Agriculture MCQs- Page 5
1 What is length of Engineer's chain?
A. 20 m
B. 33 m
C. 100 ft.
D. 70 ft.
Ans: C
2 Bench mark is defined as :-
A. Point of known elevation
B. Point of unknown elevation
C. Reading of staff on the point of known elevation
D. Reading of staff on the point of unknown elevation
Ans: A
3 Which of the following is commonly used animal operated water lifting device for the lift more than 20 m ?
A. Swing basket
B. Rope and bucket
C. Circulating two basket lift
D. Persian wheel
Ans: B
4 What is unit of discharge ?
A. Meter
B. Square meter
C. Cubic meter
D. Cubic meter per second
Ans: D
5 What is use of Mould board plough?
A. Primary tillage
B. Secondary tillage
C. Sowing
D. Land levelling
Ans: A
6 Which is most commonly used animal operated land levelling equipment ?
A. Wooden A frame ridger
B. Buck scraper
C. V-ditcher
D. Desi plough
Ans: B
7 The system of soil-less culture is known as :-
A. Hydrobiology
B. Hydrology
C. Hydroponics
D. Aquaporins
Ans: C
8 Yellowing of older leaves is a main symptom of ____ deficiency :
A. Magnesium
B. Nitrogen
C. Iron
D. Manganese
Ans: B
9 Polysaccharide means a :-
A. Fat
B. Protein
C. Sugar
D. Amino acid
Ans: C
10 Proteins are made up of :-
A. Diamines
B. Phenols
C. Sugars
D. Amino acids
Ans: D
11 Which of the following variety of barley is recommended for late sown and unirrigated conditions of Rajasthan :
A. RD 2035
B. RD 2552
C. RD 2508
D. RD 2592
Ans: C
12 Sambhar lake of Rajasthan is originated by :-
A. Glacial action
B. Land slide
C. Wind action
D. None of these
Ans: C
13 Seed soaking of pearlmillet with sodium sulphate solution aims at imparting:
A. Salt tolerance
B. Disease resistance
C. Earliness
D. Drought tolerance
Ans: A
14 In deep soil, the soil profile is generally studied up to a depth of :
A. 60 cm
B. 150 cm
C. 500 cm
D. 250 cm
Ans: B
15 None saline-alkali soils usually have Pᴴ range between :-
A. 7.5-8.5
B. 8.5-10.0
C. 10-12
D. 12-14
Ans: B
16 The critical value of soil ECe for germination of seed of crop is :
A. Up to 2 ds/m
B. 2-4 ds/m
C. 4-6 ds/m
D. 6-8 ds/m
Ans: A
17 Which of the following nutrient element is immobile in plants:
A. P
B. S
C. Ca
D. Mn
Ans: C
18 Metabolic transformation of inorganic plant nutrients into organic plant constituents is known as :
A. Fixation
B. Assimilation
C. Fusion
D. Mobilization
Ans: B
19 The average N,P,K composition of night soil is about :-
A. 3.5, 2.0, 1.0 %
B. 5.5, 4.0, 2.0 %
C. 3.5, 4.0, 2.0 %
D. 5.5, 2.0, 1.0 %
Ans: B
20 The law of restitution was propounded by :-
A. Mitscherlich
B. Spillman
C. Baule
D. J.Von Liebig
Ans: D
21 The concept of critical soil test level was given by :-
A. Muhr
B. Gregory
C. Cate and Nelson
D. Mitscherlich
Ans: C
22 Blue-green algae is also known as:-
A. Chlorophyta
B. Xanthophyta
C. Diatoms
D. Cyanophyta
Ans: D
23 The word "Horticulture" is derived from:--
A. Latin
B. Greek
C. Persian
D. English
Ans: A
