1. The correct conditions for which the hydraulically efficient rectangular channel will deliver maximum discharge are
P – depth of water is equal to half the breadth of channel
Q – depth of water is equal to breadth of channel
R – depth of water is equal to twice the breadth of channel
S – hydraulic radius is equal to half the depth of water
(A) P and R (B) P and Q
(C) P and S (D) R and S
Ans: C
2. The most suitable hydraulic structure for conveying water from higher elevation to lower elevation across the earthen bund is
(A) Drop structure (B) Pipe drop structure
(C) Chute spillway (D) Gabion structure
Ans: B
3. Match the following
(P) Waste valve (1) Jet pump
(Q) Plunger (2) Centrifugal pump
(R) Foot valve (3) Reciprocating pump
(S) Nozzle and venturi (4) Hydraulic ram
(A) P-3, Q-2, R-4, S-1
(B) P-4, Q-2, R-3, S-1
(C) P-1, Q-3, R-4, S-2
(D) P-4, Q-3, R-2, S-1
Ans: D
4. The ASAE-SAE standard for tractor 3-point hitches has been categorized as Category I to IV on the basis of
(A) maximum drawbar power
(B) maximum drawbar pull
(C) brake power of tractor engine
(D) maximum PTO power
Ans: A
5. The effective temperature (ET) scale developed in 1972 on the basis of a human model is
(A) Heart rate (B) Blood pressure
(C) Psychological response (D) Physiological response
Ans: D
6. As per ASAE standards, the diameter of 1000 rpm-PTO shaft with 20 splines is
(A) 30 mm (B) 35 mm (C) 40 mm (D) 45 mm
Ans: D
7. In restrained link operation of three point hitches, the line of pull passes
(A) through the virtual hitch point and bending force exists on lower links
(B) above the virtual hitch point and bending force exists on lower links
(C) below the virtual hitch point and no bending force exists on lower links
(D through the virtual hitch point and tensile force exists on lower links
Ans: B
8. Match the following
(P) Wheat milling (1) Rubber rolls
(Q) Paddy dehusking (2) Abrasive emery roll cylinder
(R) Pulse dehusking (3) break and reduction rolls
(S) Spice grinding (4) Hammer mills
(A) P-2, Q-1, R-3, S-4
(B) P-1, Q-2, R-4, S-3
(C) P-3, Q-1, R-2, S-4
(D) P-1, Q-3, R-4, S-2
Ans: C
9. Gas production in biogas plant is retarded when temperature goes below
(a) 10 °C (b) 15 °C (c) 20 °C (d) 25 °C
Ans: C
10. The best sites for wind are found in
(a) mountains (b) plains (c) offshores and seacoast (d) None of the above
Ans: C
11. Photo-voltaic solar cells are made of
(a) Silicon (b) Carbon (c) Gun metal (d) Silver
Ans: A
12. Biogas is a mixture of
(a) CO2 & H2 (b) CO2 & H2O (c) CO2 & CH4 (d) All three
Ans: C
13. To feed even the smallest size of biogas plant, the minimum number of cattle requirement is
(a) 2 to 4 (b) 4 to 6 (c) 6 to 8 (d) 8 to 10
Ans: A
14. In bucket elevator, the material discharge chute is situated at
(a) Bottom (b) Top (c) Lower half but not at bottom (d) Upper half but not at top
Ans: B
15. During dehydration of vegetables, the temperature of dehydration should be
(a) 40 to 50 °C (b) 60 to 70 °C (c) 80 to 90 °C (d) 100 to 115 °C
Ans: B
16. Content of starch (in percent) in maize is approximately
(a) 50 (b) 60 (c) 70 (d) 80
Ans: C
17. The percent of oil in soyabean is about
(a) 8 – 10 % (b) 18 – 20 % (c) 28 – 30 % (d) 38 – 40 %
Ans: B
18. Gravity separator work on the principle of
(a) Gravity (b) Drag (c) Both (a) and (b) (d) None of the above
Ans: C
19. Grinding is a process of
(a) Drying (b) Polishing (c) Size reduction (d) Packaging
