessing The Autonomic System Test Which Heart Rate Response To Deep Breathing:
(A) > 20 Beats /Min (B) > 15 Beats/Min (C) > 17 Beats /Min (D) > 10 Beats/Min
Ans: B
32. Cerebral Blood Flow In Global:
(A) 45 - 55 ml/100g/Min (B) 60 - 80 ml/100g/Min
(C) 30 - 40 ml/100g/Min (D) 100 - 150 ml/100g/Min
Ans: A
33. Ketamine Increase:
(A) Cerebral Metabolic Rate Only (B) Cerebral Blood Flow Only
(C) Cerebral Metabolic Rate & Cerebral Blood Flow (Both) (D) None Of The Above
Ans: C
34. Enflurane Has Effect On Rate Of CSF Secretion:
(A) Decrease (B) Increase (C) Dose Dependant (D) No Effect
Ans: B
35. Preload Defines As A:
(A) Ventricle Load At The End Of Systole (B) Ventricle Load At The End Of Diastole
(C) Atria Load At The End Of Diastole (D) Atria Load At The End Of Systole
Ans: B
36. Baroreceptor Reflex Is Responsible For:
(A) Maintenance of Arterial Blood Pressure (B) Maintenance of Venous Blood Pressure
(C) Maintenance of Arterial & Venous Pressure (Both) (D) None of the above
Ans: A
37. Benzold-jarich Reflex Contain:
(A) Hypotension, BradyCardia, Coronary Dilation (B) Hypotension Only
(C) Hypotension & Tachycardia (D) Hypertension &Tachycardia
Ans: A
38. Fleisch Pneumotachrograph Is A:
(A) Varaible Pressure Drop (B) Variable Pressure Drop &Fixed Orfice Flow Meter
(C) Only Fixed Orfice Flow Meter (D) Non Of The Above
Ans: B
39. Nitrous Oxide First Prepared By Priestly In:
(A) 1846 (B) 1772 (C) 1777 (D) 1774
Ans: B
40. Simpson Demonstrated Chloroform In:
(A) 1846 (B) 1847 (C) 1848 (D) 1849
Ans: B
41. In Surgical Plane Of Anaesthesia Stage 3 Has:
(A) 3 Plane (B) 5 Plane (C) 2 Plane (D) 4 Plane
Ans: D
42. Nitrous Oxide Is:
(A) Flammable (B) Partial Flammable (C) Explosive (D) Neither Flammable Nor Explosive
Ans: D
43. Crude Test Is Used For:
(A) To Find Out Contamation In Oxygen (B) To Find Out Contamation In Nitrous Oxide
(C) To Find Out Contamation In Entonox (D) To Find Out Contamation In Air
Ans: B
44. Nirous Oxide May Cause:
(A) Hypoxic Hypoxia (B) Diffusion Hypoxia (C) Histotoxic Hypoxia (D) Anaemic Hypoxia
Ans: B
45. If Patients Stop Smoking 24 Hours Before Anaesthesia:
(A) No Change Of Oxygen Carriage (B) Oxygen Carriage Will Improved
(C) Oxygen Carriage Will Decreased (D) Decrease Cilliary Activity
Ans: B
46. Hyper Glycemia Occurs With Drugs Like:
(A) Diuretics (B) Anxiolytic Drugs (C) Xylocaine (D) Mono Corticoids
Ans: A
47. Barbiturates Are Absolute Contra Indicated In:
(A) Crush Injury (B) Porphyria (C) Haemolytic Disorder (D) In CRF
Ans: B
48. In Hyper Calcemia ECG Shows:
(A) No Changes (B) Shorter QT Segment (C) Longer QT Interval (D) Prolong PR Interval
Ans: B
49. In Myasthenia Gravis:
(A) Increased Sensitivity To Depolarising Agents (B) Increased Sensitivity To Non-Depolaring Agents
(C) No Effect (D) Resistance To Non-Depolaring Agents
Ans: B
50. In Meth-Haemoglobinemia:
(A) Oxygen Dissociation Curve Shift To Right (B) Oxygen Dissociation Curve Shift To Left
(C) Co2 Dissociation Curve Shift To Left (D) No Effect On Oxygen Dissociation Curve
Ans: B
51. IN Intermediate Risk Factor, Previous Myocardial Infarction Means:
(A) > 3 Weeks (B) > 4Weeks (C) > 5Weeks (D) > 6weeks
Ans: D
52. In First Degree Of Heart Block:
(A) PR Interval > 0.2 Seconds (B) PR Interval > 0.3 Seconds
(C) PR Interval > 0.4 Seconds (D) PR Interval > 0.5 Seconds
Ans: A
53. In Old Age:
(A) Closing Volume Decreases (B) Closing Volume Increase Above FRC
(C) No Effect On Closing Volume (D) Increased Total Lung Capacity
Ans: B
54. Oxygen Failure Alarm Activate At Pressure:
(A) 180 Kpa (B) 200 Kpa (C) 250 Kpa (D) 300 Kpa
Ans: B
55. In full Nitrous Oxide Vapour Pressure Is:
(A) 4400 To 5400 Kpa (B) 2000 To 3000 Kpa (C) 1500 To 2000 Kpa (D) 1980 To 2500 Kpa
Ans: A
56. Oxygen Cylinder Of “J” Type Has Capacity:
(A) 7800 Litres (B) 6800 Litres (C) 5800 Litres (D) 4800 Litres
Ans: B
57. Oxygen Flush Button Allows:
(A) Allows > 35 Litres (B) Allows > 30 Litres (C) Allows > 25 Litres (D) Allows > 20 Litres
Ans: A
58. Pulse Oximetry Shows Wrong Result In:
(A) Poorly Fitting Probe (B) In Vaso Constriction (C) In Strong Ambient Light (D) All Of The Above
Ans: D
59. PCWP Represent:
(A) Left Atrial Pressure (B) Left Ventricle Pressure (C) Right Ventricle Pressure (D) Right Atrial Pressure
Ans: A
60. Blood/Gas Partition Co-Efficient With Sevoflurane:
(A) 0.68 (B) 0.66 (C) 0.69 (D) 0.65
Ans: C
61. Halothane Causes:
(A) Broncho-Construction (B) Bronco Dilation (C) No Effect On Bronchiole (D) Causes Alveolar Relaxation
Ans: B
62. Halothane Shaks Is Due To:
(A) Increase Decoeding Inhibitory Control (B) Decrease Decoeding Inhibitory Control
(C) Decrease All Body Reflexes (D) Non-Of The Above
Ans: B
63. Di Ethyl Ether Was Introduced By WTG Morton In Boston In The Year:
(A) 16th October, 1746 (B) 16th October, 1846 (C) 16th October, 1848 (D) 16th October, 1748
Ans: B
64. Helium Cylinder Has Colour Of:
(A) Black (B) Brown (C) White (D) White & Blue
Ans: B
65. Etomidate:
(A) Does Not Release Histamine (B) It Release Histamine
(C) No Effect On Histamine (D) None Of The Above
Ans: A
66. Propofol:
(A) Increase Intra Cranial Pressure (B) Decrease Intra Cranial Pressure
(C) No Effect (D) Increased Production Of CSF
Ans: B
67. Distribution Of Renal Blood Flow In Cortex & Medulla In Percentage Is:
(A) Cortex 94% & Medulla 6% (B) Cortex 90% & Medulla 10%
(C) Cortex 92% & Medulla 8% (D) Cortex 70% & Medulla 30%
Ans: A
68. Sedation Define As:
(A) Decrease Activity (B) Decrease Activity, Alertness, Arousal, &Vigilance
(C) Only Muscle Relaxation (D) Decrease Activity, Arousal, & Vigilance
Ans: B
69. Molecular Weight Of Nitrous Oxide Is:
(A) 41.0 (B) 43.0 (C) 44.0 (D) 45.0
Ans: C
70. Air Cylinder Pressure Is:
(A) 1980 Psi (B) 2000 Psi (C) 780 Psi (D) 2500 Psi
Ans: B
71. Baralyme Has NAOH:
(A) 0% (B) 2% (C) 3% (D) 5%
Ans: A
72. In Pain Management Initial Intrathecal Morphine Dose Is:
(A) 3% Of Oral Morphine (B) 2% Of Oral Morphine (C) 5% Of Oral Morphine (D) 1% Of Oral Morphine
Ans: D
73. Cushing Reflex Is A Result Of:
(A) Only Cerebral Ischemia Due To Any Cause (B) Cerebral Ischemia Caused By Increased Intra Cranial Pressure
(C) Decrease Intra Cranial Pressure (D) No Change In Intracranial Pressure