24 Which of the following variety is not developed through clonal selection?
1) kurfi red of potato 2) neelam in mango 3) bombay green in banana 4) ir-8 of rice
Ans: D
25 The hybrid progency from a corss between two single crosses is known as
1) three way cross hybrid 2) double cross hybrid 3) single cross hybrid 4) top cross hybrid
Ans: B
26 A variety developed by mixing the seed of various genotypes which are similar in maturity, height, seed size and seed colour etc is called as
1) synthtic variety 2) composite variety 3) convergent variety 4) open variety
Ans: B
27 The protein content in cercals and pulses are generally governed by
1) oligogenes inheritence 2) polygenic inheritence 3) cytoplasmic inheritence 4) none of these
Ans: B
28 The process of formation of nitrogen and nitous oxide gases from ammonical fertilizers in soil is known as?
1) nitrification 2) ammonification 3) denitrification 4) mineralization
Ans: C
29 One bar equals to.......mega pascal
1) 1 2) 10 3) 0.1 4) 100
Ans: C
30 The colour of land capability classes for class 1 and class 8 on map are respectively
1) light green and red 2) lighr green and purple 3) dark green amd purple 4) yellow and orange
Ans: B
31 National bureau of soil survey and land use planning is headquartered at
1) New Delhi 2) Bangaluru 3) Nagpur 4) Karnal
Ans: C
32 Which of the following fact is not true?
1) when the intensity of rain is more than infiltration rate, it causes runoff and soil loss.
2) coarse soils are more susceptible to erosion than fine soils.
3) deep lateritic soils have lower rate of runoff.
4) alluvial soils have high rate of runoff.
Ans: B
33. A situation in which a crop needs more of a given element, yet has shown no deficiency symptoms is referred as
1) quantitative deficiency
2) bare economic deficiency
3) hidden hunger
4) essential hunger
Ans: C
34. The transformation of elemental nitrogen to an organic form by micro-organisms is called as
1) nitrogen fixation 2) nitrogen synthesis 3) nitrogen metabolism 4) ammonification
Ans: A
35. The smallest volume that can be classified as a soil is called as
1) ped 2) pedon 3) soil catena 4) soil profile
Ans: B
36. Which of the following pairs is not correctly matched?
1) entisols - recently developed mineral soils
2) vertisols - developed on high salt content
3) mollisols - dark coloured soils rich in organic matter
4) alfisols - strongly weathered soils with high basw saturation
Ans: B
37. "Yellow vein mosaic' is a common disease of
1) potato 2) okra 3) tomato 4) chilli
Ans: B
38. "Arka lohit' is a variety of which crops?
1) okra 2) tomato 3) chilli 4) brinjal
Ans: C
39. "Bolting' is a disorder of which crop?
1) potato 2) tomato 3) garlic 4) onion
Ans: D
40. Granulation is a physiological disorder of which fruit crop?
1) mango 2) guava 3) sapola 4) citrus
Ans: D
41. What is the seed rate of papaya?
1) 150 g/ha. 2) 250 g/ha. 3) 400 g/ha. 4) 600 g/ha.
Ans: B
42. "Tikadi' is cultivar of which fruit crop?