Ans: C
20. The shape of trough in screw conveyor is used as
(a) U-shaped (b) L-shaped (c) V-shaped (d) J-shaped
Ans: A
21. Fruits and vegetables are preferably dried in a
(a) Spray drier (b) Fluidized bed drier (c) Freeze drier (d) Cabinet drier
Ans: D
22. Soyabean is mostly used in India for production of
(a) Edible oil (b) Pulses (c) Milk substitutes (d) Processed foods
Ans: A
23. Modern flour mills for wheat milling are
(a) Disc type (b) Attrition type (c) Under runner type (d) Roller type
Ans: D
24. LSU type dryer was developed in
(a) India (b) England (c) USA (d) Canada
Ans: C
25. The working capacity of hydraulic power operated land leveller is about
(a) 60 – 70 m3/day (b) 90 – 110 m3/day (c) 110 – 160 m3/day (d) None of the above
Ans: C
26. The function of seed drills is to sow seeds
(a) in furrows (b) at proper depth (c) at uniform rate (d) All above three
Ans: D
27. Bulldozer is used for
(a) cleaning forests (b) pushing soil upto small distances (c) filling big ditches/channels (d) All above three
Ans: D
28. Inclined plate planter is used for sowing of
(a) Cotton (b) Legumes (c) Groundnut (d) All above three
Ans: D
29. Size of planter is equal to
(a) No. of rows × row spacing (b) No. of rows × depth of planking (c) Both (a) and (b) (d) None of the above
Ans: A
30. The prime mover used in power thresher is
(a) Electric motor (b) Engine (c) Tractor (d) All above three
Ans: D
31. Which of the following components are parts of threshing cylinder ?
(a) Concave (b) Rasp bar (c) Spikes (d) Both (b) and (c)
Ans: D
32. Hand rotary dusters are more suitable for plant height upto
(a) 3 m (b) 5 m (c) 7.5 m (d) 10 m
Ans: A
33. In crop production the first operation performed by the farmers is
(a) Planting of seed (b) Tillage (c) Intercultural (d) Fertilizer application
Ans: B
34. A device which is used to store energy in hydraulic system is known as
(a) Motor (b) Cylinder (c) Accumulator (d) Pump
Ans: C
35. Primary function of lubrication is to reduce
(a) Friction (b) Wear (c) Power loss (d) All these
Ans: D
36. A machine which cuts, thresh, clean and collect the grain simultaneously while moving through the field is known as
(a) Reaper (b) Combine (c) Power thresher (d) None of the above
Ans: B
37. The main cause of quality deterioration of food is
(a) Climate (b) Microorganisms (c) Rats (d) All of the above
Ans: D
38. Why do we use intercropping ?
(a) Suppression of weed (b) Reduction in plant disease (c) Stability in more yield (d) All of these
Ans: D
39. In ball mill the size reduction is done by action of
(a) shearing (b) cutting (c) impacting (d) crushing
Ans: C
40. Tidal energy is most popular and feasible method of producing power by
(a) River (b) Well (c) Sea (d) Tank
Ans: C
41. On an average, one ton of paddy contains bran about
(a) 30 kg (b) 40 kg (c) 45 kg (d) 50 kg
Ans: C
42. Darrieus type rotor mill is example of which type of wind mill ?
(a) Vertical axis high velocity (b) Vertical axis low velocity (c) Horizontal axis high velocity (d) Horizontal axis low velocity
Ans: A
43. Biogas is a flammable gas and its heating value is approximately
(a) 17,925 J/m3 (b) 29,874 J/m3 (c) 19,725 J/m2 (d) 92,874 J/m2
Ans: A
44. Solar energy can be utilized by the application of solar cells to produce
(a) DC electricity (b) AC electricity (c) DC & AC electricity (d) None of the above