Ans: B
74. Basic Oxygen Consumption In Liver Is:
(A) 8 ml/kg/min/100 gram (B) 48 ml/kg/min/100 gram
(C) 2 ml/kg/min/100 gram (D) 6 ml/kg/min/100 gram
Ans: D
75. Drug Poorly Extracted From Blood Through Liver:
(A) Lidocaine (B) Diazpam (C) Morphine (D) Propranal
Ans: B
76. Alkaline Phosphatese Increases In Liver Diseases:
(A) Bilirubin Over Load (B) Hepatocellular Injury (C) Cholestasis (D) Carcinoma Of Liver
Ans: C
77. Palliative Care Team Consist Of:
(A) Only Physician & Nurse
(B) Nurse, Anaesthesioloist, & Social Worker
(C) Physician, Nurse, Social Worker, Spiritual Advocate & Expert Of Palliative Care Professionals
(D) Physician, Nurse, Social Worker, & Expert Of Palliative Care Professionals
Ans: C
78. Effect On GFR:
(A) No Effect In Spinal Anaesthesia (B) No Effect In Epidural Anaesthesia
(C) No Effect In CSE (D) All Of The Above
Ans: D
79. For Confirmation Of Brain Death In Adult Recommended Evoked Potential Response Is:
(A) Uni Lateral Absence Of N20-P22 Response (B) No Stimulation
(C) Bilateral Absence Of N20-P22 Response With Median Nerve Stimulation (D) None Of The Above
Ans: C
80. Auto PEEP:
(A) Directly Proportional To Tidal Volume& Inversely Proportional To Expiratory Time
(B) Directly Proportional To Tidal Volume Only
(C) Directly Proportional To Expiratory Time
(D) Inversely Proportional To Expiratory Time Only
Ans: A
81. Bronchospasm Can Be Easily Diagnosed On Table With:
(A) By Pulse Oxymetry (B) By Echo Cardiography (C) By Invasive Blood Pressure Monitor (D) By Auscultation
Ans: D
82. The Selection Of Size Of Double Lumen Tube Of Female Height < 160 Cm:
(A) 37 (B) 35 (C) 33 (D) 32
Ans: B
83. Suggested Parameters In One Lung Anaesthesia Are:
(A) Tidal Volume 5 - 6ml/Kg (B) Respiratory Rate 12/Min Only
(C) Ventilator Mode Is Either Pressure Or Volume Controlled (D) All Of The Above
Ans: D
84. Renal Criteria To Be Met Before Early Extubation (Post-Operative):
(A) Urine Out Put < 0.8ml/Kg/Hour (B) Urine Out Put > 0.8ml/Kg/Hour
(C) Urine Out Put < 0.6ml/Kg/Hour (D) Urine Out Put > 0.6ml/Kg/Hour
Ans: B
85. Detection Of Venous Air Embolism In Neuro Surgery:
(A) Pre Cordial Doppler Only (B) Capnograph Only
(C) Expired CO2 Monitor Only (D) Pre Cordial Doppler & Expired CO2 Monitor
Ans: D
86. Obesity Can Be Diagnosed With BMI(KG/M2):
(A) > 30 (B) < 30 (C) > 25 (D) < 25
Ans: A
87. Physiologic Changes In CVP During Pregnancy Are:
(A) Increased Up To 5 cm Of H2O (B) Decreased By 5 cm Of H2O
(C) No Change (D) Increased By 10 cm Of H2O
Ans: C
88. IN Pregnancy, FEV1/FVC:
(A) No Change (B) Increased (C) Decreased (D) Reversed
Ans: A
89. In Triage Group Of Mass Casualty, Red Tap On Patient Indicate:
(A) No Vitale Threat Is Present (B) Vital Treat Is Immediate
(C) No Need To See The Patient (D) Only Psychological Support Is Required
Ans: B
90. IN Ophthalmic Anaesthesia, To Decrease IOP, It Is Advisable To Use Mannitol:
(A) 10% (B) 15% (C) 20% (D) 5%
Ans: A
91. After Retro Bulbar Block, Most Common Complication Is:
(A) Ptosis (B) Seizures (C) Sub Conjunctival Haemorrhage (D) Retro Bulbar Haemorrhage