1) aonla 2) citrus 3) ber 4) lasoda
Ans: C
43. Which of the following crop is mostly direct sown?
1) tomato 2) brinjal 3) okra 4) all of these
Ans: C
44. Very important constituent in fruits for preparing jelly is?
1) sugar 2) vitamin 3) pectin 4) cellulose
Ans: C
45. Botanical name of sweet orange is
1) citrus reticulata 2) citrus aurantifolia 3) citrus sinensis 4) citrus maxima
Ans: C
46. Sparkling clear juice is known as
1) rts 2) nectar 3) cordial 4) all of these
Ans: C
47. Name a chemical sprayed at 60 days after sowing to induce seed dormancy in spanish bunch type of groundnut.
1) maleic hydrazide 250 ppm
2) g.a. 50 ppm
3) naa 20 ppm
4) cytokinin 500 ppm
Ans: A
48. Orobanche sp. is a problem weed in which of the following crop?
1) cotton 2) tomato 3) sugarcane 4) wheat
Ans: 2
49. The state having highest area under drip irrigation is:
1) Andhra pradesh 2) Punjab 3) Uttar pradesh 4) Maharashtra
Ans: D
50 The largest producer of mothbean in India
1) Rajasthan 2) Madhya Pradesh 3) Uttar Pradesh 4) Punjab
Ans: A
A. 20 m
B. 33 m
C. 100 ft.
D. 70 ft.
Ans: C
2 Bench mark is defined as :-
A. Point of known elevation
B. Point of unknown elevation
C. Reading of staff on the point of known elevation
D. Reading of staff on the point of unknown elevation
Ans: A
3 Which of the following is commonly used animal operated water lifting device for the lift more than 20 m ?
A. Swing basket
B. Rope and bucket
C. Circulating two basket lift
D. Persian wheel
Ans: B
4 What is unit of discharge ?
A. Meter
B. Square meter
C. Cubic meter
D. Cubic meter per second
Ans: D
5 What is use of Mould board plough?
A. Primary tillage
B. Secondary tillage
C. Sowing
D. Land levelling
Ans: A
6 Which is most commonly used animal operated land levelling equipment ?
A. Wooden A frame ridger
B. Buck scraper
C. V-ditcher
D. Desi plough
Ans: B
7 The system of soil-less culture is known as :-
A. Hydrobiology
B. Hydrology
C. Hydroponics
D. Aquaporins
Ans: C
8 Yellowing of older leaves is a main symptom of ____ deficiency :
A. Magnesium
B. Nitrogen
C. Iron
D. Manganese
Ans: B
9 Polysaccharide means a :-
A. Fat
B. Protein
C. Sugar
D. Amino acid
Ans: C
10 Proteins are made up of :-
A. Diamines
B. Phenols
C. Sugars
D. Amino acids
Ans: D
11 Which of the following variety of barley is recommended for late sown and unirrigated conditions of Rajasthan :
A. RD 2035
B. RD 2552
C. RD 2508
D. RD 2592
Ans: C
12 Sambhar lake of Rajasthan is originated by :-
A. Glacial action
B. Land slide
C. Wind action
D. None of these
Ans: C
13 Seed soaking of pearlmillet with sodium sulphate solution aims at imparting:
A. Salt tolerance
B. Disease resistance
C. Earliness
D. Drought tolerance
Ans: A
14 In deep soil, the soil profile is generally studied up to a depth of :
A. 60 cm
B. 150 cm
C. 500 cm
D. 250 cm
Ans: B
15 None saline-alkali soils usually have Pᴴ range between :-
A. 7.5-8.5
B. 8.5-10.0
C. 10-12
D. 12-14
Ans: B
16 The critical value of soil ECe for germination of seed of crop is :
A. Up to 2 ds/m
B. 2-4 ds/m
C. 4-6 ds/m
D. 6-8 ds/m
Ans: A
17 Which of the following nutrient element is immobile in plants:
A. P
B. S
C. Ca
D. Mn
Ans: C
18 Metabolic transformation of inorganic plant nutrients into organic plant constituents is known as :
A. Fixation
B. Assimilation
C. Fusion
D. Mobilization
Ans: B
19 The average N,P,K composition of night soil is about :-
A. 3.5, 2.0, 1.0 %
B. 5.5, 4.0, 2.0 %
C. 3.5, 4.0, 2.0 %
D. 5.5, 2.0, 1.0 %
Ans: B
20 The law of restitution was propounded by :-
A. Mitscherlich
B. Spillman
C. Baule
D. J.Von Liebig
Ans: D
21 The concept of critical soil test level was given by :-
A. Muhr
B. Gregory
C. Cate and Nelson
D. Mitscherlich
Ans: C
22 Blue-green algae is also known as:-
A. Chlorophyta
B. Xanthophyta
C. Diatoms
D. Cyanophyta
Ans: D
23 The word "Horticulture" is derived from:--
A. Latin
B. Greek
C. Persian
D. English
Ans: A
24 Which of the following variety is not developed through clonal selection?
1) kurfi red of potato 2) neelam in mango 3) bombay green in banana 4) ir-8 of rice
Ans: D
25 The hybrid progency from a corss between two single crosses is known as
1) three way cross hybrid 2) double cross hybrid 3) single cross hybrid 4) top cross hybrid
Ans: B
26 A variety developed by mixing the seed of various genotypes which are similar in maturity, height, seed size and seed colour etc is called as
1) synthtic variety 2) composite variety 3) convergent variety 4) open variety
Ans: B
27 The protein content in cercals and pulses are generally governed by
1) oligogenes inheritence 2) polygenic inheritence 3) cytoplasmic inheritence 4) none of these