Ans: A
45. Sun drying is an example of which type of drying ?
(a) Convective (b) Conductive (c) Radiation (d) None of the above
Ans: C
46. Energy required to grind any material is expressed by
(a) Fick’s law (b) Kick’s law (c) Newton’s law (d) Stokes law
Ans: B
47. The first practical solar cell was made in the year
(a) 1954 (b) 1860 (c) 1760 (d) 1800
Ans: A
48. Which of the following combination of metals are used to make brass ?
(a) Copper and Zinc (b) Zinc and Tin (c) Copper and Tin (d) Tin and Antimony
Ans: A
49. The process of removing moisture from the food product is called
(a) Canning (b) Sterilization (c) Pasteurization (d) Dehydration
Ans: D
50. World Food Day is celebrated on which date ?
(a) 15 July (b) 20 July (c) 16 October (d) 22 October
Ans: C
P – depth of water is equal to half the breadth of channel
Q – depth of water is equal to breadth of channel
R – depth of water is equal to twice the breadth of channel
S – hydraulic radius is equal to half the depth of water
(A) P and R (B) P and Q
(C) P and S (D) R and S
Ans: C
2. The most suitable hydraulic structure for conveying water from higher elevation to lower elevation across the earthen bund is
(A) Drop structure (B) Pipe drop structure
(C) Chute spillway (D) Gabion structure
Ans: B
3. Match the following
(P) Waste valve (1) Jet pump
(Q) Plunger (2) Centrifugal pump
(R) Foot valve (3) Reciprocating pump
(S) Nozzle and venturi (4) Hydraulic ram
(A) P-3, Q-2, R-4, S-1
(B) P-4, Q-2, R-3, S-1
(C) P-1, Q-3, R-4, S-2
(D) P-4, Q-3, R-2, S-1
Ans: D
4. The ASAE-SAE standard for tractor 3-point hitches has been categorized as Category I to IV on the basis of
(A) maximum drawbar power
(B) maximum drawbar pull
(C) brake power of tractor engine
(D) maximum PTO power
Ans: A
5. The effective temperature (ET) scale developed in 1972 on the basis of a human model is
(A) Heart rate (B) Blood pressure
(C) Psychological response (D) Physiological response
Ans: D
6. As per ASAE standards, the diameter of 1000 rpm-PTO shaft with 20 splines is
(A) 30 mm (B) 35 mm (C) 40 mm (D) 45 mm
Ans: D
7. In restrained link operation of three point hitches, the line of pull passes
(A) through the virtual hitch point and bending force exists on lower links
(B) above the virtual hitch point and bending force exists on lower links
(C) below the virtual hitch point and no bending force exists on lower links
(D through the virtual hitch point and tensile force exists on lower links
Ans: B
8. Match the following
(P) Wheat milling (1) Rubber rolls
(Q) Paddy dehusking (2) Abrasive emery roll cylinder
(R) Pulse dehusking (3) break and reduction rolls
(S) Spice grinding (4) Hammer mills
(A) P-2, Q-1, R-3, S-4
(B) P-1, Q-2, R-4, S-3
(C) P-3, Q-1, R-2, S-4
(D) P-1, Q-3, R-4, S-2
Ans: C
9. Gas production in biogas plant is retarded when temperature goes below
(a) 10 °C (b) 15 °C (c) 20 °C (d) 25 °C
Ans: C
10. The best sites for wind are found in
(a) mountains (b) plains (c) offshores and seacoast (d) None of the above
Ans: C
11. Photo-voltaic solar cells are made of
(a) Silicon (b) Carbon (c) Gun metal (d) Silver
Ans: A
12. Biogas is a mixture of
(a) CO2 & H2 (b) CO2 & H2O (c) CO2 & CH4 (d) All three
Ans: C
13. To feed even the smallest size of biogas plant, the minimum number of cattle requirement is
(a) 2 to 4 (b) 4 to 6 (c) 6 to 8 (d) 8 to 10
Ans: A
14. In bucket elevator, the material discharge chute is situated at
(a) Bottom (b) Top (c) Lower half but not at bottom (d) Upper half but not at top
Ans: B
15. During dehydration of vegetables, the temperature of dehydration should be
(a) 40 to 50 °C (b) 60 to 70 °C (c) 80 to 90 °C (d) 100 to 115 °C
Ans: B
16. Content of starch (in percent) in maize is approximately