Ans: D
92. In Modified Alderate Recovery Score Required To Discharged The Patient Is:
(A) > 8 (B) > 9 (C) > 7 (D) > 6
Ans: B
93. Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy Is Useful In:
(A) Air Embolism (B) Carbon Monoxide Poisoning (C) Crush Injury Ischemia (D) All Of The Above
Ans: D
94. Ageing Changes Are Due To:
(A) Changes In Gene Expression Only (B) Changes In Expression Of Gene Regulating Both Development &Ageing
(C) Developmental Changes In Gene Only (D) No Relation With Gene
Ans: B
95. In Goals Of Early Resuscitation, Keep Blood Pressure:
(A) 60 To 80 mm of Hg (B) 80 To 100 mm of Hg
(C) Up To 90 mm of Hg (D) 100 To 120 mm of Hg
Ans: B
96. Basic Life Support Include (BLS):
(A) Does Not Include 12 Leads ECG (B) It Include 12 Leads ECG
(C) It Include Only Chest Leads (D) It Include Bi-Polar Leads
Ans: A
97. Acute Hypertensive EpiSode Means:
(A) Systolic B P > 180 mm of Hg Only (B) Systolic B P > 180 mm of Hg Only Or Diastolic B P > 110 mm of Hg
(C) Systolic B P > 180 mm of Hg Only Or Diastolic B P > 110 mm of Hg Without End Organ damages (D) None Of The Above
Ans: C
98. 2 Units Of Absolute Atmospheric Pressure Equal To:
(A) 10 Meters Of Sea Water (Msw) (B) 20 Meters Of Sea Water (Msw)
(C) 25 Meters Of Sea Water (Msw) (D) 15 Meters Of Sea Water (Msw)
Ans: A
99. Total Distribution Of body Fluids In Percentage Is:
(A) 60% (B) 65% (C) 70% (D) 50%
Ans: B
100. In Adult Larynx At Level:
(A) C2 To C5 (B) C3 To C6 (C) C3 To C7 (D) C2 To C4
Ans: B
(A) > 3 Weeks (B) > 4Weeks (C) > 5Weeks (D) > 6weeks
Ans: D
52. In First Degree Of Heart Block:
(A) PR Interval > 0.2 Seconds (B) PR Interval > 0.3 Seconds
(C) PR Interval > 0.4 Seconds (D) PR Interval > 0.5 Seconds
Ans: A
53. In Old Age:
(A) Closing Volume Decreases (B) Closing Volume Increase Above FRC
(C) No Effect On Closing Volume (D) Increased Total Lung Capacity
Ans: B
54. Oxygen Failure Alarm Activate At Pressure:
(A) 180 Kpa (B) 200 Kpa (C) 250 Kpa (D) 300 Kpa
Ans: B
55. In full Nitrous Oxide Vapour Pressure Is:
(A) 4400 To 5400 Kpa (B) 2000 To 3000 Kpa (C) 1500 To 2000 Kpa (D) 1980 To 2500 Kpa
Ans: A
56. Oxygen Cylinder Of “J” Type Has Capacity:
(A) 7800 Litres (B) 6800 Litres (C) 5800 Litres (D) 4800 Litres
Ans: B
57. Oxygen Flush Button Allows:
(A) Allows > 35 Litres (B) Allows > 30 Litres (C) Allows > 25 Litres (D) Allows > 20 Litres
Ans: A
58. Pulse Oximetry Shows Wrong Result In:
(A) Poorly Fitting Probe (B) In Vaso Constriction (C) In Strong Ambient Light (D) All Of The Above
Ans: D
59. PCWP Represent:
(A) Left Atrial Pressure (B) Left Ventricle Pressure (C) Right Ventricle Pressure (D) Right Atrial Pressure
Ans: A
60. Blood/Gas Partition Co-Efficient With Sevoflurane:
(A) 0.68 (B) 0.66 (C) 0.69 (D) 0.65
Ans: C
61. Halothane Causes:
(A) Broncho-Construction (B) Bronco Dilation (C) No Effect On Bronchiole (D) Causes Alveolar Relaxation
Ans: B
62. Halothane Shaks Is Due To:
(A) Increase Decoeding Inhibitory Control (B) Decrease Decoeding Inhibitory Control
(C) Decrease All Body Reflexes (D) Non-Of The Above