Ans: B
28 The process of formation of nitrogen and nitous oxide gases from ammonical fertilizers in soil is known as?
1) nitrification 2) ammonification 3) denitrification 4) mineralization
Ans: C
29 One bar equals to.......mega pascal
1) 1 2) 10 3) 0.1 4) 100
Ans: C
30 The colour of land capability classes for class 1 and class 8 on map are respectively
1) light green and red 2) lighr green and purple 3) dark green amd purple 4) yellow and orange
Ans: B
31 National bureau of soil survey and land use planning is headquartered at
1) New Delhi 2) Bangaluru 3) Nagpur 4) Karnal
Ans: C
32 Which of the following fact is not true?
1) when the intensity of rain is more than infiltration rate, it causes runoff and soil loss.
2) coarse soils are more susceptible to erosion than fine soils.
3) deep lateritic soils have lower rate of runoff.
4) alluvial soils have high rate of runoff.
Ans: B
33. A situation in which a crop needs more of a given element, yet has shown no deficiency symptoms is referred as
1) quantitative deficiency
2) bare economic deficiency
3) hidden hunger
4) essential hunger
Ans: C
34. The transformation of elemental nitrogen to an organic form by micro-organisms is called as
1) nitrogen fixation 2) nitrogen synthesis 3) nitrogen metabolism 4) ammonification
Ans: A
35. The smallest volume that can be classified as a soil is called as
1) ped 2) pedon 3) soil catena 4) soil profile
Ans: B
36. Which of the following pairs is not correctly matched?
1) entisols - recently developed mineral soils
2) vertisols - developed on high salt content
3) mollisols - dark coloured soils rich in organic matter
4) alfisols - strongly weathered soils with high basw saturation
Ans: B
37. "Yellow vein mosaic' is a common disease of
1) potato 2) okra 3) tomato 4) chilli
Ans: B
38. "Arka lohit' is a variety of which crops?
1) okra 2) tomato 3) chilli 4) brinjal
Ans: C
39. "Bolting' is a disorder of which crop?
1) potato 2) tomato 3) garlic 4) onion
Ans: D
40. Granulation is a physiological disorder of which fruit crop?
1) mango 2) guava 3) sapola 4) citrus
Ans: D
41. What is the seed rate of papaya?
1) 150 g/ha. 2) 250 g/ha. 3) 400 g/ha. 4) 600 g/ha.
Ans: B
42. "Tikadi' is cultivar of which fruit crop?