(a) 50 (b) 60 (c) 70 (d) 80
Ans: C
17. The percent of oil in soyabean is about
(a) 8 – 10 % (b) 18 – 20 % (c) 28 – 30 % (d) 38 – 40 %
Ans: B
18. Gravity separator work on the principle of
(a) Gravity (b) Drag (c) Both (a) and (b) (d) None of the above
Ans: C
19. Grinding is a process of
(a) Drying (b) Polishing (c) Size reduction (d) Packaging
Ans: C
20. The shape of trough in screw conveyor is used as
(a) U-shaped (b) L-shaped (c) V-shaped (d) J-shaped
Ans: A
21. Fruits and vegetables are preferably dried in a
(a) Spray drier (b) Fluidized bed drier (c) Freeze drier (d) Cabinet drier
Ans: D
22. Soyabean is mostly used in India for production of
(a) Edible oil (b) Pulses (c) Milk substitutes (d) Processed foods
Ans: A
23. Modern flour mills for wheat milling are
(a) Disc type (b) Attrition type (c) Under runner type (d) Roller type
Ans: D
24. LSU type dryer was developed in
(a) India (b) England (c) USA (d) Canada
Ans: C
25. The working capacity of hydraulic power operated land leveller is about
(a) 60 – 70 m3/day (b) 90 – 110 m3/day (c) 110 – 160 m3/day (d) None of the above
Ans: C
26. The function of seed drills is to sow seeds
(a) in furrows (b) at proper depth (c) at uniform rate (d) All above three
Ans: D
27. Bulldozer is used for
(a) cleaning forests (b) pushing soil upto small distances (c) filling big ditches/channels (d) All above three
Ans: D
28. Inclined plate planter is used for sowing of
(a) Cotton (b) Legumes (c) Groundnut (d) All above three
Ans: D
29. Size of planter is equal to
(a) No. of rows × row spacing (b) No. of rows × depth of planking (c) Both (a) and (b) (d) None of the above
Ans: A
30. The prime mover used in power thresher is
(a) Electric motor (b) Engine (c) Tractor (d) All above three
Ans: D
31. Which of the following components are parts of threshing cylinder ?
(a) Concave (b) Rasp bar (c) Spikes (d) Both (b) and (c)
Ans: D
32. Hand rotary dusters are more suitable for plant height upto
(a) 3 m (b) 5 m (c) 7.5 m (d) 10 m
Ans: A
33. In crop production the first operation performed by the farmers is
(a) Planting of seed (b) Tillage (c) Intercultural (d) Fertilizer application
Ans: B
34. A device which is used to store energy in hydraulic system is known as
(a) Motor (b) Cylinder (c) Accumulator (d) Pump
Ans: C
35. Primary function of lubrication is to reduce
(a) Friction (b) Wear (c) Power loss (d) All these
Ans: D
36. A machine which cuts, thresh, clean and collect the grain simultaneously while moving through the field is known as
(a) Reaper (b) Combine (c) Power thresher (d) None of the above
Ans: B
37. The main cause of quality deterioration of food is
(a) Climate (b) Microorganisms (c) Rats (d) All of the above
Ans: D
38. Why do we use intercropping ?
(a) Suppression of weed (b) Reduction in plant disease (c) Stability in more yield (d) All of these
Ans: D
39. In ball mill the size reduction is done by action of
(a) shearing (b) cutting (c) impacting (d) crushing
Ans: C
40. Tidal energy is most popular and feasible method of producing power by
(a) River (b) Well (c) Sea (d) Tank
Ans: C
41. On an average, one ton of paddy contains bran about
(a) 30 kg (b) 40 kg (c) 45 kg (d) 50 kg
Ans: C
42. Darrieus type rotor mill is example of which type of wind mill ?
(a) Vertical axis high velocity (b) Vertical axis low velocity (c) Horizontal axis high velocity (d) Horizontal axis low velocity
Ans: A
43. Biogas is a flammable gas and its heating value is approximately
(a) 17,925 J/m3 (b) 29,874 J/m3 (c) 19,725 J/m2 (d) 92,874 J/m2
Ans: A
44. Solar energy can be utilized by the application of solar cells to produce
(a) DC electricity (b) AC electricity (c) DC & AC electricity (d) None of the above