Ans: B
63. Di Ethyl Ether Was Introduced By WTG Morton In Boston In The Year:
(A) 16th October, 1746 (B) 16th October, 1846 (C) 16th October, 1848 (D) 16th October, 1748
Ans: B
64. Helium Cylinder Has Colour Of:
(A) Black (B) Brown (C) White (D) White & Blue
Ans: B
65. Etomidate:
(A) Does Not Release Histamine (B) It Release Histamine
(C) No Effect On Histamine (D) None Of The Above
Ans: A
66. Propofol:
(A) Increase Intra Cranial Pressure (B) Decrease Intra Cranial Pressure
(C) No Effect (D) Increased Production Of CSF
Ans: B
67. Distribution Of Renal Blood Flow In Cortex & Medulla In Percentage Is:
(A) Cortex 94% & Medulla 6% (B) Cortex 90% & Medulla 10%
(C) Cortex 92% & Medulla 8% (D) Cortex 70% & Medulla 30%
Ans: A
68. Sedation Define As:
(A) Decrease Activity (B) Decrease Activity, Alertness, Arousal, &Vigilance
(C) Only Muscle Relaxation (D) Decrease Activity, Arousal, & Vigilance
Ans: B
69. Molecular Weight Of Nitrous Oxide Is:
(A) 41.0 (B) 43.0 (C) 44.0 (D) 45.0
Ans: C
70. Air Cylinder Pressure Is:
(A) 1980 Psi (B) 2000 Psi (C) 780 Psi (D) 2500 Psi
Ans: B
71. Baralyme Has NAOH:
(A) 0% (B) 2% (C) 3% (D) 5%
Ans: A
72. In Pain Management Initial Intrathecal Morphine Dose Is:
(A) 3% Of Oral Morphine (B) 2% Of Oral Morphine (C) 5% Of Oral Morphine (D) 1% Of Oral Morphine
Ans: D
73. Cushing Reflex Is A Result Of:
(A) Only Cerebral Ischemia Due To Any Cause (B) Cerebral Ischemia Caused By Increased Intra Cranial Pressure
(C) Decrease Intra Cranial Pressure (D) No Change In Intracranial Pressure
Ans: B
74. Basic Oxygen Consumption In Liver Is:
(A) 8 ml/kg/min/100 gram (B) 48 ml/kg/min/100 gram
(C) 2 ml/kg/min/100 gram (D) 6 ml/kg/min/100 gram
Ans: D
75. Drug Poorly Extracted From Blood Through Liver:
(A) Lidocaine (B) Diazpam (C) Morphine (D) Propranal
Ans: B
76. Alkaline Phosphatese Increases In Liver Diseases:
(A) Bilirubin Over Load (B) Hepatocellular Injury (C) Cholestasis (D) Carcinoma Of Liver
Ans: C
77. Palliative Care Team Consist Of:
(A) Only Physician & Nurse
(B) Nurse, Anaesthesioloist, & Social Worker
(C) Physician, Nurse, Social Worker, Spiritual Advocate & Expert Of Palliative Care Professionals
(D) Physician, Nurse, Social Worker, & Expert Of Palliative Care Professionals
Ans: C
78. Effect On GFR:
(A) No Effect In Spinal Anaesthesia (B) No Effect In Epidural Anaesthesia
(C) No Effect In CSE (D) All Of The Above
Ans: D
79. For Confirmation Of Brain Death In Adult Recommended Evoked Potential Response Is:
(A) Uni Lateral Absence Of N20-P22 Response (B) No Stimulation
(C) Bilateral Absence Of N20-P22 Response With Median Nerve Stimulation (D) None Of The Above
Ans: C
80. Auto PEEP:
(A) Directly Proportional To Tidal Volume& Inversely Proportional To Expiratory Time
(B) Directly Proportional To Tidal Volume Only
(C) Directly Proportional To Expiratory Time
(D) Inversely Proportional To Expiratory Time Only
Ans: A
81. Bronchospasm Can Be Easily Diagnosed On Table With:
(A) By Pulse Oxymetry (B) By Echo Cardiography (C) By Invasive Blood Pressure Monitor (D) By Auscultation
Ans: D