1) aonla 2) citrus 3) ber 4) lasoda
Ans: C
43. Which of the following crop is mostly direct sown?
1) tomato 2) brinjal 3) okra 4) all of these
Ans: C
44. Very important constituent in fruits for preparing jelly is?
1) sugar 2) vitamin 3) pectin 4) cellulose
Ans: C
45. Botanical name of sweet orange is
1) citrus reticulata 2) citrus aurantifolia 3) citrus sinensis 4) citrus maxima
Ans: C
46. Sparkling clear juice is known as
1) rts 2) nectar 3) cordial 4) all of these
Ans: C
47. Name a chemical sprayed at 60 days after sowing to induce seed dormancy in spanish bunch type of groundnut.
1) maleic hydrazide 250 ppm
2) g.a. 50 ppm
3) naa 20 ppm
4) cytokinin 500 ppm
Ans: A
48. Orobanche sp. is a problem weed in which of the following crop?
1) cotton 2) tomato 3) sugarcane 4) wheat
Ans: 2
49. The state having highest area under drip irrigation is:
1) Andhra pradesh 2) Punjab 3) Uttar pradesh 4) Maharashtra
Ans: D
50 The largest producer of mothbean in India
1) Rajasthan 2) Madhya Pradesh 3) Uttar Pradesh 4) Punjab
Ans: A
51. Pigeon pea is commonly known as
1) red gram 2) black gram 3) bengal gram 4) horse gram
Ans: A
52 Which one of the following is not grassy weed?
1) eleusine indica 2) digera arvensis 3) digitaria sanguinalis 4) chloris barbata
Ans: B
53 Which of the following variety of wheat is comparatively more tolerant to warm temperature in Rajasthan?
1) raj 4079 2) raj 4120 3) raj 3077 4) mpo 121
Ans: A
54 Sugar-75 is an important variety of
1) pop corn
2) quality protein maize
3) grain maize
4) sweet corn
Ans: D
55 The optimum seed rate for sowing of cumin in Rajasthan is
1) 12-15 kg/ha 2) 4-5 kg/ha 3) 20-25 kg/ha 4) 1-2 kg/ha
Ans: A
56 Oxyfluorfen belongs to which group of herbicide:
1) diphenyl ethers 2) dinitro anilines 3) chloro acetamides 4) bipyridiliums
Ans: A
57 Which method of weed management is not recommended under organic farming?
1) stale seed bed 2) polytheme mulching 3) green manuring 4) chemical fallow
Ans: D
58 Which of the following plant growth regulator is elevated under water deficit condition?
1) aba 2) ga 3) auxin 4) cytokinine
Ans: A
59 Iet '23832' is a variety of?
1) zn rich rice variety 2) mn rich rice variety 3) zn rich wheat variety 4) mn rich wheat variety
Ans: A
60 The initial seed of an improved, limited in quantity and produced by the plant breeder is called as
1) nucleus seed 2) breeder seed 3) foundation seed 4) certified seed
Ans: A
61 The process of evaluation of seeds in terms of purity and germination is called as
1) physical purity
2) seed sampling
3) seed testing
4) roguing
Ans: C
62 who among the following scientists coined the term recurrent selection?
1) F.H. Hull 2) J.B. hHrrington 3) C. M. Donald 4) N.F. Jensen
Ans: A
63 Which of the following is not a feature of a pureline selection
1) purelines are homozygous
2) variations in pureline are not heritable
3) purelines have high level of adaptability
4) purelines become genetically variable with time due to mechanical mixture and mulation
Ans: C
64 Pedigree breeding method is generally used for genetic improvement of
1) cross pollinated crops 2) short duration crops 3) long duration crops 4) self-pollinated crops
Ans: D
65 Which of the following pair is not correctly matched? (events - starting year)
1) atma-2005
2) hyvp- 1965-66
3) national bamboo mission- 2007
4) none of these
Ans: D
66 Which one is a non- projected aids?
1) cinama 2) slide 3) over head projector 4) pictures
Ans: D
67 Goal of extension education is?
1) to promote income of farmers 2) to promote production of crops
3) to promote new crops 4) to promote scientific outlook
Ans: D
68 Community development programme was started in the year
1) 1952 2) 1985 3) 1945 4) 1955
Ans: A
69 Laizzez faire approach to programme planning is depicted in which of the following sentence
1) soundest programme result when ideas of people and extension workers are pooled.
2) if you want help, let me know, we will try to give what you want.
3) a person attempts to regulate the activities of others for his purpose.
4) imposition of programme on people.
Ans: B
70 Which of the following is not communication effectiveness approach?
1) attention - perception -comprehension - acceptance
2) comprehension - validity- utility
3) commonality of comprehension between sender and receiver
4) communicator- message- channel- audience
Ans: B
71 How many components were there in the national agricultural innovation project?
1) three 2) four 3) five 4) nine
Ans: B
72 People should realize that the task of extension education is their own work. the above sentence depicts which principle of education? 1) principle of need and interest 2) principle of coopertion and participation
3) principle of cultural difference 4) principle of democratic approach
Ans: B
73 Nation wide programmes of extension were started with the launching of
1) etawah pilot project in 1948. 2) indain society of extension education in 1964
3) community development programme in 1952 4) watershed development programme in 1984
Ans: C
74 which of the following sentence is not true about kvks?
1) kvks organise longterm vocational training for rural yonth for generating self employment.
2) kvks organise trainings for subject matter specialists of agricultural universities.
3) kvks orgnise trainings for extension functionaries and farmers
4) kvks orgnise front line demonstrations to generate production data and feedback.
Ans: B
75 programme planning starts with
1) identifying problems along with people. 2) transmission of information and ideas.