Ans: A
45. Sun drying is an example of which type of drying ?
(a) Convective (b) Conductive (c) Radiation (d) None of the above
Ans: C
46. Energy required to grind any material is expressed by
(a) Fick’s law (b) Kick’s law (c) Newton’s law (d) Stokes law
Ans: B
47. The first practical solar cell was made in the year
(a) 1954 (b) 1860 (c) 1760 (d) 1800
Ans: A
48. Which of the following combination of metals are used to make brass ?
(a) Copper and Zinc (b) Zinc and Tin (c) Copper and Tin (d) Tin and Antimony
Ans: A
49. The process of removing moisture from the food product is called
(a) Canning (b) Sterilization (c) Pasteurization (d) Dehydration
Ans: D
50. World Food Day is celebrated on which date ?
(a) 15 July (b) 20 July (c) 16 October (d) 22 October
Ans: C
51. Parboiling of rice includes the action of
(a) Water and temperature (b) Water and chemical (c) Oil and chemical (d) None of the above
Ans: A
52. Respiration of food release the gas
(a) Oxygen (b) Carbon monoxide (c) Carbon dioxide (d) Nitrogen
Ans: C
53. The maximum produced vegetable crop in India is
(a) Potato (b) Tomato (c) Brinjal (d) Okra
Ans: A
54. Angle of repose for wheat grains is about
(a) 15° (b) 20° (c) 25° (d) 30°
Ans: C
55. The beam of a bullock-drawn cane crusher is attached to
(a) Crushing roller (b) Extraction roller (c) King roller (d) Fly wheel
Ans: C
56. Shellers are used in the processing of
(a) Wheat (b) Maize (c) Soyabean (d) Paddy
Ans: D
57. A wind mill cannot be used for the purpose of
(a) Water lifting (b) Ploughing (c) Power generation (d) Chaff cutting
Ans: B
58. Wind speed is measured by
(a) Anemometer (b) Wind vane (c) Photometer (d) Rotavator
Ans: A
59. Solar energy reaches Earth’s surface in about
(a) 4 minutes (b) 8 minutes (c) 10 minutes (d) 20 minutes
Ans: B
60. Which of the following is not a type of biogas plant ?
(a) KVIC Model (b) Deenbandhu Model (c) Gandhi Model (d) Fixed Dome Model
Ans: C
61. Biogas contains maximum amount of
(a) Oxygen (b) Nitrogen (c) Hydrogen (d) Methane
Ans: D
62. Anaerobic digestion of organic matter to produce biogas is completed in
(a) 2-stages (b) 3-stages (c) 4-stages (d) 6-stages
Ans: C
63. The draft force applied on the implement by a tractor is measured by using
(a) Dynamometer (b) Altimeter (c) Differential (d) Draft meter
Ans: A
64. Which of the following is a part of the cooling system for an engine ?
(a) Radiator (b) Fly wheel (c) Injector (d) Clutch
Ans: A
65. Cast iron is an alloy of
(a) Iron and carbon (b) Iron and cobalt (c) Iron and zinc (d) Copper and zinc
Ans: A
66. Which form of iron is obtained from the blast furnace ?
(a) Pig iron (b) Wrought iron (c) Cast iron (d) Mild steel
Ans: A
67. Which of the following is good for making nut-bolts ?
(a) Cast iron (b) Pig iron (c) Wrought iron (d) High carbon steel
Ans: C
68. Farm tractors used in India do not have
(a) Carburettor (b) Gear box (c) Differential (d) Clutch
Ans: A
69. To maintain a constant speed of engine under varying load conditions, the engines are provided with
(a) Nozzle (b) Governor (c) Gear (d) Thermostat
Ans: B
70. Which of the following part is not connected to the piston of an engine ?
(a) Rings (b) Gudgeon pin (c) Connecting Rod (d) Fly wheel
Ans: D
71. Advantages of electrical power over other sources are
(a) Highest efficiency (b) Adaptive to varying speeds (c) Adaptive to all farm operations (d) Both (a) and (b)
Ans: D
72. In 24 hour, water absorption by volume is maximum in
(a) Limestone (b) Granite (c) Gneiss (d) Slate
Ans: A
73. When water is added to cement
(a) chemical reaction starts (b) heat is absorbed (c) heat is generated (d) None of the above