82. The Selection Of Size Of Double Lumen Tube Of Female Height < 160 Cm:
(A) 37 (B) 35 (C) 33 (D) 32
Ans: B
83. Suggested Parameters In One Lung Anaesthesia Are:
(A) Tidal Volume 5 - 6ml/Kg (B) Respiratory Rate 12/Min Only
(C) Ventilator Mode Is Either Pressure Or Volume Controlled (D) All Of The Above
Ans: D
84. Renal Criteria To Be Met Before Early Extubation (Post-Operative):
(A) Urine Out Put < 0.8ml/Kg/Hour (B) Urine Out Put > 0.8ml/Kg/Hour
(C) Urine Out Put < 0.6ml/Kg/Hour (D) Urine Out Put > 0.6ml/Kg/Hour
Ans: B
85. Detection Of Venous Air Embolism In Neuro Surgery:
(A) Pre Cordial Doppler Only (B) Capnograph Only
(C) Expired CO2 Monitor Only (D) Pre Cordial Doppler & Expired CO2 Monitor
Ans: D
86. Obesity Can Be Diagnosed With BMI(KG/M2):
(A) > 30 (B) < 30 (C) > 25 (D) < 25
Ans: A
87. Physiologic Changes In CVP During Pregnancy Are:
(A) Increased Up To 5 cm Of H2O (B) Decreased By 5 cm Of H2O
(C) No Change (D) Increased By 10 cm Of H2O
Ans: C
88. IN Pregnancy, FEV1/FVC:
(A) No Change (B) Increased (C) Decreased (D) Reversed
Ans: A
89. In Triage Group Of Mass Casualty, Red Tap On Patient Indicate:
(A) No Vitale Threat Is Present (B) Vital Treat Is Immediate
(C) No Need To See The Patient (D) Only Psychological Support Is Required
Ans: B
90. IN Ophthalmic Anaesthesia, To Decrease IOP, It Is Advisable To Use Mannitol:
(A) 10% (B) 15% (C) 20% (D) 5%
Ans: A
91. After Retro Bulbar Block, Most Common Complication Is:
(A) Ptosis (B) Seizures (C) Sub Conjunctival Haemorrhage (D) Retro Bulbar Haemorrhage
Ans: D
92. In Modified Alderate Recovery Score Required To Discharged The Patient Is:
(A) > 8 (B) > 9 (C) > 7 (D) > 6
Ans: B
93. Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy Is Useful In:
(A) Air Embolism (B) Carbon Monoxide Poisoning (C) Crush Injury Ischemia (D) All Of The Above
Ans: D
94. Ageing Changes Are Due To:
(A) Changes In Gene Expression Only (B) Changes In Expression Of Gene Regulating Both Development &Ageing
(C) Developmental Changes In Gene Only (D) No Relation With Gene
Ans: B
95. In Goals Of Early Resuscitation, Keep Blood Pressure:
(A) 60 To 80 mm of Hg (B) 80 To 100 mm of Hg
(C) Up To 90 mm of Hg (D) 100 To 120 mm of Hg
Ans: B
96. Basic Life Support Include (BLS):
(A) Does Not Include 12 Leads ECG (B) It Include 12 Leads ECG
(C) It Include Only Chest Leads (D) It Include Bi-Polar Leads
Ans: A
97. Acute Hypertensive EpiSode Means:
(A) Systolic B P > 180 mm of Hg Only (B) Systolic B P > 180 mm of Hg Only Or Diastolic B P > 110 mm of Hg
(C) Systolic B P > 180 mm of Hg Only Or Diastolic B P > 110 mm of Hg Without End Organ damages (D) None Of The Above
Ans: C
98. 2 Units Of Absolute Atmospheric Pressure Equal To:
(A) 10 Meters Of Sea Water (Msw) (B) 20 Meters Of Sea Water (Msw)
(C) 25 Meters Of Sea Water (Msw) (D) 15 Meters Of Sea Water (Msw)
Ans: A
99. Total Distribution Of body Fluids In Percentage Is:
(A) 60% (B) 65% (C) 70% (D) 50%
Ans: B
100. In Adult Larynx At Level:
(A) C2 To C5 (B) C3 To C6 (C) C3 To C7 (D) C2 To C4
Ans: B
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