3) selecting suitable strategy or action 4) studying the resources
Ans: A
76 Measurment of a combined assessment of ambient temperature and air humidity on the animal is termed as
1) thermal stress 2) animal confort 3) temperative and humidity index 4) all of these
Ans: C
77 Rajasthan is leading wool producer in India with a share to the national total out put.
1) 50% 2) 30% 3) 17% 4) 11%
Ans: B
78. White flies transmit plant viruses in
1) non - persistent and semi- persistent manner.
2) non-persistent and persistent manner.
3) semi persistent and persistent manner and rare non persistent
4) only persistent manner.Ans: A
79 Pure stock of Jamunapari breed of goat is found in the state of
1) Rajasthan 2) Haryana 3) Madhya Pradesh 4) Uttar Pradesh
Ans: D
80 Molybdenosis is a disease in cattle is caused by imbalance of ____ & ____ in diet?
1) Mo & Ca
2) Mo & Cu
3) Mo & Mg
4) none of these
Ans: B
81 Seeding blight of castor is caused by
1) alternaria spp. 2) phytophthora spp. 3) fusarium spp. 4) colletotrichum spp.Ans: B
82 First milk after the parturition of cow is called?
1) toned milk 2) butter milk 3) colostrum 4) cheese
Ans: C
83 Indian livestock census is conducted after every?
1) 2 years 2) 5 years 3) 10 years 4) 15 years
Ans: B
84 Pashmina fibre is produced from
1) goat 2) sheep 3) camel 4) rabbit
Ans: A
85 Wool sorter's disease is synonym to
1) actinobacillosis
2) anthrax
3) brucellosis
4) black quarter
Ans: B
86 Pratap dhan breed belong to
1) goat 2) rabbit 3) poultry 4) sheep
Ans: C
87 Milk vein in cow has
1) water 2) blood 3) milk 4) milk and water
Ans: B
88 Psychrometer is used to measure
1) evaporation 2) weight of air and water vapour 3) relative humidity 4) amount of water vapour
Ans: C
89 The international standard (si) unit used to express the solar radiation is
1) watts per square meter 2) calories per square centimeter per minute
3) joules per second 4) mega jaules
Ans: A
90 The main source of farm power in india is?
1) bullock 2) tractor 3) power tiller
4) diesel engine
Ans: A
91 The process of removing air from pump casing and suction pipe by filling water in the suction pipe in called?
1) priming 2) hising 3) centrifugation 4) all of these
Ans: A
92 Lux is used for measuring
1) intensity of solar radiation 2) photosynthetically active radiation
3) reflected solar radiation 4) intensity of thermal radiation
Ans: A
93 Hydrometer measures?
1) specific gravity 2) density 3) octane number 4) both specific gravity & density
Ans: A
94 Which machine is being popularly used to seeding wheat in rice residue without conventional tillage?
1) zero till machine 2) happy seeder 3) zero seeder 4) eco seeder
Ans: B
95 The total force required to pull an implement is called?
1) draft
2) pull
3) h.p
4) thrust
Ans: B
96 If the stream of water coming out of the orifice the discharge is under water, name the water flow measuring device
1) free flow orifice 2) submerged orifice 3) parabolic weir 4) cut throat flume
Ans: B
97 Primary and secondary tillage operations are being performed simultaneously through a farm implement named as
1) chisel plough 2) seed-cum fertilizer drill 3) rotavator 4) disc harrow
Ans: C
98 "black arm' disease in caused by
1) xanthomonas compestris p.v. malvecearum 2) clavibacter michiganense
3) xanthomonas compestris p.v. cymopsidis 4) pseudomonas syringe
Ans: A
99 Potato cyst nematodes are also known as
1) globodera rostochiensis 2) heterodera avenae 3) meloidogyne incognita 4) xiphinema spp.
Ans: A
100 Which is free living bacteria capable of fixing nitrogen in soil.
1) bacillus spp. 2) azotobacter spp. 3) pseudomonas spp. 4) streptococcus spp.