Ans: C
74. Which is the weakest concrete ?
(a) 1 : 2 : 4 (b) 1 : 3 : 6 (c) 1 : 4 : 8 (d) 1 : 5 : 10
Ans: D
75. The specific gravity of light diesel oil is
(a) 0.82 (b) 0.85 (c) 0.92 (d) 0.95
Ans: C
76. Which of the following is not a source of non-conventional energy ?
(a) Geothermal (b) Biomass (c) Wind energy (d) None of the above
Ans: D
77. In India parboiled rice is mostly produced and consumed in
(a) Northern region (b) Southern region (c) Eastern region (d) Western region
Ans: C
78. In India primary source of energy is
(a) Fossil (b) Coal (c) Petrol (d) Diesel
Ans: B
79. Bio ethanol is primarily produced from fermentation of
(a) Rice grain (b) Sugarcane molasses (c) Grapes (d) None of the above
Ans: B
80. Most cereal food contain mainly
(a) Fat (b) Vitamin (c) Carbohydrate (d) Protein
Ans: C
81. Types of rings used in engine are
(a) compression rings (b) oil rings (c) Both (a) & (b) (d) None of the above
Ans: C
82. Air cleaner is a part of
(a) Engine lubricating system (b) Engine cooling system (c) Engine air fuel supply system (d) Hydraulic system
Ans: C
83. In diesel cycle maximum efficiency is obtained with
(a) Early fuel cut-off (b) High compression ratio (c) Both (a) & (b) (d) None of the above
Ans: C
84. The solar photo-voltaic system include
(a) Solar cell array (b) Battery Bank (c) Inverter and charge controller (d) All above three
Ans: D
85. A domestic solar water heater of 100 litres per day capacity can save electricity annually equal to
(a) 500 kWh (b) 1000 kWh (c) 1500 kWh (d) 2000 kWh
Ans: C
86. Biogas in a biogas digester is produced by chemical process, known as
(a) Pyrolysis (b) Fermentation (c) Radiation (d) Hydration
Ans: B
87. Production of biogas through anaerobic digestion of biomass depends on
(a) Temperature (b) C : N Ratio (c) Pressure (d) All above three
Ans: D
88. The useful sun-shine days per year in most part of India are
(a) 250 to 300 (b) 175 to 230 (c) 200 to 250 (d) None of the above
Ans: A
(a) Water and temperature (b) Water and chemical (c) Oil and chemical (d) None of the above