Ans: B
1) red gram 2) black gram 3) bengal gram 4) horse gram
Ans: A
52 Which one of the following is not grassy weed?
1) eleusine indica 2) digera arvensis 3) digitaria sanguinalis 4) chloris barbata
Ans: B
53 Which of the following variety of wheat is comparatively more tolerant to warm temperature in Rajasthan?
1) raj 4079 2) raj 4120 3) raj 3077 4) mpo 121
Ans: A
54 Sugar-75 is an important variety of
1) pop corn
2) quality protein maize
3) grain maize
4) sweet corn
Ans: D
55 The optimum seed rate for sowing of cumin in Rajasthan is
1) 12-15 kg/ha 2) 4-5 kg/ha 3) 20-25 kg/ha 4) 1-2 kg/ha
Ans: A
56 Oxyfluorfen belongs to which group of herbicide:
1) diphenyl ethers 2) dinitro anilines 3) chloro acetamides 4) bipyridiliums
Ans: A
57 Which method of weed management is not recommended under organic farming?
1) stale seed bed 2) polytheme mulching 3) green manuring 4) chemical fallow
Ans: D
58 Which of the following plant growth regulator is elevated under water deficit condition?
1) aba 2) ga 3) auxin 4) cytokinine
Ans: A
59 Iet '23832' is a variety of?
1) zn rich rice variety 2) mn rich rice variety 3) zn rich wheat variety 4) mn rich wheat variety
Ans: A
60 The initial seed of an improved, limited in quantity and produced by the plant breeder is called as
1) nucleus seed 2) breeder seed 3) foundation seed 4) certified seed
Ans: A
61 The process of evaluation of seeds in terms of purity and germination is called as
1) physical purity
2) seed sampling
3) seed testing
4) roguing
Ans: C
62 who among the following scientists coined the term recurrent selection?
1) F.H. Hull 2) J.B. hHrrington 3) C. M. Donald 4) N.F. Jensen
Ans: A
63 Which of the following is not a feature of a pureline selection
1) purelines are homozygous
2) variations in pureline are not heritable
3) purelines have high level of adaptability
4) purelines become genetically variable with time due to mechanical mixture and mulation
Ans: C
64 Pedigree breeding method is generally used for genetic improvement of
1) cross pollinated crops 2) short duration crops 3) long duration crops 4) self-pollinated crops
Ans: D
65 Which of the following pair is not correctly matched? (events - starting year)
1) atma-2005
2) hyvp- 1965-66
3) national bamboo mission- 2007
4) none of these
Ans: D
66 Which one is a non- projected aids?
1) cinama 2) slide 3) over head projector 4) pictures
Ans: D
67 Goal of extension education is?
1) to promote income of farmers 2) to promote production of crops
3) to promote new crops 4) to promote scientific outlook
Ans: D
68 Community development programme was started in the year
1) 1952 2) 1985 3) 1945 4) 1955
Ans: A
69 Laizzez faire approach to programme planning is depicted in which of the following sentence
1) soundest programme result when ideas of people and extension workers are pooled.
2) if you want help, let me know, we will try to give what you want.
3) a person attempts to regulate the activities of others for his purpose.
4) imposition of programme on people.
Ans: B
70 Which of the following is not communication effectiveness approach?
1) attention - perception -comprehension - acceptance
2) comprehension - validity- utility
3) commonality of comprehension between sender and receiver
4) communicator- message- channel- audience
Ans: B
71 How many components were there in the national agricultural innovation project?
1) three 2) four 3) five 4) nine
Ans: B
72 People should realize that the task of extension education is their own work. the above sentence depicts which principle of education? 1) principle of need and interest 2) principle of coopertion and participation
3) principle of cultural difference 4) principle of democratic approach
Ans: B
73 Nation wide programmes of extension were started with the launching of
1) etawah pilot project in 1948. 2) indain society of extension education in 1964
3) community development programme in 1952 4) watershed development programme in 1984
Ans: C
74 which of the following sentence is not true about kvks?
1) kvks organise longterm vocational training for rural yonth for generating self employment.
2) kvks organise trainings for subject matter specialists of agricultural universities.
3) kvks orgnise trainings for extension functionaries and farmers
4) kvks orgnise front line demonstrations to generate production data and feedback.
Ans: B
75 programme planning starts with
1) identifying problems along with people. 2) transmission of information and ideas.
3) selecting suitable strategy or action 4) studying the resources
Ans: A
76 Measurment of a combined assessment of ambient temperature and air humidity on the animal is termed as
1) thermal stress 2) animal confort 3) temperative and humidity index 4) all of these
Ans: C
77 Rajasthan is leading wool producer in India with a share to the national total out put.
1) 50% 2) 30% 3) 17% 4) 11%
Ans: B
78. White flies transmit plant viruses in
1) non - persistent and semi- persistent manner.
2) non-persistent and persistent manner.
3) semi persistent and persistent manner and rare non persistent
4) only persistent manner.Ans: A
79 Pure stock of Jamunapari breed of goat is found in the state of
1) Rajasthan 2) Haryana 3) Madhya Pradesh 4) Uttar Pradesh
Ans: D
80 Molybdenosis is a disease in cattle is caused by imbalance of ____ & ____ in diet?
1) Mo & Ca
2) Mo & Cu
3) Mo & Mg
4) none of these
Ans: B
81 Seeding blight of castor is caused by
1) alternaria spp. 2) phytophthora spp. 3) fusarium spp. 4) colletotrichum spp.Ans: B
82 First milk after the parturition of cow is called?
1) toned milk 2) butter milk 3) colostrum 4) cheese
Ans: C
83 Indian livestock census is conducted after every?
1) 2 years 2) 5 years 3) 10 years 4) 15 years
Ans: B
84 Pashmina fibre is produced from
1) goat 2) sheep 3) camel 4) rabbit
Ans: A
85 Wool sorter's disease is synonym to
1) actinobacillosis
2) anthrax
3) brucellosis
4) black quarter
Ans: B
86 Pratap dhan breed belong to
1) goat 2) rabbit 3) poultry 4) sheep
Ans: C
87 Milk vein in cow has
1) water 2) blood 3) milk 4) milk and water
Ans: B
88 Psychrometer is used to measure
1) evaporation 2) weight of air and water vapour 3) relative humidity 4) amount of water vapour
Ans: C
89 The international standard (si) unit used to express the solar radiation is
1) watts per square meter 2) calories per square centimeter per minute
3) joules per second 4) mega jaules
Ans: A
90 The main source of farm power in india is?
1) bullock 2) tractor 3) power tiller
4) diesel engine
Ans: A
91 The process of removing air from pump casing and suction pipe by filling water in the suction pipe in called?
1) priming 2) hising 3) centrifugation 4) all of these
Ans: A
92 Lux is used for measuring
1) intensity of solar radiation 2) photosynthetically active radiation
3) reflected solar radiation 4) intensity of thermal radiation
Ans: A
93 Hydrometer measures?
1) specific gravity 2) density 3) octane number 4) both specific gravity & density
Ans: A
94 Which machine is being popularly used to seeding wheat in rice residue without conventional tillage?
1) zero till machine 2) happy seeder 3) zero seeder 4) eco seeder
Ans: B
95 The total force required to pull an implement is called?
1) draft
2) pull
3) h.p
4) thrust
Ans: B
96 If the stream of water coming out of the orifice the discharge is under water, name the water flow measuring device
1) free flow orifice 2) submerged orifice 3) parabolic weir 4) cut throat flume
Ans: B
97 Primary and secondary tillage operations are being performed simultaneously through a farm implement named as
1) chisel plough 2) seed-cum fertilizer drill 3) rotavator 4) disc harrow
Ans: C
98 "black arm' disease in caused by
1) xanthomonas compestris p.v. malvecearum 2) clavibacter michiganense
3) xanthomonas compestris p.v. cymopsidis 4) pseudomonas syringe
Ans: A
99 Potato cyst nematodes are also known as
1) globodera rostochiensis 2) heterodera avenae 3) meloidogyne incognita 4) xiphinema spp.
Ans: A
100 Which is free living bacteria capable of fixing nitrogen in soil.
1) bacillus spp. 2) azotobacter spp. 3) pseudomonas spp. 4) streptococcus spp.
Ans: B