Ans: A
52. Respiration of food release the gas
(a) Oxygen (b) Carbon monoxide (c) Carbon dioxide (d) Nitrogen
Ans: C
53. The maximum produced vegetable crop in India is
(a) Potato (b) Tomato (c) Brinjal (d) Okra
Ans: A
54. Angle of repose for wheat grains is about
(a) 15° (b) 20° (c) 25° (d) 30°
Ans: C
55. The beam of a bullock-drawn cane crusher is attached to
(a) Crushing roller (b) Extraction roller (c) King roller (d) Fly wheel
Ans: C
56. Shellers are used in the processing of
(a) Wheat (b) Maize (c) Soyabean (d) Paddy
Ans: D
57. A wind mill cannot be used for the purpose of
(a) Water lifting (b) Ploughing (c) Power generation (d) Chaff cutting
Ans: B
58. Wind speed is measured by
(a) Anemometer (b) Wind vane (c) Photometer (d) Rotavator
Ans: A
59. Solar energy reaches Earth’s surface in about
(a) 4 minutes (b) 8 minutes (c) 10 minutes (d) 20 minutes
Ans: B
60. Which of the following is not a type of biogas plant ?
(a) KVIC Model (b) Deenbandhu Model (c) Gandhi Model (d) Fixed Dome Model
Ans: C
61. Biogas contains maximum amount of
(a) Oxygen (b) Nitrogen (c) Hydrogen (d) Methane
Ans: D
62. Anaerobic digestion of organic matter to produce biogas is completed in
(a) 2-stages (b) 3-stages (c) 4-stages (d) 6-stages
Ans: C
63. The draft force applied on the implement by a tractor is measured by using
(a) Dynamometer (b) Altimeter (c) Differential (d) Draft meter
Ans: A
64. Which of the following is a part of the cooling system for an engine ?
(a) Radiator (b) Fly wheel (c) Injector (d) Clutch
Ans: A
65. Cast iron is an alloy of
(a) Iron and carbon (b) Iron and cobalt (c) Iron and zinc (d) Copper and zinc
Ans: A
66. Which form of iron is obtained from the blast furnace ?
(a) Pig iron (b) Wrought iron (c) Cast iron (d) Mild steel
Ans: A
67. Which of the following is good for making nut-bolts ?
(a) Cast iron (b) Pig iron (c) Wrought iron (d) High carbon steel
Ans: C
68. Farm tractors used in India do not have
(a) Carburettor (b) Gear box (c) Differential (d) Clutch
Ans: A
69. To maintain a constant speed of engine under varying load conditions, the engines are provided with
(a) Nozzle (b) Governor (c) Gear (d) Thermostat
Ans: B
70. Which of the following part is not connected to the piston of an engine ?
(a) Rings (b) Gudgeon pin (c) Connecting Rod (d) Fly wheel
Ans: D
71. Advantages of electrical power over other sources are
(a) Highest efficiency (b) Adaptive to varying speeds (c) Adaptive to all farm operations (d) Both (a) and (b)
Ans: D
72. In 24 hour, water absorption by volume is maximum in
(a) Limestone (b) Granite (c) Gneiss (d) Slate
Ans: A
73. When water is added to cement
(a) chemical reaction starts (b) heat is absorbed (c) heat is generated (d) None of the above
Ans: C
74. Which is the weakest concrete ?
(a) 1 : 2 : 4 (b) 1 : 3 : 6 (c) 1 : 4 : 8 (d) 1 : 5 : 10
Ans: D
75. The specific gravity of light diesel oil is
(a) 0.82 (b) 0.85 (c) 0.92 (d) 0.95
Ans: C
76. Which of the following is not a source of non-conventional energy ?
(a) Geothermal (b) Biomass (c) Wind energy (d) None of the above
Ans: D
77. In India parboiled rice is mostly produced and consumed in
(a) Northern region (b) Southern region (c) Eastern region (d) Western region
Ans: C
78. In India primary source of energy is
(a) Fossil (b) Coal (c) Petrol (d) Diesel
Ans: B
79. Bio ethanol is primarily produced from fermentation of
(a) Rice grain (b) Sugarcane molasses (c) Grapes (d) None of the above
Ans: B
80. Most cereal food contain mainly
(a) Fat (b) Vitamin (c) Carbohydrate (d) Protein
Ans: C
81. Types of rings used in engine are
(a) compression rings (b) oil rings (c) Both (a) & (b) (d) None of the above
Ans: C
82. Air cleaner is a part of
(a) Engine lubricating system (b) Engine cooling system (c) Engine air fuel supply system (d) Hydraulic system
Ans: C
83. In diesel cycle maximum efficiency is obtained with
(a) Early fuel cut-off (b) High compression ratio (c) Both (a) & (b) (d) None of the above
Ans: C
84. The solar photo-voltaic system include
(a) Solar cell array (b) Battery Bank (c) Inverter and charge controller (d) All above three
Ans: D
85. A domestic solar water heater of 100 litres per day capacity can save electricity annually equal to
(a) 500 kWh (b) 1000 kWh (c) 1500 kWh (d) 2000 kWh
Ans: C
86. Biogas in a biogas digester is produced by chemical process, known as
(a) Pyrolysis (b) Fermentation (c) Radiation (d) Hydration
Ans: B
87. Production of biogas through anaerobic digestion of biomass depends on
(a) Temperature (b) C : N Ratio (c) Pressure (d) All above three
Ans: D
88. The useful sun-shine days per year in most part of India are
(a) 250 to 300 (b) 175 to 230 (c) 200 to 250 (d) None of the above
Ans: A
89. Wind erosion is more in
(a) cohesive soils (b) non-cohesive soils (c) rocky soils (d) wet soil
Ans: B
90. In splash erosion, the raindrop energy acts in the form of
(a) kinetic energy (b) potential energy (c) chemical energy (d) none of the above
Ans: A
91. The property of rainfall which mainly affects the soil erosion is
(a) direction of rainfall (b) time of rainfall (c) form of rainfall (d) intensity of rainfall
Ans: D
92. Which of the following soil property is mainly affected by wind erosion ?
(a) Soil texture (b) Soil structure (c) Soil temperature (d) Soil moisture
Ans: A
93. Irrigation is necessary for which of the following ?
(a) Prosperity (b) Poverty (c) Famine (d) None of the above
Ans: A
94. Which of the following phase is more significant to cause soil erosion ?
(a) Transportation of particles (b) Detachment of particles (c) Deposition of particles (d) Abrasion of particles
Ans: B
95. The ‘gabion’ is constructed by using which material ?
(a) Vegetative materials (b) R.C.C. (c) Brick mortar (d) Wire-net and stones
Ans: D
96. To determine moisture content of a soil, the soil is kept in oven for 24 hours at the temperature of
(a) 100 °C (b) 105 °C (c) 110 °C (d) 120 °C
Ans: B
97. Check dams help in _____.
(a) decrease in flow velocity (b) minimize channel erosion (c) increase infiltration of water (d) all of the above
Ans: D
98. The depth of a most efficient rectangular channel is how many times of its width ?
(a) 2.0 times (b) 0.75 times (c) 0.5 times (d) 1.5 times
Ans: C
99. Evapotranspiration can be measured by using which of the following instrument / equipment ?
(a) Current meter (b) Lysimeter (c) Coshocton wheel (d) Stage recorder
Ans: B
100. The relation between the area irrigated and the quantity of water used to irrigate it for the purpose of maturing its crop is known as, (a) irrigation frequency (b) irrigation period (c) irrigation requirement (d) duty of water
Ans: D
(a) cohesive soils (b) non-cohesive soils (c) rocky soils (d) wet soil
Ans: B
90. In splash erosion, the raindrop energy acts in the form of
(a) kinetic energy (b) potential energy (c) chemical energy (d) none of the above
Ans: A
91. The property of rainfall which mainly affects the soil erosion is
(a) direction of rainfall (b) time of rainfall (c) form of rainfall (d) intensity of rainfall
Ans: D
92. Which of the following soil property is mainly affected by wind erosion ?
(a) Soil texture (b) Soil structure (c) Soil temperature (d) Soil moisture
Ans: A
93. Irrigation is necessary for which of the following ?
(a) Prosperity (b) Poverty (c) Famine (d) None of the above
Ans: A
94. Which of the following phase is more significant to cause soil erosion ?
(a) Transportation of particles (b) Detachment of particles (c) Deposition of particles (d) Abrasion of particles
Ans: B
95. The ‘gabion’ is constructed by using which material ?
(a) Vegetative materials (b) R.C.C. (c) Brick mortar (d) Wire-net and stones
Ans: D
96. To determine moisture content of a soil, the soil is kept in oven for 24 hours at the temperature of
(a) 100 °C (b) 105 °C (c) 110 °C (d) 120 °C
Ans: B
97. Check dams help in _____.
(a) decrease in flow velocity (b) minimize channel erosion (c) increase infiltration of water (d) all of the above
Ans: D
98. The depth of a most efficient rectangular channel is how many times of its width ?
(a) 2.0 times (b) 0.75 times (c) 0.5 times (d) 1.5 times
Ans: C
99. Evapotranspiration can be measured by using which of the following instrument / equipment ?
(a) Current meter (b) Lysimeter (c) Coshocton wheel (d) Stage recorder
Ans: B
100. The relation between the area irrigated and the quantity of water used to irrigate it for the purpose of maturing its crop is known as, (a) irrigation frequency (b) irrigation period (c) irrigation requirement (d) duty of water
Ans: D